3rd Quarter & 9 Mths Results

Konami Corporation 21 February 2001 Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Third Quarter and the Nine-months Period Ended December 31, 2000 KONAMI CORPORATION Stock Code Number: 9766 Contact: Noriaki Yamaguchi, Director Phone 03 (3578) 0573 We shall announce our consolidated financial results for both the third quarter and the nine-month period ended December 31, 2000. (1) Results of Operation Net Operating Ordinary Net Net Diluted sales income income income income net (Y (Y (Y (Y per income million) million) million) million) share(Y) per share (Y) Three months ended December 31, 2000 55,280 16,544 16,351 8,451 74.31 74.31 Nine months ended December 31, 2000 129,654 33,680 32,291 20,086 176.63 176.63 Year ended March 31, 2000 146,666 30,938 31,103 18,344 328.52 326.66 (2) Financial Position Total Total Equity- Total assets shareholders' assets shareholders' (Y million) Equity ratio (%) equity (Y million) per share(Y) December 31, 2000 162,167 85,053 52.5 747.80 September 30, 2000 145,321 78,782 54.2 692.76 March 31, 2000 136,080 70,844 52.1 1,246.08 (3) Cash Flows Net cash provided by (used in) Operating Investing Financing Cash and cash activities activities activities equivalents (Y million) (Y million) (Y million) at the end (Y million) Three months ended December 31, 2000 6,561 (892) (4,302) 54,699 Nine months ended December 31, 2000 3,301 (5,048) (1,226) 54,699 Year ended March 31, 2000 31,365 12,880 (10,015) 57,365 (4) Scope of Consolidation and Application of Equity Method Consolidated subsidiaries: 30 companies Affiliated companies applicable under equity method:2 companies (5) Changes in Scope of Consolidation and Application of Equity Method None (6) Changes in Accounting Policies None Note: Financial results for the three-month and nine-month period ended December 31 have not been audited by the independent auditor. 1. Overview During the third quarter, same as in the first half of this fiscal year, the entertainment industry where we belong was a little sluggish due to the boom among young people of mobile phone services such as imode and the advent of new communication tools including CATV Internet in Japan. Under such environment, we launched in the Christmas sale new series of YU-GI-OH! card game by Creative Products Division and consumer-use software by Consumer-Use Software Division, which contributed to the sales. As a result, the consolidated sales in the third quarter was 55,280 million yen. (129,654 million yen for the nine months). 2. Operating Results of the Divisions In Consumer-Use Software Division, we launched in the Christmas sale 'YU-GI-OH! DUELMONSTERS IV' for GameBoy Color. The game is a part of 'YU-GI-OH!' series, and a boom among mainly elementary school students, which was a major contributor to our sales. At the same time, the movie games such as 'The Grinch', 'The Mummy', etc., for PlayStation, the titles of which were licensed from Universal Interactive Studio, contributed to the sales in overseas. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 21,004 million yen in this quarter (45,540 million yen for the nine months). In Amusement Machines Division, we increased in Japan and Asia the sales of 'The Policeman Shinjyuku 24 hours', the gun shooting game. In the game, the host character is policeman, the symbol of justice, and the game contains the new feature, i.e., a player maneuvers the host character by moving his/her own body. The sales in the peripheral goods of beatmania, the music simulation game, has been solid since the last fiscal year. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 4,467 million yen in this quarter (13,315 million yen for the nine months). In Gaming Machines Divisions, we started the delivery of video slot machine to North America. In addition, 'GI-LEADING SIRE Ver. 2', the large-scale token-operated game with racing horse training simulation feature, and 'CYCLONE FEVER', the middle-scale token-operated game famous for various graphic effects, contributed largely to the sales. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 2,294 million yen in this quarter (6,540 million yen for the nine months). For Pachinko Systems Division, the LCD unit for Pachinko machine that focuses on fun of games continued to have reputation among Pachinko users. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 2,489 million yen in this quarter (8,763 million yen for the nine months). In Creative Products Division, we increased its sales largely by launching new series of big boom 'YU-GI-OH! OFFICIAL CARD GAME DUELMONSTERS' during the Christmas sale. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 23,436 million yen in this quarter (50,429 million yen for the nine months). In Amusement Operations Division, we increased the sales in the amusement center complexes, among which Kohoku Branch Center (Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama) opened at the end of the last fiscal year led in the sales. However, the sales as a whole was stagnated, influenced by the depressed Japanese economy and the boom of mobile phone services. In the rental game business that we started this fiscal year, the number of the installed machines increased to 570 resulting from hit in December of new product 'The Policeman Shinjyuku 24 hours'. As a result, the consolidated sales of the division was 1,111 million yen in this quarter (3,594 million yen for the nine months). In Finance and other divisions, the consolidated sales was 477 million yen in this quarter (1,470 million yen for the nine months). Same as in the first half of this fiscal year, sales of highly profitable card games largely contributed to the total sales. As a result, the consolidated ordinary income and the consolidated net income were 16,351 million yen and 8,451 million yen respectively in this third quarter (32,291 million yen and 20,086 million yen for the nine months). 3. Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (Unaudited) (1) Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) (millions of yen) December 31 September 30 March 31 2000 2000 2000 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Cash and cash equivalents Y56,084 Y54,383 Y58,780 Trade notes and accounts Receivable 48,267 36,807 27,203 Marketable securities - - 0 Inventories. 16,069 13,545 11,393 Other current assets 7,838 6,678 5,574 Total current assets 128,260 111,415 102,952 FIXED ASSETS: Tangible fixed assets: Buildings and structures 10,661 10,772 11,305 Land 8,252 8,345 8,488 Other tangible fixed assets 3,384 3,281 3,072 Total tangible fixed assets 22,298 22,399 22,865 Intangible assets 1,830 1,667 1,572 Investments and other assets 9,778 9,838 8,228 Translation adjustments - - 461 Total fixed assets 33,907 33,906 32,666 TOTAL Y162,167 Y145,321 Y136,080 LIABILITIES, MINORITY INTEREST AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade notes and accounts payable Y28,455 Y21,985 Y19,364 Short-term borrowings 3,298 3,869 2,774 Current portion of long-term loans payable 1,347 2,015 1,751 Current portion of bonds payable 10,000 10,000 - Income taxes payable 9,913 7,795 11,435 Other current liabilities 14,209 11,227 11,319 Total current liabilities 67,225 56,893 46,646 LONG-TERM LIABILITIES: Bonds payable - - 10,000 Long-term loans payable 3,261 3,366 4,788 Other long-term liabilities 1,626 1,617 1,558 Total long-term liabilities 4,887 4,984 16,347 MINORITY INTEREST 5,001 4,662 2,242 SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY: Common stock 15,793 15,793 15,793 Additional paid-in capital 15,516 15,516 15,516 Retained earnings 53,557 48,062 39,565 Unrealized holding losses on other investment securities (72) (47) - Translation adjustments 259 (527) - Treasury stock (1) (15) (31) Total shareholders' equity 85,053 78,782 70,844 TOTAL Y162,167 Y145,321 Y136,080 (2) Consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited) (millions of yen) Three months Nine months Year ended ended ended December 31 December 31 March 31 2000 2000 2000 NET SALES Y55,280 Y129,654 Y146,666 COST OF SALES 31,495 75,502 90,755 SELLING, GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 7,240 20,471 24,972 OPERATING INCOME 16,544 33,680 30,938 NON-OPERATING INCOME (EXPENSES) (193) (1,389) 164 ORDINARY INCOME 16,351 32,291 31,103 EXTRAORDINARY INCOME (LOSSES) (217) 3,909 3,306 INCOME BEFORE INCOME TAXES AND MINORITY INTEREST 16,133 36,200 34,409 INCOME TAXES 7,305 15,347 15,650 MINORITY INTEREST 375 767 414 NET INCOME Y 8,451 Y 20,086 Y 18,344 (3) Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited) (millions of yen) Three months Nine months Year ended Dec 31 ended Dec 31 ended March 2000 2000 31, 2000 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES: Income before income taxes and minority interest................................Y 16,133 Y 36,200 Y 34,409 Depreciation and amortization...................... 696 2,059 2,788 Interest and dividend income....................... (104) (323) (152) Interest expenses.................................. 177 573 724 Equity losses..................................... 160 866 44 Gain on sale of investment in subsidiaries...................................... - (3,947) (8,687) Decrease (increase) in trade receivables.......................................(11,914) (21,480) 3,133 Decrease (increase) in inventories....................................... (2,381) (4,571) 2,470 increase in trade payables........................ 7,877 10,531 3,991 Increase (decrease) in consumption taxes payable......................... (5) 372 162 Other............................................. 3,081 1,708 6,603 Interests and dividends received 127 300 145 Interests paid.................................... (123) (475) (723) Income taxes paid................................. (7,162) (18,513) (13,544) Net cash provided by operating activities........................................ 6,561 3,301 31,365 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES: Acquisition of fixed assets........................ (402) (1,417) (2,188) Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 108 451 368 Acquisition of intangible assets.................... (668) (982) (768) Acquisition of investment securities - (3,568) (940) Proceeds from sale of investment securities............................................ 6 22 70 Decrease (increase) in short-term Loans receivable, net.............................. (105) (67) 7,228 Other............................................... 168 512 9,109 Net cash provided by (used in) Investing activities............................... (892) (5,048) 12,880 CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings, net................................... (809) 233 (1,709) Proceeds from long-term debt......................... 169 172 412 Repayments of long-term debt........................ (963) (1,979) (2,640) Proceeds from issuance of stock to minority shareholders................................. - 6,060 2,275 Dividends paid.................................... (2,957) (5,913) (3,560) Dividends paid to minority shareholders........................................... - (78) (6) Other............................................... 257 277 (4,786) Net cash used in financing activities........................................ (4,302) (1,226) (10,015) TRANSLATION ADJUSTMENTS ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS................................ 333 307 (390) NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS............................. 1,701 (2,666) 33,839 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF PERIOD.............................. 52,998 57,365 23,526 INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS BY NEWLY CONSOLIDATED COMPANY....................... - - 0 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF PERIOD........................................... Y54,699 Y54,699 Y57,365 4. Segment Information (Unaudited) (1) Operations by Business Segment Three months ended December 31, 2000 Consumer (millions of yen) -Use Amusement Gaming Packinko Creative Amusement Software Machines Machines Systems Products Operations Net sales: To customers Y21.004 Y4.467 Y2,294 Y2,489 Y23,436 Y1.111 Intersegment 702 131 106 - 27 - Total 21.707 4,598 2,401 2,489 23,463 1.111 Operating expenses 17,071 2,975 2,337 2,011 11,751 1,299 Operating Income Y4,635 Y1,623 Y63 Y478 Y11,712 (188) Finance Other Total Eliminations Consolidated and Corporate Net sales: To customers Y11 Y466 Y55,280 - Y55,280 Intersegment 42 470 1,482 Y(1,482) Total 54 936 56,762 (1,482) 55,280 Operating expenses 46 851 38,344 391 38,735 Operating Income Y7 Y85 Y18,418 Y(1,873) Y16,544 Nine months ended December 31, 2000 Consumer (millions of yen) -Use Amusement Gaming Packinko Creative Amusement Software Machines Machines Systems Products Operations Net sales: To customers Y45,540 Y13,315 Y6,540 Y8,763 Y50,429 Y3,594 Intersegment 1,510 184 307 - 62 - Total 47,050 13,499 6,848 8,763 50,492 3,594 Operating expenses 39,339 9,972 6,726 6,698 25,263 3,668 Operating income Y7,711 Y3,527 Y121 Y2,064 Y25,228 Y(74) Finance Other Total Eliminations Consolidated And Corporate Net sales: To customers Y35 Y1,434 Y129,654 - Y129,654 Intersegment 124 1,477 3,666 Y(3,666) - Total 160 2,911 133,320 (3,666) 129,654 Operating Expenses 147 2,638 94,456 1,517 95,973 Operating Income Y12 Y 273 Y38,864 Y(5,184) Y 33,680 Year ended March 31, 2000 Consumer (millions of yen) -Use Amusement Gaming Packinko Creative Amusement Software Machines Machines Systems Products Operations Net sales: To customers Y61,264 Y25,334 Y12,988 Y13,178 Y27,820 Y4,503 Intersegment 1,012 197 320 - 164 - Total 62,277 25,532 13,309 13,178 27,985 4,503 Operating expenses 46,812 20,309 12,218 10,055 16,921 4,486 Operating Income Y15,464 Y5,222 Y1,091 Y3,123 Y11,064 Y 17 Finance Other Total Eliminations Consolidated and Corporate Net sales: To customers Y69 Y1,505 Y146,666 - Y146,666 Intersegment 171 2,730 4,596 Y(4,596) - Total 240 4,235 151,263 (4,596) 146,666 Operating expenses 223 3,856 114,884 843 115,727 Operating Income Y16 Y378 Y36,379 Y(5,440) Y30,938 Notes: 1. Major products and services of each division are defined as follows: Consumer-Use Software: Software for PlayStation, Nintendo 64, GameBoy and Dreamcast Sofware for cellular phones On-line game software for the Internet Amusement Machines: Video game machines for amusement centers: Dance-simulation, music-simulation and disc jockey-simulation game machines Gaming Machines: Gaming machines for Casino Token-operated game machines for amusement centers Packinko Systems: Software with LCD units for pachinko game machine makers Packinko slot machines Creative Products: Card games, character goods, portable games Procurement and distribution of home-use game software created by other companies Amusement Operations: Operations of amusement centers Rental of amusement machines 2. Unallocated operating expenses included in the Eliminations and Corporate column amounted to Y1,250 million, Y4,746 million and Y5,602 million for the three months ended December 31, 2000, the nine months ended December 31, 2000 and the year ended March 31, 2000, respectively. They mainly consist of the administrative expenses of the parent company. (2) Operations by Geographic Area Three months ended December 31, 2000 (millions of yen) Eliminations and Japan Americas Europe Asia Total Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers Y47,851 Y4,371 Y2,660 Y397 Y55,280 - Y55,280 Intersegment 4,807 14 0 5 4,827 Y(4,827) - Total 52,658 4,385 2,661 402 60,107 (4,827) 55,280 Operating Expenses 35,320 4,083 2,348 477 42,230 (3,494) 38,735 Operating income(loss) Y17,338 Y301 Y312 Y(75) Y17,876 Y(1,332) Y16,544 Nine months ended December 31, 2000 (millions of yen) Eliminations and Japan Americas Europe Asia Total Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers: Y117,371 Y6,195 Y4,880 Y1,206 Y129,654 - Y129,654 Intersegment 7,473 16 0 34 7,524 Y(7,524) - Total 124,844 6,212 4,880 1,241 137,179 (7,524) 129,654 Operating expenses 84,475 8,394 4,781 1,255 98,906 (2,933) 95,973 Operating income(loss) Y40,369 Y(2,181) Y99 Y(14) Y38,272 Y(4,591) Y33,680 Year ended March 31,2000 (millions of yen) Eliminations and Japan Americas Europe Asia Total Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers Y123,276 Y11,827 Y9,265 Y2,297 Y146,666 - Y146,666 Intersegment 15,986 615 2 121 16,725 Y(16,725) - Total 139,262 12,442 9,267 2,418 163,391 (16,725) 146,666 Operating Expenses 101,626 13,444 8,999 2,082 126,152 (10,424) 115,727 Operating income(loss) Y37,636 Y(1,001) Y267 Y336 Y37,239 Y(6,300) Y30,938 Notes: 1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity. 2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries: Americas: United States of America etc Europe: United Kingdom, Germany and France Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore and Korea 3. Unallocated operating expenses included in the Eliminations and Corporate column amounted to Y1,250 million, Y4,746 million and Y5,602 million for the three months ended December 31,2000, the nine months ended December 31, 2000 and the year ended March 31, 2000, respectively. They mainly consist of the administrative expenses of the parent company. (3) Overseas Sales Three months ended December 31,2000 (millions of yen) Americas Europe Other Total Overseas sales Y4,597 Y2,723 Y761 Y8,083 Consolidated sales - - - 55,280 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 8.3% 4.9% 1.4% 14.6% Nine months ended December 31,2000 (millions of yen) Americas Europe Other Total Overseas sales Y6,546 Y4,870 Y2,570 Y13,986 Consolidated sales - - - 129,654 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 5.0% 3.8% 2.0% 10.8% Year ended March 31,2000 (millions of yen) Americas Europe Other Total Overseas sales Y12,586 Y8,582 Y6,679 Y27,848 Consolidated sales - - - 146,666 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 8.6% 5.8% 4.6% 19.0% Notes: 1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity. 2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries: Americas: United States of America, Canada, etc. Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, France, etc. Other: Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, etc. 3. Overseas sales represent the sales outside Japan of the Company and its consolidated subsidiaries.
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