Final Results - Part 2
Konami Corporation
9 May 2002
5. Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results
for the Year Ended March 31, 2002
May 9, 2002
Stock Code Number: 9766
Shares Listed: Tokyo Stock Exchange , Osaka Securities Exchange ,
London Stock Exchange and Singapore Exchange
Contact: Toshiro Tateno, Executive Corporate Officer, Corporate Planning Division (Phone:03-3578-0573)
Date of Board Meeting on the Financial Results: May 9, 2002
Date of General Shareholders Meeting: June 20, 2002
Interim Divided System: Applied
Unit Trading System: Applied (1 Unit: 100 Shares)
1. Financial Results for the Year Ended March 31, 2002
(1) Results of Operations
(Figures truncated)
Year-on-year Operating Year-on-year Ordinary Year-on-year
Net Sales Change Income Change Income Change
(Y million) (%) (Y million) (%) (Y million) (%)
Year ended 123,283 (17.0) 11,083 (67.5) 11,792 (64.5)
March 31, 2002
Year ended 148,470 14.1 34,092 33.1 33,238 31.0
March 31, 2001
Diluted Ordinary Ordinary
Net Income Year-on-year Net Income Net Income Return on Income to Income to
Change per Share per Share Equity Assets Ratio Sales Ratio
(Y million) (%) (Y) (Y) (%) (%) (%)
Year ended 8,675 (51.9) 67.97 - 6.2 5.8 9.6
March 31, 2002
Year ended 18,042 11.1 158.12 - 16.6 20.6 22.4
March 31, 2001
1. Average number of shares issued and outstanding
Year ended March 31, 2002: 127,647,120 shares
Year ended March 31, 2001: 114,107,429 shares
2. There is no change in accounting policies.
3. Change (%) of net sales, operating income, ordinary income and net income
represents the increase or decrease ratio in relation with the same period of
the previous year.
(2) Dividends
Cash Dividends per Share
Annual Interim Year-end Total Dividend Payout Ratio Ratio of Cash
Payout Dividends to
(Y) (Y) (Y) (Y million) (%) (%)
Year ended 54.00 27.00 27.00 6,836 78.8 5.2
March 31, 2002
Year ended 54.00 26.00 28.00 6,561 36.4 4.5
March 31, 2001
There was no commemorative or special dividend for the year ended March 31, 2002.
(3) Financial Position
Total Shareholders' Equity-Assets Total Shareholders'
Total Assets Equity Ratio Equity per Share
(Y million) (Y million) (%) (Y)
March 31, 2002 208,896 132,573 63.5 1,029.80
March 31, 2001 201,090 146,309 72.8 1,136.49
Number of shares issued and outstanding
March 31, 2002: 124,479,815 shares
March 31, 2001: 128,737,566 shares
Number of treasury stock
March 31, 2002: 4,257,751 shares
2. Financial Forecast for the Year Ended March 31, 2003
Ordinary Net Cash Dividends per Share
Net Sales Income Income Interim Year-end Annual
(Y million) (Y million) (Y million) (Y) (Y) (Y)
Six months ended 9.00 - -
September 30, 2002
Year ended - 9.00 18.00
March 31, 2003
1. Non-consolidated financial forecast for the year ended March 31, 2003 is not disclosed.
2. Annual cash dividends per share may change depending on the consolidated net income for the year, since
the Company aims the total amount of cash dividends more than 30 % of consolidated net income.
6. Non-consolidated Financial Statements
(1) Non-consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Component Component
Ratio Ratio
I Current Assets Y99,545 49.5 % Y94,176 45.1 %
Cash and cash equivalents 48,702 36,389
Trade notes receivable 49 163
Trade accounts receivable 33,347 35,383
Treasury stock 0 -
Finished products 504 409
Raw materials and supplies 1,487 1,133
Work in process 1,678 2,702
Advances 2,374 2,445
Prepaid expenses 1,730 1,791
Short-term loans to subsidiaries 6,293 8,400
Deferred tax assets 2,692 4,740
Other 695 629
Allowance for bad debts (11 ) (13 )
II Fixed Assets 101,545 50.5 114,719 54.9
1. Tangible fixed assets 9,782 4.9 9,038 4.3
Buildings 5,048 4,636
Structures 132 114
Machinery 6 4
Transportation equipment 25 16
Tools and fixtures 1,081 778
Land 3,488 3,488
2. Intangible fixed assets 1,156 0.6 1,178 0.6
In-house software 1,129 1,152
Other 26 26
3. Investments and other assets 90,606 45.0 104,501 50.0
Investment securities 426 553
Investments in subsidiaries 88,006 101,297
and affiliates
Long-term prepaid expenses 28 50
Lease deposits 1,527 1,719
Deferred tax assets 561 834
Other 55 46
Allowance for bad debts (0 ) -
TOTAL ASSETS Y201,090 100 % Y208,896 100 %
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Component Component
Ratio Ratio
I Current Liabilities Y51,273 25.5 % Y28,130 13.4 %
Trade notes payable 14,676 7,856
Trade accounts payable 11,362 9,146
Current portion of straight bonds 10,000 -
Other accounts payable 2,868 1,938
Accrued expenses 2,020 2,242
Income taxes payable 9,386 6,387
Allowance for bonuses 600 -
Notes payable for capital expenditures 40 14
Others 319 545
II Long-term Liabilities 3,507 1.7 48,191 23.1
Straight bonds - 45,000
Liability for directors' retirement 1,545 1,346
Allowance for loss incurred 1,430 1,430
by subsidiaries
Deposits received 532 414
TOTAL LIABILITIES 54,781 27.2 76,322 36.5
I Common Stock 47,398 23.6 47,398 22.7
II Additional Paid-in Capital 47,106 23.4 47,106 22.6
III Legal Reserve 1,770 0.9 2,163 1.0
IV Retained Earnings 50,033 24.9 50,907 24.4
Voluntary earned surplus 33,243 42,107
Reserve for advanced depreciation 218 212
General reserve 33,024 41,894
Unappropriated earned surplus 16,790 8,800
V Treasury Stock - - (15,003 ) (7.2 )
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 146,309 72.8 132,573 63.5
TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Y201,090 100.0 % Y208,896 100.0 %
(2) Non-consolidated Statements of Income (Unaudited)
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31 , 2001 March 31, 2002
Share of Share of
net sales net sales
I Net Sales Y148,470 100.0 % Y123,283 100.0 %
II Cost of Sales 96,292 64.8 97,690 79.2
Finished goods, beginning of year 2,187 504
Purchases 29,339 21,868
Cost of goods manufactured 56,071 69,229
Transfer to other accounts (104 ) (26 )
Finished goods, end of year (504 ) (409 )
Royalty expenses 9,303 6,525
Gross Profit 52,177 35.2 25,592 20.8
III Selling, General
and Administrative Expenses 18,085 12.2 14,508 11.8
Operating Income 34,092 23.0 11,083 9.0
IV Non-operating Income 681 0.4 1,485 1.2
Interest income 171 47
Dividend income 220 981
Gain on sale of treasury stock 16 -
Rental income 12 6
Foreign exchange gains 128 243
Other 131 207
V Non-operating Expenses 1,535 1.0 776 0.6
Interest expenses 110 -
Bond interest expenses 264 325
Bond issue expenses - 318
Commission for syndicate loan 302 -
Stock issue expenses 639 -
Bad debt expenses - 20
Other 218 110
Ordinary Income 33,238 22.4 11,792 9.6
VI Extraordinary Income 168 0.1 3,049 2.5
Gain on reversal of
allowance for bad debts 164 -
Gain on sale of
investments in subsidiaries 3 1,754
Gain on transfer of
intellectual property rights - 149
Gain on transfer of a business of a
subsidiary to an affiliated company - 1,145
VII Extraordinary Losses 684 0.5 874 0.7
Loss on sale and disposal of fixed assets 84 31
Valuation loss of
investments in subsidiaries 599 843
Income before Income Taxes 32,722 22.0 13,967 11.4
Income Taxes 14,679 9.9 5,291 4.3
Income taxes - current 15,995 7,612
Income taxes - deferred (1,316 ) (2,320 )
Net Income 18,042 12.1 8,675 7.1
Unappropriated earned surplus
carried forward 2,000 3,600
Interim cash dividends 2,956 3,475
Transfer to legal reserve due to interim
cash dividends 295 -
Unappropriated Earned Surplus Y16,790 Y8,800
(3) Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured (Unaudited)
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31 , 2001 March 31, 2002
Component Component
ratio ratio
1 Material cost Y30,765 55.0 % Y43,742 62.3 %
2 Contract processing cost 1,356 2.4 1,033 1.5
3 Labor cost 765 1.4 762 1.1
4 Overhead cost 1,149 2.0 1,009 1.4
5 Production cost 21,904 39.2 23,712 33.7
Total manufacturing cost for the year 55,941 100.0 % 70,260 100.0 %
Work in process, beginning of year 1,808 1,678
Work in process, end of year (1,678 ) (2,702 )
Transfer to other accounts - (6 )
Cost of goods manufactured Y56,071 Y69,229
1. Process costing is applied to calculate cost of products other than production cost which is
calculated by job-order costing.
2. Major portion of overhead cost is follows:
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Depreciation expense Y260 Y202
External service fee 286 164
Supplies expense 429 512
3. Major portion of software production cost consists of the following:
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Personnel expense Y3,851 Y3,627
Depreciation expense 369 326
Contract production expense 15,766 16,185
Other 1,917 3,572
Total Y21,904 Y23,712
(4) Proposed Appropriation Plan of Earned Surplus (Unaudited)
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Unappropriated earned surplus
at year-end Y16,790 Y8,800
Reversal of general reserve
(Reversal of reserve
for advanced depreciation) 5 5
Legal reserve 393 -
Cash dividends 3,604 3,360
Directors' bonuses 328 202
Voluntary earned surplus
(General reserve) 8,870 2,200
Unappropriated earned surplus
carried forward Y3,600 Y3,042
Date of approval by shareholders was June 21, 2001 for the year ended March 31, 2001 and will be June 20, 2002 for the
year ended March 31, 2002.
Summary of Significant Accounting Policies
1. Marketable and Investment Securities
Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies and other securities for which the market value is not
readily determinable are stated at cost based on the moving average method.
2. Derivative Financial Instruments
Derivative financial instruments are stated at fair value.
3. Inventories
Inventories other than merchandise and work in process are stated at cost determined by the moving average
Merchandise is stated at the lower of cost or market, cost being determined mainly by the first-in,
first-out method.
Work in process consisting of hardware products is stated at cost determined by the moving average method
while work in process consisting of software products is stated at cost determined by the specific
identification method.
4. Depreciation Methods
Tangible fixed assets are depreciated using the declining balance method while intangible fixed assets are
amortized mainly using the straight-line method. For in-house software, amortization is computed using the
straight-line method based on the estimated useful life of 5 years.
Long-term prepaid expenses are amortized on a straight-line basis.
5. Deferred Assets
Bond issue expenses are charged to income upon payment or as incurred.
6. Foreign Currency Translation
Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the current exchange
rate as of the balance sheet date, and the translation gains and losses are credited or charged to income.
7. Provisions
(a) Allowance for bad debts
Generally, allowance for bad debts is calculated based on the actual ratio of bad debt losses incurred.
For specific accounts with higher possibility of bad debt loss, the allowance is determined by
independent judgment.
(b) Allowance for retirement benefits (Prepaid pension expense)
Allowance for retirement benefits to be paid to employees is calculated based on the estimated amount of
the projected benefit obligation and the plan assets at the fiscal year-end.
Unrecognized net transition asset or obligation is amortized over 13 years.
Unrecognized actuarial net gain or loss will be amortized from the following fiscal year within the
average remaining service period of 13 years on a straight-line basis.
(c) Liability for directors' retirement benefits
Required amount for retirement benefits to be paid to directors as of the balance sheet date is reserved
as liability.
(d) Allowance for loss incurred by subsidiaries
Allowance for loss incurred by subsidiaries is provided at the amount determined based on its financial
8. Leases
Finance leases other than those that deem to transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee are
accounted for as operating lease transactions.
9. Consumption Tax
Consumption tax is excluded from the stated amount of revenue and expenses.
Additional Information
1. Treasury Stock
'Treasury stock' which had been stated in current assets (Y0 million as of March 31, 2001) is stated as
contra account at the bottom of shareholders' equity section on balance sheet from the year ended March 31,
2002 due to a change in preparation standards for financial statements.
2. Allowance for Bonuses
'Allowance for bonuses' (Y675 million) is included in 'Accrued expenses' of current liabilities based on
the release on February 14, 2001 regarding presentation of allowance for bonuses by the Japanese Institute
of Certified Public Accountant although it had been stated separately as part of estimated bonus payment to
employees in the following period.
Notes to Non-consolidated Financial Statements
Notes to Non-consolidated Balance Sheets
1. Accumulated depreciation of tangible fixed assets is Y6,227 million and Y6,782 million for the years ended
March 31, 2001 and 2002, respectively.
2. Assets and liabilities to subsidiaries and affiliated companies other than the separately stated accounts
are as follows:
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Trade accounts receivable Y32,598 Y34,905
Advances 2,120 1,895
Trade accounts payable 5,267 2,208
3. Number of shares at year-end is as follows:
(Thousands of shares)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Shares authorized 450,000 450,000
Shares issued and outstanding 128,737 128,737
4. The Company guarantees subsidiaries' loans payable to financial institutions
as follows:
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Konami Capital, Inc Y4,667 Y2,398
Konami of America, Inc. 2,044 319
(USD 16.5 million) (USD 2.4 million)
Konami of Europe GmbH 559 -
(DEM 10.0 million)
Konami Gaming, Inc. - 1,830
(USD 13.74 million)
Konami Computer 520 -
Entertainment America, Inc. (USD 4.2 million)
Total Y7,791 Y4,548
5. Trade notes matured on the balance sheet date are settled on the exchange date of the notes. Since each
balance sheet date was a holiday for financial institutions, the following matured trade notes are
included in each ending balance.
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Trade notes receivable Y49 -
Trade notes payable 3,023 Y1,615
Trade notes payable for capital 25 3
Notes to Non-consolidated Statements of Income
1. Non-consolidated statements of income include inter-company transactions as
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Net sales Y90,477 Y117,709
Purchases 20,832 34,930
Dividend income 220 981
2. Transfer to other accounts represents the transfer of Y5 million to selling, general and administrative
expenses for the year ended March 31, 2002.
3. Royalty expenses consist of the royalties paid in relation to manufacturing and sales activities by
Consumer Software, Character Products, Amusement Machines and Gaming Machines segment.
4. Major portion of selling, general and administrative expenses consists of the following:
(Millions of yen)
Year ended
March 31, 2001
Advertising expenses Y5,263
Salary expenses 2,153
Addition to allowance for bonuses 561
Addition to liability for directors'
retirement benefits 78
Depreciation expense 694
Rental expenses 1,794
Commissions 2,131
Selling expenses portion 46.9%
General and administrative
expenses portion 53.1%
(Millions of yen)
Year ended
March 31, 2002
Advertising expenses Y2,187
Salary expenses 2,633
Depreciation expense 697
Rental expenses 1,882
Commissions 1,642
Addition to allowance for bad debts 11
Selling expenses portion 15.8%
General and administrative
expenses portion 84.2%
5. General and administrative expenses include research and development expenses of Y118 million and Y87
million for the years ended March 31, 2001 and 2002, respectively.
6. Loss on sale and disposal of fixed assets consists of the following:
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Sale of transportation equipment Y4 -
Disposal of buildings 7 Y9
Disposal of tools and fixtures 60 22
Disposal of software 10 -
Total Y84 Y31
7. Major portion of valuation loss of investments in subsidiaries consists of
the following:
(Millions of yen)
Year ended Year ended
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Konami Computer Entertainment Kobe, Inc. Y299 Y693
Konami Computer Entertainment Nagoya, Inc. Y299 -
8. Gain on sale of investments in subsidiaries of Y1,754 million represents the gain arising from the sale of
shares in Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, Inc for the year ended March 31, 2002.
9. Gain on transfer of a business of a subsidiary to an affiliated company of Y1,145 million is recognized
along with the transfer of the business in Sapporo of a consolidated subsidiary, Konami Computer
Entertainment Studios, Inc., to an affiliated company, HUDSON SOFT CO., LTD., by the method of absorption
following a spin-off based on the strategic business alliance including a capital tie-up.
Finance leases other than those that deem to transfer ownership of leased
property to the lessee:
The amount of obligation and depreciation under finance leases for the year
ended March 31, 2002 is calculated by the effective interest method which
excludes the imputed interest portion although it had been calculated by the
method which includes the imputed interest portion.
1. Acquisition cost, accumulated depreciation, and ending balance of leased
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Acquisition Accumulated Ending Acquisition Accumulated Ending
Cost depreciation balance cost depreciation balance
Transportation equipment - - - Y8 Y3 Y5
Tools and fixtures Y1,250 Y307 Y942 1,213 549 664
Total Y1,250 Y307 Y942 Y1,222 Y553 Y669
2. Obligations under finance leases
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Due within one year Y395 Y412
Due after one year 547 286
Total Y942 Y699
3. Lease payments and depreciation expense for the year ended March 31, 2001
(Millions of yen)
Year ended
March 31, 2001
Lease payments Y132
Depreciation expense 132
Lease payments, depreciation expense and interest expense for the year ended
March 31, 2002
(Millions of yen)
Year ended
March 31, 2002
Lease payments Y411
Depreciation expense 395
Interest expense 20
4. Depreciation expense is calculated according to the straight-line method with lease term as useful life
and salvage value of zero.
5. Interest expense is defined as the difference between total lease payment and equivalent of acquisition
cost and allocated using the effective interest method to each period.
Investment Securities
Investments in subsidiaries and affiliated companies which have fair value.
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001 March 31, 2002
Balance Differences Balance Differences
sheet sheet
amount Fair value amount Fair value
Investments in subsidiaries Y69,770 Y86,739 Y16,969 Y70,356 Y91,564 Y21,207
Investments in affiliated
companies 3,686 9,015 5,329 12,194 23,336 11,141
Total Y73,456 Y95,755 Y22,299 Y82,551 Y114,901 Y32,349
Income Taxes
1. Major portion of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities consists of
the following:
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2001
Deferred tax assets:
Enterprise taxes payable Y865
Liability for directors' retirement benefits 649
Allowance for loss incurred by a subsidiary 600
Valuation loss of investments in subsidiaries 251
Accrued expenses 212
Allowance for bonuses 183
Inventories 1,394
Other 428
Sub total 4,585
Less: Valuation allowance (1,157)
Total deferred tax assets Y3,427
Deferred tax liabilities:
Reserve for deferred gains on fixed assets Y(154)
Other (18)
Total deferred tax liabilities Y(173)
Deferred tax assets - net Y3,254
(Millions of yen)
March 31, 2002
Deferred tax assets:
Enterprise taxes payable Y576
Liability for directors' retirement benefits 565
Allowance for loss incurred by a subsidiary 600
Valuation loss of investments in subsidiaries 354
Accrued expenses 179
Inventories 3,982
Other 397
Sub total 6,653
Less: Valuation allowance (903)
Total deferred tax assets Y5,750
Deferred tax liabilities:
Reserve for deferred gains on fixed assets (150)
Other (25)
Total deferred tax liabilities Y(175)
Deferred tax assets - net Y5,575
2. A reconciliation between the normal effective statutory tax rate and the actual effective tax rates
reflected in the accompanying consolidated statements of income is as follows:
March 31, 2001
Normal effective statutory tax rate 42.1%
Permanently non-deductible expenses 1.6
Permanently non-taxable income (0.3)
Per capita portion of inhabitants taxes 0.1
Valuation allowance 1.7
Other - net (0.3)
Actual effective tax rate 44.9%
March 31, 2002
Normal effective statutory tax rate 42.1%
Permanently non-deductible expenses 1.9
Permanently non-taxable income (2.8)
Per capita portion of inhabitants taxes 0.1
Nontaxable gain on transfer (3.5)
of a business of a subsidiary
to an affiliated company
Other - net 0.1
Actual effective tax rate 37.9%
7. Changes in Board of Directors
(Effective June 20, 2002)
1. Changes in Directors
There is no change in directors.
2. Changes in Corporate Auditors
There is no changes in corporate auditors.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange