Holding in Company

Konami Corporation 14 March 2001 Change Report No.1 (Report in accordance with Article 27-25 Paragraph 1 of the Securities and Exchange Law) Name: KONAMI CORPORATION Address or head office location: 3-1 Toranomon 4-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo Effective date of reporting duty March 12, 2001 Submitted on March 14, 2001 1. Matters Regarding Submitter 1. Issuing company Name of issuing company: TAKARA Co., Ltd Head office location: 19-16, Aoto 4-chome, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo 2. Submitter (Substantial Shareholder) Judicial person / Stock company Name KONAMI CORPORATION Address or head office location: 3-1, Toranomon 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo Judicial person: Date of incorporation: March 19, 1973 Name of representative: Kagemasa Kozuki Title of representative Representative Director and President Business purposes: Digital Computer Entertainment Place to contact and name of person in charge: Noriaki Yamaguchi Managing Executive Director, Chief of Finance Telephone number: 03(3578) 0573 (general number) 3. Holding purposes We intend to invest in the following fields: - Developing products using our contents (patents); - Selling products and affiliating businesses interactively using the circulation net that we both have. 4. Breakdown of stock, etc. held by the submitter Main Text of Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Article 27-23, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 3 Item 1 Item 2 Stock 9,052,000 shares shares shares Total number of issued and outstanding stock (as of March 12, 2001) 44,803,315 shares Percentage of stock, etc. held by the above-stated submitter 20.20% Percentage of stock, etc. held stated in preceding report 22.71% 5. Conditions concerning acquisition or disposal during the last sixty (60) days of stock, etc. issued by issuing company Date Kind of stock, etc. Number Distinction Unit Price between acquisition and disposal March 12, 2001 Stock 590,000 shares Acquisition 483.26 Yen March 12, 2001 Stock 32,000 shares Acquisition 899 Yen 6. Material agreements including security agreements related to the stock, etc. None 7. Funds for acquiring held stock, etc. (1) Breakdown of funds for acquisition Amount of own funds R 3,685,891 thousand (thousands of yen) yen Total amount of funds for acquisition 3,685,891 thousand yen
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