Interim Results - Part 2

Konami Corporation 20 November 2000 PART 2 (2) Operations by Geographic Area Six months ended September 30, 2000 Millions of yen Japan America Europe Asia Total Net sales: To customers Y 69,520 Y 1,824 Y 2,219 Y 809 Y 74,374 Inter-segment 2,666 2 - 29 2,697 Total 72,186 1,827 2,219 838 77,071 Operating expenses 49,155 4,310 2,432 777 56,676 Operating income (loss) 23,031 (2,483) (213) 61 20,395 Millions of yen Eliminations and Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers - Y 74,374 Inter-segment (2,697) - Total (2,697) 74,374 Operating expenses 561 57,237 Operating income (loss) (3,258) 17,136 Six months ended September 30,1999 Millions of yen Japan America Europe Asia Total Net sales: To customers Y 66,253 Y 5,415 Y 5,237 Y 1,340 Y 78,246 Inter-segment 8,326 12 10 55 8,404 Total 74,580 5,427 5,247 1,395 86,651 Operating expenses 51,897 5,378 5,055 1,192 63,524 Operating income (loss) 22,683 48 191 203 23,126 Assets Millions of yen Eliminations and Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers - Y 78,246 Inter-segment (8,404) - Total (8,404) 78,246 Operating expenses (5,233) 58,291 Operating income (loss) (3,171) 19,955 Assets Year ended March 31, 2000 Millions of yen Japan America Europe Asia Total Net sales: To customers Y 123,276 Y 11,827 Y 9,265 Y 2,297 Y 146,666 Inter-segment 15,986 615 2 121 16,725 Total 139,262 12,442 9,267 2,418 163,391 Operating expenses 101,626 13,444 8,999 2,082 126,152 Operating income (loss) 37,636 (1,002) 267 336 37,239 Millions of yen Eliminations and Corporate Consolidated Net sales: To customers - Y 146,666 Inter-segment (16,725) - Total (16,725) 146,666 Operating expenses (10,424) 115,727 Operating income (loss) (6,300) 30,938 Notes: 1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity. 2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries. (1) America: United States of America (2) Europe: United Kingdom, Germany and France (3) Asia: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Korea 3. Unallocated operating expenses in the Eliminations and Corporate column, mainly consisting of the administrative expenses of the parent company, amounted to Y3,495 million and Y2,841 million for the months ended September 30, 2000, and Y5,602 million for the previous year ended March 31, 2000. (3) Overseas Sales Six months ended September 30, 2000 Millions of yen America Europe Other Total 0verseas sales Y 1,948 Y 2,146 Y 1,809 Y 5,903 Consolidatcd sales - - - 74,374 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 2.6% 2.9% 2.4% 7.9% Six months ended September 30,1999 Millions of yen America Europe Other Total Overseas sales Y 5,997 Y 4,876 Y 3,184 Y 14,058 Consolidated sales - - - 78,246 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 7.7% 6.2% 4.1% 18.0% Year ended March 31, 2000 Millions of yen America Europe Other Total Overseas sales Y 12,586 8,582 Y 6,679 Y 27,848 Consolidated sales - - - 146,666 Overseas portion in consolidated sales 8.6% 5.8% 4.6% 19.0% Notes: 1. Geographic areas are categorized by geographical proximity. 2. Each overseas segment consists of the following countries: (1) America: United States of America and Canada etc. (2) Europe: United Kingdom, Germany, and France, etc. (3) Other: Hong Kong, Singapore, and Australia, etc. 3. Oveseas sales consist of the sales of the parent company and consolidated companies outside Japan. 6. Marketable and Investment Securities 1. Other securities with market value (as of September 30, 2000) (Millions of yen) Balance sheet Acquisition cost amount Difference Other investment securities 200 152 (47) 2. Major securities not valued at market (as of September 30, 2000) (Millions of yen) Balance sheet amount Unlisted stock (except over-the-counter stock) 726 Note: Investments in affilliates, with market value are stated in notes to the non-consolidated financial statements. 7. Derivatives As of September 30, 2000 (Millions of yen) Unrealized Contract amount Market value holding gain (loss) Foreign exchange forward contract for receivables in: USD 106 106 0 GBP 132 130 1 EUR 319 309 9 AUD 118 109 8 Total 676 656 19 Note: Such information for outstanding foreign exchange forward contracts at previous fiscal year-end as for market value is not denoted, since the contracts are all assigned to accompanying receivables in foreign currencies according to the accounting standards for foreign currency transactions. 8. Summary of Non-consolidated Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2000 November 16,2000 KONAM1 CORPORATION Address: 3-1, Toranomon 4-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan Stock Code Number: 9766 Shares Listed: Tokyo Stock Exchange (First Section), Osaka Securities Exchange (First Section), London Stock Exchange, and Singapore Exchange (Main Board) Contact: Mr. Noriaki Yamaguchi, Director Phone:03(3578)0573 Date of Board Meeting on financial results for the six-month period: November 16, 2000 Date of commencement of interim dividend payment: December 1, 2000 1. Financial Results for the Six Months Ended September 30, 2000 (1) Results of Operation (Figures truncated) Year-on-year Operating Year-on-year Ordinary Year-on-year Net Change Income Change Income Change Sales (%) (Y million) (%) (Y million) (%) (Y million) Six months ended September 30, 2000 66,506 (4.3) 15,427 (7.4) 15,369 (7.3) Six months ended September 30, 1999 69,507 82.8 16,661 432.8 16.581 537.7 Year ended March 31,2000 130,124 25,613 25,374 Year-on-year Net Income Net Income Change Per Share (Y million) (%) (Y) Six months ended September 30,2000 8,777 (24.1) 77.17 Six months ended September 30,1999 11,569 780.0 205.80 Year ended March 31,2000 16,236 287.17 Notes 1. Average number of shares issued Six months ended September 30, 2000: 113,737,566 shares Six months ended September 30, 1999: 56,217,159 shares Year ended March 31,2000: 56,540,767 shares 2. There is no change in accounting policies. 3. Change (%) of net sales, operating income, ordinary income and net income represents the increase or decrease ratio in relation with the same period of the previous year. 4. Figures in parentheses represent negative values. (2) Dividends Cash dividends per share Interim Annual (Y) (Y) Six months ended September 30,2000 26.00 - Six months ended September 30,1999 45.00 - Year ended March 31,2000 97.00 - Note: There is no commemorative or special dividend included in the six-month period ended September 30,2000. (3) Financial Position Total Shareholders' Equity-Assets Total Shareholders' Total Assets Equity Ratio Equity Per Share (Y million) (Y million) (%) (Y) September 30,2000 125,319 76,806 61.3 675.29 September 30,1999 124,800 69,027 55.3 1,213.95 March 31,2000 120,859 71,154 58.9 1,251.47 Notes: Number of shares issued September 30,2000 113,737,566 shares September 30,1999 56,862,074 shares March 31,2000 56,857,100 shares 2. Financial forecast for the year ended March 31,2001 Ordinary Net Cash Dividends Per Share Net Sales Income Income Year-end Annual (Y million) (Y million) (Y million) (Y) (Y) Year ended March 31,2001 132,000 23,000 13,000 26.00 52.00 Note: Estimated net income per share for the year ended March 31,2001 is Y114.30. 9. Non-consolidated Financial Statements (1) Non-consolidated Balance Sheets (Millions of yen) September 30,2000 September 30,1999 March 31, 2000 Share of Share of Share of total assets total assets total assets ASSETS: I Current Assets Y 94,383 75.3 % Y 99,479 79.7 % Y 94,522 78.2% Cash and cash equivalents 38,993 47,784 48,578 Trade notes receivable 19 753 3 Trade accounts receivable 34,989 32,019 25,723 Marketable securities - 678 0 Treasury stock 0 21 1 Finished products 2,300 2,356 2,187 Raw materials and supplies 539 765 789 Work in process 1,820 2,052 1,808 Advances 2,083 983 1,850 Prepaid expenses 2,257 692 1,007 Short-term loans to affiliates 9,824 10,057 10,796 Current portion of long-term loans to affiliates 108 106 106 Deferred tax assets 1,008 1,032 1,438 Others 455 393 416 Allowance for bad debts (17) (218) (186) II Fixed Assets 30,935 24.7 25,321 20.3 26,337 21.8 1. Tangible fixed assets 10,075 8.1 12,498 10.0 10,216 8.5 Buildings 5,243 6,489 5,427 Structures 143 169 154 Machinery 7 4 9 Transportation equipment 39 40 31 Tools and fixtures 1,152 1,095 1,105 Land 3,488 4,699 3,488 2. Intangible fixed assets 1,152 0.9 890 0.7 1,199 1.0 In-house software 1,123 855 1,170 Others 29 35 29 3. Investments and other assets 19,707 15.7 11,932 9.6 14,920 12.3 Investment securities 426 - 240 Investment in affiliates 16,632 9,234 11,846 Treasury stock 15 221 30 Long-term loans to affiliates - 111 55 Long-term prepaid expenses 3 6 4 Lease deposits 1,981 1,712 1,998 Deferred tax assets 603 402 499 Others 45 245 245 Allowance for bad debts - (1) (0) TOTAL ASSETS Y 125,319 100.0 % Y 124,800 100.0 % Y120,859 100.0 % (Millions of yen) September 30,2000 September 30,1999 March 31,2000 Share of Share of Share of total total total liabilities liabilities liabilities and and and shareholders' shareholders' shareholders' equity equity equity LIABILITIES: I Current Liabilities Y 45,462 36.3 % Y 37,035 29.7% Y 36,740 30.4% Trade notes payable 13,747 13,590 11,491 Trade accounts payable 8,099 7,209 6,881 Short-term loam payable 324 1,037 796 Current portion of straight bonds 10,000 400 - Current portion of convertible bonds - 10 - Current portion of long-term debt - - 1,000 Other accounts payable 2,956 2,647 3,722 Income taxes payable 6,443 9,546 9,751 Accrued expenses 3,057 1,719 2,430 Allowance for bonuses 554 566 519 Notes payable for plant and equipment 32 124 88 Warrants - 0 - Others 247 182 60 II Long-term Liabilities 3,050 2.4 18,738 15.0 12,964 10.7 Straight bonds - 15,000 10,000 Long-term loans payable - 1,000 - Liability for directors' retirement benefits 1,542 1,258 1,486 Allowance for loss incurred by a subsidiary 1,430 1,430 1,430 Long-term deposits received 78 50 47 TOTAL LIABILITIES 48,513 38.7 55,773 44.7 49,704 41.1 SHAREHOLDERS'EQUITY: I Common Stock 15,793 12.6 15,787 12.6 15,793 13.1 II Additional Paid-in Capital 15,516 12.4 15,509 12.5 15,516 12.8 III Legal Reserve 1,474 1.2 906 0.7 1,162 1.0 IV Retained Earnings 44,020 35.1 36,824 29.5 38,682 32.0 1. Voluntary earned surplus 33,243 26.5 22,803 18.3 22,803 18.9 2. Unappropriated earned surplus 10,777 8.6 14,020 11.2 15,878 13.1 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 76,806 61.3 69,027 55.3 71,154 58.9 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS'EQUITY Y125,319 100.0 % Y124,800 100.0% Y120,859 100.0% (2) Non-consolidated Statements of Income Six months ended Six months ended Year ended September 30,2000 September 30,1999 March 31, 2000 Share of Share of Share of net sales net sales net sales I Net Sales Y 66,506 100.0 % Y 69,507 100.0% Y130,124 100.0% II Cost of Sales 42,092 63.3 44,941 64.7 87,719 67.4 Gross Profit 24,414 36.7 24,566 35.3 42,404 32.6 III Selling, General and Administrative Expenses 8,986 13.5 7,905 11.3 16,790 12.9 Operating Income 15,427 23.2 16,661 24.0 25,613 19.7 IV Non-operating Income 369 0.5 910 1.3 1,372 1.0 Interest income 57 78 175 Dividend income 220 83 87 Gain on sale of marketable securities 0 310 634 Gain on sale of treasury stock 8 141 213 Rental income 7 72 114 Others 75 223 146 V Non-operating Expenses 427 0.6 990 1.4 1,610 1.2 Interest expenses 34 50 100 Bond interest expenses 132 191 384 Foreign exchange losses 7 446 615 Loss on devaluation of membership 204 - - Others 48 301 509 Ordinary Income 15,369 23.1 16,581 23.9 25,374 19.5 VI Extraordinary Income 172 0.2 7,871 11.3 8,769 6.7 Gain on reversal of allowance for bad debts 168 56 88 Gain on sale of fixed assets - 51 56 Gain on transfer of intellectual property rights - - 831 Gain on sale of investment securities 3 - - Gain on sale of investment in subsidiaries - 7,763 7,793 VII Extraordinary Losses 17 0.0 3,339 4.8 4,861 3.7 Loss on sale and disposal of fixed assets 17 3,281 4,759 Loss on sale of investment in subsidiaries - 58 101 Income before Income Taxes 15,524 23.3 21,113 30.4 29,282 22.5 Provision for income taxes 6,420 9.6 9,604 13.8 13,609 10.4 Income tax adjustments 326 0.5 (61) (0.1) (564)(0.4) Net Income 8,777 13.2 11,569 16.7 16,236 12.5 Unappropriated earned surplus carried forward 2,000 914 914 Prior year adjustment for deferred tax - 1,373 1,373 Reversal of reserve for advanced depreciation due to adoption of deferred tax accounting - 163 163 Interim cash dividends - - 2,553 Transfer to legal reserve due to interim cash dividends - - 255 Unappropriated Earned Surplus Y10,777 Y 14,020 Y 15,878 Summary of Significant Accounting Policies 1. Valuation of Assets (1) Inventories a. Finished products and raw materials and supplies are stated at cost based on the moving average method. b. Work in process is stated at cost based on the moving average method while that of consumer-use game software is stated at cost based on the specific identification method. (2) Marketable and investment securities a. Investments in affiliates are stated at cost based on the moving average method, b. Other securities without market value are stated at cost based on the moving average method. (3) Derivatives Foreign exchange forward contracts are stated at market value. 2. Depreciation Methods a. Tangible fixed assets are depreciated on the declining balance method according to Corporation Tax Law. b. Intangible fixed assets are amortized on the straight-line method according to Corporation Tax Law. (In-house software is amortized on the straight-line method based on estimated useful life of 5 years.) 3. Provisions (1) Allowance for bad debts Generally, allowance for bad debts is calculated according to the actual ratio of bad debt losses incurred. For specific accounts with higher possibility of bad debt loss, the allowance is determined by independent judgement. (2) Allowance for bonuses As part of estimated bonus payment to employees in the following six-month period, appropriate amount is provided. (3) Allowance for retirement benefits Accrued amount in the six-month period is provided for retirement benefits paid to employees based on estimated amount of the projected benefit obligation and plan assets as of the end of the period. Unrecognized net transition asset of Y81 million is credited to expense over 13 years on a straight-line basis. (4) Liability for directors' retirement benefits Required amount for the six-month period is provided as liability for retirement benefits paid to the Company's directors. (5) Allowance for loss incurred by a subsidiary The Company provides an allowance for loss incurred by a subsidiary at amounts determined after consideration of the financial position of the subsidiary. 4. Foreign Currency Translation Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the current exchange rates as of the interim balance sheet date, and the translation gains and losses are credited or charged to income. 5. Leases Finance leases other than those that deem to transfer ownership of the leased property to the lessee are accounted for as operating leases. 6. Other (1) Consumption tax is excluded from the stated amount of revenue and expenses. (2) Assuming the expected reversal of reserve for advanced depreciation as appropriation of earned surplus, provision for income taxes and deferred income taxes are recognized. Additional Information 1. Accounting for Retirement Benefits Since the beginning of the six-month period ended September 30, 2000, the accounting standards for retirement benefits, which were released on June 16, 1998, have been adopted. The financial impact of this change is considered immaterial. 2. Accounting for Financial Products Since the beginning of the six-month period ended September 30, 2000, the accounting standards for financial products, which were released on January 22, 1999, have been adopted. As a result of this change, ordinary income and net income before income taxes for the six-month period decreased by Y204 million each. In addition, considering the purpose of holding marketable securities at the beginning of the period, the securities classified as 'other securities' are stated as investment securities. 3. Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions Since the beginning of the six-month period ended September 30, 2000, the amended accounting standards for foreign currency transactions, which were released on October 22, 1999, have been adopted. The financial impact of this change is considered immaterial. Notes to Balance Sheets 1. Accumulated Depreciation of Tangible Fixed Assets (Millions of yen) September 30-2000 September 30-1999 March 31-2000 6,129 5,801 5,760 2. Liability for Guarantee (Millions of yen) September 30-2000 September 30-1999 March 31-2000 8,757 9,101 7,519 3. Marketable and Investment Securities Investment in affiliates with market value as of September 30, 2000: (Millions of yen) Carrying value Market value Difference Investment in subsidiaries 725 29,677 28,951 Investment in other affiliates 3,372 4,088 716 Total 4,097 33,766 29,668 4. Increase in Number of Common Shares Issued Transaction Number of shares issued Two-for-one stock split made on May 19,2000 56,868,783 shares 5. Trade Notes Trade notes matured on the balance sheet date are settled on the exchange date of the notes. Since September 30, 2000 was a holiday for financial institutions, the following matured trade notes are included in the balance sheet for the six-month period. (Millions of yen) September 30, 2000 Trade notes receivable 16 Trade notes payable 2,137 Notes to Statements of Income Depreciation expense of fixed assets: (Millions of yen) September 30,2000 September 30,1999 March 31, 2000 Tangible fixed assets 473 651 1,231 Intangible fixed assets 191 142 305 Leases Finance leases other than those that deem to transfer ownership of leased property to the lessee: 1. Equivalents of acquisition cost accumulated depreciation, and ending balance of leased assets (Millions of yen) September 30,2000 Acquisition Accumulated Ending cost depreciation balance Tools & fixtures 609 262 346 Total 609 262 346 (Millions of yen) September 30,1999 Acquisition Accumulated Ending cost depreciation balance Tools & fixtures 244 102 141 Total 244 102 141 (Millions of yen) March 31,2000 Acquisition Accumulated Ending cost depreciation balance Tools & fixtures 518 184 334 Total 518 184 334 2. Obligations under finance leases, lease payments and depreciation equivalents (Millions of yen) September 30,2000 September 30, 1999 March 31,2000 Obligations under finance leases Due within one year 174 66 157 Due after one year 171 75 176 Total 346 141 334 Six months ended Six months ended Year ended September 30, 2000 September 30, 1999 March 31, 2000 Lease payments 83 32 118 Depreciation equivalents 83 32 118 Notes: (1) Since the total obligation for unexpired leases at balance sheet date occupies only a small part of the ending balance of tangible fixed assets, acquisition cost equivalent and obligation for unexpired leases at the end of period are calculated including interest expenses. (2) Depreciation equivalents are computed according to the straight-line method with lease term as useful life and salvage value of zero. 10. Sales by.Division (Millions of yen) Six months ended Six months ended Year-on-year Year ended September 30, 2000 September 30, 1999 Change March 31, 2000 Share of Share of Share of Division Total net sales Total Net sales % Total net sales Consumer- Use Software Y 22,303 33.5 % Y 32,229 46.4 % 69.2 % Y 55,884 42.9 % (2,061) (9.2) (6,673) (20.7) (30.9) _(12,177) (21.7) Amusement Machines 13,460 20.2 14,618 21.0 92.1 22,842 17.6 (1,450)(10.8) (1,881) (12.9) (77.1) (4,427) (19.4) Gaming Machines 4,208 6.3 6,139 8.8 68.6 13,398 10.3 (703)(16.7) (1,592) (25.9) (44.2) (2,758) (20.5) Pachinko Systems - - 5,242 7.5 - 11,589 8.9 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) Creative Products 26,518 39.9 11,242 16.2 235.9 26,350 20.2 (177) (0.7) (197) (1.8) (90.0) (582) (2.2) Other 15 0.0 35 0.1 42.8 59 0.1 (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) (0) (0.0) Total Y 66,506 100.0 % Y 69,507 100.0 % 95.7 % Y130,124 100.0 % (4,393) (6.6) (10,344) (14.9) (42.5) (19,945) (15.3) Note: 1. Values in parentheses represent export sales. 2. As from March 31, 2000, the operation of manufacturing the disc jockey-simulation and music-simulation game machines of Gaming Machines Division were transferred to Amusement Machines Division. 3. As from March 31, 2000, the operations of manufacturing the software with LCD units of Pachinko Systems Divisions were transferred to Amusement Machines Division, and the operations of manufacturing pachinko slot machines of this division were transferred to Gaming Machines Division.
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