Stock Option Plan Prospectus
Konami Co Ltd
21 September 2000
Prospectus for Stock Option Plan
On September 13, 2000, we announced stock option plan to our employees and
directors and employees of the affiliated companies and sales agents to be
implemented on September 22, 2000. In this regard, we would like to inform
you the Prospectus for the Stock Option as follows.
Stocks for Stock Option Plan
The stocks to be used for Stock Option are our par-value common stocks held by
our shareholder (company's stock), The Sakura Bank, Ltd. The bank trusted The
Toyo Trust and Banking Co., Ltd. (management trust company)with the stocks based
on management trust agreement. The stocks will be sold with pre-determined
exercise price on the basis of an agreement between The Toyo Trust and Banking
Co., Ltd. and 785 our employees and directors and employees of our affiliated
companies and sales agents (granted employees).
1. Number of Stocks for Option: 120,900
2. Owner of Stocks:
The Sakura Bank, Ltd.
1-3-1 Kudan-minami, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
3. Total Value of Stocks: 1,408,726,800 yen
The total value of stocks for option can be calculated as follows:
Closing price of the company's stock at TSE on Sep. 21, 2000 X 1.20 X Number of
stocks for Option
4. Stock Trade Agreement
'Stock trade agreement with pre-determined price' will be concluded on Sep. 22,
2000 (grant date).
Conditions of Stock Option
1. Selling Price: 11,652 yen
Selling price represents the exercise price of stock and is determined by
the following formula:
Closing price of the company's stock at TSE on Sep. 21, 2000 X 1.20
In addition, at the occurrence of the stock split-ups or split-down after
the grant date, the exercise price of stock is to be adjusted along with the
ratio of the stock split-ups or down, and numbers less than 1 yen being
generated by the adjustment can be rounded up.
Also, in case to issue new stocks (transactions related to convertible bonds
and warrants, and increase of capital stock with market value are excluded)
below the market value after the grant date, the exercise price per share can
be adjusted using the following formula, and numbers less than 1 yen being
generated by the adjustment can be rounded up.
Exercise Price after Adjustment = Exercise Price before Adjustment X
(Existing Number of Stocks Issued + (Number of New Stocks to be
Issued X Amount Paid-in per Share)/Stock Price before Issuing New Stocks) /
(Existing Number of Stocks Issued + Number of New Stocks to be Issued)
2. Unit of Stocks for Application: 100 Shares
3. Application Period
Application period represents exercise period of the stock purchase rights at
exercise price.
4. Place of Application
Place of application is Administration Office of KONAMI CORPORATION.
5. Date of payment
Date of the payment represents when both the company and management trust
company confirm the application for the purchase and the payment. Within 4th
operating day from the confirmation the management trust company transfers
the stock certificates to the granted employees' accounts at The Nikko
Securities Co., Ltd.
The further detailed information for the stock purchase rights at exercise
price is to be based on stock trade agreement with pre-determined price
concluded by the management trust company and the granted employees.
Summary of Operations and Financial Highlights
1. Summary of operations
The group consists of KONAMI CORPORATION, 31 consolidated subsidiaries and 2
affiliated companies applied under equity method. We as a group of digital
entertainment enterprise that provides various styles of entertainment through
computers, deal with the consumer-use software, amusement machines, gaming
machines, and creative products, amusement operations, financial operations, and
other operations.
2. Financial Highlights
(1) Consolidated Financial Highlights
Fiscal years ended March 31 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Net sales (million yen) 56,491 69,435 89,623 113,413 146,666
Ordinary income(million yen) 2,262 7,587 6,232 16,176 31,103
Net income (million yen) 1,316 6,024 5,003 5,104 18,344
Net assets (million yen) 25,729 38,644 41,262 46,907 70,844
Total assets (million yen) 75,412 83,532 107,659 117,383 136,080
Net assets per share (yen) 777.21 1,084.76 1,168.92 1,304.51 1,246.08
Net income per share (yen) 39.77 173.47 140.59 144.38 328.52
Diluted net income (yen) 39.03 163.58 132.31 135.98 326.66
per share
Equity ratio (%) 34.1 46.3 38.3 40.0 52.1
Return on equity (%) 5.1 18.7 12.5 11.6 31.2
Price earnings ratio - - - - 21.31
Cash flows from
activities (million yen) - - - - 31,365
Cash flows from
activities (million yen) - - - - 12,880
Cash flows from
activities (million yen) - - - - -10,015
Cash and cash
equivalents (end
of year) (million yen) - - - - 57,365
Number of employees - - - 23,526 2,322
Number of - - - - 394
temporary staffs
1. Net sales do not include consumption tax.
2. On May 20, 1999, a 1.5-for-1 stock split was made. Net income per share for
fiscal 2000 is retroactively adjusted for the stock split accordingly.
3. On May 19, 2000, a 2-for-l stock split was made. Considering the stock
split, price earnings ratio for fiscal 2000 is to be 48.23.
(2) Non-consolidated Financial Highlights
Fiscal years ended March 31 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Net sales (million yen) 43,109 55,235 71,984 100,779 130,124
Ordinary income (million yen) 3,245 7,655 5,528 12,918 25,374
Net income (million yen) 3,156 6,004 5,002 5,006 16,236
Total shareholders'
equity (million yen) 8,095 11,892 12,020 13,014 15,793
Number of shares issued
(thousand shares) 33,105 35,625 35,409 36,069 56,868
Net assets (million yen) 30,112 42,972 45,927 51,705 71,154
Total assets (million yen) 69,853 73,852 84,736 103,527 120,859
Net assets per share (yen) 909.59 1,206.23 1,297.03 1,433.51 1,251.21
Cash dividends per share(yen) 17.00 30.00 30.00 43.00 97.00
(Interim dividends (8.50) (11.00) (15.00) (15.00) (45.00)
Net income per share (yen) 95.35 172.89 140.28 141.15 290.26
Diluted net income (yen) 92.22 163.04 132.04 132.99 288.63
per share
Equity ratio (%) 43.1 58.2 54.2 49.9 58.9
Return on equity (%) 11.0 16.4 11.3 10.3 26.4
Price earnings ratio - - - - 24.12
Payout ratio (%) 17.83 17.70 21.25 30.70 33.42
Number of employees 592 591 791 827 938
1. Net sales do not include consumption tax.
2. On May 20, 1999, a 1.5-for-1 stock split was made. Net income per share for
fiscal 2000 is retroactively adjusted for the stock split accordingly.
4.3. On May 19, 2000, a 2-for-1 stock split was made. Considering the stock
split price earnings ratio for fiscal 2000 is to be 48.23.