Immediate Release 10 November 2009
KSK Power Ventur plc
Indian subsidiary opening of Qualified Institutions Placement in India
KSK Power Ventur plc (AIM: KSK.L), the power project company listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange, with interests in multiple power plants across India, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, KSK Energy Ventures Limited ("KSKEV"), the equity shares of which are listed and traded on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited ("NSE") and the Bombay Stock Exchange Limited ("BSE"), has filed with the NSE and BSE today 10 November 2009 the following notice of its Qualified Institutions Placement in India. KSKPV holds 55.24 per cent of the shares of KSKEV:
"The QIP committee of the Board of Directors of KSKEV has, at its meeting held on 10 November 2009 decided to open the proposed issue of equity shares of face value Rs. 10 each of the Company through a qualified institutions placement (the "Issue") in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009, as amended and has also approved a Preliminary Placement Document in respect of the Issue."
For further information please contact:
KSK Power Ventur plc 0091 40 2355 9922
S. Kishore
Arden Partners plc 020 7398 1632
Richard Day / Adrian Trimmings
Buchanan Communications 020 7466 5000
Mark Edwards