Capital Reorganisation
Land Securities PLC
15 July 2002
For immediate release
15 July 2002
On 22 May 2002, Land Securities PLC ('Land Securities' or the 'Company')
announced its intention to return surplus capital of approximately £500
million to Shareholders.
Today Land Securities announces the details of the return to Shareholders.
It is proposed that the Return will be achieved via a Court-approved scheme
of arrangement and subsequent reduction of capital, through the introduction
of a new holding company, Land Securities Group PLC ('Land Securities Group
or the 'New Company').
• Land Securities is proposing to return £541 million of surplus capital to
its shareholders.
• The return of capital represents the equivalent of 102 pence per existing
ordinary share.
• The return is being structured in such a way as to allow all shareholders
to be treated equally, as well as creating additional distributable
• The return is conditional upon the approval of the shareholders of Land
Securities and the High Court.
• For every 8 existing ordinary shares held at 5.00pm on 5 September 2002
shareholders will receive 7 new ordinary shares and 8 B shares.
• Shareholders can choose to have their B shares repaid shortly after the
Scheme of Arrangement becomes effective for 102 pence each in cash and it is
expected that cash will be despatched by 19 September 2002. The next
opportunity to have the B Shares repaid will be 17 April 2003.
• Alternatively they can keep the B shares and receive a dividend at a rate
per annum equal to 70 per cent. of 6 months' LIBOR payable twice yearly.
• Shareholder helpline available from 8:00am to 8:00pm, Monday to Friday (UK
Commenting on the announcement Peter G Birch, Chairman said
'The proposed arrangement for returning capital offers a number of clear
advantages. It ensures our Shareholders are treated equally and have a
choice when to receive their cash. At the same time, it creates additional
distributable reserves which will give Land Securities Group greater ongoing
flexibility as we pursue our strategy to secure enhanced returns from
property while remaining conservatively financed.'
For further information please contact
Land Securities Tel: 020 7413 9000
Emma Denne
Cazenove & Co. Ltd Tel: 020 7588 2828
Duncan Hunter
Richard Cotton
Emma John
UBS Warburg Tel: 020 7606 1066
Tim Guest
Financial Dynamics Tel: 020 7831 3113
Steve Jacobs
Stephanie Highett
Shareholder helpline Tel: 0800 035 2771 (Freephone)
8:00am to 8:00pm, Monday to Friday Tel: +44 20 7864 9081 (outside UK)
(UK time)
Website address
This announcement has been approved for the purposes of section 21 of the
Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 by Cazenove & Co. Ltd of 12
Tokenhouse Yard, London, EC2R 7AN.
Cazenove & Co. Ltd are acting as financial adviser and joint broker to Land
Securities PLC and sponsor and joint broker to Land Securities Group PLC.
UBS Warburg are acting as joint broker.
Notes to Editors
Land Securities is the UK's largest quoted provider of commercial property
and associated property services with investment assets of £7.8 billion as
at 31 March 2002. The Company's investment portfolio is focused on four
areas of the UK property market; Central London shops and offices, shopping
centres, retail warehousing and industrial premises.
In its results for the year to 31 March 2002, Land Securities reported gross
property income of £1.03 billion and a pre-tax profit of £363.5 million.
Over two years ago Land Securities set out a clear strategy aimed at
securing enhanced returns from commercial property. Since that time, the
Group has made significant progress towards implementing this strategy by
refocusing the investment portfolio, expanding the development programme,
acquiring Trillium and subsequently winning new property outsourcing
Land Securities' performance, like that of other asset-backed businesses, is
inextricably linked to its capital structure and Land Securities has been
reviewing this closely. As part of this review, Land Securities concluded
that, notwithstanding the future capital required to fund the development
programme, and a desire to invest significant further sums in Land
Securities Trillium, the Group has more equity capital than it currently
requires. The Board reached this conclusion after taking into account the
Group's credit rating and its desire to maintain a progressive dividend
policy. Land Securities believes that the Group's financial strength will be
an important factor in its ability to win property outsourcing contracts in
the future.
While the Company has in the past bought back shares in the market, and
renewed its authority to do so at this year's AGM, the Board has decided
that the proposed return of capital should be done in such a way as to
create future financial flexibility for the Company and allow the £541
million to be returned to Shareholders without reducing current
distributable reserves.
The Board also wants to create additional distributable reserves which,
among other things, will be available for future distribution to Land
Securities Group Shareholders or to facilitate future transactions at the
discretion of the directors of Land Securities Group.
It is expected that Shareholders will be sent a circular on or by 17 July
2002 setting out details of how this return of capital will be achieved. The
return is dependent on shareholder approval at a Court Meeting and an
Extraordinary General Meeting both of which will be held on the 9 August
Copies of Listing Particulars relating to Land Securities Group, once
approved by the UK Listing Authority and filed at Companies House, will be
available free of charge by contacting the Shareholder helpline (number
below), or alternatively by downloading them from Land Securities' website
( They will also be available from Land Securities'
registered office and will be available, for inspection only, during normal
business hours at the Document Viewing Facility at the Financial Services
Authority, 25 The North Colonnade, Canary Wharf, London E14 5HS.
The Company has established a helpline to answer Shareholder questions on
the telephone number freephone 0800 035 2771 (+44 20 7864 9081 if calling
from outside the UK) from 8.00am to 8.00pm (UK time), Monday to Friday. For
legal reasons the helpline will not be able to provide advice on the merits
of the proposals or to provide legal, financial or taxation advice.
Further details of the return to Shareholders and key dates in the proposed
timetable are attached.
In order to implement the proposals, Land Securities must go through a Court
approved Scheme of Arrangement. This will result in the creation of a new
listed holding company, Land Securities Group, which will become the new
parent company of Land Securities. Following the Scheme of Arrangement, Land
Securities Group will go through a Court approved reduction of capital.
A proportion of the share capital of Land Securities Group will be in the
form of B Shares which Shareholders can elect to have repaid for cash. It is
through the B Shares that the Board intends to return £541 million to
Shareholders, equivalent to 102p per Existing Ordinary Share.
While Shareholders will become shareholders in the new holding company, Land
Securities Group, the new group will have the same business, management team
and strategy as Land Securities currently has.
The Scheme
Under this Court approved scheme, Land Securities Group will be introduced
as the new holding company of Land Securities. As a result of the Scheme,
Shareholders will receive, in exchange for the Existing Ordinary Shares held
at the Scheme Record Time (expected to be 5.00 p.m. on 5 September 2002),
New Ordinary Shares and B Shares on the following basis:
for every 8 Existing Ordinary Shares 7 New Ordinary Shares and 8 B Shares
These New Ordinary Shares and B Shares are in the new holding company, Land
Securities Group.
Application has been made for the New Ordinary Shares and the B Shares to be
admitted to the Official List and to be traded on the London Stock Exchange.
Each Shareholder will own the same proportion of Land Securities Group,
subject to adjustments for fractional entitlements, in the form of New
Ordinary Shares as they do with their Existing Ordinary Shares in Land
Fractional entitlements to New Ordinary Shares will not be allotted to
Shareholders but will be aggregated and sold on their behalf. It is expected
that the proceeds of sale will be sent to them by cheque by 19 September
Timing of cash proceeds
The mechanism for the return has been structured so that Shareholders have
two choices as to when they receive the cash to which their B Shares entitle
them (provided that both Shareholders and the Court approve the proposals).
Under Choice 1, B Shares will be repaid shortly after the Scheme becomes
effective (which is expected to be in September 2002). If Shareholders elect
for Choice 2, they will not receive their cash until they choose to have
their B Shares repaid but, in the meantime, they will receive dividends on
their B Shares.
In summary, the choices available to Shareholders are:
Choice 1: Initial Cash Repayment
to have Land Securities Group repay the B Shares for 102p per B Share in
September 2002 and have the cash sent to them by 19 September 2002; or
Choice 2: Deferred Repayment for Cash
to keep the B Shares and receive a continuing non-cumulative dividend at a
rate per annum equal to 70 per cent. of 6 months' LIBOR* payable
twice-yearly in arrears on the nominal amount of 102p per B Share. Under
Choice 2, Shareholders will have the opportunity to have their B Shares
repaid by Land Securities Group at least twice a year at 102p per B Share.
The next opportunity to have the B Shares repaid will be 17 April 2003.
* LIBOR is the variable interest rate at which banks in London lend to each
other and which may change for reasons beyond Land Securities Group's
control. The LIBOR rate will be taken at the start of the period to which
the dividend relates.
Land Securities Group retains the right to repay all of the B Shares at any
time after the third anniversary of the Scheme Effective Date, or if
earlier, after the number of B Shares remaining in issue falls below 25 per
cent. of the number originally issued.
Reduction of Capital
Shareholder approval is also being sought for a Court approved reduction of
capital of Land Securities Group which is required to implement the
proposals. Under this proposal, the share capital of Land Securities Group
will be reduced by repaying 102p on each B Share held by Shareholders who
elect for Initial Cash Repayment (Choice 1). All B Shares repaid under the
Initial Cash Repayment will be cancelled and will not be re-issued.
In addition, the share capital of Land Securities Group will be further
reduced to create distributable reserves of approximately £3.1 billion by
decreasing the nominal amount of each New Ordinary Share issued pursuant to
the Scheme from 683 pence to 10 pence. These reserves will be available,
first, to enable the New Company to fulfil its obligations in relation to
the B Shares held by the Shareholders who elect for Deferred Repayment for
Cash (Choice 2) without using any of Land Securities' existing distributable
reserves. The balance of these reserves will give Land Securities Group
additional financial flexibility and will be available, among other things,
for future distributions to Land Securities Group Shareholders or to
facilitate future transactions at the discretion of the directors of Land
Securities Group.
Approvals for the proposals
In order to be able to effect the proposals, Shareholder approval for the
Scheme of Arrangement is required. Shareholder approval is needed at both a
Shareholder meeting convened by the Court ('Court Meeting') and at the EGM.
The Scheme also requires the sanction of the Court.
Forms of Proxy will be sent to all Shareholders to enable them to vote.
Alternatively they can vote using the internet.
The Board unanimously recommends Shareholders to vote in favour of
resolutions to be proposed at the Court Meeting and the EGM as the Directors
intend to do so in respect of their beneficial holdings.
The Court Meeting and the EGM will be held on 9 August 2002 at 10:00am and
10:15am respectively at One Silk Street, London EC2Y 8HQ.
Dividend Policy
The directors of Land Securities Group intend to follow a progressive
dividend policy for the New Ordinary Shares that is in line with that
pursued by Land Securities, provided that this remains consistent with the
New Group's ability to fund its medium term business plans.
Current Trading
Land Securities' trading performance since 31 March 2002 has been in line
with expectations. On 22 May 2002, the Company called the Group's
convertible bonds for redemption and it bought £196.8 million nominal of
those bonds in the market for cancellation in the period from 22 May to 20
June 2002. The premium to book value net of tax, will be included as a loss
in the accounts for the year ending 31 March 2003. The Company continues to
seek further opportunities to buy and sell its investment portfolio assets,
taking into account its longer term aim of increasing the relative
contribution of the Total Property Outsourcing and Development business
In summary, the Directors have been advised, for Shareholders resident, or
in the case of individuals, ordinarily resident, in the United Kingdom for
tax purposes holding their shares beneficially and as an investment, that:
a. to the extent that a Shareholder's Existing Ordinary Shares are cancelled in
return for the issue to such Shareholder of New Ordinary Shares and B
Shares, that should generally not be treated as a disposal by the
Shareholder for the purposes of United Kingdom taxation of chargeable gains;
b. the payment of 102p per B Share pursuant to the Initial Cash Repayment will
be treated in the hands of a Shareholder as the proceeds of a disposal for
the purposes of United Kingdom taxation of chargeable gains and such
repayment may give rise to a liability to capital gains tax (or corporation
tax); and
c. the payment of the dividend on the B Shares in the hands of a Shareholder
will generally be treated in the same way as any other dividend paid by Land
Securities Group. The subsequent disposal or repayment of B Shares may give
rise to a liability to capital gains tax (or corporation tax).
Share dealing facility
Land Securities Group is proposing to offer its certificated shareholders,
who are resident in the United Kingdom and who hold a limited number of New
Ordinary Shares, a low-cost share dealing facility for a fixed period after
the Scheme becomes effective. This will enable those Shareholders to sell
their New Ordinary Shares or buy more at a low commission rate per
transaction. Details will be provided to those Shareholders with their New
Ordinary Share certificates.
Posting of documents to Shareholders on or by 17 July
Latest time for receipt of PINK Form of Proxy for the Court Meeting(i) 10.00 a.m. on 7 August
Latest time for receipt of BLUE Form of Proxy for the EGM 10.15 a.m. on 7 August
Voting Record Time for the Court Meeting(ii) 6.00 p.m. on 7 August
Voting Record Time for the EGM(ii) 6.00 p.m. on 7 August
Court Meeting 10.00 a.m. on 9 August
EGM(iii) 10.15 a.m. on 9 August
Court Hearing of the petition to sanction the Scheme 5 September
Last day of dealings in Existing Ordinary Shares(iv) 5 September
Scheme Record Time(iv) 5.00 p.m. on 5 September
Scheme Effective Date(iv) 6 September
Dealings in New Ordinary Shares and B Shares commence on the London Stock 8.00 a.m. on 6 September
Crediting of New Ordinary Shares and B Shares to CREST accounts(v) 6 September
Last time for receipt of USE instructions from CREST Shareholders(v) 4.30 p.m. on 13 September
Last time for receipt of Forms of Election(v) 6.00 p.m. on 13 September
Court Hearing of the petition to confirm the Land Securities Group 16 September
Reduction of Capital(v)
Land Securities Group Reduction of Capital becomes effective(vi) 17 September
Despatch of cheques and proceeds credited to CREST accounts in respect of By 19 September
B Shares for those electing for Initial Cash Repayment (Choice 1) (vi)
Despatch of share certificates for New Ordinary Shares(vi) By 19 September
Despatch of cheques in respect of the sale of fractional entitlements to By 19 September
New Ordinary Shares(vi)
Despatch of share certificates in respect of B Shares for those electing By 20 September
for Deferred Repayment for Cash (Choice 2) (vi)
i. If the PINK Form of Proxy for the Court Meeting is not returned by this time,
it may be handed to the Chairman of the Court Meeting at that meeting.
ii. If either the Court Meeting or the EGM is adjourned, the Voting Record Time
for the adjourned meeting will be 6.00 p.m. on the day which is two days
before the date of the adjourned meeting.
iii. To begin at the time fixed or, if later, immediately following the end, or
adjournment, of the Court Meeting.
iv. These dates are indicative only and will depend, among other things, on the
date on which the Court sanctions the Scheme and when the order is
registered at Companies House.
v. These dates are indicative only and will depend, among other things, on the
date on which the Scheme becomes effective.
vi. These dates will depend, among other things, on the date on which the Scheme
becomes effective and the date on which the Court confirms the Land
Securities Group Reduction of Capital and when the order is registered at
Companies House.
All references to time in this announcement are to London time unless
otherwise stated.
The dates and times given are based on Land Securities' current expectation
and may be subject to change.
- Ends -
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange