Final Results

Latham(James) PLC 16 June 2000 JAMES LATHAM PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY YEAR ENDED 31 MARCH 2000. CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT RESULTS Pre-tax profit for the year is £5,113,000 against £2,204,000 reported for the previous year. This includes a profit of £3,031,000 from the disposal of the Latham Timber & Building Supplies business on 1 November 1999. Turnover on our continuing operations was £77,825,000, compared to £74,036,000. Operating profit from these ongoing businesses of £1,994,000 compared to £2,128,000 has been reduced by non recurring expenditure resulting from changes to the Group during the year. Interest payable has been cut by £214,000. Profit after tax is £4,523,000 compared with £1,552,000 for the previous year, reflecting the profit on disposal of the Latham Timber and Building Supplies business which does not give rise to a tax liability due to the availability of brought forward capital losses. As a result of the profit on disposal and the lower tax charge, basic earnings per Ordinary share are 89.6p compared with 29.7p previously. FINAL DIVIDEND The Board of Directors recommends a final dividend of 8.5p per Ordinary share be paid on 15 August 2000 to Shareholders whose names are on the Register on the close of business on 14 July 2000. The shares will become ex-dividend on 10 July 2000. This represents an increase of lp on the 1999 final dividend per Ordinary share. Together with the special dividend, total dividends per Ordinary share for the year of 22.5p net (11p net in 1999) are covered 4.0 times by earnings (2.7 times in 1999). TRADING YEAR This has been an encouraging and busy year with much change which will give us a solid platform for the future development of the Group. The disposal of Latham Timber and Building Supplies together with the planned move from our site at Clapton, will enable us to take advantage of opportunities that may arise in our core activities and to do so from a strong financial position. Although our trading has generally improved, operating profits have been held back by some non recurring expenditure and an addition to our provision for unfunded pensions. On the trading front Lathams Ltd. has increased sales during a year when the price of many of our products was generally lower. Volumes sold are higher and total gross margin earned has improved. This has lead to some good results from our timber trading. Panel products has sometimes been a difficult market with fluctuating prices and demand varying around the country. Nevill Long has had another good year. This is the first full year of trading from the original five Nevill Long depots together with the three further Soarsett sites acquired in November 1998. Integration has gone well and the benefits have quickly shown up in our improved result. Following the sale of Latham Timber and Building Supplies, the Nevill Long accounting and central administration has relocated to a small office in Milton Keynes. Our balance sheet is strong, showing an increase in Shareholders' Funds of £3,327,000 compared with 1999, and net bank borrowings are now minimal with gearing down to 10% from 32%. This will enable us to select appropriate sites for servicing the South Eastern sector at a time of our own choosing and with minimum disruption to our business. We are currently completing a strategic review of these activities so that we can take full advantage of this opportunity. FUTURE TRADING The market place for our products is encouraging and the current year has started well with sales for April and May from our ongoing businesses 9% ahead of last year. An up to date report on current trading will be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Friday 11 August 2000 and circulated to Shareholders. David R Latham Chairman Enquiries: David Latham, Chairman David Dunmow, Finance Director Pippa Latham, Company Secretary CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 31 March 2000 £000s 2000 1999 Turnover Continuing operations 77,825 74,036 Discontinued operations 8,047 13,713 Total Turnover 85,872 87,749 Cost of sales (71,438) (73,526) Gross profit 14,434 14,223 Distribution costs (6,276) (6,181) Administrative expenses (6,105) (5,770) Other operating income 136 145 (12,245) (11,806) Operating profit Continuing operations 1,994 2,128 Discontinued operations 195 289 Total operating profit 2,189 2,417 Profit on sale of property - 67 Profit on disposal of subsidiary undertaking 3,031 - Share of operating profit in Associates 31 82 Interest receivable and similar income 291 281 Interest payable and similar charges (429) (643) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 5,113 2,204 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (590) (652) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 4,523 1,552 Dividends (including non-equity dividends) (1,196) (625) Retained profit 3,327 927 Basic Earnings per ordinary share 89.6p 29.7p Diluted Earnings per ordinary share 89.0p 29.6p CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31 March 2000 £'000s 2000 1999 Fixed assets Intangible fixed assets 490 517 Tangible fixed assets 4,887 6,214 Investments 639 654 6,016 7,385 Current assets Stocks - goods for resale 12,306 13,711 Debtors 17,220 19,702 Investments 1,467 1,358 Cash at bank and in hand 1,782 115 32,775 34,886 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year (12,335) (18,551) Net current assets 20,440 16,335 Total assets less current liabilities 26,456 23,720 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (1,550) (2,224) Provisions for liabilities and charges Deferred taxation (130) (95) Other provisions (587) (539) Total net assets 24,189 20,862 Represented by: Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,027 6,027 Capital reserve 3 3 Revaluation reserve 149 312 Profit and loss account 18,010 14,520 Shareholders' funds 24,189 20,862 Attributable to equity shareholders 23,202 19,875 Attributable to non-equity shareholders 987 987 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31 March 2000 £'000s 2000 1999 Cash flow from operating activities 1,796 2,874 Dividend received from associate 35 38 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received and similar income 264 270 Interest paid (435) (668) Preference dividend paid (79) (79) Net cash outflow from returns on investments and servicing of finance (250) (477) Taxation (570) (484) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (303) (279) Sale (purchase) of own shares 2 (36) Proceeds of sale of tangible fixed assets and property 31 249 Net cash outflow from capital expenditure and financial investment (270) (66) Acquisitions and disposals 7,524 (1,248) Equity dividends paid (1,067) (496) Cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing 7,198 141 Management of liquid resources Purchase of UK listed investments (82) (52) Financing Bank loans repaid during year (1,166) (667) Short term borrowings (repaid) obtained during the year (1,176) 163 New finance lease and hire purchase agreements - 42 Capital element of finance lease and hire purchase payments (8) (12) Net cash outflow from financing (2,350) (474) Increase (decrease) in cash for the year 4,766 (385) Reconciliation of net cashflow to movement in net debt Increase (decrease) in cash for the year 4,766 (385) Cash outflow from decrease in debt and lease financing 2,350 474 Cash outflow from increase in liquid resources 82 52 Movement in net debt for the year 7,198 141 Net debt at 1 April 1999 (6,555) (6,696) Net cash (debt) at 31 March 2000 643 (6,555)
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