Interim Results

Latham(James) PLC 21 November 2001 UNAUDITED INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30TH SEPTEMBER 2001 Results Pre-tax profits are £1,418,000 against £1,478,000 for the first 6 months of last year. This year's results include a profit of £107,000 realised on the disposal of our 50% interest in G A Day Timber Centres Ltd. Turnover at £42.9 million is 1.9% ahead of last year. Earnings per ordinary share are 19.8p (2000 20.3p). Interim Dividend The Board has declared an interim dividend of 5.0p per Ordinary Share (2000 4.5p) which is covered 4 times (2000 4.5 times). The dividend is payable on 28th January 2002 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 4th January 2002. The ex-dividend date is 2nd January 2002. Lathams Ltd. Lathams Ltd. sales are up 3% but costs have increased slightly due to the opening of 2 new depots at Dudley and Hemel Hempstead and the closure of the mill at Clapton prior to the sale of the site. The initial results from both these new depots, which are leasehold, are encouraging. It is anticipated they will reach breakeven point earlier than budgeted. Nevill Long Ltd. The profit achieved by Nevill Long Ltd. was similar to last year, albeit on 3% less turnover. Trading in their sector of the building trade has become more difficult since June 2001. Relocation from Clapton The head office and accounts department relocated to Hemel Hempstead in June 2001. Part of the panel products trading operation has also transferred there. At the end of October 2001 we purchased, for £2.3 million, a 2.8 acre site with warehousing and offices at Purfleet, Essex. Payment for this site will be phased over 2 years. After additional warehousing has been constructed, it is anticipated the Clapton timber department will relocate there in the middle of 2002. Meanwhile, we are continuing to search for a suitable site to the east of London to which we can transfer the remainder of the Clapton panel products department. Planning Consent At the end of October 2001 we submitted, jointly with Countryside Properties plc, a planning application to the London Borough of Hackney for redevelopment of our premises at Clapton. The proposal is for a mixed development of private residential properties, affordable housing, work/live units and industrial premises. Until the exact nature of the planning consent is known, it is impossible to put an accurate value on the site. Pension Scheme The James Latham Group final salary pension scheme has been closed to new entrants. In the long term, we believe this will protect the Company from the risk posed by the vagaries of funding a defined benefit scheme. A Stakeholder scheme has been established. Current & Future Trading The Company achieved excellent sales for the month of October 2001. This, in part, reflects the opening of the 2 new depots. Our wide customer base is generally busy, but in view of the uncertainty over the economy, it remains to be seen how long this will continue. Roger J Latham Group Chairman 21st November 2001 JAMES LATHAM PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the six months to 30 September 2001 Six months Six months Year to 31 to 30 Sept. to 30 Sept. March 2001 2001 2000 audited unaudited unaudited £000 £000 £000 Turnover 42,891 42,084 83,008 Cost of sales (including (35,771) (35,194) (68,651) warehouse costs) Gross profit 7,120 6,890 14,357 Distribution costs (3,049) (2,799) (5,859) Administrative expenses (2,782) (2,631) (5,470) Other operating income 69 57 132 (5,762) (5,373) (11,197) Operating profit 1,358 1,517 3,160 Profit on disposal of associated 107 - - undertaking Share of profits of associated 10 22 (5) undertakings Net interest (57) (61) (129) Profit on ordinary activities 1,418 1,478 3,026 before taxation Tax on profit on ordinary (387) (430) (942) activities Profit on ordinary activities 1,031 1,048 2,084 after taxation Dividends - preference (39) (39) (79) - ordinary (250) (222) (725) Retained profit 742 787 1,280 Earnings per ordinary share 19.8p 20.3p 40.1p Notes 1. The results for the six months ended 30 September 2001 and 30 September 2000 are unaudited and prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2001. The results for the year ended 31 March 2001 are extracted from the statutory accounts, on which the auditors issued an unqualified report, and which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 2. The directors have declared an interim dividend of 5.0p per ordinary share which will absorb £252,000 (2000: 4.50p absorbing £226,800), payable on 28 January 2002 to shareholders on the Register at the close of business on 4 January 2002. The ex-dividend date is 2 January 2002. This dividend is accrued in the above figures. 3. Copies of this statement will be sent to all shareholders and will also be available on written application to the Company Secretary, James Latham plc, Unit 3 Swallow Park, Finway Road Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP2 7QU. 4. The Group had no recognised gains or losses for the six months to 30 September 2001 other than the results shown above. JAMES LATHAM PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 September 2001 As at 30 As at 30 As at 31 Sept. 2001 Sept. 2000 March 2001 unaudited unaudited audited £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible fixed assets 451 477 464 Tangible fixed assets 5,303 4,836 4,788 Investments 424 534 536 6,178 5,847 5,788 Current assets Stocks - goods for resale 15,236 13,156 13,271 Debtors 20,926 19,380 17,888 Investments 1,143 1,507 1,177 Cash at bank and in hand 574 206 2,469 37,879 34,249 34,805 Creditors: amounts falling due (16,497) (13,238) (13,556) within one year Net current assets 21,382 21,011 21,249 Total assets less current 27,560 26,858 27,037 liabilities Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year (625) (1,188) (867) Provisions for liabilities and charges (724) (694) (701) Total net assets 26,211 24,976 25,469 Represented by: Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,027 6,027 6,027 Capital reserve 3 3 3 Revaluation reserve 149 149 149 Profit and loss account 20,032 18,797 19,290 Shareholders' funds 26,211 24,976 25,469 Attributable to equity 25,224 23,989 24,477 shareholders Attributable to non-equity 987 987 987 shareholders JAMES LATHAM PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the six months to 30 September 2001 Six months Six months Year to 31 to 30 Sept. to 30 Sept. March 2001 2001 2000 audited unaudited unaudited £000 £000 £000 Cash flow from operating (2,339) (1,226) 2,915 activities Dividend received from associate 7 17 28 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received and similar income 120 80 170 Interest paid (67) (127) (202) Preference dividend paid (39) (39) (79) Net cash outflow from returns on 14 (86) (111) investments and servicing of finance Taxation (385) (180) (623) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (625) (87) (132) (Purchase) sale of own shares (39) 78 34 Proceeds of sale of tangible 2 20 27 fixed assets and property Net cash outflow from capital (662) 11 (71) expenditure and financial investment Acquisitions and disposals 255 Equity dividends paid (502) (422) (649) Cash inflow before use of liquid (3,612) (1,886) 1,489 resources and financing Management of liquid resources (Purchase) sale of UK listed (64) 42 200 investments Financing Bank loans repaid during year (333) (333) (667) Short term borrowings obtained 100 250 during the year Capital element of finance lease and hire (12) (24) purchase payments Net cash outflow from financing (233) (95) (691) (Decrease) increase in cash for (3,909) (1,939) 998 the period Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt (Decrease) increase in cash for (3,909) (1,939) 998 the period Cash outflow from decrease in 233 95 691 debt and lease financing Cash outflow (inflow) from 64 (42) (200) increase in liquid resources Movement in net debt for the year (3,612) (1,886) 1,489 Net funds (debt) at 1 April 2001 2,132 643 643 Net (debt) funds at 30 September 2001 (1,480) (1,243) 2,132
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