Issue of Bonds

LAW DEBENTURE CORPORATION PLC 10 September 1999 ISSUE OF £40 MILLION GUARANTEED SECURED BONDS 2034 The Directors of The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. ('Law Debenture') announce that it is issuing, through its subsidiary Law Debenture Finance p.l.c., £40 million of Guaranteed Secured Bonds 2034 (the 'Bonds'). The issue is being managed by Warburg Dillon Read. The Bonds will be secured by a floating charge over the whole of Law Debenture's assets. The charge will rank second in point of security to the £350,000 4.5 per cent Debenture Stock until the latter debenture is repaid on 1 December 1999. The Bonds will carry a coupon of 6.125% to be payable by equal half-yearly instalments on 12 April and 12 October, and have been issued at a price (the 'Issue Price') of 98.61%. The gross redemption yield at the Issue Price is 6.223%, equating to a margin of 145 basis points over the yield on the 6 per cent Treasury Stock 2028 at the time of pricing. The first payment of interest will be on 12 April 2000. The closing date for the issue will be 12 October 1999. The Bonds will be available in both bearer eurobond and domestic registered form. Application has been made to the London Stock Exchange for the Bonds to be admitted to the Official List. It is expected that official dealings in the Bonds will commence at 8.30 a.m. on 13 October 1999. The Chairman, John Kennedy commented: 'In the view of Law Debenture, long dated gilt yields have fallen to anomalously low levels by current international standards. The after tax cost of these bonds to Law Debenture is below 4.35% per annum on present assumptions, and we are confident that locking in borrowing at this level constitutes an excellent opportunity to enhance long term shareholder returns. The ability to gear the balance sheet in this way is one of the major advantages of the investment trust structure over other savings vehicles. ' For further information, please contact: Christopher Duffett Law Debenture: 020 7696 5232 Frank Kennedy Warburg Dillon Read: 020 7567 4458
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