Interim Results
Leeds Group PLC
19 May 2004
Issued by Leeds Group plc
Date: Wednesday, 19th May 2004
Immediate Release
Leeds Group plc
Interim Results for the six months ended 31st March 2004
Operating profit for the Group's continuing operations in the six months ended
31 March 2004 amounted to £769,000 (2003: £944,000). A segmental analysis is
shown as Note 4 to this Interim Report. Although operating profit grew by a
satisfactory 17% in the Hemmers-Itex Division, in Leeds Leasing the lower
average yields at which new business has been written over the past twelve
months have resulted in an operating profit reduction of 28%. The increase in
Central costs reflects an exchange loss of £66,000 crystallised on the partial
repayment by Hemmers-Itex of a Group loan.
Group profit before tax and exceptionals in the period was £409,000, a reduction
of £465,000 from last year's level of £874,000 which included £314,000
attributable to discontinued businesses and interest of approximately £80,000
earned on the monies returned to shareholders as a Special Capital Payment in
August 2003.
The exceptional costs of £1,586,000 represent a provision against amounts
receivable in connection with a business divested in 2002. The Directors remain
optimistic that some of this will be recovered, although the amount and timing
of any such recovery is uncertain at this time. After exceptional costs, the
Group loss before tax was £1,177,000 (2003: loss £11,958,000).
The Directors have not recommended an interim dividend, but will consider the
resumption of dividend payments in the light of the Group's performance in the
second half of the year and the developments referred to below.
Outlook and strategy
In the three years ended September 2002, the value of the Leeds Leasing book
tripled. Changes in the competitive environment have meant that the book today
remains at the September 2002 level and to achieve that, we have entered sectors
where yields are lower than our traditional core areas.
Leeds Leasing and Hemmers-Itex remain sound and attractive businesses. However,
the Board has concluded that they are unlikely to achieve the critical mass
required to support the costs of a public listing and provide attractive returns
to shareholders in an acceptable timescale. Therefore as we indicated in our
trading update issued on 29 April 2004 the Board has concluded that shareholder
value is likely to be maximised through a disposals process.
Accordingly, the Directors have been engaged in discussions concerning a
possible offer for the Group. Although those discussions have now been
terminated, the Directors remain in discussions with a number of other parties
who have expressed an interest in acquiring one or other of the Group's two
Bill Cran, who joined the Board as Chairman in February 2002, resigned on 29
April 2004 in order to avoid any conflict as he has indicated that he wishes to
pursue an interest in acquiring Leeds Leasing. We are grateful to Bill for his
support and guidance during his years as Chairman.
Finally, I am grateful for the hard work of all our employees. Although the
developments I have outlined clearly cause uncertainty and doubt in their minds,
I am pleased to see a positive response and a continued commitment to our
businesses, irrespective of their future ownership.
We will continue to keep shareholders updated.
Malcolm Wilson, Group Managing Director
Dawn Bowler, Group Finance Director Fiona Tooley
Leeds Group plc Citigate Dewe Rogerson Ltd
Tel: 0113 391 9000 Tel: 0121 455 8370
Leeds Group plc
Interim Results
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Six months Six months Twelve months
to to to
31st March 31st March 30th September
2004 2003 2003
£000 £000 £000
---------- ---------- -----------
operations 8,130 8,358 16,903
operations - 8,194 8,194
---------- ---------- -----------
8,130 16,552 25,097
Cost of sales (4,887) (11,791) (17,119)
---------- ---------- -----------
Gross profit 3,243 4,761 7,978
costs (327) (653) (979)
expenses (2,147) (2,720) (5,437)
Operating profit
---------- ---------- -----------
operations 769 944 1,795
operations - 444 444
------ ------ ------
769 1,388 2,239
items - - (677)
---------- ---------- -----------
769 1,388 1,562
Loss on sale
or termination
of a (1,586) (12,832) (12,832)
business operation
---------- ---------- -----------
Loss on
interest (817) (11,444) (11,270)
Net interest
payable (360) (514) (837)
---------- ---------- -----------
Loss on
taxation (1,177) (11,958) (12,107)
Taxation (215) (73) (81)
---------- ---------- -----------
loss (1,392) (12,031) (12,188)
========== ========== ===========
Earnings/(loss) per share
items 0.5 p 2.2 p 3.1 p
items (4.3)p (35.1)p (36.4)p
---------- ---------- -----------
items (3.8)p (32.9)p (33.3)p
========== ========== ===========
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Loss for the
period (1,392) (12,031) (12,188)
differences (222) 427 536
---------- ---------- -----------
gains and
losses for the
period (1,614) (11,604) (11,652)
========== ========== ===========
Leeds Group plc
Interim Results
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at As at As at
31st March 31st March 30th September
2004 2003 2003
£000 £000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 969 1,091 1,067
Tangible assets 617 437 582
---------- --------- -----------
1,586 1,528 1,649
Current assets
Stocks 3,605 3,746 3,820
---------- --------- -----------
Debtors 4,310 6,448 6,350
Deferred taxation 1,105 1,130 1,245
Finance lease debtors 18,409 18,196 18,014
---------- --------- -----------
Total debtors 23,824 25,774 25,609
Cash at bank and in hand 1,336 8,359 529
---------- --------- -----------
28,765 37,879 29,958
Creditors: amounts falling
due within one year (12,732) (15,981) (12,591)
---------- --------- -----------
Net current assets 16,033 21,898 17,367
Of which:
---------- --------- -----------
due within one year 4,999 9,597 4,691
due after more than one year 11,034 12,301 12,676
---------- --------- -----------
---------- --------- -----------
Total assets less current
liabilities 17,619 23,426 19,016
Creditors: amounts falling
due after more than one
year (5,830) (5,217) (5,613)
---------- --------- -----------
Net assets 11,789 18,209 13,403
========== ========= ===========
Share capital and reserves:
Called up equity share
capital 4,392 9,150 4,392
Share premium account - 15,832 -
Profit and loss account 7,397 (6,773) 9,011
---------- --------- -----------
Equity shareholders' funds 11,789 18,209 13,403
========== ========= ===========
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Unrecovered loss for the
period (1,392) (12,031) (12,188)
Special capital payment - - (4,758)
Goodwill written back - 7,875 7,875
Foreign currency translation
differences (222) 427 536
---------- --------- -----------
Net transfer from
shareholders' funds (1,614) (3,729) (8,535)
Shareholders' funds at
beginning of the period 13,403 21,938 21,938
---------- --------- -----------
Shareholders' funds at end of
the period 11,789 18,209 13,403
========== ========= ===========
Leeds Group plc
Interim Results
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Six months Six months Twelve months
to to to
31st March 31st March 30th September
2004 2003 2003
£000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 1,426 1,858 1,505
Returns on
investments and
servicing of finance (329) (514) (837)
Taxation 58 765 708
Capital expenditure
and financial
investment (54) 455 293
Acquisitions and
disposals (483) (500) (500)
---------- ---------- ------------
Net cash inflow
before financing 618 2,064 1,169
Special capital
payment - - (4,758)
Financing 253 (1,721) (1,643)
---------- ---------- ------------
in cash in the period 871 343 (5,232)
========== ========== ============
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
in cash in the period 871 343 (5,232)
Cash (outflow)/inflow
from debt and lease
financing (253) 1,721 1,643
---------- ---------- ------------
Change in net debt
resulting from cash
flows 618 2,064 (3,589)
Net debt disposed of
with subsidiary - 5,408 5,408
difference 63 (648) (685)
---------- ---------- ------------
Movement in net debt
in the period 681 6,824 1,134
Net debt at the
beginning of the
period (14,061) (15,195) (15,195)
---------- ---------- ------------
Net debt at the end
of the period (13,380) (8,371) (14,061)
========== ========== ============
Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flows
Operating profit 769 1,388 1,562
Depreciation and
amortisation of fixed
assets 105 236 312
Amortisation of
goodwill 46 57 106
(Profit)/loss on sale
of tangible fixed
assets - (3) 4
Decrease in stocks 411 1,395 1,427
in debtors 279 (1,492) (1,315)
in creditors 211 138 (912)
in finance lease
debtors (395) 139 321
---------- ---------- ------------
Net cash inflow from
operating activities 1,426 1,858 1,505
========== ========== ============
Leeds Group plc
Interim Results
Notes to the accounts
1. The interim results, which are not audited, have been prepared on the basis
of the accounting policies set out in the 2003 Annual Report. The figures for
the year ended 30th September 2003 have been abridged from the Group's full
accounts, which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and on which the
Company's auditors gave an unqualified report.
2. Earnings per share have been calculated on an average of 36,598,603 (2003:
36,598,603) ordinary shares of 12p (2003: 25p) in issue during the period.
3. A provision of £1.6m has been made in these interim accounts in respect of
amounts payable by Langholm Dyeing Company Limited, who in January 2002 acquired
the Group's UK Dyeing Division for £4.5m in cash and £1.6m in loan notes. The
provision has been disclosed on the face of the profit and loss account as loss
on sale of a business operation.
4. The table below sets out a segmental analysis of the Group's operations.
Turnover Profit before taxation
and exceptional items
Six Six Twelve Six Six Twelve
months months months months months months
to to to to to to
31st 31st 30th 31st 31st 30th
March March September March March September
2004 2003 2003 2004 2003 2003
£000 £000 £000 £000 £000 £000
Leeds Leasing 1,622 1,696 3,373 535 740 1,356
Hemmers-Itex 6,508 6,662 13,530 539 461 883
Central costs - - - (305) (257) (444)
operations 8,130 8,358 16,903 769 944 1,795
in 2003 - 8,194 8,194 - 444 444
8,130 16,552 25,097 769 1,388 2,239
Leasing (400) (420) (801)
Hemmers-Itex (67) (184) (275)
Other 107 220 369
operations - (130) (130)
(360) (514) (837)
409 874 1,402
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange