IFRS & EEV Restatement 311204
Legal & General Group PLC
24 May 2005
Part B
Legal & General Group Plc
IFRS financial information
Consolidated Summary Income Statement (operating profit basis)* 1
Notes to the Consolidated Summary Income Statement
(operating profit basis)* 2
Consolidated Income Statement 3
Consolidated Balance Sheet 4
Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 5
Notes to the IFRS financial information 6
Reconciliation of Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2004 6
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 7
Analysis of adjustments to the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 8
Notes to the reconciliation of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement 9
Basis of preparation 13
Accounting policies 14
Opening Consolidated Balance Sheet 21
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet as at 1 January 2004 21
Analysis of adjustments to the Balance Sheet as at 1 January 2004 22
Auditors' report 23
* The summary income statement and corresponding notes do not form part of
the audited IFRS financial information for 31 December 2004.
Part B P1
Legal & General Group Plc
Consolidated Summary Income Statement
Year ended 31 December 2004
Notes IFRS As
£m £m
Profit from continuing operations
Life and pensions 1 488 466
Institutional fund management 69 69
General insurance 32 32
Other operational income 22 34
------ ------
Operating profit from continuing
operations 611 601
Profit from discontinuing
operations 7 7
------ ------
Operating profit 618 608
Variation from longer term
investment return 37 32
Change in equalisation provision 0 (7)
Shareholder retained capital
(SRC) movement 2 (20) 13
Property income attributable to
minorities 32 -
------ ------
Profit before tax 667 646
Tax (184) (182)
------ ------
Profit for the period 483 464
Minority interests 3 (32) -
------ ------
Profit attributable to equity
holders 451 464
====== ======
Basic earnings per share p p
Based on operating profit after
tax 6.79 6.75
Based on profit for the year 6.96 7.15
Diluted earnings per share
Based on operating profit after
tax 6.70 6.61
Based on profit for the year 6.87 7.00
This presentation of the Group's profit for the period summarises the Group's
results included in the Consolidated Income Statement shown on page 3 of this
announcement. The operating profit represents the Directors' view of the
underlying performance of the Group on an IFRS basis. For life and pensions and
general insurance business, the operating profit is based on a long term
investment return. This summary and the corresponding notes on page 2 do not
form part of the audited IFRS financial information for 31 December 2004.
In this IFRS Consolidated Summary Income Statement only the element of total
income tax attributable to equity holders' profits is shown explicitly as income
tax, the balance being included within expenses. Total tax is included in the
Consolidated Income Statement on page 3 and further information on the
apportionment of income tax is contained within the accounting policy for income
taxes on page 18.
Part B P2
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the Consolidated Summary Income Statement
Year ended 31 December 2004
1. Gross insurance premiums and operating profit
As As
reported reported
Premiums Operating Premiums Operating
written profit written profit
£m £m £m £m
Life and pensions
- With-profits business 686 67 1,414 67
- Non profit business 2,010 324 3,931 324
------ ------ ------- ------
UK 2,696 391 5,345 391
USA 308 58 294 55
Netherlands 182 39 191 20
France 204 0 213 0
------ ------ ------- ------
3,390 488 6,043 466
====== ====== ======= ======
UK life and pension premiums written have decreased as investment contract
premiums are excluded from the income statement.
2. Change in SRC
£m £m
Investment income 60 60
Interest expense and charges (2) (2)
Realised investment gains 100 100
Unrealised investment appreciation 51 51
------ ------
Investment return on SRC 209 209
Net capital released from
non-profit business 95 128
Distribution of operating
profit from non-profit business (324) (324)
------ ------
SRC movement before equity holder tax included
in the income statement (20) 13
====== =====
SRC at 1 January 2,214 2,212
SRC movement before equity holder tax included
in the income statement (20) 13
Equity holder tax credit 19 8
----- ------
SRC movement after equity holder tax (1) 21
SRC movement included in the statement of
recognised income and expenditure (17) -
------ ------
SRC at end of year 2,196 2,233
====== ======
3. Minority interests
Minority interests represent the share of profit relating to investments
included in the consolidated balance sheet that are owned by third parties.
Part B P3
Legal & General Group Plc
Consolidated Income Statement
Year ended 31 December 2004
Gross written premiums 3,714
Outward reinsurance premiums (356)
Net change in provision for unearned premiums (9)
Net earned premiums 3,349
Fees from fund management and investment contracts 296
Net investment return 13,590
Other operating income 4
Total revenue 17,239
Claims and change in insurance liabilities 4,298
Reinsurance recoveries (17)
Change in provisions for investment contract liabilities 9,789
Acquisition costs 837
Finance costs 114
Other expenses 482
Transfers to the unallocated divisible surplus 964
Total expenses 16,467
Profit before income tax 772
Income tax attributable to policyholder returns (116)
Profit before income tax from continuing operations 656
Total income tax expense :(298):
Less income tax attributable to policyholder returns : 116 :
Income tax attributable to the equity holders
of the company (182)
Profit for the year from continuing operations 474
Profit for the year from discontinuing operations 9
Profit on ordinary activities after income tax 483
Minority interests (32)
Profit on ordinary activities after income tax
attributable to equity holders of the company 451
Dividend distributions to equity holders of the
company during the year 321
Earnings per share for profit attributable to the equity holders
of the company during the year
Basic 6.96
Diluted 6.87
Part B P4
Legal & General Group Plc
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 31 December 2004
£m £m
Purchased interests in long term business 24 24
Property, plant and equipment 23 23
Investment property 4,903 3,741
Financial investments 139,866 34,595
Assets held to cover linked liabilities - 108,297
Reinsurers' share of contract provisions 2,977 2,977
Deferred acquisition costs 1,072 800
Income tax recoverable 20 -
Other debtors 996 1,111
Non-current assets held for sale 733 -
Cash and cash equivalents 2,992 67
------ ------
Total assets 153,606 151,635
======= =======
Share capital 163 163
Share premium account 907 907
Treasury shares (27) (13)
Other reserves 34 -
Retained earnings 2,594 2,319
------ ------
Equity attributable to shareholders 3,671 3,376
Minority interests 214 -
------ ------
Total equity 3,885 3,376
======= =======
Technical provisions (including linked liabilities) - 139,534
Participating insurance contracts 12,388 -
Participating investment contracts 6,863 -
Unallocated divisible surplus 1,559 2,456
Non-participating value of in-force business (434) -
Participating contract liabilities 20,376
Non-participating insurance contracts : 20,912: -
Non-participating investment contracts :103,281: -
Non-participating contract liabilities 124,193 -
Borrowings 1,846 1,788
Provisions 503 -
Deferred income 238 -
Deferred tax liabilities 295 206
Income tax liabilities 79 123
Other creditors 982 4,152
Net asset value attributable to unitholders 575 -
Non-current liabilities held for sale 634 -
------ ------
Total liabilities 149,721 148,259
======= =======
Total equity and liabilities 153,606 151,635
Part B P5
Legal & General Group Plc
Statement of Recognised Income and Expense
Year ended 31 December 2004
Fair value losses on cash flow hedges (4)
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations (9)
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension scheme (43)
Actuarial losses on defined benefit pension scheme transferred to
unallocated divisible surplus 17
Net change in available-for-sale investments (2)
Net expense recognised directly in equity (41)
Profit for the year after income tax 483
Dividends (321)
Total recognised income and expense for the year 121
Minority interests (32)
Attributable to equity holders of the company 89
Part B P6
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Reconciliation of Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2004
after tax
Notes Revenue Expenses interests
£m £m £m
As reported under UK GAAP (MSSB) 35,295 34,581 464
Investments valuation (ii) 30 10 10
Accounting for investment contracts (iii) (38) (35) (18)
Claims equalisation provision (v) - (7) 5
Accounting for pension obligations (vi) - 9 (1)
Convertible debt accounting (vii) 5 13 (7)
Consolidation of additional
entities (viii) 45 17 32
Investment contracts
- deposit accounting (ix) (17,911) (17,911) -
Other adjustments (x) (48) (78) (2)
Amounts classified as discontinuing (139) (132) -
------ ------ ------
As reported under IFRS 17,239 16,467 483
====== ======
Minority interests (32)
Attributed to equity holders 451
Part B P7
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004
UK GAAP Adjust-
(MSSB) ments IFRS
£m £m £m
Investment property 3,741 1,162 4,903
Financial investments 34,595 105,271 139,866
Assets held to cover linked liabilities 108,297 (108,297) -
Reinsurers' share of contract provisions 2,977 - 2,977
Deferred acquisition costs 800 272 1,072
Income tax recoverable - 20 20
Other assets 1,158 (115) 1,043
Non-current assets held for sale - 733 733
Cash and cash equivalents 67 2,925 2,992
------- ------ ------
151,635 1,971 153,606
======= ====== =======
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 3,376 295 3,671
Minority interests - 214 214
Technical provisions 139,534 (139,534) -
Participating insurance contracts - 12,388 12,388
Participating investment contracts - 6,863 6,863
Unallocated divisible surplus 2,456 (897) 1,559
Non-participating value of in-force business - (434) (434)
Non-participating insurance contracts - 20,912 20,912
Non-participating investment contracts - 103,281 103,281
Borrowings 1,788 58 1,846
Provisions - 503 503
Deferred income - 238 238
Deferred tax liabilities 206 88 294
Income tax liabilities 123 (44) 79
Other creditors 4,152 (3,169) 983
Net asset value attributable
to unitholders - 575 575
Non-current liabilities held for sale - 634 634
------ ------ ------
151,635 1,971 153,606
Part B P8
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Analysis of adjustments to the Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004
Dividend Investment investment
recognition valuation contracts
(Note i) (Note ii) (Note iii)
£m £m £m
Investment property - - -
Financial investments - (51) -
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - - -
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs - - 214
Income tax recoverable - - -
Other assets - (12) -
Non-current assets held for sale - - -
Cash and cash equivalents - - -
- (63) 214
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 224 44 44
Minority interests - - -
Technical provisions - - -
Participating insurance contracts - 12 -
Participating investment contracts - - -
Unallocated divisible surplus - (88) 57
Non-participating value of
in-force business - - -
Non-participating insurance contracts - (25) -
Non-participating investment contracts - (30) (158)
Borrowings - - -
Provisions - - -
Deferred income - - 238
Deferred tax liabilities - 26 33
Income tax liabilities - - -
Other creditors (224) (2) -
Net asset value attributable to unitholders - - -
Non-current liabilities held for sale - - -
- (63) 214
Participating Claims for
contract equalisation pension
liabilities provision obligations
(Note iv) (Note v) (Note vi)
£m £m £m
Investment property - - -
Financial investments - - -
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - - -
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs (14) - -
Income tax recoverable - - -
Other assets - - -
Non-current assets held for sale - - -
Cash and cash equivalents - - -
(14) - -
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity - 36 (67)
Minority interests - - -
Technical provisions - - -
Participating insurance contracts 1,026 - -
Participating investment contracts 218 - -
Unallocated divisible surplus (824) - (44)
Non-participating value of
in-force business (434) - -
Non-participating insurance contracts - (53) (344)
Non-participating investment contracts - - -
Borrowings - - -
Provisions - - 503
Deferred income - - -
Deferred tax liabilities - 16 (48)
Income tax liabilities - - -
Other creditors - 1 -
Net asset value attributable to unitholders - - -
Non-current liabilities held for sale - - -
(14) - -
Convertible of
debt additional Other
accounting entities adjustments
(Note vii) (Note viii) (Note x)
£m £m £m
Investment property - 154 1,008
Financial investments - 501 104,821
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - - (108,297)
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs - - 72
Income tax recoverable - - 20
Other assets - 42 (145)
Non-current assets held for sale - 733 -
Cash and cash equivalents - 102 2,823
- 1,532 302
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 15 (14) 13
Minority interests - 206 8
Technical provisions - - (139,534)
Participating insurance contracts - - 11,350
Participating investment contracts - - 6,645
Unallocated divisible surplus - - 2
Non-participating value of
in-force business - - -
Non-participating insurance contracts - - 21,334
Non-participating investment contracts - - 103,469
Borrowings (27) 67 18
Provisions - - -
Deferred income - - -
Deferred tax liabilities 8 - 53
Income tax liabilities - - (44)
Other creditors 4 64 (3,012)
Net asset value attributable to unitholders - 575 -
Non-current liabilities held for sale - 634 -
- 1,532 302
Investment property 1,162
Financial investments 105,271
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities (108,297)
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions -
Deferred acquisition costs 272
Income tax recoverable 20
Other assets (115)
Non-current assets held for sale 733
Cash and cash equivalents 2,925
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 295
Minority interests 214
Technical provisions (139,534)
Participating insurance contracts 12,388
Participating investment contracts 6,863
Unallocated divisible surplus (897)
Non-participating value of
in-force business (434)
Non-participating insurance contracts 20,912
Non-participating investment contracts 103,281
Borrowings 58
Provisions 503
Deferred income 238
Deferred tax liabilities 88
Income tax liabilities (44)
Other creditors (3,169)
Net asset value attributable to unitholders 575
Non-current liabilities held for sale 634
Part B P9
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Notes to the reconciliation of the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2004, at
1 January 2004 and reconciliation of Income Statement for 2004
The UK GAAP balance sheet has been presented in a format consistent with
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). No changes have been made to
the previously reported numbers for UK GAAP and the analyses of the adjustments
are based on UK GAAP as at 31 December 2004.
(i) Dividend recognition
Under UK GAAP dividends are accrued in the period to which they relate
irrespective of when they are declared or approved. Under International
Accounting Standard (IAS) 10, 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date' dividends
are only accrued when declared and appropriately approved. This has resulted in
an increase in shareholders' equity of £224m at 31 December 2004 (1 January
2004: £216m).
(ii) Investments valuation
Under UK GAAP the investments of Legal & General Group Plc and its subsidiaries
(Group) are measured at current value with gains and losses reflected in the
income statement with the exception of some overseas investments which are held
at amortised cost. Under IAS 39, 'Financial Instruments: Recognition and
Measurement' the use of amortised cost is restricted and therefore all of the
Group's investments will be valued at fair value. IAS 39 requires fair value for
listed investments to be calculated on a bid basis rather than the mid basis
used for some of the Group's assets under UK GAAP. This change in valuation is
largely offset by a corresponding change to the technical provisions and the
unallocated divisible surplus (referred to as the fund for future appropriations
under UK GAAP). The net impact is an increase in shareholders' equity of £16m as
at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £6m). Profit after tax increases by £10m
for the year ended 31 December 2004.
Under IFRS the movement in fair value of investments is recognised in the income
statement except for assets classified as available-for-sale (AFS). Changes in
the fair value of AFS assets, other than related impairment and foreign exchange
gains and losses, are recognised in a separate component of equity within other
A number of the Group's overseas contracts do not contain discretionary
participating features as defined by IFRS 4, 'Insurance Contracts'. Gains and
losses on assets backing these contracts which were previously recognised in
the fund for future appropriations under UK GAAP must now be recognised in
shareholders' equity under IFRS. These adjustments have resulted in an increase
to shareholders' equity of £28m as at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £30m).
(iii) Accounting for investment contracts
Product classification
Under UK GAAP all contracts written by an insurance company are accounted for on
a similar basis irrespective of whether there has been a transfer of significant
insurance risk. Under IFRS 4 products must be classified for accounting purposes
as either insurance contracts, participating investment contracts or
non-participating investment contracts.
Accounting for non-participating investment contracts
Under UK GAAP the liability under unit linked contracts is measured by reference
to the market value of the underlying linked assets plus a prudential regulatory
reserve. All of the Group's non-participating investment contracts are unit
Under IFRS these liabilities must be valued at amortised cost. However, the
Group has applied guidance issued by the UK's Accounting Standards Board (ASB).
This clarifies that UK insurance companies are able to continue to measure
liabilities arising from unit linked investment contracts by reference to the
value of the underlying units, assets, share index or reference value and take
changes in that value through the income statement. Consequently, under IFRS the
unit linked liability is calculated at current value but excludes any prudential
reserves. This has resulted in an increase in shareholders' equity of £56m as at
31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £65m). Profit after tax decreases by £9m for
the year ended 31 December 2004.
Revenue and expenses for investment contracts are recognised in accordance with
IAS 18, 'Revenue'. Under IAS 18, revenue arising from investment
contracts must be recognised as services are provided over the life of the
contract and, while only directly attributable incremental acquisition costs are
deferred, the introduction of IFRS significantly extends the range of investment
contracts where this deferral is appropriate. Also, under IFRS, an explicit
deferred income liability is recognised for any front end fees received which
relate to services to be provided in future periods. Under UK GAAP no such
liability is recognised as front end fees are recognised when received. The net
impact of these adjustments is a decrease in shareholders' equity of £12m as at
31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £3m). Profit after tax decreases by £9m for
the year ended 31 December 2004.
Part B P10
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
(iv) Participating contract liabilities
Under IFRS, participating contract liabilities are measured using accounting
policies consistent with those adopted previously under existing accounting
practices. In the UK, the Group has adopted Financial Reporting Standard (FRS)
27 'Life Assurance' which was issued by the ASB in December 2004.
Under FRS 27 participating contract liabilities are determined on a realistic
basis. This has resulted in an increase in participating contract liabilities of
£810m and a reduction in deferred acquisition costs of £14m at 31 December 2004.
A corresponding amount has been deducted from the unallocated divisible surplus
in accordance with FRS 27. There is no impact on shareholders' equity or profit
as a result of this change.
(v) Claims equalisation provision
Under UK GAAP an equalisation provision is recognised in the individual accounts
of general insurance companies to reduce the volatility in results arising from
exceptional levels of claims in certain classes of business. Under IFRS, such
provisions are not permitted as no liability exists at the balance sheet date.
Elimination of the claims equalisation provision results in an increase in
shareholders' equity of £36m at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £31m), and an
increase of £5m to profit after tax for the year ended 31 December 2004.
(vi) Accounting for pensions obligations
Under IAS 19, 'Employee Benefits' the defined benefit pension obligation is
recognised in the Group's consolidated balance sheet. The amount recognised is
the present value of the defined benefit obligation reduced by the fair value of
scheme assets. Investments that do not meet the definition of plan assets,
because they are insurance policies issued by a subsidiary, are not deducted
from the pension scheme obligation, but instead are offset by a reduction to the
corresponding liability to the scheme.
Accordingly, the scheme assets of £344m which consist of annuities issued by
Society are presented as a deduction from the Group's insurance liabilities, and
not deducted from the defined benefit obligation. This presentation, illustrated
below has no effect on shareholders' equity.
Gross pension obligation included in provisions 503
Annuity obligations insured by Society (344)
Defined benefit pension deficit 159
Deferred tax (48)
Net pension liability 111
Recognition of the defined benefit pension scheme deficit, net of deferred tax,
results in a decrease in shareholders' equity at 31 December 2004 of £67m
(1 January 2004: £41m), and a decrease in the unallocated divisible surplus of
£44m (1 January 2004: £26m), representing amounts allocated to policyholders of
participating contracts. The Group has chosen to recognise the total actuarial
losses arising in the year of £43m in the Statement of Recognised Income and
Expense, and to allocate £17m to the unallocated divisible surplus.
(vii) Convertible debt accounting
Under UK GAAP the convertible bond is recognised as a single instrument in the
31 December 2004 balance sheet at amortised cost of £521m (1 January 2004:
Under IAS 39 the issuer's right to settle the conversion option in cash is an
embedded derivative liability and must be measured at fair value with gains and
losses recognised in the income statement. At 31 December 2004 the derivative
liability recognised in the balance sheet is £4m (1 January 2004: £9m).
The debt portion of the convertible bond is recorded as a liability at amortised
cost on an effective yield basis until extinguished on conversion or on maturity
of the bond. The interest amount in the income statement is calculated based on
a market rate that would have been applicable for a similar debt instrument with
no conversion option. At 31 December 2004 the debt liability recognised in the
balance sheet has reduced by £27m (1 January 2004: £40m).
Overall, this change in accounting treatment has resulted in an increase in
shareholders' equity of £15m as at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £22m).
Profit after tax decreases by £7m for the year ended 31 December 2004.
Part B P11
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
(viii) Consolidation of additional entities
IFRS requires the consolidation of certain mutual funds, other investment
vehicles and employee share trusts which do not require consolidation under UK
GAAP. This arises from a broader definition of when an entity is considered to
be under the control of an investor.
Consolidation of mutual funds has resulted in an increase in total assets and
liabilities of £623m at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £507m). The third
party interest is included in liabilities as net asset value attributable to
unit holders. The consolidation of these funds has no impact on shareholders'
equity or profit after tax.
Consolidation of property partnerships has resulted in an increase in total
assets of £279m (1 January 2004: £666m) and liabilities of £75m at
31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £526m). Third party interests of £204m at
31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £140m) in these partnerships are shown as
minority interests. Included in the increased liabilities are non-recourse
borrowings of £67m at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £486m) which relate to
loans secured on specific properties. The decrease in borrowings during the year
is due to the conversion of a partnership interest into units in a unit trust
structure in July 2004. The consolidation of these funds has no impact on
shareholders' equity or profit after tax.
During December 2004 the Group committed to reduce its investment in its venture
capital subsidiaries. These investments will cease to be subsidiaries of the
Group from 2005 and the continuing interest will be accounted for as
investments. Under IFRS 5 'Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued
operations', the change in status of the Group's ownership is accounted for as a
disposal of subsidiaries and an acquisition of investments. The aggregated
assets, liabilities and results of these subsidiaries are presented on single
lines as opposed to being fully consolidated on a line by line basis. These are
presented separately as discontinuing operations in the Group's consolidated
income statement and as non-current assets and liabilities held for sale in the
consolidated balance sheet.
Consolidation of the employee share trusts, which hold Legal and General Group
Plc (Company) shares to satisfy future employee share awards has resulted in a
decrease in shareholders' equity of £14m at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004:
£19m), reflecting their classification as treasury shares.
(ix) Investment contracts - deposit accounting
Under UK GAAP all premiums receivable and claims payable are recognised in the
income statement.
Under IFRS amounts receivable under investment contracts are no longer shown as
premiums in the income statement but are treated as deposits and added to
investment contract liabilities. Similarly, amounts payable under investment
contracts are not recorded as claims in the income statement but as deductions
from investment contract liabilities. This is reflected as a reduction in
revenue of £17,911m and expenses of £17,911m for the year ended
31 December 2004. There is no impact on shareholders' equity.
(x) Other adjustments
Under UK GAAP the cost of share awards other than exempted share option plans is
recognised over the period to which the employees' service relates. The total
cost recognised is equal to the cost to the Group of settling the awards less
any contributions received from the employees. Under IFRS 2, 'Share-based
Payment' the cost of all share awards is recognised over the vesting period of
the share award based on the fair value at the date of the grant. The effect of
this change in accounting policy is an increase of £16m in shareholders' equity
as at 31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: £7m). There is no impact on profit after
tax for the year ended 31 December 2004 as a result of this change.
Changes in deferred tax accounting, the use of average exchange rates for
translation of subsidiaries' income statements and the implementation of hedge
accounting results in a decrease in shareholders' equity of £3m as at
31 December 2004 (1 January 2004: increase of £5m). Profit after tax decreases
by £2m for the year ended 31 December 2004.
A number of adjustments required under IFRS relate primarily to presentational
or reclassification changes which have no underlying impact on shareholders'
• Under UK GAAP, the movement in the deferred tax liability relating to
assets backing unit linked liabilities is included in the change in
technical provisions in the income statement. This treatment is permitted
under the ABI SORP applicable for UK GAAP accounts. However, under IFRS all
movements in deferred tax balances (other than movements taken directly to
equity) must be included within the income statement tax expense. This has
the effect of reducing expenses for the year ended 31 December 2004 by £27m
but increasing the income statement tax expense by the same amount.
Part B P12
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
• Assets held to cover linked liabilities as at 31 December 2004 of
£108,297m are no longer disclosed in a single line but are reported in the
various asset classifications.
• Technical provisions are reclassified under IFRS as either insurance
contract liabilities or investment contract liabilities based on the
accounting policy on product classification on page 14.
• Temporary pension monies as at 31 December 2004 of £3,295m
(1 January 2004: £369m) are reclassified under IFRS to investment contract
Part B P13
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Basis of preparation
The Group's consolidated opening and closing IFRS balance sheet, the
consolidated income statement for 2004 and the statement of recognised income
and expense ('the IFRS financial information') have been prepared in accordance
with IFRS issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and
adopted by the European Commission (EC) to be effective for 2005 year ends. The
IFRS financial information set out on pages 3 to 8 and 21 to 22 establishes the
comparative financial information to be included in the Group's first set of
IFRS financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. Due to the
continuing work of the IASB and possible amendments to the interpretive
guidance, the Group's accounting policies and consequently the information
presented may change prior to the publication of the Group's first IFRS results
in July 2005.
The Group has elected to early adopt the recently issued amendment to IAS 19. It
is expected that the amendment will be endorsed by the EC in time for adoption
in the Group's 2005 full year results.
In October 2004 the EC adopted a carved out version of IAS 39. The carve out
removes the use of the fair value option for financial liabilities and relaxes
the hedge accounting requirements. However, guidance issued by the UK's ASB,
clarifies that UK insurance companies are able to: (i) apply the hedge
accounting provisions within IAS 39 in full; (ii) continue to measure
liabilities arising from unit linked contracts by reference to the value of the
underlying units, assets, share index or reference value; and (iii) take changes
in that value through the income statement. The Group has adopted this ASB
In accordance with IFRS 4, the Group continues to apply existing accounting
policies to its insurance contracts and participating investment contracts, but
has the option to make improvements to its policies if the changes make the
financial statements more relevant to decision making needs of the users. The
Group has elected to make improvements to its accounting policy for
participating contracts in the UK by adopting FRS 27 issued by the ASB in
December 2004 in the IFRS financial information. The ASB has acknowledged the
difficulty of applying the requirements of FRS 27 retrospectively and it is the
Group's view that it would be impractical to do so. Therefore only the balance
sheet at 31 December 2004 will be restated for the impact of FRS 27. No
restatements for FRS 27 will be made to either the IFRS opening or interim 2004
balance sheet or income statement.
Certain amounts recorded in the IFRS financial information include estimates and
assumptions made by management about insurance liability reserves, investment
valuations, interest rates and other factors. Actual results may differ from the
estimates made.
Where estimates had previously been made under UK GAAP, consistent estimates
(after adjustments to reflect any difference in accounting policies) have been
made on transition to IFRS. Judgements affecting the Group's balance sheet have
not been revisited with the benefit of hindsight.
Under IFRS, the Group's Consolidated Cash Flow Statement includes all cash
flows of the Group, including those relating to the long term fund.
Under UK GAAP, the cash flows of the long term fund are explicitly excluded,
except to the extent that funds are transferred to shareholders.
There are no other material differences between the cash flow statement
presented under IFRS and the cash flow statement presented under UK GAAP.
Part B P14
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Accounting Policies
The principal accounting polices adopted in preparing the restated IFRS balance
sheet and income statement are set out below.
(A) First time adoption of IFRS
The Group is required to determine its IFRS accounting polices and apply them
retrospectively to establish its opening balance sheet under IFRS. However,
IFRS 1, 'First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards'
allows a number of exemptions on adoption of IFRS for the first time. The date
of transition to IFRS for the Group is 1 January 2004, as required by IFRS.
The Group has not taken advantage of the exemption from the requirement to
restate comparative information in the first year of adoption of IFRS for
IAS 32, 'Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation', IAS 39 and IFRS 4.
The Group has taken advantage of the following exemptions as permitted by
Cumulative translation differences
Cumulative translation differences of foreign operations have not been restated
on an IFRS basis. These are deemed to be zero at the date of transition.
Share-based payment plans
The provisions of IFRS 2, have not been applied to options and awards granted on
or before 7 November 2002 which had not vested by 1 January 2005.
Employee defined benefit obligations
All cumulative actuarial gains and losses have been recognised in equity at the
date of transition to IFRS.
Compound financial instruments
The equity components of historic compound financial instruments which are no
longer outstanding at the date of transition to IFRS have not been separated.
Business combinations
For business combinations before 1 January 2004 the Group has elected not to
apply the provisions of IFRS 3, 'Business Combinations' retrospectively.
Accordingly no adjustments have been made for historical business combinations.
The disclosure required by IFRS 1 concerning the transition from UK GAAP to IFRS
is given on pages 6 to 12 and 21 to 22.
(B) Basis of consolidation
The consolidated financial information incorporates the assets, liabilities,
equity, revenues, expenses and cash flows of the Company and of its subsidiary
undertakings drawn up to 31 December each year. Subsidiaries are those entities
(including special purpose entities, mutual funds and unit trusts) in which the
Group directly or indirectly has the power to govern the operating and financial
policies in order to gain economic benefits. Profits or losses of subsidiary
undertakings sold or acquired during the period are included in the consolidated
results up to the date of disposal or from gaining control. All
significant inter-company balances, profits and transactions are eliminated.
(C) Associates and joint ventures
Associates are entities over which the Group has significant influence but which
it does not control. Consistent with IAS 28, 'Investments in Associates' it is
presumed that the Group has significant influence where it has between 20% and
50% of the voting rights in the investee. Joint ventures are entities where the
Group and other parties undertake an activity which is subject to joint control.
The Group's interests in associates and joint ventures form part of an
investment portfolio held through venture capital partnerships, mutual funds,
unit trusts and similar entities. In accordance with the requirements of IAS 28
and IAS 31, 'Interests in Joint Ventures' the interests are classified as held
for trading investments and measured at fair value, with changes in fair value
recognised in the income statement.
Part B P15
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information
(D) Product classification
The Group's products are classified for accounting purposes as either insurance
contracts, participating investment contracts or non-participating investment
contracts. Insurance contracts are contracts which transfer significant
insurance risk at the inception of the contract. Contracts that do not transfer
significant insurance risk are investment contracts. Both insurance and
investment contracts may contain a discretionary participating feature which is
defined as a contractual right to receive additional benefits as a supplement to
guaranteed benefits. These are referred to as participating contracts.
Participating contracts consist of most with-profit contracts in the UK and most
Guarantie Long Terme contracts in France. For practical reasons certain hybrid
contract types, containing both insurance and investment features have been
treated as investment contracts when accounting for premiums, claims and other
(E) Long term business
Premium income
For insurance contracts, premiums are recognised as revenue when the liabilities
arising from them are created. All other premiums including annuity
considerations are accounted for when due for payment.
For investment contracts, amounts collected as premiums are not included in the
income statement but are reported as deposits to investment contract liabilities
in the balance sheet.
Revenue from investment contracts
Fees charged for investment management services are recognised as revenue as the
services are provided. Initial fees, which exceed the level of recurring fees
and relate to the future provision of services are deferred and amortised over
the anticipated period in which services will be provided. Fees charged for
investment management services for institutional and retail fund management are
also recognised on this basis.
For insurance contracts, death claims are accounted for on notification of
death. Surrenders for non-linked policies are accounted for when payment is
made. Critical illness claims are accounted for when admitted. All other claims
and surrenders are accounted for when payment is due. Claims payable include the
direct costs of settlement.
For investment contracts, claims are not included in the income statement but
are instead deducted from investment contract liabilities. The movement in
investment contract liabilities consists of claims incurred in the period less
the corresponding elimination of the policyholder liability originally
recognised in the balance sheet and the investment return credited to
Acquisition costs
For insurance and participating investment contracts, acquisition costs comprise
direct costs such as initial commission and the indirect costs of obtaining and
processing new business. Acquisition costs, relating to non-participating
insurance contracts, which are incurred during a financial year are deferred by
use of an explicit asset which is amortised over the period during which the
costs are expected to be recoverable, and in accordance with the incidence of
future related margins. For participating contracts, acquisition costs are
charged to the income statement when incurred.
For non-participating investment contracts only directly related acquisition
costs, which vary with and are related to securing new contracts and renewing
existing contracts, are deferred to the extent that they are recoverable out of
future revenue. All other costs are recognised as expenses when incurred.
Insurance and participating investment contract liabilities
Under current IFRS requirements, insurance and participating investment contract
liabilities are measured using accounting policies consistent with those adopted
previously under existing accounting practices. In the UK, the Group has adopted
FRS 27 which was issued by the ASB in December 2004.
In the UK, the insurance contract provision is determined following an annual
investigation of the long term fund in accordance with regulatory requirements.
The provisions are calculated on the basis of current information and using the
gross premium valuation method. For participating contracts the liabilities to
policyholders are determined on a realistic basis in accordance with FRS 27.
This includes an assessment of the cost of any future options and guarantees
included in this business on a market consistent basis. The calculation also
takes account of bonus decisions which are consistent with Society's Principles
and Practices of Financial Management. The shareholders' share of the future
cost of bonuses is excluded from the assessment of the realistic liability. In
determining the realistic value of liabilities for participating contracts, the
value of non-participating business written in the with-profits fund is
accounted for as part of the calculation. The present value of future profits
(VIF) on this business is separately determined and the value of the asset is
deducted from the sum of the liabilities for participating contracts and the
unallocated divisible surplus.
The long term insurance contract liabilities for business transacted by overseas
subsidiaries are determined on the basis of recognised actuarial methods which
reflect local supervisory principles or, in the case of the USA, on the basis of
US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
Part B P16
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Long term business provisions can never be definitive as to their timing nor the
amount of claims and are therefore subject to subsequent reassessment on a
regular basis.
Unallocated divisible surplus
The nature of benefits for participating contracts is such that the allocation
of surpluses between equity holders and participating policyholders is
uncertain. The amount that has not been so allocated at the balance sheet date
is classified within liabilities as the unallocated divisible surplus.
Adjustments made to comply with FRS 27 are charged to the unallocated divisible
Non-participating investment contracts
Non-participating investment contracts consist of unit linked contracts. Unit
linked liabilities are measured by reference to the value of the underlying net
asset value of the Group's unitised investment funds at the balance sheet date.
(F) General insurance business
Results for the general insurance business are determined after taking account
of unearned premiums, outstanding claims and unexpired risks using the annual
basis of accounting.
Premium income
Premiums are accounted for in the period in which the risk commences. Estimates
are included for premiums not notified by the year end and provision is made for
the anticipated lapse of renewals not yet confirmed. Those proportions of
premiums written in a year which relate to periods of risk extending beyond the
end of the year are carried forward as unearned premiums.
Acquisition costs
A proportion of commission and other acquisition costs relating to unearned
premiums is carried forward as deferred acquisition costs or, with regard to
reinsurance outwards, as deferred income.
Technical provisions
Provisions, together with related reinsurance recoveries, are established on the
basis of current information. Such provisions can never be definitive as to
their timing nor the amount of claims and are therefore subject to subsequent
reassessment on a regular basis.
Claims and related reinsurance recoveries are accounted for in respect of all
incidents up to the year end. Provision is made on the basis of available
information for the estimated ultimate cost, including claims settlement
expenses, of claims reported but not yet settled and claims incurred but not yet
reported. An unexpired risk provision is made for any overall excess of expected
claims and deferred acquisition costs over unearned premiums and after taking
account of investment return.
(G) Liability adequacy tests
The Group performs liability adequacy testing on its insurance provisions to
ensure that the carrying amount of provisions (less related deferred acquisition
costs) is sufficient to cover estimated future cash flows. When performing the
liability adequacy test, the Group discounts all contractual cash flows and
compares this amount to the carrying value of the liability. Any deficiency is
immediately charged to the income statement.
(H) Reinsurance
The Group's insurance subsidiaries cede insurance premiums and risk in the
normal course of business in order to limit the potential for losses. Outwards
reinsurance premiums are accounted for in the same accounting period as the
related premiums for the direct or inwards reinsurance business being reinsured.
Reinsurance assets include balances due from reinsurance companies for paid and
unpaid losses and loss adjustment expenses, ceded unearned premiums and ceded
future life policy benefits. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated
in a manner consistent with the claim liability associated with the reinsured
policy. Reinsurance is recorded in total in the consolidated balance sheet
unless a right of offset exists.
Part B P17
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
(I) Intangible assets
Goodwill on the acquisition of subsidiaries prior to 1998 has been charged
directly to reserves. Prospectively the Group's policy is to recognise goodwill
on the balance sheet as an intangible asset, measured at cost less any
accumulated impairment losses.
Purchased interests in long term business
A portfolio of in-force contracts acquired either directly or through the
acquisition of a subsidiary undertaking is capitalised at an actuarially
determined fair value. The value of business acquired represents the present
value of future profits embedded in acquired insurance contracts. These amounts
are amortised over the anticipated lives of the related contracts in the
(J) Investments
Investment property
Investment property comprises land and buildings which are held for
long term rental yields. It is carried at fair value with changes in fair value
recognised in the income statement within net investment returns. Investment
property in the UK is valued bi-annually by external chartered surveyors at open
market values in accordance with the 'Appraisal and Valuation Manual' of The
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. Outside the UK, valuations are
produced in conjunction with external qualified professional valuers in the
countries concerned. In the event of a material change in market conditions
between the valuation date and balance sheet date an internal valuation is
performed and adjustments made to reflect any material changes in fair value.
Financial investments
The Group classifies its financial investments on initial recognition as held
for trading (HFT), designated at fair value through profit and loss (FVTPL),
available-for-sale (AFS) or loans and receivables.
The Group's policy is to measure investments at FVTPL except in the US where the
related liability is valued on a passive basis (not using current information),
in which case investments are classified as AFS. All derivatives other than
those designated as hedges are classified as HFT.
The fair values of quoted financial investments are based on current bid prices.
If the market for a financial investment is not active, the Group establishes
fair value by using valuation techniques such as recent arm's length
transactions, reference to similar listed investments, discounted cashflow
models or option pricing models. Investments where fair value cannot be measured
reliably are measured at cost less impairment.
Investments classified as HFT and FVTPL are measured at fair value with gains
and losses reflected in the income statement.
Investments classified as AFS are measured at fair value with unrealised gains
and losses recognised in a separate reserve within equity. Realised gains and
losses, impairment losses and foreign exchange movements are reflected in the
income statement.
Loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost on an effective yield
(K) Impairment policy
The Group reviews the carrying value of its assets at each balance sheet date.
If the carrying value of an asset is impaired, that is greater than the
recoverable amount, the carrying value is reduced through a charge to the income
statement. There must be objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or
more events that have occurred after the initial recognition of the asset.
Impairment is only recognised if the loss event has an impact on the estimated
future cash flows of the financial asset or group of financial assets that can
be reliably estimated.
Non-financial assets that have an indefinite useful life are not subjected to
amortisation and are tested annually for impairment. Assets that are subject to
amortisation are reviewed for impairment whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. The
recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell
and value in use.
(L) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents include cash in hand, deposits held at call with
banks, other short-term highly liquid investments with original maturities of
three months or less and bank overdrafts.
Part B P18
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
(M) Derivative financial instruments and hedge accounting
The Group's activities expose it to the financial risks of changes in exchange
and interest rates. The Group uses derivatives such as foreign exchange forward
contracts and interest rate swap contracts to hedge these exposures. The Group
uses hedge accounting provided the prescribed criteria are met to recognise the
offsetting effects of changes in the fair value or cash flow of the derivative
instrument and the hedged item. The Group's principal uses of hedge accounting,
are to:
(i) recognise in shareholders' equity the changes in the fair value of
derivatives designated as hedges of a net investment in a foreign operation. Any
cumulative gains and or losses are recognised in the income statement on
disposal of the foreign operation; and
(ii) defer the changes in the fair value of derivatives designated as the hedge
of a future cash flow attributable to a recognised asset or liability, a
forecasted transaction, or a firm commitment until the period in which the
future transaction is recognised.
The relationship between the hedging instrument and the hedged item, together
with the risk management objective and strategy for undertaking the hedge
transaction, are documented at the inception of the transaction. The
effectiveness of the hedge is documented and monitored on an ongoing basis.
Hedge accounting is only applied for highly effective hedges (between 80% and
125% effectiveness).
Certain derivative instruments do not qualify for hedge accounting. Changes in
the fair value of any derivative instruments that do not qualify for hedge
accounting are recognised immediately in the income statement.
(N) Embedded derivatives
Where the risks and characteristics of derivatives embedded in other contracts
are not closely related to those of the host contract, the derivative is
separated from that host contract and measured at fair value.
(O) Borrowings, including convertible bond
Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs, and
subsequently stated at amortised cost. The difference between the proceeds and
the redemption value is recognised in the income statement over the borrowing
period using the effective interest method.
For a convertible bond, the fair value of the conversion option is calculated on
issue using an option pricing model. This is recognised as a derivative
liability and is revalued to fair value at each reporting period. Fair value
gains and losses are taken through the income statement. The remainder of the
proceeds less attributable expenses is allocated to the value of the debt
portion of the convertible bond. This amount is recorded as a liability on an
amortised cost basis using the effective interest rate until extinguished on
conversion or on maturity of the bond.
(P) Income taxes
Income tax
Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognised in the
income statement except where it relates to an item that is recognised in
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable profit for the period and
any adjustment to the tax payable in respect of previous periods.
The total income tax expense for the period includes tax which is not related to
profits earned by equity holders for the period, being the income tax paid by
the Group in respect of UK life policy holder returns. The income statement
income tax charge has therefore been apportioned between the element
attributable to policy holder returns and the element attributable to equity
holders' profits ('equity holder tax').
For short term business all income tax is classified as equity holder tax.
The net equity holders' profit from UK long term business (other than investment
return on equity holders' funds within the long term fund) has borne tax at the
effective equity holder tax rate, which is sufficiently close to the standard
rate of UK corporation tax for that to be used in the financial statements. The
balance of income taxes associated with long term business profits is then
classified as income tax attributable to policy holder returns.
There is no definitive method of calculating the effective equity holder tax
rate. A number of alternative methods are consistently used, in order to assess
the validity of using the standard rate of UK corporation tax.
For equity holders' funds within the UK long term business fund, the equity
holder income tax represents the actual income tax on the return on those funds.
For international long term business the equity holder income tax is the total
income tax in respect of profits earned from that business.
Part B P19
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
Deferred income tax
Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the balance sheet liability
method, on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and
liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for tax
purposes. Deferred tax is measured using tax rates expected to apply when the
related deferred income tax asset is realised or the deferred income tax
liability is settled based on tax rates and law which have been enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
Deferred income tax assets are recognised to the extent that it is probable that
future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences
can be utilised.
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are not discounted.
Deferred income tax is provided on temporary differences arising on investments
in subsidiaries and associates, except where the Group controls the timing of
the reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary
difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future (or if it will, then it
will not generate any incremental tax liability for the Group).
No deferred tax is provided at the incremental rate on the undeclared surplus in
the UK long term fund represented by the Shareholder Retained Capital (SRC) on
the grounds that, at the balance sheet date, no obligation to make a declaration
of surplus exists and there is no expectation that such a declaration will
(Q) Leases
Leases where a significant proportion of the risks and rewards of ownership is
retained by the lessor are classified as operating leases. Payments made as
lessees under operating leases (net of any incentives from the lessor) are
charged to the income statement on a straight line basis over the period of the
(R) Employee benefits
Pension obligations
The Group operates a number of defined benefit and defined contribution pension
schemes in the UK and overseas. The assets of all UK defined benefit schemes are
held in separate trustee administered funds which are subject to regular
actuarial valuation every three years and updated by formal reviews at reporting
The liability recognised in the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit
pension plans is the present value of the defined benefit obligation at the
balance sheet date less the fair value of plan assets. The defined benefit
obligation is actuarially calculated each year using the projected unit credit
method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is determined by
discounting the estimated future cash outflows. The discount rate is based on
market yields on high-quality corporate bonds which are denominated in the
currency in which the benefits will be paid, and that have terms to maturity
which approximate to those of the related pension liability.
The Group intends to early adopt the amendment to IAS 19 published in December
2004 permitting the recognition of all actuarial gains and losses immediately in
equity through the statement of recognised income and expenses.
The Group pays contractual contributions in respect of defined contribution
plans. The contributions are recognised as employee benefit expenses when they
are due. Prepaid contributions are recognised as an asset to the extent that a
cash refund or a reduction in the future payments is available.
Share-based payments
The Group operates a number of share-based payment plans. The fair value of the
equity instrument granted is recognised as an expense, spread over the vesting
period of the instrument. The total amount to be expensed is determined by
reference to the fair value of the awards, excluding the impact of any
non-market vesting conditions. At each balance sheet date, the Group revises its
estimate of the number of equity instruments that are expected to become
exercisable. It recognises the impact of the revision of original estimates, if
any, in the income statement and a corresponding adjustment is made to equity
over the remaining vesting period. On vesting or exercise, the difference
between the expense charged to the income statement and the actual cost to the
Group is transferred to retained earnings. Where new shares are issued, the
proceeds received are credited to share capital and share premium.
(S) Treasury shares
Where any Group company purchases the Company's equity share capital (treasury
shares), the consideration paid, including any directly attributable incremental
costs (net of income taxes), is deducted from equity attributable to
shareholders. Where such shares are subsequently sold, reissued or otherwise
disposed of, any consideration received is included in equity attributable to
shareholders, net of any directly attributable incremental transaction costs and
the related income tax effects.
Part B P20
Legal & General Group Plc
Notes to the IFRS financial information for the year ended 31 December 2004
(T) Provisions
Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present legal or constructive
obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation,
and a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made. Where the
Group expects a provision to be reimbursed, for example under an insurance
contract, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when the
reimbursement is more probable than not. The Group recognises a provision for
onerous contracts when the expected benefits to be derived from a contract are
less than the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under the contract.
(U) Foreign currency translation
Foreign currency transactions are translated into sterling, the Group's
presentational currency, using the exchange rate prevailing at the date of the
transactions. Foreign exchange gains and losses are recognised in the income
statement, except when recognised in equity as qualifying cash flow and net
investment hedges.
The assets and liabilities of all the overseas subsidiaries are translated into
sterling at the closing rate at the date of the balance sheet. The income and
expenses for each income statement are translated at average exchange rates. On
consolidation, exchange differences arising from the translation of the net
investment in foreign entities, and of borrowings and other currency instruments
designated as hedges of such investments, are taken to a separate component of
shareholders' equity. The functional currency of the Group's foreign operations
is the currency of the primary economic environment in which these entities
(V) Net investment return
The reporting of net investment return comprises investment income and
investment gains and losses.
Investment income includes dividends, interest and rent. Dividends are accrued
on an ex-dividend basis. Interest and rent are included on an accruals basis.
Interest income for financial assets that are not classified as FVTPL is
recognised using the effective interest method.
(W) Other income and expenses
Other operating income comprises primarily fee income from estate agency
operations and is accounted for when due.
Other expenses comprise primarily the expenses incurred in estate agency
operations, institutional fund management and retail investment business,
together with unallocated corporate expenses. Other costs are accounted for as
they arise.
(X) Dividend recognition
Dividend distribution to the Company's shareholders is recognised as a liability
in the period in which the dividends are declared, and for the final dividend,
when approved by the Company's shareholders at the general meeting.
Part B P21
Legal & General Group Plc
Opening Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 1 January 2004
Reconciliation of the Balance Sheet as at 1 January 2004
UKGAAP Adjust-
(MSSB) ments IFRS
£m £m £m
Investment property 4,228 959 5,187
Financial investments 31,040 82,165 113,205
Assets held to cover linked
liabilities 84,308 (84,308) -
Reinsurers' share of contract
provisions 3,249 - 3,249
Deferred acquisition costs 892 145 1,037
Income tax recoverable - 55 55
Other assets 1,143 (52) 1,091
Non-current assets held for sale - 507 507
Cash and cash equivalents 65 2,408 2,473
------ ------ ------
124,925 1,879 126,804
======= ======= =======
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 3,248 319 3,567
Minority interests - 159 159
Technical provisions 117,341 (117,341) -
Participating insurance contracts - 11,581 11,581
Participating investment contracts - 6,387 6,387
Unallocated divisible surplus 1,498 (81) 1,417
Non-participating insurance
contracts - 19,535 19,535
Non-participating investment
contracts - 79,637 79,637
Borrowings 1,475 464 1,939
Provisions - 411 411
Deferred income - 185 185
Deferred tax liabilities 170 54 224
Income tax liabilities 63 (63) -
Other creditors 1,130 (289) 841
Net asset value attributable
to unitholders - 466 466
Non-current liabilities
held for sale - 455 455
------ ------ ------
124,925 1,879 126,804
Part B P22
Legal & General Group Plc
Opening Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 1 January 2004
Analysis of adjustments to the Balance Sheet as at 1 January 2004
Dividend Investment investment
recognition valuation contracts
(Note i) (Note ii) (Note iii)
£m £m £m
Investment property - - -
Financial investments - (75) -
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - - -
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs - - 141
Income tax recoverable - - -
Other assets - (8) -
Non-current assets held for sale - - -
Cash and cash equivalents - - -
- (83) 141
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 216 36 62
Minority interests - - -
Technical provisions - - -
Participating insurance contracts - 14 -
Participating investment contracts - - -
Unallocated divisible surplus - (101) 47
Non-participating insurance contracts - (29) -
Non-participating investment contracts - (21) (171)
Borrowings - - -
Provisions - - -
Deferred income - - 185
Deferred tax liabilities - 18 18
Income tax liabilities - - -
Other creditors (216) - -
Net asset value attributable to unitholders - - -
Non-current liabilities held for sale - - -
- (83) 141
Claim for Convertible
equalisation pension debt
provision obligations accounting
(Note v) (Note vi) (Note vii)
£m £m £m
Investment property - - -
Financial investments - - -
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - - -
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs - - -
Income tax recoverable - - -
Other assets - - -
Non-current assets held for sale - - -
Cash and cash equivalents - - -
- - -
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity 31 (41) 22
Minority interests - - -
Technical provisions - - -
Participating insurance contracts - - -
Participating investment contracts - - -
Unallocated divisible surplus - (26) -
Non-participating insurance contracts (46) (316) -
Non-participating investment contracts - - -
Borrowings - - (40)
Provisions - 411 -
Deferred income - - -
Deferred tax liabilities 14 (28) 9
Income tax liabilities - - -
Other creditors 1 - 9
Net asset value attributable to unitholders - - -
Non-current liabilities held for sale - - -
- - -
additional Other Total
entities adjustments adjustments
(Note viii) (Note x)
£m £m £m
Investment property 875 84 959
Financial investments 65 82,175 82,165
Assets held to cover
linked liabilities - (84,308) (84,308)
Reinsurers' share of
contract provisions - - -
Deferred acquisition costs - 4 145
Income tax recoverable - 55 55
Other assets 31 (75) (52)
Non-current assets held for sale 507 - 507
Cash and cash equivalents 161 2,247 2,408
1,639 182 1,879
Equity and liabilities
Shareholders' equity (19) 12 319
Minority interests 151 8 159
Technical provisions - (117,341) (117,341)
Participating insurance contracts - 11,567 11,581
Participating investment contracts - 6,387 6,387
Unallocated divisible surplus - (1) (81)
Non-participating insurance contracts - 19,926 19,535
Non-participating investment contracts - 79,829 79,637
Borrowings 486 18 464
Provisions - - 411
Deferred income - - 185
Deferred tax liabilities - 23 54
Income tax liabilities - (63) (63)
Other creditors 100 (183) (289)
Net asset value attributable to unitholders 466 - 466
Non-current liabilities held for sale 455 - 455
1,639 182 1,879
Part B P23
Legal & General Group Plc
Auditors' report
For the year ended 31 December 2004
Special Purpose Audit Report of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP to Legal & General
Group plc ('the Group') on its International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) Financial Information
We have audited the accompanying consolidated IFRS balance sheet of Legal &
General Group plc ('the Group') as at 31 December 2004 and the related
consolidated IFRS income statement and statement of recognised income and
expense for the year then ended and the related notes (hereinafter referred to
as 'the IFRS financial information') set out on pages 3 to 22.
Respective responsibilities of directors and PricewaterhouseCoopers
The directors of the Group are responsible for the preparation of the IFRS
financial information which have been prepared as part of the Group's conversion
to IFRS.
Our responsibilities, as independent auditors, are established in the United
Kingdom by the Auditing Practices Board, our profession's ethical guidance and
the terms of our engagement. Under the terms of engagement we are required to
report to you our opinion as to whether the IFRS financial information have been
prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the basis of preparation
set out on page 13 to the IFRS financial information.
This report, including the opinion, has been prepared for and only for the
Company for the purposes of assisting with the Group's conversion to IFRS and
for no other purpose. We do not, in giving this opinion, accept or assume
responsibility for any other purpose or to any other person to whom this report
is shown or into whose hands it may come save where expressly agreed by our
prior consent in writing.
We read the other information accompanying the IFRS financial information and
consider whether it is consistent with the IFRS financial information. We
consider the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent
misstatements or material inconsistencies with the IFRS financial information.
Basis of audit opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with Auditing Standards issued by the UK
Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes examination, on a test basis, of
evidence relevant to the amounts and disclosures in the IFRS financial
information. It also includes an assessment of the significant estimates and
judgements made by the directors in the preparation of the IFRS financial
information, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate to the
Group's circumstances and adequately disclosed.
We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the IFRS financial
information are free from material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or
other irregularity or error. In forming our opinion we also evaluated the
overall adequacy of the presentation of the information in the IFRS financial
Emphasis of matter
Without qualifying our opinion, we draw your attention to the fact that page 13,
which sets out the basis of preparation of the IFRS financial information,
explains why there is a possibility that the IFRS financial information may
require adjustment before their inclusion as comparative information in the
Group's first set of statutory financial statements prepared on an IFRS basis
for the year ended 31 December 2005. This is because Standards currently in
issue and adopted by the EU are subject to interpretation issued from time to
time by the International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee and
further standards may be issued by the International Accounting Standards Board
that will be adopted for financial years beginning on or after 1 January 2005.
Additionally, IFRS is currently being applied in the United Kingdom and in a
large number of other countries simultaneously for the first time. Furthermore,
due to a number of new and revised Standards included within the body of
Standards that comprise IFRS, there is not yet a significant body of established
practice on which to draw in forming opinions regarding interpretation and
application. Accordingly, practice is continuing to evolve. At this preliminary
stage, therefore, the full financial effect of reporting under IFRS as it will
be applied and reported on in the Group's first IFRS financial statements for
the year ended 31 December 2005 may be subject to change.
Moreover, we draw attention to the fact that, under IFRS's, only a complete set
of financial statements comprising a balance sheet, income statement, statement
of recognised income and expense, and cash flow statements, together with
comparative financial information and explanatory notes, can provide a fair
presentation of the Group's financial position, results of operations and cash
flows in accordance with IFRS.
In our opinion the accompanying IFRS financial information for the year ended 31
December 2004 have been prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
the basis of preparation set out on page 13, which describes how IFRS have been
applied under IFRS 1, including the assumptions made by the directors of the
Group about the standards and interpretations expected to be effective, and the
policies expected to be adopted, when they prepare the first complete set of
financial statements of the Group on an IFRS basis for the year to
31 December 2005.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chartered Accountants
Date: 23 May 2005
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange