L&G FY 2005 Results Part 2
Legal & General Group PLC
17 March 2006
Part 2
New Business
2.1 New business summary
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
Annual PVNBP(2) Margin(3) Annual PVNBP Margin
premium premium
equivalent(1) equivalent
Notes £m £m % £m £m %
UK life and pensions 2.2 872 6,621 4.6 722 5,255 4.6
International life and pensions 2.4 107 873 2.9 105 802 4.4
Total life and pensions 979 7,494 4.4 827 6,057 4.6
==================================================== ===================== ================
UK retail investments 2.7 315 179
International retail investments 2.7 2 2
Total retail investments 317 181
1,296 1,008
Institutional fund management(4) 2.9 17,134 15,547
2.2 Analysis of UK life and pensions new business by product
APE Contribution PVNBP Margin
from new
Year ended 31 December 2005 £m £m £m %
Protection 208 82 1,051 7.8
Annuities 154 177 1,539 11.5
Unit linked bonds 208 49 2,082 2.3
Pensions - Stakeholder and other non profit 152 (18) 935 (1.9)
With-profits 150 16 1,014 1.6
Total 872 306 6,621 4.6
Cost of capital 8
NBVA before cost of capital 314
Non profit return on capital (including solvency margin) 15%
Year ended 31 December 2004
Protection 219 71 1,016 7.0
Annuities 126 135 1,265 10.7
Unit linked bonds 142 26 1,418 1.9
Pensions - Stakeholder and other non profit 82 (20) 465 (4.2)
With-profits 153 29 1,091 2.7
Total 722 241 5,255 4.6
Cost of capital 8
NBVA before cost of capital 249
Non profit return on capital (including solvency margin) 14%
1. Annual Premium Equivalent (APE) is calculated for total new business, including unit trusts and ISAs but excluding
institutional fund management, and comprises the new annual premiums together with 10% of single premiums.
2. The present value of new business premiums (PVNBP) on the EEV basis is defined as the present value of annual
premiums plus single premiums for any given period. It is calculated using the same assumptions as for the
contribution from new business but determined as at the point of sale.
3. The new business margin is defined as the contribution from new business (including the cost of solvency capital)
divided by the PVNBP.
4. New monies from pension fund clients of Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Ltd. Corporate pensions
gross new business excludes £4.1bn (2004: £5.0bn) which were held through the year on a temporary basis, generally
as part of portfolio reconstructions.
5. The contribution from new business is defined as the present value at point of sale of assumed profits from new
business written in the period and then rolled forward to the end of the financial period using the risk discount
rate applicable at the end of the reporting period.
2.3 Analysis of UK life and pensions PVNBP
2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004
Annual Present value Capitalisation Single PVNBP PVNBP
premiums of annual factor(1) premiums
£m £m £m £m £m
Protection 208 1,051 5.1 - 1,051 1,016
Annuities - - - 1,539 1,539 1,265
Unit linked bonds - - - 2,082 2,082 1,418
Pensions - Stakeholder and other non profit 97 386 4.0 549 935 465
With-profits 77 285 3.7 729 1,014 1,091
Total 382 1,722 4.5 4,899 6,621 5,255
2.4 Analysis of international life and pensions new business
APE Contribution Cost of PVNBP Margin
from new capital
Year ended 31 December 2005 £m £m £m £m %
USA 42 2 6 295 0.8
Netherlands 29 16 5 258 6.1
France 36 7 6 320 2.1
Total 107 25 17 873 2.9
Year ended 31 December 2004
USA 54 18 5 320 5.5
Netherlands 23 16 3 223 7.2
France 28 1 7 259 0.4
Total 105 35 15 802 4.4
2.5 Analysis of international life and pensions new business in local currency
APE Contribution Cost of PVNBP Margin
from new capital
Year ended 31 December 2005 m m m m %
USA $75 $4 $10 $507 0.8
Netherlands €42 €23 €7 €377 6.1
France €57 €10 €8 €467 2.1
Year ended 31 December 2004
USA $98 $34 $9 $615 5.5
Netherlands €35 €23 €4 €314 7.2
France €40 €1 €10 €365 0.4
2.6 Analysis of international life and pensions PVNBP
2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2004
Annual Present value Capitalisation Single PVNBP PVNBP
premiums of annual factor premiums
m m m m m
USA $75 $507 6.7 - $507 $615
Netherlands €19 €146 7.7 €231 $377 €314
France €25 €189 7.7 €278 $467 €365
1. The capitalisation factor is the present value of annual premiums divided by the amount of new annual premiums.
2.7 Analysis of retail investments new business
2005 2005 2005 2004 2004 2004
Annual Single APE Annual Single APE
premiums premiums premiums premiums
£m £m £m £m £m £m
UK 15 2,999 315 22 1,565 179
France - 25 2 - 22 2
Total 15 3,024 317 22 1,587 181
2.8 Analysis of the distribution of UK life and pensions individual products
2005 2004
£m £m
Independent financial advisers 667 505
Tied 327 253
Direct 31 35
Total UK individual 1,025 793
Individual life and pensions 710 614
Retail investments 315 179
Total UK individual 1,025 793
Group life and pensions 162 108
Total UK 1,187 901
2.9 Analysis of institutional fund management new business
2005 2004
£m £m
Managed pension funds(1)
Pooled funds 14,778 13,951
Segregated funds 240 1,228
Total managed funds 15,018 15,179
Other funds(2) 2,116 368
Total 17,134 15,547
2.10 Institutional fund management new business by investment approach
2005 2004
% %
Indexed equities 50.6 47.9
Indexed bonds (including indexed linked funds and cash) 37.6 34.8
Active bonds (including indexed linked funds and cash) 10.6 16.2
Property 0.7 0.6
Private equity 0.3 0.4
Active equities 0.2 0.1
Total 100.0 100.0
1. New monies from pension fund clients of Legal & General Assurance (Pensions Management) Ltd. Corporate pensions
gross new business excludes £4.1bn (2004: £5.0bn) which were held through the year on a temporary basis, generally
as part of portfolio reconstructions.
2. Includes segregated property, property partnerships, ventures and institutional clients excluding institutional
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange