L&G Q1 New Business Results

Legal & General Group PLC 28 April 2004 28 April 2004 Legal & General Group Plc ========================= New business results - first quarter 2004 ========================================= • Continuing progress in core retail life and pensions • Record £5.4bn new institutional fund management business New business APE (1) Q1 2004 Q1 2003 Change UK retail business - life and pensions £131m £115m +14% - retail investments £39m £52m -25% - total retail business £170m £167m +2% UK group life and pensions £23m £33m -30% UK total £193m £200m -4% Worldwide total £215m £223m -4% New institutional fund management £5.4bn £2.8bn +93% (1) Annual Premium Equivalent (APE) is total new annual premiums + 10% of single premiums for life, pensions and retail investment business. Group Chief Executive, David Prosser, said: 'These results show further good progress for Legal & General, with our core UK retail life and pensions business continuing to grow well in sluggish markets. Legal & General Investment Management had a record quarter, winning another £5.4bn of new business. £1.3bn of this was for active bond management, developing momentum in our strategy of building this aspect of the business. In UK group business, the quarter on quarter comparisons are distorted by large single payments for bulk purchase annuity business, where we have maintained a firm underwriting approach. In contrast, group risk business has performed well. Independent financial advisors and other distributors continue to recognise the strength of our life and pensions product range. We believe Legal & General's strengths will enable us to gain further market share and to do so profitably.' Overview ======== In the UK, retail business continued to benefit from our broad spread of good value products and our wide distribution network with strong growth in life and pensions business, stable ISA volumes but lower unit trust sales. In the corporate market, we made good progress in group risk business but in bulk purchase annuities, new business volumes remained variable although the level of quotation requests remains high. In local currency terms, our Continental European businesses have shown good growth in single premiums and in the USA new annual premium business was broadly maintained. Legal & General Investment Management achieved further strong growth in funds under management with a record quarter, winning £5.4bn of new business, including substantial growth in actively managed bonds. UK new business =============== Individual life --------------- Annual premium sales for protection business were 16% higher at £37m (2003: £32m) as Legal & General maintained its leading position in the housing related market. Demand for with-profits bonds remained relatively subdued at £123m (2003: £195m). However, this was more than offset by strong demand for unit-linked bonds, especially property linked funds, taking total single premium sales for the quarter to £384m (2003: £273m), up 41%. Individual pensions ------------------- New annual premium business at £28m was broadly in line with the corresponding quarter last year (2003: £29m). Single premium new business also changed little at £273m (2003: £267m) as lower levels of DWP rebates were offset by an increase in individual annuity business. Unit trusts and ISAs -------------------- ISA and unit trust sales in the first quarter fell to £39m APE (2003: £52m). Regular payment sales were maintained and single payment ISA sales increased slightly. However, single payment unit trust sales at £201m were down from £328m in the corresponding quarter last year when we benefited from a number of large unit trust purchases by institutional clients. Group life and pensions ----------------------- Group new business was £23m APE (2003: £33m), as good progress in group risk business was more than offset by lower levels of bulk purchase annuity business. Group risk new annual premiums nearly doubled to £13m (2003: £7m). Single premiums for bulk purchase annuity business, where we continued to maintain pricing discipline, were £91m compared to £248m in the corresponding quarter last year. This result was ahead of the final quarter of 2003 but the first quarter of 2003 benefited from two bulk purchase annuity schemes, which together generated single premiums of some £130m. Institutional fund management ============================= Our institutional fund management business had another excellent quarter winning record new business of £5.4bn (2003: £2.8bn). Of this total, £1.3bn was for active bond business, reflecting our successful strategy of developing this aspect of the business. New index fund business, which included one particularly large mandate, almost equalled the previous record in the fourth quarter of 2001. At 31 March 2004, funds managed by Legal & General Investment Management exceeded £143bn. International business ====================== In the USA, new business was broadly maintained at $22m APE (2003: $23m) as we continued to develop our term assurance business. Our Continental European operations produced increased new business of €16m APE (2003: €13m) as annual premium business was stable but single premium life and pensions business grew by 34%. In sterling terms, total new business was broadly maintained at £22m APE (2003: £23m) but increased at constant exchange rates. UK distribution and outlook =========================== We continue to focus additional effort on the IFA market, which we believe continues to offer good growth opportunities for Legal & General. In the first quarter, this resulted in an increase in volumes and the share of business from this distribution channel. We are pleased to announce that we have been successful in securing a place on Sesame's short panel (Protection Select Plus) for term assurance. Major partnership distribution developments in the quarter include Sainsbury's Bank, which has chosen to offer Legal & General term assurance to the 11 million customers who shop regularly in Sainsbury's supermarkets. Enquiries are handled through our direct call centre, which then uses our online functionality to give an immediate decision. In addition to growing direct distribution, we have continued to grow our tied relationships, while building our mortgage network to maximise opportunities in the new regulatory environment, which takes effect from 1 October this year. We expect the current stability in equity markets will lead to improved consumer confidence in savings and other financial products. At the same time we expect the trend of market share concentration to continue. All this maintains our confidence that Legal & General's strengths in products and distribution will enable us to gain further market share and to do so profitably. For further information contact: Investors: Peter Horsman Media: John Morgan Head of Investor Relations Head of Public Relations 020 7528 6362 01737 375353 Anthony Carlisle Citigate Dewe Rogerson 07973 611888 Notes: 1. A copy of this announcement can be found in the shareholder section of our website at http://investor.legalandgeneral.com/releases.cfm 2. Financial Calendar: 29 July 2004 Interim results and second quarter new business 20 October 2004 Third quarter new business. LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC UNAUDITED NEW BUSINESS PREMIUMS THREE MONTHS TO 31 MARCH 2004 NEW UK BUSINESS =============== Three months to 31 March increase/ 2004 2003 (decrease) £m £m % INDIVIDUAL LIFE AND PENSIONS BUSINESS New annual premiums Life: - Mortgage related 25 21 - Protection 12 11 Pensions: - Individual pensions 28 29 ------ ------ ------ Total new annual premiums 65 61 7 Single premiums Life: - With-profits 123 195 - Other 261 78 Pensions: - Individual pensions 87 90 - Annuities - individual 182 160 - DWP rebates 4 17 ------ ------ ------ Total single premiums 657 540 22 ------ ------ ------ Individual life and pensions APE 131 115 14 ====== ====== ====== ISAS, PEPS AND UNIT TRUSTS New annual premiums - ISAs/PEPs(excluding cash ISAs) 6 6 - Unit trusts 1 1 ------ ------ ------ Total new annual premiums 7 7 0 Single premiums - ISAs/PEPs (excluding cash ISAs) 122 120 - Unit trusts 201 328 ------ ------ ------ Total single premiums 323 448 (28) ------ ------ ------ ISAs, PEPs and unit trusts APE 39 52 (25) ------ ------ ------ Total individual business APE 170 167 2 ====== ====== ====== GROUP LIFE AND PENSIONS BUSINESS New annual premiums - Group risk 13 7 - Group pensions 1 1 ------ ------ ------ Total new annual premiums 14 8 75 Single premiums - Annuities - bulk purchase 91 248 - Other group business 1 1 ------ ------ ------ Total single premiums 92 249 (63) ------ ------ ------ Group life and pensions APE 23 33 (30) ------ ------ ------ Total UK APE 193 200 (4) ====== ====== ====== INSTITUTIONAL FUND MANAGEMENT UK Managed Funds - Pooled funds 4,412 2,751 - Segregated funds 962 12 ------ ------ 5,374 2,763 UK Other 57 65 ------ ------ ------ Total fund management 5,431 2,828 92 ====== ====== ====== LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC UNAUDITED NEW BUSINESS PREMIUMS THREE MONTHS TO 31 MARCH 2004 WORLDWIDE NEW BUSINESS ====================== Three months to 31 March increase/ 2004 2003 (decrease) £m £m % Annual premiums Life and pensions: - Life 50 39 - Pensions 29 30 ------ ------ ------ UK 79 69 14 - USA 12 14 - Netherlands 3 2 - France 0 1 ------ ------ ------ Total life and pensions 94 86 9 Retail investment business: - UK 7 7 ------ ------ ------ Total new annual premiums 101 93 9 Single premiums Life and pensions: - Life 384 273 - Pensions 365 516 ------ ------ ------ UK 749 789 (5) - USA 0 1 - Netherlands 40 29 - France 30 26 ------ ------ ------ Total life and pensions 819 845 (3) Retail investment business: - UK 323 448 - France 3 5 ------ ------ ------ Total single premiums 1,145 1,298 (12) Annual Premium Equivalent (APE) - UK life and pensions business 154 148 - Overseas life and pensions business 22 23 ------ ------ ------ Total life and pensions business 176 171 3 - UK retail investment business 39 52 - Overseas retail investment business 0 0 ------ ------ ------ Total retail investment business 39 52 (25) ------ ------ ------ Worldwide APE 215 223 (4) ====== ====== ====== LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC UNAUDITED NEW BUSINESS PREMIUMS THREE MONTHS TO 31 MARCH 2004 OVERSEAS OPERATIONS IN LOCAL CURRENCY ================= Three months to increase/ 31 March (decrease) 2004 2003 % USA ($m): New annual premiums 22 23 Single premiums 0 2 APE 22 23 (4) Netherlands (€m): New annual premiums 4 4 Single premiums 60 42 APE 10 8 25 France (€m): New annual premiums 1 1 Single premiums 46 37 Unit trusts 6 7 APE 6 5 20 UK INDIVIDUAL APE BY CHANNEL ============================ Three months to 31 March 2004 Annual Single Total APE £m £m £m % Independent financial advisers 38 63 101 60 Business partnerships 28 28 56 33 Business partners direct 1 1 2 1 Direct 4 7 11 6 ------ ------ ------ ------ 71 99 170 100 ====== ====== ====== ====== Three months to 31 March 2003 Annual Single Total APE £m £m £m % Independent financial advisers 32 63 95 57 Business partnerships 30 28 58 35 Business partners direct 3 3 6 3 Direct 3 5 8 5 ------ ------ ------ ------ 68 99 167 100 ====== ====== ====== ====== This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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