Q3 2000 New Business Results

Legal & General Group PLC 19 October 2000 Legal & General Group Plc New business - nine months to 30 September 2000 A record £12bn placed with the Group for savings and protection New life and pensions Nine months to 30.9.00 (Note 2) business EPI (Note 1) Worldwide £401m + 8% International £71m +20% UK individual £280m +12% Total EPI including unit trusts/ISAs (Note 1) £473m + 2% New fund management business £9.6bn + 5% Worldwide funds under management £112bn +22% (Note 3) Note 1: EPI - equivalent premium income, which comprises new annual premiums + 10% of single premiums. Note 2: The percentage shown is the growth over the equivalent period in 1999. Note 3: Growth from 30/9/99. Group Chief Executive, David Prosser, said: 'Legal & General continues to see good new business growth in a more difficult market. The UK is currently experiencing a pause in the growth pattern of recent years. However, against this background, with new individual life and pensions business growing by 12%, we continue to build market share. 'A record figure has been achieved by our fund management business with £9.6bn of new funds placed by institutional investors. The market's increasing recognition of the wisdom of a core and satellite investment strategy will bring further successes for our market leading fund management business. 'In the pre Stakeholder pensions market, I am particularly pleased to report that our group personal pension business has grown by 25% in the first nine months of the year. The affinity group schemes, which we have been awarded in the last three months, cover a potential membership of over 1.5 million. They underline our determination to capture a significant share of the Stakeholder pensions market.' UK Business =========== Individual life and pensions ---------------------------- In the third quarter, Legal & General achieved growth in new EPI of 12% over the same period last year. New business for the first nine months also increased by 12% to £280m EPI (30.9.99: £251m). This continued growth, building on record results in 1999, reflects the resilience of Legal & General's strategy in a highly competitive marketplace. It also benefits from the continuing roll-out of business to consumer internet applications which now cover term assurance, pensions, with-profits bonds, ISAs and mortgage loans. Pensions -------- Legal & General is developing the products and systems to take full advantage of the launch of Stakeholder pensions in April 2001. We have benefited from our prominent position in the group personal pensions market, where strong new business growth has been a major contributor to the 29% EPI growth achieved in the third quarter of 2000. Over the first nine months of 2000, total pensions new business has increased 16% to £128m (30.9.99: £110m). Sales of annuity business in the first nine months of 2000 have grown by 47% to £310m. Life ---- Single premium with-profits bond sales increased 84% to £201m in the third quarter (July to September 1999: £109m). Over the first nine months of the year single premium bond sales totalled £550m - an increase of 12% over the corresponding period in 1999. Legal & General's strengths in the housing market led to a 10% increase in mortgage related annual premiums over the first nine months of 2000 to £86m (30.9.99: £78m). However, third quarter new business reflected the lower level of transactions in the housing market and an increasing trend towards repayment mortgages. Unit trusts and ISAs -------------------- In the unit trust and ISA market investors continued to focus on specialist or themed funds. Legal & General's main offering in this area remains its range of index tracking funds although two more specialist tracking funds and two actively managed funds are to be added in the fourth quarter. Although sales this year have been below the level of 1999 when we benefited from a strong final PEP season, we are a market leader in index tracking ISAs. New business of £69m EPI in the first nine months of 2000 compared to £88m in the corresponding period last year. Group life and pensions ----------------------- New group risk and group pensions business over the first nine months, totalled £50m EPI - a decrease of 21% (30.9.99: £63m). A major component of this market is bulk purchase annuity business where year on year comparisons are affected by the relatively low volumes which have been placed in the market this year pending the outcome of an appeal case regarding the equalisation of Guaranteed Minimum Pension rights. However, Legal & General continues to win a significant share of the schemes placed. Group risk continues its strong performance with new business totalling £25m EPI over the first nine months of 2000 (30.9.99: £18m), reflecting growing market confidence in our ability to deliver value for money products. Fund management --------------- The success and scale of our fund management business, in particular our index fund capability, continues to be a key differentiator for Legal & General. During the third quarter, an exceptional £3.7bn of new fund management business was secured - an increase of 19% over the corresponding period last year. New external funds gained during the year to date now total £9.6bn (30.9.99: £9.1bn), including £1.1bn of institutional business from the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. International life and pensions ------------------------------- Our business in the USA continues to develop its market position as a major writer of term assurance for up-market customers. Over the first nine months of the year, EPI, which is almost entirely annual premium business, grew by 4% to $76m (30.9.99: $73m). This does not match the exceptional growth rate achieved in 1999 when some sales were brought forward in anticipation of changes in product availability and pricing prior to the implementation of the triple X solvency requirements. Our European businesses have benefited from a strong competitive position and have achieved above market growth. In France, new business volumes in the first nine months of 2000 increased by 41% to EUR 24m EPI (30.9.99: EUR 17m). We expect this business to experience continuing growth in market share. In the Netherlands, new business in the first nine months of 2000 increased by 30% to EUR 13m EPI (30.9.99: EUR 10m) contrasting favourably with the decline in business seen in the market overall. The strong support we have received from brokers for our product initiatives has been key to the market share growth achieved this year. For further information contact: Investors: Peter Horsman Media: John Morgan Investor Relations Manager Head of Public Relations 020 7528 6362 020 7528 6213 Anthony Carlisle Citigate, Dewe Rogerson 020 7638 9571 LEGAL & GENERAL GROUP PLC UNAUDITED NEW BUSINESS PREMIUMS NINE MONTHS TO 30 SEPTEMBER 2000 NEW UK BUSINESS =============== Nine months to Three months to 30 September increase/ 30 September increase/ 2000 1999 (decrease) 2000 1999 (decrease) £m £m % £m £m % INDIVIDUAL LIFE AND PENSIONS BUSINESS New annual premiums Life: - Mortgage related 86 78 29 33 - Savings 1 1 1 0 - Protection 10 13 4 5 Pensions: - Individual pensions 61 58 19 18 Total new annual --- --- --- --- --- --- premiums 158 150 5 53 56 (5) Single premiums Life: - With profits 468 342 201 109 - Other 82 150 22 63 Pensions: - Individual pensions 287 221 130 86 - Annuities - individual 310 211 121 74 - DSS rebates 76 88 50 44 Total single ----- ----- --- --- --- --- premiums 1,223 1,012 21 524 376 39 Individual life --- --- --- --- --- --- and pensions EPI 280 251 12 105 94 12 GROUP LIFE AND PENSIONS BUSINESS New annual premiums - Group risk 25 18 11 8 - Group pensions 7 6 4 3 Total new annual --- --- --- --- --- --- premiums 32 24 33 15 11 36 Single premiums - Annuities - bulk purchase 122 338 31 41 - Other group business 58 53 25 23 Total single --- --- --- --- --- --- premiums 180 391 (54) 56 64 (13) Group life and --- --- --- --- --- --- pensions EPI 50 63 (21) 20 17 18 ISAS, PEPS AND UNIT TRUSTS New annual premiums - ISAs/PEPs (excluding cash ISAs) 14 12 17 3 8 (63) Single premiums - ISAs/PEPs (excluding cash ISAs) 345 555 49 87 - Unit trusts 207 210 63 86 Total single --- --- --- --- --- --- premiums 552 765 (28) 112 173 (35) ISAs, PEPs and unit trusts EPI --- --- --- --- --- --- 69 88 (22) 14 25 (44) --- --- --- --- --- --- Total UK EPI 399 402 (1) 139 136 2 === === === === === === INSTITUTIONAL ----- ----- --- ----- ----- --- FUND MANAGEMENT 9,599 9,148 5 3,730 3,144 19 WORLDWIDE NEW BUSINESS ====================== Nine months to Three months to 30 September increase/ 30 September increase/ 2000 1999 (decrease) 2000 1999 (decrease) £m £m % £m £m % New annual premiums Life and pensions: - Life 122 110 45 46 - Pensions 68 64 23 21 --- --- --- --- --- --- UK 190 174 9 68 67 1 - USA 52 44 12 13 - Netherlands 4 4 1 1 - France 4 4 1 1 Total life and --- --- --- --- --- --- pensions 250 226 11 82 82 0 Retail investment business: - UK 14 12 3 8 Total new annual --- --- --- --- --- --- premiums 264 238 11 85 90 (6) Single premiums Life and pensions: - Life 550 492 223 172 - Pensions 853 911 357 268 ----- ----- --- --- --- --- UK 1,403 1,403 0 580 440 32 - USA 0 1 0 0 - Netherlands 30 26 8 8 - France 78 46 22 16 Total life and ----- ----- --- --- --- --- pensions 1,511 1,476 2 610 464 31 Retail investment business: - UK 552 765 112 173 - France 27 25 7 9 Total single ----- ----- --- --- --- --- premiums 2,090 2,266 (8) 729 646 13 Equivalent premium income (EPI) - Life and pensions business 401 373 8 143 128 12 - Retail investment business 72 91 (21) 15 26 (42) --- --- --- --- --- --- Worldwide EPI 473 464 2 158 154 3 === === === === === === OVERSEAS OPERATIONS IN LOCAL CURRENCY ================= Nine months to increase/ 30 September (decrease) 2000 1999 % USA ($m): New annual premiums 76 73 Single premiums 1 1 EPI 76 73 4 Netherlands (EUR m) New annual premiums 8 6 Single premiums 50 41 EPI 13 10 30 France (EUR m) New annual premiums 6 6 Single premiums 130 72 Unit trusts 46 38 EPI 24 17 41 UK INDIVIDUAL EPI BY CHANNEL ============================ Nine months to 30 September 2000 Annual Single Total EPI £m £m £m % Independent financial advisers 92 120 212 61 Business partnerships 59 24 83 24 Direct 21 33 54 15 --- --- --- --- 172 177 349 100 === === === === Nine months to 30 September 1999 Annual Single Total EPI £m £m £m % Independent financial advisers 79 113 192 57 Business partnerships 66 23 89 26 Direct 17 41 58 17 --- --- --- --- 162 177 339 100 === === === ===
UK 100