It is announced that the un-audited Net Asset Value (inclusive of accumulated income) of The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc ('LTIT'), which is managed by Lindsell Train Limited, at the close of business on the below date was as follows:
30 June 2015 |
£410.3935 per Ordinary share |
Please Note: the above NAV figure includes a revised valuation of LTIT's holding of 651 shares in Lindsell Train Limited which as at 30 June 2015 was valued at £37,316.49 per share an increase of 7.5% from the valuation of £34,701.68 as the previous valuation date on 28 February 2015.
Frequency of the valuation of the investment held in Lindsell Train Limited ('LTL')
As announced on 9 June 2015 the Board reconfirms that it will in future be updating the LTL valuation at the end of every month, rather than quarterly. In a slight change to the 9 June 2015 announcement, the updated LTL valuation will be initially included in a month-end LTIT NAV announcement to be released at the start of each month, like the one above and this revised valuation of LTL will then be reflected in the weekly NAV announcements thereafter until the next month-end NAV is released.
Phoenix Administration Services Limited - Corporate Secretary