Final Results Cont.
London & Assoc Properties PLC
12 March 2001
Preliminary Announcement for the year ended
31 December 2000
Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Revenue Notes
Income 8,816 7,911
Ground rents (423) (406)
Direct property (918) (901)
Attributable (1,458) (1,330)
6,017 5,274
Listed investments:
Investment sales 721 619
Cost of sales (517) (381)
204 (238)
Dividends 97 113
Less - (13) (12)
288 339
Operating profit 6,305 5,613
Share of operating profit 157 1
of associate
Share of operating profit 132 113
of joint venture
6,594 5,727
Interest 63 48
Interest payable (4,499) (3,665)
Profit (Loss) on sale of 1 14 (10)
fixed assets
Profit on ordinary 2,172 2,100
activities before taxation
Taxation on profit on 2 334 531
ordinary activities
Profit on ordinary 1,838 1,569
activities after taxation
Dividend 932 840
Retained profit 3 906 729
for the year
Earnings per share
Basic 4 2.39 p 2.06p
Fully diluted 4 2.29 p 1.98p
Dividend per share 5 1.20 p 1.10p
The revenue and operating profit derives from continuing operations in the
United Kingdom
Consolidated statement of total
recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Profit for the 1,838 1,569
financial year
Currency translation difference on foreign (35) (2)
currency net investments of associate
Increase on revaluation of
investment properties:-
Company 2,160 3,130
Associate and 307 406
joint venture
Total gains and losses recognised 4,270 5,103
in the year
Consolidated Balance sheet
at 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Fixed Assets
Tangible assets 100,121 96,273
Investments 3,568 3,294
103,689 99,567
Current assets
Debtors 1,809 1,485
Investments at 2,405 2,451
(Market value £3,278,000
Bank balances 493 1,085
4,707 5,021
Amounts falling due within (11,579) (11,121)
one year
Net current (6,872) (6,100)
Total assets less current 96,817 93,467
Amounts falling due after (47,838) (48,121)
more than one year
Provision for liabilities (110) (94)
and charges
Net assets 48,869 45,252
Capital and reserves
Share capital 7,761 7,638
Share premium 4,068 3,912
Capital 15 15
redemption reserve
Revaluation 25,658 23,211
Other reserves 429 429
Retained earnings 10,938 10,047
Shareholders' 48,869 45,252
Net assets per Basic 64.09 p 60.98
Diluted 60.50 p 57.57
*Including current asset investments at market value.
Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Profit for the 1,838 1,569
financial year
Dividend (932) (840)
Retained profit 906 729
for the year
Currency translation difference on foreign (35) (2)
currency net investments
Unrealised changes on revaluation of 2,467 3,536
investment properties
Shares issued 123 59
Share premium account 156 103
3,617 4,425
Shareholders' funds at 1 45,252 40,827
January 2000
Shareholders' funds at 31 48,869 45,252
December 2000
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000 £000 £000
Net cash inflow from 6,349 6,636
operating activities
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance
Interest received 52 44
Interest paid (4,367) (3,559)
Net cash outflow from returns on
and servicing of (4,315) (3,515)
Corporation tax (647) (111)
Capital expenditure and
financial investment
Redemption of fixed asset 9 -
Sale of properties 20 391
Sale of office equipment 15 -
and motor cars
Purchase of (1,805) (17,640)
Purchase of office (114) (44)
equipment and motor cars
Net cash inflow (outflow) for capital (1,875) (17,293)
expenditure and financial investment
Equity dividends (557) (591)
Net cash inflow (outflow) before use of (1,045) (14,874)
liquid resources and financing
Net cash (outflow) inflow from management of
liquid resources
Drawdown of short term loan from 95 -
joint venture
Issue expenses (5) (5)
Drawdown of bank - 14,000
Repayment of medium term (200) -
bank loan
Net cash (outflow) inflow (205) 13,995
from financing
Increase (decrease) in cash (1,155) (879)
in the period
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Increase (decrease) in cash (1,155) (879)
in the period
Net cash outflow (inflow) from 200 (14,000)
movement in debt
(955) (14,879)
Other movements on current asset (46) 29
Movement in net debt in the (1,001) (14,850)
Net debt at 1 (48,736) (33,886)
January 2000
Net debt at 31 (49,737) (48,736)
December 2000
Reconciliation of operating profit to net cash inflow
from operating activities
2000 1999
£000 £000
Operating profit 6,305 5,613
Depreciation 93 107
(Profit) on (9) -
disposal of fixed
Dividend from associated 44 48
(Increase) in (333) (182)
Increase 203 1,079
(decrease) in
Decrease (increase) in current 46 (29)
asset investments
6,349 6,636
Analysis of net
At 1 Cash Other At 31
January December
2000 flow movements 2000
£000 £000 £000 £000
Bank balances in 1,085 (592) 493
Bank overdrafts (3,572) (563) (4,135)
Debt due within (200) 200 (300) (300)
one year
Debt due after (48,500) 300 (48,200)
one year
Current asset 2,451 (46) 2,405
(48,736) (955) (46) (49,737)
2000 1999
1 Profit (loss) on sale of £000 £000
fixed assets
Freehold property 20 17
Associate - (6) (27)
14 (10)
2 Taxation 2000 1999
£000 £000
Based on the
results of the
Corporation Tax at 30 per cent 397 496
(1999: 30 per cent)
Tax attributable to franked - 22
investment income
Deferred taxation 16 (17)
Adjustment in respect of (116) -
previous years
297 501
Associate 28 26
Joint venture 9 4
334 531
The tax charge for both 2000 and 1999 has been reduced due to the effect of
accelerated capital allowances.
3 Profit attributable to London & Associated 2000 1999
Properties PLC £000 £000
Dealt with in the financial
statements of:
London & Associated 895 892
Properties PLC
Associate (17) (179)
Joint venture 28 16
906 729
4 Earnings per share
The earnings per share have been
calculated as follows:
Earnings Shares in issue Earnings per
2000 1999 2000 1999 2000 1999
£000 £000 000 000 Pence Pence
Group profit on 1,838 1,569
activities after
Weighted average 76,953 76,060
share capital for
Basic earnings 1,838 1,569 76,953 76,060 2.39 2.06
per share
Conversion of 43 43 4,640 4,640
debenture stock
Share options 25 25 1,767 1,777
Fully diluted 1,906 1,637 83,360 82,477 2.29 1.98
earnings per share
5 Dividend
The proposed final dividend of 1.20p will be paid on 13 July 2001 to
shareholders registered at the close of business on 9 March 2001.
6 The figures for the year ended 31 December 1999 are based on the audited
accounts for that year,
The statutory accounts for the year ended 31st December 2000 have
been completed and an unqualified opinion has been issued.
The preliminary announcement has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies set out in the company's published accounts for the year
ended 31 December 1999.
The figures in the preliminary announcement are an extract
and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
the companies Act 1985.
This preliminary statement was approved by the board on 12 March 2001.