Interim Results
27 September 1999
* Rental income advances to £3.8m despite property sales + 6%
* Pre-tax profits advance to £1.063m + 4%
* Strong tenant demand resulted in further £250,000 of
annualised rents
* Since end of June £15.8m acquisition of Orchard Square,
Sheffield adding additional £1.3m to rental income against
an Estimated Rental Value of £1.7m
* As a result of Orchard Square acquisition total Group property
assets top £100m and annualised rent roll is now over £9m
* 'Demand from retailers is strong across the entire portfolio and
indications are that this will continue throughout the remainder
of the year. I am confident that the year end valuation will reflect
the good progress we have achieved so far during 1999 and therefore
I view the future with confidence,' Michael Heller, Chairman.
I am pleased to report that pre-tax profits for the six months ended 30 June
1999 were £1.063m compared to £1.023m for the same period last year. As in the
past, these profits consist primarily of rental income less expenses. We
estimate that new lettings, virtually across the entire portfolio, have added
a further £250,000 to the current rent roll on an annualised basis. We believe
that both the increased rental levels and new lettings achieved during the
first six months, which have continued into the second half of the year,
should result in a healthy increase in value when our property portfolio is
formally valued as at 31 December 1999.
In July, we completed the acquisition of Orchard Square Shopping Centre for
£15.78m. Following this purchase, the value of group property assets now
exceeds £100m and the annualised rent roll is over £9m.
Orchard Square occupies a 1.52 acre site and is located on Sheffield's prime
shopping street, Fargate. It produces annual gross rents of £1.3m against an
Estimated Rental Value of £1.7m. Tenants in the centre include: TK Maxx, which
occupies the 28,500 sq ft anchor store, Virgin Megastore, Waterstones and The
Body Shop.
Over the medium term we believe that we will significantly increase the income
through intensive management. We are also examining opportunities to provide
larger units tailored to meet the requirements of the larger national multiple
retailers. In the two months since acquisition we have identified further
opportunities which confirm our view that the current Estimated Rental Value
of £1.7m is eminently achievable. This will have a beneficial impact on both
income and the consequent capital values.
As mentioned above the demand from retailers for space in our type of Centre
is currently strong. A typical example of this is at Saxon Square,
Christchurch, where we secured the first vacant unit since acquiring the
centre in December 1997. A new letting on the unit was agreed within weeks at
£29,000, an increase of 100% over the original rent and 45% above the
Estimated Rental Value. This is a record rent for the centre, reflecting the
strength of tenant demand, and we are confident this will lead to higher
rental levels at both reviews and lease renewals over the short to medium
At the Brunel Centre, Bletchley, new lettings were also agreed during the
period which underline the recovery of this shopping centre. These include a
new cafe in the concourse and a national fashion retailer is taking an
assignment of the former Shoe Express unit. I am pleased to report that we
have applied for planning permission to redevelop the former Wetherburn Court
site and build the first of two large units. Work on clearing the site is
already underway.
At King's Square, West Bromwich, which is effectively fully let, a number of
tenants have renewed leases at £58 Zone A and firmly established this level as
the current benchmark. Since the end of June we have also agreed the surrender
of the Kwik Save supermarket for a reverse premium and simultaneously re-let
the unit to an existing tenant of the centre at a new annual rent of £95,000,
an uplift of some 30%. We are dividing the existing tenant's former premises
into three smaller units, where we are confident of increasing the total rent
to £100,000 from £84,000 a year.
At The Mall, Dagenham, we have increased the annual rent roll by £70,000
following three good lettings, while an additional £100,000 of annual income
has been generated at our Barnsley town centre investment where the local
authority has taken the office space above the ground floor retail. We have
also concluded additional lettings at Brierley Hill, West Midlands with
Grattan plc and a national fashion retailer has taken space at both Bedworth
and Hebburn.
We have continued our programme of selling smaller, mature assets and over the
period have disposed of, or contracted to dispose of, properties totalling
more than £2m. These include a non-core holding in Barnsley and a shopping
parade in Wolverhampton which combined will show a substantial surplus over
book value. The cash generated from these sales will be reinvested in new
property investments, where we believe there is scope for genuine growth over
the medium term, or used to repay borrowings.
Shareholders will be aware that the acquisition of Orchard Square was funded
through a new £21m 10 year loan from NatWest at very competitive rates, part
of which was used to repay an existing loan. As a result of the new funding
gearing, net of listed investments, has increased to 115% although this should
fall on the disposal of some of our non-core properties and the expected
improvement in the portfolio's value at the year end.
Disappointingly, in South Africa, Black Wattle Colliery, the coal mining
subsidiary of Bisichi, our associated company, encountered a major geological
problem in the shape of a 'mudwash' that had not shown up in any borehole
results. This adversely affected production and has resulted in Black Wattle
Colliery operating at a loss. However, Black Wattle Colliery has now signed an
agreement with the owner of an adjacent property to acquire the mineral
reserves and with production from this new reserve we anticipate that Black
Wattle Colliery will return to profitability in the course of next year. We
have incorporated our share of Bisichi's loss, some £41,000 after minority
interests, in the six months results against a profit of £115,000 in the same
period a year ago.
As Chairman of a property company investing in Shopping Centres, I am often
asked whether I believe that the growth of e-commerce is a source of concern.
We continue to monitor carefully the growth of the internet, particularly in
the United States which is more advanced in this area than the United Kingdom.
I am pleased to report that current indications are that town centre retailing
is virtually unaffected by e-commerce with most of the impact being reported
by the out-of-town bulky goods retailers. This is a further justification of
your company's strategy not to diversify into retail parks despite their
exceptional performance over the last few years.
As I have already indicated, demand from retailers is strong across the entire
portfolio and indications are that this will continue throughout the remainder
of the year. I am confident that the year end valuation will reflect the good
progress we have achieved so far during 1999 and therefore I view the future
with confidence.
Michael Heller 27th September 1999
Consolidated profit and loss account
Six months ended 30 June 1999
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended 31
30 June 30 June December
1999 1998 1998
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Income 3,794 3,590 7,438
Less: - ground rents (204) (197) (396)
- direct property expenses (462) (391) (820)
- attributable overheads (676) (596) (1,233)
_______ _______ _______
2,452 2,406 4,989
_______ _______ _______
Listed investments:
Investment sales 331 314 951
Cost of sales (229) (166) (656)
_______ _______ _______
102 148 295
Dividends receivable 60 57 125
Less: -attributable overheads (5) (4) (10)
_______ _______ _______
157 201 410
_______ _______ _______
Operating profit 2,609 2,607 5,399
Share of operating (loss) profit
of associate (41) 115 90
Share of operating profit
of joint venture 5 9 14
_______ _______ _______
2,573 2,731 5,503
Interest receivable 21 27 96
Interest payable (1,525) (1,735) (3,584)
(Loss) on sale of fixed assets (6) - (1)
_______ _______ _______
Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation 1,063 1,023 2,014
Taxation of profit on ordinary activities 1 327 248 474
_______ _______ _______
Profit for the period 736 775 1,540
_______ _______ _______
Earnings per share - basic 2 0.97p 1.03p 2.04p
Earnings per share - diluted 2 0.94p 0.99p 1.96p
The operating profit derives from continuing operations
Consolidated balance sheet at 30 June 1999
30 June 30 June 31 December
1999 1998 1998
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Properties and other tangible assets 3 75,578 76,430 75,614
Investments 3,012 3,074 3,053
_______ _______ _______
Total fixed assets 78,590 79,504 78,667
_______ _______ _______
Current assets
Debtors 1,609 1,712 1,292
Investments (Market value - £3,574,000) 4 2,464 2,442 2,422
Bank balances 3,072 68 2,066
_______ _______ _______
7,145 4,222 5,780
_______ _______ _______
Creditors due within one year
Creditors and accruals (6,155) (6,481) (5,500)
Bank borrowings (3,559) (2,636) (3,674)
_______ _______ _______
(9,714) (9,117) (9,174)
_______ _______ _______
Net current liabilities (2,569) (4,895) (3,394)
_______ _______ _______
Total assets less current liabilities 76,021 74,609 75,273
_______ _______ _______
Creditors due after more than one year (34,343) (34,327) (34,335)
_______ _______ _______
Provisions for liabilities and charges (111) - (111)
_______ _______ _______
Net assets 41,567 40,282 40,827
_______ _______ _______
Equity shareholders' funds 5 41,567 40,282 40,827
_______ _______ _______
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Six months ended 30 June 1999
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended 31
30 June 30 June December
1999 1998 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 736 775 1,540
Currency translation difference on foreign
net investments 4 (45) (41)
Increase on revaluation of investment
Company - - 347
Associate - - 45
_______ _______ _______
740 730 1,891
_______ _______ _______
Consolidated cash flow statement
for the six months ended 30 June 1999
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended 31
30 June 30 June December
1999 1998 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 2,609 2,607 5,399
Depreciation 52 44 94
Dividend from associated company - - 49
(Increase)decrease in current assets 40 (60) 590
_______ _______ _______
Net cash flow from operating activities 2,701 2,591 6,132
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance (1,589) (1,709) (3,575)
Taxation - - (151)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (3) (563) 221
Equity dividends paid - - (532)
_______ _______ _______
Cash inflow before use of liquid resources
and financing 1,109 319 2,095
Management of liquid resources 12 - (810)
Cash outflow from financing - (49) (55)
_______ _______ _______
Increase in cash in the period 1,121 270 1,230
_______ _______ _______
Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net debt
Increase in cash in the period 1,121 270 1,230
Movements on current asset investments 42 24 4
_______ _______ _______
Decrease in net debt in the period 1,163 294 1,234
Net debt at beginning of period (33,886) (35,120) (35,120)
_______ _______ _______
Net debt at end of period (32,723) (34,826) (33,886)
_______ _______ _______
Analysis of net debt
Bank balances in hand 3,072 68 2,066
Bank overdrafts (2,999) (2,076) (3,114)
Bank bridging loan (560) (560) (560)
Debt due after one year (34,700) (34,700) (34,700)
Current asset investments 2,464 2,442 2,422
_______ _______ _______
(32,723) (34,826) (33,886)
_______ _______ _______
Notes to the Interim Results
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended 31
30 June 30 June December
1999 1998 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000
1. Taxation
Company 318 234 452
Associate 8 12 19
Joint Venture 1 2 3
_______ _______ _______
327 248 474
_______ _______ _______
The tax charge for 1998 has been reduced due to the effect of accelerated
capital allowances.
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended 31
30 June 30 June December
1999 1998 1998
2. Earnings per share have been calculated
as follows:-
Group profit on ordinary activities
after tax £736,000 £775,000 £1,540,000
Weighted average number of shares
in issue for period 75,790,926 75,483,500 75,631,000
Basic earnings per share 0.97p 1.03p 2.04p
Dilution adjustments to earnings £36,000 £31,000 £62,000
Diluted number of shares in issue 82,207,526 81,070,100 81,616,603
Fully diluted earnings per share 0.94p 0.99p 1.96p
3. Properties are included at valuation as at 31 December 1998 adjusted for
additions and disposals since that date at cost.
4. Investments held as current assets
30 June 30 June 31 December
1999 1998 1998
£'000 £'000 £'000
Listed investment portfolio at market value 3,574 3,799 3,138
Unrealised excess of market value over costs 1,110 1,357 716
_______ _______ _______
Listed investment portfolio at cost 2,464 2,442 2,422
_______ _______ _______
5. Purchase of the company's own shares.
In accordance with resolutions passed at the company's AGM in 1998 the
company purchased 150,000 of its own ordinary shares, at a cost of
£48,742 for cancellation. During 1999 the company has not acquired any
of its own shares.
6. Year 2000 compliance
The group continues to actively look for potential software and hardware
problems arising from the millennium date change. Critical items have
already been tested and modified or replaced as necessary. Testing and
monitoring will continue for the remainder of 1999 and into early 2000.
No material additional costs are anticipated.
7. This financial information does not constitute statutory accounts within
the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for the
year ended 31 December 1998 are based on the statutory accounts which
have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies: the report of the
auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The six
month figures use the same accounting policies as for the year ended 31
December 1998, and have not been audited or subject to review by the
8. Board Approval
These interim accounts were approved by the Board of London & Associated
Properties PLC on 24 September 1999.
Registered Office
8-10 New Fetter Lane, London EC4A 1AF . Telephone 020 7415 5000
Company registration no. 341829 (England).
Posting to shareholders
The interim statement will be posted to all shareholders shortly. Copies will
be available from the company Secretary at the Registered Office, and will
also be available on the company's Web Site at
Contact: London & Associated Properties PLC Tel: 020 7415 5000
Michael Heller, Chairman,
John Heller, Director or
Robert Corry, Finance Director
Baron Phillips Associates Tel: 020 7224 1302
Baron Phillips