Interim Results
London & Assoc Properties PLC
26 September 2000
London & Associated Properties PLC is a London-based specialist retail
property investor focused on larger in-town shopping centres across the
* First Half Rent roll advances to record £4.44m + 17%
* Pre-tax profits increase to £1.1m +3%
* New lettings totalling annualised income of £280,000
agreed during period
* Further rental income of £225,000 a year currently under offer
* Two-thirds of property portfolio comprises five strategic
shopping centres
* Positive impact of intensive property management programme
'Demand from retailers continues at record levels across our entire
portfolio, resulting in the lowest level of voids in many years. All
this indicates that the results for the full year should be satisfactory,'
Michael Heller, Chairman.
Chairman's Statement
There has been a marked growth in rental income, from £3.79 million to a
record £4.44 million during the six months to 30th June 2000 reflecting last
year's acquisition of Orchard Square shopping centre in Sheffield and our
vigorous property management programme.
Since the beginning of this year new lettings with a gross annualised income
of £280,000 have been completed with a further £225,000 of annual rent
presently under offer. LAP's total annualised rent roll now stands at £8.3
million while the ERV of the property portfolio has risen to £10.6 million,
an increase of over £400,000, as a direct result of the excellent
lettings carried out during the first 6 months of this year.On a group
basis, including Bisichi Mining and Dragon Retail Properties, the group
income is £9.2 million and the group ERV is some £12 million.
Almost 80% of our rental income is derived from national multiples while
almost two thirds of our property investment portfolio comprises five
strategic Shopping Malls, all of which are effectively fully let. The
property portfolio currently stands at approximately £100 million. When
Bisichi Mining and Dragon Retail Properties are included, this increases to
£107 million.
Pre-tax profits for the period, which are derived primarily from rental
income, have increased to £1.093m from £1.063m for the same period a year ago.
This profits growth has been achieved despite a higher level of borrowings,
rising interest rates and increased overheads. As shareholders know it is not
our policy to declare an interim dividend.
As at 30th June 2000, gearing was a comfortable 103% with more than half of
the company's borrowings at variable interest rates. Interest payable is
currently covered by a conservative 2.0 times rental income.
None of this progress could have been achieved without our intensive
management approach to the property portfolio, where we have implemented a
strategic long term plan for each of our major centres.
Since acquiring Orchard Square Shopping Centre in Sheffield just over a year
ago, we have achieved a number of the objectives we set ourselves at the time
of acquisition. For example, we have obtained planning consent for the
creation of a new larger unit which we have pre-let at £83,000 per annum,
representing a 15% increase over the current rent levels at Orchard Square.
Work is underway and the unit will be ready for occupation early in the New
Year. We are confident that this letting will have a positive impact on the
rest of the Centre, both in terms of marketing units when they become
available, and at rent review.
Planning consent to improve the branding of the centre through banners to the
front and rear, and through a new arch at the entrance on Fargate has been
obtained. This initiative has been enthusiastically received by all of the
tenants and fully supported by the Local Authority.
Elsewhere within Orchard Square further lettings, at record levels, have also
been achieved on a number of smaller units producing annualised rents of
£60,000, of which approximately £20,000 is incremental.
As a result of our management strategy the net annualised rent generated by
Orchard Square is £1.3 million compared with £1.21million net at the time of
our purchase while, more importantly, the ERV has increased from £1.75m to
£1.9 million today.
At Saxon Square, Christchurch, we have also continued our active management
strategy and, through the acquisition of an adjoining shop, will be able to
extend two of our existing units to meet demand from retailers. This again
underpins the excellent levels of demand from retailers who wish to be
represented in this Centre, and should lead to further growth at rent review
and lease renewal.
In The Brunel Centre, Bletchley we have let the final remaining unit in the
concourse, again at a record Zone A rate, and I am also pleased to report that
negotiations are at an advanced stage with several tenants for our adjoining
development at Wetherburn Court. Additional lettings have also been achieved
at our Shopping Centres in Dagenham and West Bromwich and once again they have
resulted in improved rental levels at both centres.
We are continuing with our stated policy of selling older retail properties
where we believe the potential for growth is limited. A portfolio of these
properties is currently being marketed we have received an encouraging level
of interest. Since the balance sheet date, our 50% owned joint venture, Dragon
Retail Properties, has sold part of its investment at Bromsgrove for £875,000
and plans are already in hand to reinvest the proceeds.
I can also report that trading at our associate, Bisichi Mining, has improved.
This is principally due to a turnaround at the Black Wattle Colliery. We
anticipate that this improvement will continue, and will benefit your group.
Demand from retailers continues at record levels across our entire portfolio,
resulting in the lowest level of voids in many years. All this indicates that
the results for the full year should be satisfactory.
Michael Heller 26 September 2000
Consolidated profit and loss account
Six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 Dec
2000 1999 1999
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Income 4,442 3,794 7,911
Less - ground rents (207) (204) (406)
- direct property expenses (472) (462) (901)
- attributable overheads (735) (676) (1,330)
------ ------ ------
3,028 2,452 5,274
------ ------ ------
Listed investments:
Investment sales 395 331 619
Cost of sales (311) (229) (381)
------ ------ ------
84 102 238
Dividends receivable 46 60 113
Less - attributable overheads (6) (5) (12)
------ ------ ------
124 157 339
------ ------ ------
Operating profit 3,152 2,609 5,613
Share of operating profit (loss)
of associate 75 (41) 1
Share of operating profit of joint venture 66 5 113
------ ------ ------
3,293 2,573 5,727
Interest receivable 43 21 48
Interest payable (2,235) (1,525) (3,665)
Exceptional items (8) (6) (10)
------ ------ ------
Profit on ordinary 1,093 1,063 2,100
activities before taxation
Taxation of profit on ordinary activities 1 334 327 531
------ ------ ------
Profit for the period 759 736 1,569
------ ------ ------
Earnings per share - basic 2 0.99p 0.97p 2.06p
Earnings per share - diluted 2 0.96p 0.94p 1.98p
Dividend per share - - 1.10p
Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 June 2000
30 June 30 June 31 Dec
2000 1999 1999
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Properties and other tangible assets 3 97,122 75,578 96,273
Investments 3,282 3,012 3,294
------ ------ ------
Total fixed assets 100,404 78,590 99,567
------ ------ ------
Current assets
Debtors 2,013 1,609 1,485
Investments (Market value - 4 2,376 2,464 2,451
Bank balances 91 3,072 1,085
------ ------ ------
4,480 7,145 5,021
------ ------ ------
Creditors due within one year
Creditors and accruals (7,492) (6,155) (7,349)
Bank borrowings (3,316) (3,559) (3,772)
------ ------ ------
(10,808) (9,714) (11,121)
------ ------ ------
Net current liabilities (6,328) (2,569) (6,100)
------ ------ ------
Total assets less current liabilities 94,076 76,021 93,467
Creditors due after more than one year (47,979) (34,343) (48,121)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (94) (111) (94)
------ ------ ------
Net assets 46,003 41,567 45,252
------ ------ ------
Equity shareholders' funds 46,003 41,567 45,252
------ ------ ------
Consolidated statement of total
recognised gains and losses
Six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 759 736 1,569
Currency translation difference on
foreign currency net investments (8) 4 (2)
Increase on revaluation of investment
properties: Company - - 3,130
Associate and joint venture - - 406
------ ------ ------
Total gains and losses
recognised in the period 751 740 5,103
------ ------ ------
Consolidated cash flow statement
Six months ended 30 June 2000
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 3,152 2,609 5,613
Depreciation 46 52 107
(Profit) on disposal of fixed assets (5)
Dividend from associated company - - 48
(Increase)decrease in current assets (223) 40 868
------ ------ ------
Net cash flow from operating activities 2,970 2,701 6,636
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance (2,229) (1,589) (3,515)
Taxation (16) - (111)
Capital expenditure and financial investment (1,113) (3) (17,293)
Equity dividends paid - - (591)
------ ------ ------
Cash (outflow) inflow before use of liquid
resources and financing (388) 1,109 (14,874)
Management of liquid resources - 12 -
Cash inflow (outflow) from financing (100) - 13,995
------ ------ ------
Increase (decrease) in cash in the period (488) 1,121 (879)
------ ------ ------
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement on net debt
Increase (decrease) in cash in the period (488) 1,121 (879)
Net cash outflow (inflow) from reduction
(increase) in debt 100 - (14,000)
------ ------ ------
(388) 1,121 (14,879)
Movements on current asset investments (75) 42 29
------ ------ ------
(463) 1,163 (14,850)
Net debt at beginning of period (48,736) (33,886) (33,886)
------ ------ ------
Net debt at end of period (49,199) (32,723) (48,736)
------ ------ ------
Analysis of net debt
Bank balances in hand 91 3,07 1,085
Bank overdrafts (3,066) (2,999) (3,572)
Bank bridging loan - (560) -
Debt due within one year (250) - (200)
Debt due after one year (48,350) (34,700) (48,500)
Current asset investments 2,376 2,464 2,451
------ ------ ------
(49,199) (32,723) (48,736)
------ ------ ------
Notes to the interim results
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Company 323 318 501
Associate 6 8 26
Joint Venture 5 1 4
------ ------ ------
334 327 531
------ ------ ------
The tax charges have been reduced due to the effect of accelerated capital
2.Earnings per share have been
calculated as follows:-
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
Group profit on ordinary activities
after tax £759,000 £736,000 £1,569,000
Weighted average number of
shares in issue for the period ('000) 76,380 75,791 76,060
Basic earnings per share 0.99p 0.97p 2.06p
Dilution adjustments to earnings £34,000 £36,000 £68,000
Diluted number of shares in issue ('000) 82,797 82,208 82,477
Fully diluted earnings per share 0.96p 0.94p 1.98p
3. Properties are included at valuation as at 31 December 1999 adjusted for
additions and disposals since that date at cost.
4. Investments held as current assets
30 June 30 June 31 December
2000 1999 1999
£'000 £'000 £'000
Listed investment portfolio at market value 3,314 3,574 3,773
Unrealised excess of market value over costs 938 1,110 1,322
------ ------ ------
Listed investment portfolio at cost 2,376 2,464 2,451
------ ------ ------
5. The above financial information does not constitute statutory
accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The
figures for the year ended 31st December 1999 are based upon the latest
statutory accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies;
the report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The six months figures use the same accounting policies as for the year
ended 31 December 1999, and have not been audited or subject to
review by the auditors.
6.Board approval
These interim accounts were approved by the Board of London & Associated
Properties PLC on 25 September 2000.
7. Posting to shareholders
The interim statement will be posted to shareholders shortly. Copies are
available at the Company's Registered Office: 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London
Contact: London & Associated Properties PLC Tel: 020 7415 5000
Michael Heller, John Heller, or Robert Corry
Bankside Consultants Limited Tel: 020 7220 7477
Baron Phillips