Interim Results
London & Assoc Properties PLC
25 September 2001
25th September 2001
London & Associated Properties Plc is a specialist shopping centre investor
with property assets of £100m, two-thirds of which is concentrated in five
principal centres and malls. Multiple retailers generate almost 80% of the
company's annual rent roll.
- Further profits advance to £1.14m
- Active property management programme will deliver further annual rental
income of £372,000 following completion of current refurbishment and
redevelopment activities for a capital expenditure of £2.5m
- Annualised rental income is some £9m against estimated rental value of £11m
- Net assets exceed £50m for first time
- Gearing stands at comfortable 95% with 50%+ of long term borrowings at
variable interest rates
- Interest payable is twice covered by rental income
- Group property sales of £2m achieved during period
- Further £2.5m of Group property sales under offer with additional £3m being
- John Heller today promoted to Chief Executive
'Your company is trading well and I expect the results for the remainder of
the year to be satisfactory,' Michael Heller, Chairman.
I am pleased to report another advance in half-year profits for the six
months ending 30th June 2001, to £1.14m from £1.10m over the same period last
year. At the same time, turnover in the first half, which is derived
primarily from rental income, fell marginally to £4.4m from £4.44m.
This short-term fall in rental income reflects the continued successful
implementation of our programme of active property management. We have sold
£2m of mature investments during the period, and released shop units to allow
upgrading and redevelopment at our principal centres. The annual rental
income of the units being upgraded was £130,000, and in spite of this
shortfall like for like rental income actually increased by some 2.5%.
The programme of upgrading and redevelopment is virtually all pre-let and
will lead to an increased rent roll when construction is finished and
rent-free periods expire. As I stated at the time of our previous year-end
results, our centres continue to benefit from the aggressive expansion plans
of retailers targeting the more value conscious customer. Much of the
development programme aims to provide units for these retailers who typically
require between 3,500 and 5,000 sq ft of space. The rental value of our
developments in hand is some £372,000 pa while the related capital
expenditure is approx. £2.5m.
At 30th June 2001 the Company's net assets, including investments at market
value stood at £50.5m while the gross value of our property portfolio was
£100m, rising to £112m when properties owned both by our associate company,
Bisichi Mining Plc, and our joint venture company, Dragon Retail Properties
Ltd, are included. The Company's current annualised rental income for the
property portfolio is some £9.0m with an estimated rental value (ERV) of
around £11.0m.
Gearing, net of listed investments, at 30th June was a comfortable 95%. Just
over half of our long-term borrowings are at variable rates of interest; we
have therefore benefited from the fall in interest rates. Interest payable is
twice covered by rental income.
As shareholders know, LAP invests exclusively in shopping centres and malls
located in town and city centres, with almost 80% of our annual rent
generated by multiple retailers. Our five major shopping centres represent
two-thirds of our portfolio by value and offer excellent scope for active
management and growth.
We have continued to achieve considerable success in attracting a number of
major tenants to these centres. Although Orchard Square in Sheffield remains
fully let, we have secured planning permission to redevelop a block of four
smaller units, currently generating annual rents of £75,000, to create a
larger single unit with an ERV of £125,000. A number of national retailers
have expressed strong interest in this space, and we expect to pre-let the
unit in the near future. In keeping with our policy of avoiding speculative
development, construction will not begin until a tenant is committed to the
Further lettings at Orchard Square have been concluded during the period at
the increased £65 - 70 Zone A rate that was first achieved at the end of last
year. The true benefit of these latest lettings will be felt when we
undertake the bulk of rent reviews for the centre towards the middle of next
year. During 2002, approximately 71% of the leases by value will be reviewed.
We are also in the process of converting vacant upper parts at the rear of
Orchard Square into six city centre apartments. I am pleased to report that
we have taken deposits for all the units off-plan and they should generate
total sales of £500,000, making a satisfactory contribution to profits as the
sales are completed.
The comprehensive city centre redevelopment, which includes the block
containing the John Lewis store adjacent to Orchard Square, is now being
formulated and we believe that this will further enhance our shopping
centre's location as being in the very prime of Sheffield.
King's Square at West Bromwich remains fully let, which is an important
factor in obtaining rental growth. To the rear of the centre, we have now
received permission to create a 2,000 sq. ft. unit which will be outside
King's Square but adjacent to the new bus station which is currently under
construction. This bus station will combine with the adjacent tram
interchange to make our shopping centre the principal thoroughfare within the
centre of West Bromwich. There is good interest in the unit and, again, we
hope to agree a pre-let in the near future.
Saxon Square, Christchurch, will also be fully let in the near future. We are
due to complete a lease to an existing tenant who is relocating to a larger
unit. At the same time, the temporary tenant of this larger unit, a multiple
retailer, will sign a long lease on the unit being vacated at a record rent.
We are also finalising a proposal for the redevelopment of part of Saxon
Square and I hope to be able to report further on this in the near future.
Progress at Bletchley has been highly satisfactory, and 23,000 sq ft of the
adjacent 32,000 sq ft two-storey development, including the whole of the
ground floor, is under offer to a major national retailer. Following the
completion of a lease at £45,000 a year in a recently vacated unit, an
increase of 20%, the main concourse will again be fully let. We have also
renewed leases to a number of the principal tenants in the concourse, all of
which have been at levels that reflect the steady growth that we have
The Mall in Dagenham is currently experiencing an exciting period of change.
J. Sainsbury, the anchor tenant, has closed its store although it remains
committed to paying rent for a further 29 years. A new anchor tenant is
currently very close to signing a lease to take over this unit and I
anticipate making an announcement in the near future.
We have continued our policy of selling mature properties and as a Group have
completed the sale or exchanged contracts to sell properties with a value of
some £2m so far this year. These sales were achieved at levels around book
value as at 31st December 2000. In addition a further £2.5m of sales are
under offer, and approximately £3m of property is currently being marketed.
The cash realised from these sales will be invested in our existing portfolio
as well as in new shopping centres as opportunities arise.
During the first half of this year we examined a number of shopping centres
that had been offered to us. However, none of them met our strict criteria
for purchase. Our balance sheet remains strong and we have sufficient
facilities to make further major acquisitions should suitable targets be
As shareholders are aware, LAP owns 42% of Bisichi Mining plc, which owns a
fully let retail property portfolio that we manage on its behalf. Bisichi's
South African coal mining subsidiary is now operating profitably and has made
a contribution of £57,000 to our half year profits.
Finally, your Board has given serious consideration over the last couple of
years to the question of management succession, and I am pleased to announce
that the Board has voted to promote John Heller to Chief Executive. John has
played a key role over the last few years in the expansion of your business,
and this appointment takes effect today. I will continue as Chairman
Your company is trading well and I expect the results for the remainder of
the year to be satisfactory.
Michael Heller
25th September 2001
Consolidated profit and loss account
Six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Income 4,397 4,442 8,816
Less - ground rents (222) (207) (423)
- direct property expenses (429) (472) (918)
- attributable overheads (780) (735) (1,458)
2,966 3,028 6,017
Listed investments:
Investment sales 210 395 721
Cost of sales (97) (311) (517)
113 84 204
Dividends receivable 45 46 97
Less - attributable (7) (6) (13)
151 124 288
Operating profit 3,117 3,152 6,305
Share of operating profit (loss) of 127 75 157
Share of operating profit of joint 100 66 132
3,344 3,293 6,594
Interest receivable 33 43 63
Interest payable (2,233) (2,235) (4,499)
Exceptional items (4) (8) 14
Profit on ordinary activities before 1,140 1,093 2,172
Taxation of profit on 1 265 334 334
ordinary activities
Profit for the period 875 759 1,838
Earnings per share - basic 2 1.13p 0.99p 2.39p
Earnings per share - diluted 2 1.08p 0.96p 2.29p
Dividend per share - - 1.20p
Consolidated balance sheet
at 30 June 2001
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
Note £'000 £'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Properties and other 3 100,358 97,122 100,121
tangible assets
Investments 3,635 3,282 3,568
Total fixed assets 103,993 100,404 103,689
Current assets
Debtors 2,114 2,013 1,809
Investments (Market value - 4 2,434 2,376 2,405
Bank balances 115 91 493
4,663 4,480 4,707
Creditors due within one
Creditors and accruals (7,975) (7,492) (7,144)
Bank borrowings (3,132) (3,316) (4,435)
(11,107) (10,808) (11,579)
Net current liabilities (6,444) (6,328) (6,872)
Total assets less current 97,549 94,076 96,817
Creditors due after more than one (47,696) (47,979) (47,838)
Provisions for liabilities and (110) (94) (110)
Net assets 49,743 46,003 48,869
Equity shareholders' funds 49,743 46,003 48,869
This interim statement was approved by the board of directors on 24 September
Consolidated statement of total
recognised gains and losses
Six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit for the financial period 875 759 1,838
Currency translation difference on
foreign currency net investments (1) (8) (35)
Increase on revaluation of
investment properties
Company - - 2,159
Associate and joint venture - - 308
Total gains and losses recognised in
the period 874 751 4,270
Consolidated cash flow statement
Six months ended 30 June 2001
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Operating profit 3,117 3,152 6,305
Depreciation 50 46 93
(Profit) on disposal of fixed assets (4) (5) (9)
Dividend from associated company - - 44
(Increase)decrease in current assets (248) (223) (84)
Net cash flow from operating 2,915 2,970 6,349
Returns on investments and servicing
of finance (1,680) (2,229) (4,315)
Taxation 142 (16) (647)
Capital expenditure and financial
investment (375) (1,113) (1,875)
Equity dividends paid - - (557)
Cash inflow before use of liquid
and financing 1,002 (388) (1,045)
Management of liquid resources - - 95
Cash inflow (outflow) from financing (150) (100) (205)
Increase (decrease) in cash in the 852 (488) (1,155)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement on net debt
Increase (decrease) in cash in the 852 (488) (1,155)
Net cash (outflow) inflow from
(reduction) increase in debt 150 100 200
1,002 (388) (955)
Movements on current asset 29 (75) (46)
1,031 (463) (1,001)
Net debt at beginning of period (49,737) (48,736) (48,736)
Net debt at end of period (48,706) (49,199) (49,737)
Analysis of net debt
Bank balances in hand 115 91 493
Bank overdrafts (2,832) (3,066) (4,135)
Debt due within one year (300) (250) (300)
Debt due after one year (48,050) (48,350) (48,200)
Current asset investments 2,434 2,376 2,405
(48,633) (49,199) (49,737)
Notes to the interim results
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Company 241 323 297
Associate 15 6 28
Joint Venture 9 5 9
265 334 334
The tax charge for 2000 and 2001 has been reduced due to the effect of
accelerated capital allowances
2.Earnings per share have been calculated as follows:-
6 months 6 months Year
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
Group profit on ordinary activities £874,835 £759,000 £1,838,000
after tax
Weighted average number of shares in
issue for the period ('000) 77,607 76,380 76,953
Basic earnings per share 1.13p 0.99p 2.39p
Dilution adjustments to earnings £34,000 £34,000 £68,000
Diluted number of shares in issue 84,014 82,797 83,360
Fully diluted earnings per share 1.08p 0.96p 2.29p
3. Properties are included at valuation as at 31 December 2000 adjusted for
additions and disposals since that date at cost or valuation.
4. Investments held as current assets
30 June 30 June 31 December
2001 2000 2000
£'000 £'000 £'000
Listed investment portfolio at 3,160 3,314 3,278
market value
Unrealised excess of market value 726 938 873
over costs
Listed investment portfolio at cost 2,434 2,376 2,405
5. The above financial information does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The figures for
the year ended 31st December 2000 are based upon the latest statutory
accounts which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies; the report
of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a
statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The six
months figures use the same accounting policies as for the year ended 31
December 2000, and have not been audited or subject to review by the
company's auditors.
6. Posting to shareholders
The interim statement will be sent to shareholders by mail. Copies are now
available at the Company's Registered Office: 8-10 New Fetter Lane, London
EC4A 1AF and may also be downloaded from the Company's website -
Contact: London & Associated Properties PLC. Tel: 020 7415 5000
Michael Heller, Chairman
John Heller, Chief Executive
Robert Corry, Finance Director
Baron Phillips Associates Tel: 020 7397 8932
Baron Phillips