Final Results
London Securities PLC
3 May 2001
London Securities PLC Preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2000
As I explained in the Chairman's Statement included with the 1999 Annual
Report, the Company acquired Ansul s.a. on 29 December 1999 and disposed of
all its property subsidiaries at the same date.
With effect from 29 December 1999, the Group's primary business is the
manufacture, sale and service of portable fire equipment in the UK, Belgium,
Holland, Austria and Switzerland. Consequently, the comparative figures
included in the profit and loss account are not relevant to our present
activities as they relate to the group's former activities as a property
investment group.
An audited profit and loss account for 2000 and an unaudited proforma profit
and loss account for 1999 setting out financial information for our new
business are included in the financial statements and a summary thereof is
detailed below:
Audited Unaudited proforma
12 months to 12 months to
31 December 31 December
2000 1999
£'000 £'000
EBITDA 9,545 8,446
Depreciation (1,573) (1,549)
Amortisation of goodwill (2,640) (2,640)
---- ----
Operating profit 5,332 4,257
Despite the weakness of the Euro throughout the year (60 per cent. of profits
arise from the activities in Euro denominated countries), profits have
improved significantly from 1999. If the Euro had remained at the levels of
1999, operating profit would have been higher by approximately £300,000.
The Group's Nu-Swift UK operations have shown improved profits benefiting
from investment in prior years in rental activities. Improved
non-extinguisher sales also contributed significantly as have the export
In Belgium, both turnover and profit were improved primarily due to improved
service engineers performance and improvements in factory volumes and
The Ansul operation in Holland improved operating profits on the back of
strong extinguisher sales from both service engineers and representatives.
Nu-Swift's Dutch operation produced a solid performance despite increased
cost of sales due to the import of the majority of product from the UK.
Profits in Austria and Switzerland were marginally improved from 1999 despite
both companies being in a transitional period following the departure of the
Managing Director and completion of a relocation.
Basic earnings per ordinary share are 22.3p and adjusted earnings per share
in which amortisation of goodwill and an exceptional tax credit in respect of
prior years are added back are 29.2p for the year.
The outlook for 2001 is optimistic with management accounts showing marked
improvements in both turnover and profit. The annual budgeting process
yielded significant new initiatives to improve profitability, the majority of
which were implemented in advance of 1 January 2001.
2000 was a year in which the staff excelled and, on your behalf, I would like
to express thanks and appreciation for their contribution.
A final dividend of 3p (1999: 2p) per ordinary share is proposed, payable on
11 July 2001 to shareholders on the register on 8 June 2001.
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Notes Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2000 1999
£000 £000
Turnover 37,729 -
Gross rents receivable - 2,006
Cost of sales (5,518) -
Direct property outgoings - (107)
Gross profit/net rents receivable 32,211 1,899
Distribution costs (15,782) -
Administrative expenses (11,097) (113)
Operating profit 5,332 1,786
EBITDA** 9,545 1,786
Depreciation (1,573) -
Amortisation of goodwill (2,640) -
Operating profit 5,332 1,786
Income from fixed asset investments 96 -
Profit on sale of property investment - 1,878
Net interest payable (1,508) (683)
Exchange (loss)/gain on foreign (56) 25
Profit on ordinary activities before 3,864 3,006
Taxation (608) (376)
Profit on ordinary activities after 3,256 2,630
Dividends (435) (102)
Retained profit 2,821 2,528
Basic earnings per ordinary share 1 22.3p 50.7p
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 1 29.2p 14.2p
Dividend per ordinary share 3.0p 2.0p
All of the above results for 2000 arose from continuing operations.
All of the above results for 1999, excluding the exchange gain on foreign
currency, arose from discontinued operations.
There is no potential dilution of the Company's shares.
**Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Year Unaudited Proforma year
ended ended
31 December 2000 31 December 1999
£000 £000
Turnover 37,729 36,902
Cost of sales (5,518) (5,882)
Gross profit 32,211 31,020
Distribution costs (15,782) (15,223)
Administrative expenses (11,097) (11,540)
Operating profit 5,332 4,257
EBITDA ** 9,545 8,446
Depreciation (1,573) (1,549)
Amortisation of goodwill (2,640) (2,640)
Operating profit 5,332 4,257
The table above shows, for the purposes of illustration only, the 2000
results compared to the 1999 results of the Ansul and Nu-Swift Groups,
presented as follows:
The combined operating profits of the Ansul and Nu-Swift Groups adjusted for
the items mentioned below and also after charging goodwill amortisation at a
similar level to that charged in 2000. The 1999 figures shown above have been
extracted (and, where appropriate, translated at the relevant exchange rates)
from the audited financial statements of the Ansul Group and the Nu-Swift
The Group has borne certain office and other costs, including the costs of
certain executives of the Fire Group, including Jacques Gaston Murray,
Jean-Jacques Murray, Jean-Christophe Pillois and Emmanuel Sebag (all of whom
are directors of London Securities Plc). Under the Services Agreement dated
10 December 1999, these costs are restricted to a maximum of £900,000 for the
year ending 31 December 2000. The actual office and other costs borne by
Ansul and Nu-Swift have also been restricted in the 1999 figures to this
**Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation
as at 31 December 2000
2000 1999
£000 £000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 50,101 52,568
Tangible assets 5,838 5,843
Investments 70 70
56,009 58,481
Current assets
Stocks 2,620 2,421
Debtors 9,672 7,622
Cash at bank and in hand 3,310 3,633
15,602 13,676
Creditors : amounts falling due within one year
Finance debt (3,126) (3,169)
Other creditors (10,218) (10,781)
(13,344) (13,950)
Net current assets/(liabilities) 2,258 (274)
Total assets less current liabilities 58,267 58,207
Creditors : amounts falling due after more than
one year
Finance debt (16,225) (19,007)
Other creditors (146) (40)
(16,371) (19,047)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (1,421) (1,481)
Net assets 40,475 37,679
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,455 1,459
Share premium 27,476 27,476
Capital redemption reserve 109 105
Merger reserve 2,033 2,033
Profit and loss account 9,402 6,606
Total equity shareholders' funds 40,475 37,679
for the year ended 31 December 2000
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2000 1999
£000 £000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 7,900 1,291
Return on investments and servicing of
Interest received 114 115
Interest paid (1,486) (798)
Dividends received 96 -
Net cash outflow from return on investments (1,276) (683)
servicing of finance
Corporation tax paid (1,845) (405)
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,776) -
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 258 -
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (1,518) -
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings (307) (23,910)
Net cash acquired with the purchase of - 3,391
subsidiary undertakings
Receipts from sale of subsidiary - 11,013
Net cash transferred with the sale of - (112)
subsidiary undertakings
Net cash outflow for acquisitions and (307) (9,618)
Equity dividends paid to shareholders (102) (102)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of 2,852 (9,517)
liquid resources
and financing
Management of liquid resources
Decrease in short term deposits with banks - 1,759
Purchase of own shares (214) (21)
New long term loans 184 11,000
Repayment of long term loans (3,145) -
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (3,175) 10,979
(Decrease)/increase in cash and equivalents (323) 3,221
The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit
on ordinary activities after taxation of £3,256,000 (1999: £2,630,000) and on
14,579,007 (1999: 5,186,285) ordinary shares, being the weighted average
number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
The calculation of adjusted earnings per ordinary share is based on a
weighted average of 14,579,007 (1999: 5,186,285) ordinary shares in issue
prior to 31 December 2000 and on adjusted earnings which comprise:
2000 1999
£000 £000
Basic profit/earnings per 3,256 22.3p 2,630 50.7p
Eliminate effect of:
Profit on disposal of property - - (1,878) (36.2)p
investment companies
Exceptional tax credit in (1,633) (11.2)p - -
respect of prior years
Exchange gain on foreign - - (25) (0.3)p
currency loan
Amortisation of goodwill 2,640 18.1p - -
Adjusted profit/earnings per 4,263 29.2p 727 14.2p
Adjusted earnings per share figures and the reconciliation above are given in
order that shareholders may appreciate the effect on earnings of the
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation.
2. The results for the year ended 31 December 2000 have been abridged
from the full accounts of the Group for that year which received an
unqualified auditors' report and which have not yet been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies. The results for the year ended 31 December 1999 have
been extracted from the Group's statutory accounts which received an
unqualified auditors' report and have been filed with the Registrar of
3. The preceding statements have been prepared in accordance with
applicable accounting standards on a basis which is consistent with that
applied in previous periods.
London Securities
Richard Pollard, Secretary 01422 372 852