Final Results
London Security PLC
03 May 2006
3 May 2006
Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2005
Financial Highlights
Financial highlights of the results for the year ended 31 December 2005:
• Turnover of £64.8 million (2004: £52.3million)
• Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation
('EBITDA') of £14.3 million (2004: £13.9million)
• Operating profit of £9.1 million (2004: £9.3million)
• Profit on ordinary activities before taxation of £8.1 million (2004:
Trading Review
The integration of MK Fire Limited and TVF (UK) Plc is progressing well with
both companies reporting increases in profitability. Both companies are very
well represented in fire extinguisher service, fire alarm service and fire alarm
installation and operate on a nationwide scale whilst having the majority of the
UK business in the more prosperous south of England.
Operating profit at 14.0% of turnover and EBITDA at 22.0% of turnover continue
to be among industry leading results and are expected to increase further as MK
Fire and TVF continue to improve. We aim to continue to acquire companies in
the fire and security sectors to complement and build upon the organic growth
demonstrated in recent times.
The Group disposed of its investment in Sicli Materiel Incendie s.a., in
December 2005 realising a profit of £1.5million.
Future prospects
The outlook for 2006 is for continued steady progress and this has been
reflected in the first quarter's trading.
We are continuing to expand our alarm operations in the UK and Belgium.
The Group has been developing new improved ranges of extinguishers and
successfully launched these products late in 2005. As well as being better
extinguishers in terms of fire ratings, ease of operation and discharge times,
we expect to achieve cost efficiencies from implementation of these new ranges.
Management and Staff
2005 was a year in which the staff performed well and, on your behalf, I would
like to express thanks and appreciation for their contribution.
Tender Offer
On 5 May 2005 the Company issued a circular to shareholders setting out details
of the Tender Offer. The offer was to purchase up to 15% of the ordinary shares
in issue for cancellation, at a price of £13.75 per share. Valid tenders
pursuant to the Tender Offer were received for 2,155,203 ordinary shares from
229 shareholders. These shares were purchased by Brewin Dolphin Securities
Limited on 1 July 2005, and subsequently acquired and cancelled by the Company
at the agreed Tender Offer price.
In order to effect the Tender Offer the Board obtained approval from
shareholders and confirmation by the High Court to implement a Capital Reduction
which became effective on 23 June 2005. As a result of the Capital Reduction
and the ordinary shares being repurchased for cancellation, the issued share
capital of the Company is now 12,323,198 Ordinary Shares of 1p each.
A final dividend of 12.0p (2004: Nil) per share is proposed, payable on 21 June
2006 to shareholders on the register on 26 May 2006. No interim dividend was
paid in 2005 (2004: special dividend of 42.0p and interim dividend of 3.0p).
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
For the year ended 31 December 2005
Year ended Year ended
31 December 31 December
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Turnover 64,811 52,332
Cost of sales (11,888) (7,901)
Gross profit 52,923 44,431
Distribution costs (24,640) (20,740)
Administrative expenses (19,189) (14,431)
Operating profit 9,094 9,260
EBITDA* 14,258 13,949
Depreciation (2,031) (1,903)
Amortisation of goodwill (3,133) (2,786)
Operating profit 9,094 9,260
Income from fixed asset investments - 114
Profit on disposal of fixed asset investments 1,474 -
Net interest payable and similar charges (2,062) (418)
Other finance costs (366) (74)
Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 8,140 8,882
Taxation (3,663) (3,676)
Profit attributable to equity shareholders 4,477 5,206
Dividends - (7,956)
Retained profit/(sustained loss) 4,477 (2,750)
Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share 33.4p 36.0p
Dividend per ordinary share - 55.0p
*Earnings before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation
All of the above results arose from continuing operations.
Consolidated Balance Sheet
For the year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 46,230 49,684
Tangible assets 7,823 8,408
Investments - 70
54,053 58,162
Current assets
Stocks 4,897 4,052
Debtors 15,676 14,929
Cash at bank and in hand 8,253 7,723
28,826 26,704
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
Finance debt (5,330) (5,489)
Other creditors (15,247) (16,854)
(20,577) (22,343)
Net current assets 8,249 4,361
Total assets less current liabilities 62,302 62,523
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year
Finance debt (35,958) (9,912)
Provisions for liabilities and charges (399) (376)
Net assets excluding pension liability 25,945 52,235
Pension liability (2,999) (3,717)
Net assets including pension liability 22,946 48,518
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 123 1,447
Share premium - 27,476
Capital redemption reserve - 117
Merger reserve 2,033 2,033
Profit and loss account 20,790 17,445
Equity shareholders' funds 22,946 48,518
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2005
2005 2004
£'000 £'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities 10,193 14,134
Return on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received 120 218
Interest paid (1,326) (505)
Dividends received - 114
Net cash outflow from return on investments and servicing of finance (1,206) (173)
Corporation tax paid (3,629) (4,710)
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets (16) (54)
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,821) (2,208)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 292 644
Receipt from sale of investment 1,544 -
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (1) (1,618)
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings - (8,435)
Net cash/(overdraft) acquired with subsidiary undertakings - 412
Payment of deferred consideration on prior year acquisitions (516) -
Net cash outflow for acquisitions (516) (8,023)
Equity dividends paid to shareholders - (7,955)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before use of financing 4,841 (8,345)
Purchase of own shares (104) (120)
New long-term loans 30,000 7,146
Tender offer (30,007) -
Repayment of long-term loans (4,200) (4,444)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing (4,311) 2,582
Increase/(decrease) in cash in the year 530 (5,763)
2005 (restated)
£'000 £'000
Profit for the financial year 4,477 5,206
Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments (264) (217)
Actuarial gain/(loss) recognised in the pension scheme 469 (1,830)
Movement on deferred tax relating to pension asset (143) 549
Total recognised gains for the year 4,539 3,708
Prior year adjustment (note 22) (2,431)
Total losses recognised since last annual report 2,108
1 Earnings per Share
The calculation of basic earnings per Ordinary Share ('EPS') is based on the
profit on ordinary activities after taxation of £4,477,000 (2004: £5,206,000 )
and on 13,389,966 (2004: 14,469,566) Ordinary Shares, being the weighted average
number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year.
For diluted earnings per Ordinary Share, the weighted average number of shares
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential Ordinary
Shares. The revised weighted average number of shares is 13,404,033 (2004:
14,482,899). After taking into account the effect of dilutive securities, the
basic EPS and adjusted EPS figures are unaltered.
The calculation of adjusted earnings per Ordinary Share is based on 13,389,966
(2004: 14,469,566) Ordinary Shares being the weighted average number of Ordinary
Shares in issue in the year and on adjusted earnings which are calculated as
2005 2004
£'000 pence £'000 pence
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 4,477 33.4 5,206 36.0
Eliminate effect of:
Amortisation of goodwill 3,133 23.4 2,786 19.2
Adjusted profit on ordinary activities after taxation 7,610 56.8 7,992 55.2
Adjusted earnings per share figures are given in order that Shareholders may
understand the effect of goodwill amortisation on the results for the year.
2 This preliminary announcement does not constitute statutory accounts
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The results for the year ended 31 December 2005 have been extracted from the
full accounts of the Group for that year which received an unqualified auditors'
report and which have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The
results for the year ended 31 December 2004 have been extracted from the Group's
statutory accounts which received an unqualified auditors' report and have been
filed with the Registrar of Companies. The accounts for the year ended 31
December 2005 and 31 December 2004 did not contain a statement under s237(2) or
s237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.
The preceding statement have been prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards on a basis which is consistent with that applied in
previous periods.
Enquiries: London Security plc
Richard Pollard
Company Secretary Tel: 01422 372852
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange