Interim Results

London Securities PLC 28 September 2001 London Securities Plc Interim Statement CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT I am pleased to be able to report that our Group has achieved excellent results for the first half of the 2001 financial year. The highlights of the results for the six months ended 30 June 2001 compared with the first half of 2000 are as follows. Turnover increased by 17% to £22,297,000 Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 39% to £6,319,000 Adjusted earnings per share increased by 71% to 23.7p Net gearing reduced from 39.6% at 31 December 2000 to 25.8% Trading review The above financial highlights confirm the success of the business review performed during the budgeting process as outlined in last years annual report. Corporate initiatives applied throughout the Group together with improvements specific to individual operations have contributed towards this excellent improvement. New product developments have proved popular with customers in all countries and have contributed to increased sales. The Group has invested in training of personnel and re-focussed them in both core and ancillary activities. The Group's Nu-Swift UK operations have shown improved profits. Costs have been stringently controlled with inefficiencies being reduced. However, due to economic and employment conditions, it has been difficult to recruit an appropriate level of representatives whose priority activity is to obtain new customers. In Belgium, re-training and re-organisation of the sales and service teams has increased profits. Dutch operations have benefited from improved management which has led to a better service being offered to customers and in turn has increased sales. In addition, sales have benefited from increased customer awareness of the importance of fire protection, following the serious fire that occurred in Voldendam on New Year's Eve last year. Profits in Austria and Switzerland are marginally improved from 2000 due to the strengthening of the management team. Dividends An interim dividend of 1.5p (2000: Nil) per ordinary share is proposed, payable on 12 November 2001 to shareholders on the register on 12 October 2001. Prospects The outlook for the second half of 2001 continues to be optimistic. However, we remain cautious in light of the current economic climate. J.G. Murray Chairman 27th September 2001 LONDON SECURITIES PLC Consolidated Profit and Loss Account Unaudited Unaudited Audited 6 months to 6 months to year ended 30 June 2001 30 June 2000 31 December 2000 £'000's £'000's £'000's Turnover 22,297 19,046 37,729 Cost of sales (3,605) (3,134) (5,518) Gross profit 18,692 15,912 32,211 Distribution costs (8,545) (7,842) (15,782) Administrative expenses (5,934) (5,686) (11,097) Operating profit 4,213 2,384 5,332 EBITDA** 6,319 4,551 9,545 Depreciation (792) (848) (1,573) Amortisation of goodwill (1,314) (1,319) (2,640) Operating profit 4,213 2,384 5,332 Income from fixed asset investments 91 96 96 Net interest payable (564) (740) (1,508) Exchange gain/(loss) on foreign currency 112 - (56) Profit on ordinary activities 3,852 1,740 3,864 before taxation Taxation (1,715) (1,021) (608) Profit on ordinary activities 2,137 719 3,256 after taxation Dividends (217) - (435) Retained profit 1,920 719 2,821 Basic earnings per ordinary share 14.7p 4.9p 22.3p Adjusted earnings per ordinary share(note 23.7p 13.9p 29.2p 2) Dividend per ordinary share 1.5p Nil 3.0p All of the above results arose from continuing operations **Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation LONDON SECURITIES PLC Consolidated Balance Sheet Unaudited Unaudited Audited as as at 30 June as at 30 June at 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000's £'000's £'000's Fixed assets Intangible assets 48,616 51,427 50,101 Tangible assets 5,680 6,016 5,838 Investments 70 70 70 54,366 57,513 56,009 Current assets Stocks 2,842 2,851 2,620 Debtors 9,694 8,414 9,672 Cash at bank and in hand 7,037 3,236 3,310 19,573 14,501 15,602 Creditors: due within one year Finance debt (3,097) (3,235) (3,126) Other creditors (13,100) (10,349) (10,218) (16,197) (13,584) (13,344) Net current assets 3,376 917 2,258 Total assets less current 57,742 58,430 58,267 liabilities Creditors: due after more than one year Finance debt (14,608) (18,244) (16,225) Other creditors (140) (356) (146) Provisions for liabilities & charges (1,650) (1,442) (1,421) (16,398) (20,042) (17,792) Net assets 41,344 38,388 40,475 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 1,450 1,457 1,455 Share premium 27,476 27,476 27,476 Capital redemption reserve 114 107 109 Merger reserve 2,033 2,033 2,033 Profit and loss account 10,271 7,315 9,402 Total equity shareholders' funds 41,344 38,388 40,475 LONDON SECURITIES PLC Consolidated Cashflow Statement Unaudited Unaudited Audited 6 months to 6 months to year ended 30 June 2001 30 June 2000 31 December 2000 £'000's £'000's £'000's Net cash inflow from operating activities 6,430 3,118 7,900 Return on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 210 45 114 Interest paid (774) (785) (1,486) Dividends received 91 96 96 Net cash outflow from return on (473) (644) (1,276) investments and servicing of finance Taxation Corporation tax received/(paid) 929 (451) (1,845) Capital expenditure Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (866) (1022) (1,776) Receipts from sales of tangible fixed 83 197 258 assets Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (783) (825) (1,518) Acquisitions and disposals Payments to acquire subsidiary - (256) (307) undertakings Net cash outflow for acquisitions - (256) (307) and disposals Equity dividends paid to shareholders - - (102) Net cash inflow before use of liquid resources and financing 6,103 942 2,852 Financing Purchase of own shares (286) (62) (214) New long term loans - 181 184 Repayment of long term loans (2090) (1458) (3,145) Net cash outflow from financing (2,376) (1339) (3,175) Increase/(decrease) in cash and 3,727 (397) (323) equivalents NOTES 1. NATURE OF INFORMATION The financial information contained in this interim statement does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the six months ended 30 June 2001 is unaudited and has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Group's 2000 Report and Accounts. Statutory accounts for the period ended 31 December 2000 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under sections 237(2) or 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. 2. EARNINGS PER SHARE The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit on ordinary activities after taxation of £2,137,000 (2000: £719,000) and on 14,516,040 (2000: 14,591,162) ordinary shares, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period. The calculation of adjusted earnings per ordinary share is based on the above weighted average and on adjusted earnings which comprise: Six months to Six months to Year ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 2,137 719 3,256 Eliminate effect of: Exceptional tax credit in respect of prior years - - (1,633) Amortisation of goodwill 1,314 1,319 2,640 Adjusted earnings 3,451 1,319 2,640 Basic earnings per share ordinary share 14.7p 4.9p 22.3p Adjusted earnings per ordinary share 23.7p 13.9p 29.2p 3 TAXATION The taxation charge for the period (45%) appears high due to the non-deductibility for taxation purposes of the amortisation of goodwill. 4 RESERVES Capital Merger Profit and Redemption Reserve Loss Reserve Account £'000 £'000 £'000 As at 1 January 2001 109 2,033 9,402 Purchase of own shares and maintenance of capital 5 - (286) Retained profit for the period - - 1,920 Exchange adjustments - - (765) As at 30 June 2001 114 2,033 10,271 Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and are available to the public from the company's registered office at Wistons Lane, Elland, West Yorkshire HX5 9DS. Enquiries : Richard Pollard 01422 372 852 Company Secretary ENDS.
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