Interim Results
London Securities PLC
30 September 2002
Interim Statement for the six months ended 30 June 2002
I am pleased to be able to report that our Group has continued to improve and
has produced excellent results for the first half of the 2002 financial year.
The highlights of the results for the six months ended 30 June 2002 compared
with the first half of 2001 are as follows.
• Turnover increased by 10 % to £24.5 million
• Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and
amortisation (EBITDA) increased by 16% to £7.3 million
• Adjusted earnings per share increased by 16% to 27.6p
• Net gearing reduced from 20% at 31 December 2001 to 9%
• Interim dividend increased by 33% to 2p
Trading review
The financial highlights above confirm the continuing success of our Group. The
improvement has been achieved by constantly reviewing the Group's activities and
identifying opportunities for growth and development. These opportunities arise
where we can improve fulfilment of customer need, or where we can help customers
meet the ever-changing demands of Health and Safety legislation. Such
initiatives are important to grow the business but are not undertaken without
due consideration of the core business which has, once again, produced steadily
improving turnover and profit.
In Belgium and Holland, we have created trained teams of engineers dedicated to
specific tasks aimed at developing particular markets and meeting higher
servicing standards required by regulatory bodies. This greater focus has
resulted in an improved service to the customer and a corresponding increase in
European operations have benefited from improvements in working practices
directed at visiting customers on a more timely basis. This has resulted in
more customers being visited than in the corresponding period in 2001.
Export activity has also expanded, in particular in the Group's foam hardware
In addition to organic growth, it remains a principal aim of the Company to grow
through acquisition in the fire and security sectors. On 31 May 2002, we
acquired CFP Cavelle Ltd., a company specialising in the provision and
maintenance of fire alarm equipment within the UK. We hope this acquisition
will be a stepping-stone for the Group to further expand our high quality
service principles into the fire detection industry.
In this period, the management and staff have again excelled and I would like to
express thanks and appreciation for their contribution.
An interim dividend of 2.0p (2001: 1.5p) per ordinary share is proposed, payable
on 12 November 2002 to shareholders on the register as at 11 October 2002.
The outlook for the second half of 2002 is encouraging.
J.G. Murray
30th September 2002
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months to 6 months to year ended
30 June 2002 30 June 2001 31 December 2001
£'000's £'000's £'000's
Turnover 24,520 22,297 45,005
Cost of sales (3,723) (3,605) (6,756)
Gross profit 20,797 18,692 38,249
Distribution costs (8,893) (8,545) (17,357)
Administrative expenses (6,679) (5,934) (12,348)
Operating profit 5,225 4,213 8,544
EBITDA** 7,319 6,319 12,839
Depreciation (780) (792) (1,637)
Amortisation of goodwill (1,314) (1,314) (2,658)
Operating profit 5,225 4,213 8,544
Income from fixed asset investments 109 91 93
Net interest payable (444) (564) (983)
Exchange (loss)/gain on foreign currency (133) 112 75
Profit on ordinary activities 4,757 3,852 7,729
before taxation
Taxation (2,076) (1,715) (3,205)
Profit on ordinary activities 2,681 2,137 4,524
after taxation
Dividends (290) (217) (797)
Retained profit 2,391 1,920 3,727
Basic earnings per ordinary share 18.5p 14.7p 31.2p
Adjusted earnings per ordinary share(note 2) 27.6p 23.7p 49.5p
Dividend per ordinary share 2.0p 1.5p 5.5p
All of the above results arose from continuing
**Earnings Before Interest, Taxation, Depreciation and Amortisation
Consolidated Balance Sheet
Unaudited Unaudited Audited as
as at 30 June as at 30 June at 31 December
2002 2001 2001
£'000's £'000's £'000's
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 46,576 48,616 47,351
Tangible assets 6,807 5,680 6,068
Investments 70 70 70
53,453 54,366 53,489
Current assets
Stocks 3,284 2,842 2,882
Debtors 10,504 9,694 9,457
Cash at bank and in hand 11,253 7,037 7,292
25,041 19,573 19,631
Creditors: due within one year
Finance debt (3,179) (3,097) (3,090)
Other creditors (15,461) (13,100) (11,731)
(18,640) (16,197) (14,821)
Net current assets 6,401 3,376 4,810
Total assets less current liabilities 59,854 57,742 58,299
Creditors: due after more than one year
Finance debt (11,864) (14,608) (12,848)
Other creditors - (140) -
Provisions for liabilities & charges (1,755) (1,650) (1,657)
(13,619) (16,398) (14,505)
Net assets 46,235 41,344 43,794
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 1,449 1,450 1,449
Share premium 27,476 27,476 27,476
Capital redemption reserve 115 114 115
Merger reserve 2,033 2,033 2,033
Profit and loss account 15,162 10,271 12,721
Total equity shareholders' funds 46,235 41,344 43,794
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
6 months to 6 months to year ended
30 June 30 June 31 December
2002 2001 2001
£'000's £'000's £'000's
Net cash inflow from operating activities 8,084 6,430 11,803
Return on investments and servicing
of finance
Interest received 78 210 366
Interest paid (522) (774) (1,227)
Dividends received 109 91 93
Net cash outflow from return on (335) (473) (768)
investments and servicing of finance
Corporation tax (paid)/received (769) 929 (612)
Capital expenditure
Payments to acquire intangible fixed assets - - (66)
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets (1,402) (866) (2,160)
Receipts from sales of tangible fixed assets 88 83 212
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure (1,314) (783) (2,014)
Acquisitions and disposals
Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings (66) - -
Equity dividends paid to shareholders (44) - (652)
Net cash inflow before use of
liquid resources and financing 5,556 6,103 7,757
Purchase of own shares - (286) (338)
Repayment of long term loans (1,595) (2090) (3,437)
Net cash outflow from financing (1,595) (2,376) (3,775)
Increase in cash and equivalents 3,961 3,727 3,982
The financial information contained in this interim statement does not
constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985. The financial information for the six months ended 30
June 2002 is unaudited and has been prepared on the basis of the accounting
policies set out in the Group's 2001 Report and Accounts, with the
exception of new Accounting Standard FRS19 - Deferred Taxation, which is
applicable for the first time during the year ending 31 December 2002. The
directors do not consider the new standard to have a significant impact on
the accounts for the current or previous years. Statutory accounts for the
period ended 31 December 2001 have been delivered to the Registrar of
Companies. The report of the auditors on those accounts was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under sections 237(2) or 237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985.
The calculation of basic earnings per ordinary share is based on the profit
on ordinary activities after taxation of £2,681,000 (2001: £2,137,000) and
on 14,487,316 (2001: 14,516,040) ordinary shares, being the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period.
The calculation of adjusted earnings per ordinary share is based on the
above weighted average and on adjusted earnings which comprise:
Six months to 30 June Six months to 30 June Year ended 31
2002 2001 December 2001
£'000 £'000 £'000
Profit on ordinary activities
after taxation 2,681 2,137 4,524
Eliminate effect of:
Amortisation of goodwill 1,314 1,314 2,658
Adjusted earnings 3,995 3,451 7,182
Basic earnings per ordinary share 18.5p 14.7p 31.2p
Adjusted earnings per ordinary
share 27.6p 23.7p 49.5p
The taxation charge for the period (43.6%) appears high due principally to
the non-deductibility for taxation purposes of the amortisation of
Profit and loss Account
As at 1 January 2002 12,721
Retained profit for the period 2,391
Exchange adjustments
As at 30 June 2002 15,162
On 31 May 2002, the group acquired the entire share capital of CFP Cavelle
Ltd. at a cost of £460,000, including costs. The principal activity of the
company is the provision of fire alarm equipment and maintenance services.
The acquisition has been accounted for using the acquisition method of
The net assets acquired were as follows:
Book and fair value
Net assets acquired:
Fixed Assets 9
Stocks 14
Debtors 92
Cash at bank 57
Creditors (95)
Net assets acquired 77
Goodwill arising on acquisition 383
Purchase price
Satisfied by:
Cash 123
Vendor loan note 337
Purchase price 460
The company contributed £6,000 to the group's retained profit for the period.
Copies of this statement are being sent to all shareholders and are available to
the public from the company's registered office at Wistons Lane, Elland, West
Yorkshire HX5 9DS.
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange