Final Results

Retail Stores PLC 26 September 2001 RETAIL STORES PLC: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FOR 12 MONTHS TO 30TH JUNE 2001 Highlights Retail Stores plc was formed in April 2000 with the express purpose of acquiring the department store group Liberty plc. This acquisition was completed on 3rd July 2000 and the period covered by these results is from the date of completion until 30th June 2001. Retail Stores plc is 68% owned by Marylebone Warwick Balfour Group plc. * Liberty streamlined into core activities of retailing and fabric wholesaling. * Withdrawn from all sub-scale loss-making ventures. * Phase 1 of the transformation programme underway with a £9m investment in 17,000 sq ft of retail space in the Regent Street section of the store - re-opening in March 2002. * Completed conversion of 54,000 sq ft of surplus space into serviced offices managed by MWB Business Exchange. * Foubert Estate sold for £9.5m contributing a profit of £2m. 'Liberty has made huge progress in developing a firm base from which to create value from its unique retail, brand and property assets, although we are realistic about the scale of change required and the time it will take. 'The trading outlook is uncertain, both in terms of general consumer confidence and tourist traffic, which accounts for approximately 25% of Liberty's sales. But, with a gradually improving product mix, further reductions in overhead and the opening of the refurbished Regent Street store in March 2002, we hope to reduce losses in 2001/2002 and achieve break-even the following year.' Richard Balfour-Lynn, Chairman. * more - Contact: Retail Stores PLC Tel: 020 7734 1234 Fiona Harrison, Chief Executive Baron Phillips Associates Tel: 020 7397 8932 Baron Phillips Chairman's Statement This statement records the progress and developments since Retail Stores plc completed its takeover of Liberty on 3rd July 2000. Results cover the period from the date of acquisition until 30th June 2001. As Retail Stores plc was formed specifically for the purpose of acquiring Liberty, there are no formal comparative results. I stated at the time of the acquisition that it would take up to five years to reverse Liberty's decline and realise the full potential of the business. This remains my firm belief and good progress has been made in laying the foundations on which to rebuild the Company. This first year has been one of rationalisation, simplification and stabilisation. Liberty had experienced years of decline through frequent changes of management and under-investment. The lack of a long-term focused strategy had allowed extensive complexity to creep into the business despite falling sales and high costs. Meanwhile, valuable assets in the form of the Liberty brand and Liberty's property assets remained under-exploited. Transforming the business Fiona Harrison joined the Board as Chief Executive on 5th December 2000. Her initial review of the business concluded that investment and management focus, in the immediate future, must be directed to strengthening Liberty's retail core to provide a healthy base from which to develop the wider potential of its brand. To achieve this, she also determined that the Company should simplify its activities and withdraw from sub-scale loss-making ventures. Accordingly, during the year, Liberty announced its withdrawal from its e-commerce, mail order, and product wholesale businesses, together with its high fashion Ready-to-Wear collection. This has simplified the business into two core activities:- * Retail, incorporating the London Flagship Store, plus shops at Heathrow (Terminals 3&4) and Windsor * Fabric, comprising a wholesale business based in the UK and a joint venture with Seibu Department Stores in Japan. The priority now is to transform the London flagship store into a modern retail environment. We wish to establish it as London's leading store for affluent and discerning shoppers with an individual sense of style, building on Liberty's heritage and reputation for an eclectic and unusual mix of products and brands. Phase 1 of the reinvention programme is already underway with a £9m investment in 17,000 sq ft of retail space in the Regent Street section of the store, which is planned to re-open in March 2002. It will house a brand new cosmetics and fragrance department on the ground floor, ladies shoes and lingerie on the first floor and menswear and accessories plus a cafe/bar on the lower ground floor. Building on Liberty's reputation for innovation in design, the refurbished space will provide an exciting retail environment to attract valuable Regent Street footfall to the new face of Liberty. New escalators will link the Regent Street shop to Tudor House at both first and lower ground levels so encouraging customer circulation throughout the store. Ultimately, the Liberty flagship store will provide an unrivalled shopping experience with edited collections in fashion and home, gifts and accessories, and supplemented with places to meet, eat and relax. Liberty Brand While work continues to transform the retail business, a strategic review is being undertaken to determine the optimal route to exploit the value vested in the Liberty brand. Liberty is already well known for its prints, ties, scarves and gifts while a valuable print archive offers the potential for many new developments. The review will be completed by April 2002. Infrastructure and people Liberty's antiquated IT systems, which preclude proper tracking and analysis of the business, are being replaced during this year through an investment of £1.5m in a new integrated IT system. This will link sales, merchandising and accounting, so providing the accurate and immediate information required by every modern retailer. The business has been supported by a small team of senior interim executives covering the key disciplines of retail operations, logistics and finance. These executives have helped facilitate rapid change and have significantly enhanced the Liberty management team's capability whilst the strategy was being formulated and the business streamlined and stabilised. A longer-term organisational structure has now been put in place. John Ball has moved from his interim appointment to the permanent role of Managing Director - Retail. Property The conversion of 54,000 sq ft of surplus space in Lasenby House and above the Regent Street store into serviced offices managed by MWB Business Exchange was completed towards the year end and generated additional rental income to Liberty of £0.7m in 2000/2001. This translates into an annualised figure of £ 2.1m, thereby helping to underpin the retailing operations of the Company in the years ahead. In addition, during the year, we sold the Foubert Estate for £9.5m contributing a profit of £2m to the year's results. Financial Performance During the year to June 2001 Liberty has traded through a turbulent period of change and disruption. In particular the London flagship store released its fourth floor from trading in September 2000 to accommodate the Liberty head office and from 31st January 2001 the Regent Street portion of the store closed for refurbishment. The combined effect of these changes was to reduce the sales area by 30% for approximately half of the year. In addition, the London store suffered a small, but widely publicised, fire in November 2000 which significantly impacted sales in the run up to the important Christmas trading period. Like many other London retailers, reduced tourist traffic from Japan and the USA added yet another challenge to the business. Together these events obviously had an adverse effect on the results for the year to June 2001. In Liberty's first year within Retail Stores plc, and with the change of year end from January to June, there are few meaningful comparisons with the prior 12-month period. Nevertheless, we can report that total sales were down 12% and the London flagship store some 15% lower, but this was largely in line with the substantial reduction in space. Wholesale sales fell by 4% as a result of lower sales in Japan. Losses before sales of properties were £6.3m, resulting in a pre-tax loss of £ 4.3m. Fixed assets are valued at £100.5m. The components of this are the Liberty brand valued at £29.6m and the property portfolio of £70.9m, up by £ 7.4m over the value at the date of acquisition. Borrowings, at £34.3m, reflect funding of trading losses and the significant investment to date in refurbishment of office and retail space across the London flagship site. Outlook Liberty has made huge progress in developing a firm base from which to create value from its unique retail, brand and property assets, although we are realistic about the scale of change required and the time it will take. The trading outlook is uncertain, both in terms of general consumer confidence and tourist traffic, which accounts for approximately 25% of Liberty's sales. But, with a gradually improving product mix, further reductions in overhead and the opening of the refurbished Regent Street store in March 2002, we hope to reduce losses in 2001/2002 and achieve break-even the following year. Richard Balfour-Lynn executive Chairman London 26th September 2001 CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the year ended 30th June 2001 The Company was incorporated on 7th April 2000 and hence these accounts cover the period from 7th April 2000 to 30th June 2001. The group did not trade until 3rd July 2000 when the company's offer for Liberty Plc was declared unconditional. Unaudited Financial Year ended 30th June Notes 2001 £'000 Turnover 1 52,488 Cost of sales (31,652) Gross profit 20,836 Distribution costs (26,081) Administration expenses (3,138) Other operating income 3,442 Operating loss (4,941) Profit on disposal of fixed assets 1,990 Interest payable and similar items 2 (1,378) Loss on ordinary activities before taxation (4,329) Tax on loss on ordinary activities (626) Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (4,955) Equity minority interests (526) Retained loss for the year (5,481) Loss per share 3 (24.4p) The results for the year relate to acquisitions. There is no difference between losses as stated and losses on the historical cost basis. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES for the year ended 30th June 2001 Unaudited Financial Year ended 30th June 2001 £'000 Loss for the financial year (5,481) Unrealised surplus on revaluation of property 7,445 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net (168) investments Total recognised gains and losses for the period 1,796 All recognised gains and losses are attributable to equity shareholders' interests. RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN EQUITY SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS for the period ended 30th June 2001 Unaudited 2001 £'000 Opening equity shareholders' funds - Loss for the financial year (5,481) Net revaluation surplus on fixed assets 7,445 Shares issued during the year 67,154 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net (168) investments. Closing equity shareholders' funds 68,950 CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET at 30th June 2001 Unaudited 2001 Notes £'000 Fixed assets Intangible asset 4 29,577 Tangible assets 5 70,931 100,508 Current assets Stocks 8,881 Debtors Amounts falling due within one year 6 6,957 Amounts falling due after more than one year 6 581 Cash 4,794 21,213 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 7 (34,501) Net current liabilities (13,288) Total assets less current liabilities 87,220 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year 8 (15,292) Provisions for liabilities and charges (182) Net assets 71,746 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 6,614 Merger reserve 61,503 Revaluation reserve 7,445 Profit and loss account (5,649) Shareholders' funds 69,913 Equity minority interests 1,833 71,746 Analysis of shareholders' funds Equity shareholders' funds 68,950 Non-equity shareholders' funds 963 69,913 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 30th June 2001 Unaudited Financial Year Notes 2001 £'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities 9 (3,655) Returns on investments and servicing of finance (2,022) Corporation tax paid (292) Capital expenditure and financial investment (170) Acquisitions (7,176) Net cash outflow before financing (13,315) Financing (177) Decrease in cash during the year (13,492) RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT for the year ended 30th June 2001 Unaudited Financial Year 2001 £'000 Decrease in cash during the year (13,492) Bank loan acquired with subsidiary undertakings (16,000) Increase in net debt during the year (29,492) Opening net debt - Closing net debt (29,492) NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS BASIS OF PREPARATION The draft accounts on which this preliminary announcement is based have been prepared on the going concern basis on the expectation that the Group will secure additional financing facilities for its present requirements. Negotiations to secure these facilities are well advanced and the Directors expect these negotiations to be completed shortly and before the accounts are finalised. 1. DIVISIONAL ANALYSIS Unaudited Unaudited Unaudited Turnover Profit/(loss) Net operating Before interest Assets £'000 £'000 £'000 By class of business: Retail 37,694 (3,664) 70,156 Wholesale 14,794 713 1,506 Total 52,488 (2,951) 71,662 By geographical origin: United Kingdom 44,879 (3,710) 69,595 Japan 7,464 685 2,078 North America 145 74 (11) Total 52,488 (2,951) 71,662 By geographical destination: United Kingdom 40,428 Japan 8,311 North America 608 Other 3,141 Sales to third parties 52,488 Notes The segmental analysis of operations reflects the structure of the Group. Retail includes the UK retail operations at Regent Street, Heathrow and Windsor. Wholesale includes the results of Fabric and Japanese businesses. Included within the results of retail is the £1,990,000 profit on disposal of fixed assets. Net operating assets excludes short term deposits, cash and bank balances and loans. 2. INTEREST PAYABLE AND SIMILAR CHARGES Unaudited 2001 £'000 Bank loans and overdrafts 1,904 Other loans 100 2,004 Less interest capitalised (626) 1,378 3. LOSS PER SHARE The calculation of the loss per share is based on the loss on ordinary activities after taxation and minority interests of £5,481,000, divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 25p in issue during the period of 22,418,675 . At the year end the company had no share option scheme in place and correspondingly there is no dilutive effect. 4. INTANGIBLE ASSET Unaudited 2001 £'000 At 1st July 2000 - Brand acquired during the year 29,577 At 30th June 2001 29,577 5. TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS Long Short Fixtures & Unaudited Freehold leasehold leasehold equipment Total £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 Group Cost or valuation At 1st July 2000 - - - - - Acquisitions 37,450 23,772 761 1,698 63,681 Additions 1,236 2,673 - 7,147 11,056 Disposals (7,495) - (10) (1,337) (8,842) Reclassification - (454) 454 - Revaluation 4,809 2,055 - - 6,864 At 30th June 2001 36,000 28,500 297 7,962 72,759 Depreciation At 1st July 2000 - - - - - Charge for the (55) (526) (38) (1,976) (2,595) year Disposals - - 10 176 186 Revaluation 55 526 - - 581 At 30th June 2001 - - (28) (1,800) (1,828) Net book value At 30th June 2001 36,000 28,500 269 6,162 70,931 All of the Group's properties at 30th June 2001 were valued on an open market value basis by DTZ Debenham Tie Leung, acting as external valuers. This revealed a valuation of £64.5 million (a valuation surplus of £7.4 million) which is reflected in the table above. The valuation was carried out in accordance with the Appraisal and Valuation Manual published by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors. The fixtures and equipment are retained at cost. 6. DEBTORS Unaudited Group 2001 Amounts falling due within one year £'000 Trade debtors 4,489 Amounts owed by fellow subsidiary undertakings 348 Other debtors 1,035 Prepayments and accrued income 1,085 6,957 Amounts falling due after more than one year Other debtors 581 7. CREDITORS : amounts falling due within one year Unaudited Group 2001 £'000 Bank loans and overdrafts 19,227 Trade creditors 5,042 Amounts owed to fellow subsidiary undertakings 4,788 Other creditors including taxation and social security Corporation tax 553 Other taxes and social security 516 Other creditors 460 Accruals and deferred income 3,915 34,501 8. CREDITORS: amounts falling due after more than one year Unaudited 2001 £'000 Bank loans and overdrafts 15,059 Other creditors 233 15,292 Unaudited 2001 £'000 Repayable in one year: Current portion of bank loans (note 21) 941 Repayable: Between one and two years 1,255 Between two and five years 3,765 After more than five years 10,039 Total loans due after more than one year 15,059 Total loans and overdrafts 16,000 9. NET CASH OUTFLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Unaudited 2001 £'000 Total operating loss (4,941) Depreciation 2,595 Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets 862 Decrease in provision (20) Increase in stock (1,028) Increase in debtors (609) Decrease in creditors (514) (3,655) 10. FINANCIAL INFORMATION The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the financial year ended 30th June 2001. The Statutory accounts for 2001 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the registrar of companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting. 11. DESPATCH OF ACCOUNTS The audited accounts of the Company are expected to be sent to shareholders during October 2001. Thereafter copies will be available from the Company Secretary, Filex Services Limited, 179 Great Portland Street, London W1N 6LS.
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