Final Results

M.P. EVANS GROUP PLC M.P. Evans Group PLC ("MP Evans" or "the Group"), a producer of Indonesian palm oil and Australian beef cattle, announces unaudited preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2007. Highlights Financial * Record profit for the year US$46,630,000 (2006 US$26,102,000) * Final dividend for the year increased to 5.00p (2006 - 4.50p) per share - 2.00p (2006 - 2.00p) interim already paid * First year of results being reported in US Dollars and under International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") Indonesian palm oil * Plantation profits 62% higher at US$11,127,000 (2006 US$6,883,000) * Plantation associates' profits also sharply higher * Strategy of developing and planting new Indonesian areas continues apace, although delays experienced on the Bangka project * Palm-oil prices surged strongly during 2007 and continued this upward trend through 2008 * Crops of oil palm fresh fruit bunches ("f.f.b.") lower than in 2006 due to flooding on one estate and strike action (since resolved) affecting others * Value of biological assets increased markedly, by US$11,536,000, as a result of firmer palm-oil prices and development of new projects Australian beef cattle * Similar cattle-trading results to 2006 and improved grain cropping on Woodlands resulted in a reduced loss of US$580,000 (2006 US$731,000) * Higher cattle valuations, an expanded herd and a property disposal led to increased profits from the associate NAPCo, of which the Group's share was US$2,840,000 (2006 loss of US$414,000) * Australian beef-cattle prices have generally been robust, though drought has continued in some areas * Australian cereal prices remain very strong in line with world markets * Australian rural property values have continued to increase Malaysian property and asset disposals * Significant profits earned by the associate, Bertam Properties, from land disposals, of which the Group's share was US$12,872,000 (2006 US$7,955,000) * Strategy of disposing of Malaysian plantations and real estate continues successfully Commenting on the results, Richard Robinow, chairman of MP Evans, said: "Despite some of the operational challenges which we have encountered, I am delighted to report another record result for 2007. Good progress continues to be achieved in the implementation of the Group's strategy of expanding into Indonesian palm oil and Australian beef cattle, whilst divesting from Malaysian plantations and real estate. If palm-oil prices and the Group's crops continue at the levels achieved so far this year, 2008 should prove another excellent year." Enquiries: M.P. Evans Group PLC Telephone: 020 7796 4133 on 1 May only. Thereafter - Telephone: 01892 516333 Peter Hadsley-Chaplin Joint managing director Philip Fletcher Joint managing and finance director Tristan Price Group finance controller Hudson Sandler Telephone: 020 7796 4133 James White Hugo Jenkins Panmure Gordon & Co Telephone: 020 7614 8384 Edward Farmer An analysts' meeting will be held today at 9:30 a.m. at the offices of Hudson Sandler, 29 Cloth Fair, London EC1A 7NN. Overview of results A record result was achieved for a second consecutive year. Profit for the year rose to US$46,630,000, compared with US$26,102,000 in 2006 with earnings per share (continuing and discontinued operations) increasing to 82.32 cents from 49.75 cents. The increase was largely attributable to the following four factors: i) a strongly performing palm-oil price; ii) increases in associated-company profits; iii) exceptional gains related to property disposals; and iv) an increase in value of the biological assets in line with IFRS Offsetting these gains were a decline in the Group's f.f.b. crop, a small loss recorded on the Group's Australian property, Woodlands, and net exchange losses arising from the holding of monetary assets and liabilities other than in US Dollars. The accounts are, this year, being drawn up in a different way from previous years, with the comparative figures for 2006 re-stated accordingly. IFRS has been adopted and, in addition, the accounts are now presented in US Dollars, the currency in which the majority of the Group's earnings and a significant proportion of costs are denominated. DIVIDEND The board recommends a final dividend of 5.00p per share, which, together with the interim dividend of 2.00p paid in November 2007, makes 7.00p for the year, compared with 6.50p in respect of 2006. The dividend will continue to be paid in Sterling. STRATEGIC PROGRESS The board's target is to achieve a total mature area under oil palms in Indonesia of some 70,000 hectares and to continue to expand the Australian beef-cattle portfolio. In order to fund these expansionary objectives, the Group will continue to raise cash by disposing of its remaining Malaysian plantation and property investments, as well as by securing additional bank finance. In Indonesia, the Group now owns some 10,000 hectares of mature oil-palm plantations, together with a minority holding in 25,000 hectares in Sumatra. In addition, a land bank of 12,000 hectares on Bangka Island and 24,000 hectares in East Kalimantan has been secured. Despite some delays in the programme, owing chiefly, on Bangka Island, to protracted negotiations in relation to land compensation, over 2,000 hectares on Bangka and 2,500 hectares in East Kalimantan have been planted to date. The new projects are being cleared and planted in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. In Australia, the acquisition of Springmount was completed in March 2007. Springmount adjoins the Group's Woodlands aggregation. The addition of Springmount has increased the size of the aggregation to 31,000 hectares and has enabled further economies of scale to be achieved both in the fattening of cattle and in the cultivation of grain crops for commercial sale. Increasing emphasis is being placed on this latter option in view of the sharp escalation in the price of grain. There was a significant increase in Australian rural property values which has impacted favourably on NAPCo's net asset value. This has increased to US$15.10 per share from US$10.47 per share at the end of 2006. In Malaysia, two important sales were agreed during the year. First, the balance of Perhentian Tinggi Estate (745 hectares) was sold for US$21.00 million. Completion has recently occurred and the whole transaction will therefore be accounted for in 2008. Second, the sale of Sungei Kruit Estate (828 hectares) was agreed for a total of US$22.90 million. Completion is expected to occur in mid-2008 and should, consequently, be brought into the 2008 accounts. PALM-OIL ACTIVITIES AND MARKET The palm-oil price strengthened from around US$600 per tonne (Rotterdam cif) at the beginning of the year to around US$1,000 at the end. This was in response to strong global demand for palm oil, together with other vegetable oils, both as a food source and for use as a bio-fuel. MAJORITY-OWNED MATURE ESTATES CROPS AND PRODUCTION 2007 2006 Tonnes Tonnes Crops - f.f.b. 129,900 155,100 ======= ======= Production - crude palm oil 19,500 24,000 - palm kernels 5,400 6,200 ======= ======= Extraction rate - crude palm oil 20.40 20.90 - palm kernels 5.70 5.40 ======= ======= The fall in the crop arose primarily from two factors. First, a severe flood occurred on Simpang Kiri Estate at the end of 2006 causing considerable damage to infrastructure and to some of the immature plantings. Second, the strike by some of the workers on the three estates in the Labuhan Batu area, Pangkatan, Bilah and Sennah, continued throughout the year. The matter has recently been resolved on all three estates. Pressure on costs was experienced during the year arising from the increased cost of mineral oil and other commodities. The gross profit arising from the Indonesian plantation activities, before biological bearer asset adjustment, amounted to US$11,127,000 in 2007, compared with US$6,883,000 in 2006. ASSOCIATED-COMPANY ESTATES Crops and production from the estates owned by PT Agro Muko (31.53%) and PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%) were as follows:- 2007 2006 Tonnes Tonnes F.f.b. crops - PT Agro Muko - own 293,900 294,600 - outgrowers 5,100 33,800 - PT Kerasaan Indonesia 53,300 56,200 ------- ------- 352,300 384,600 ======= ======= Production (PT Agro Muko) - crude palm oil 65,500 72,500 - palm kernels 14,600 16,400 ======= ======= % % Extraction rate - crude palm oil 21.90 22.10 - palm kernels 4.90 5.00 ======= ======= Tonnes Tonnes Rubber crops (PT Agro Muko) - own 2,070 1,852 - outgrowers 360 1,172 ======= ======= Agro Muko's f.f.b. crop was similar to that of 2006 and the company continued its policy of not pursuing unprofitable outgrowers' crop in the light of intense competition for fruit in the area. The rubber crop was higher than the previous year but, as with f.f.b., there was keen competition in the area for outgrowers' crops, resulting in a lower offtake in 2007. Kerasaan Estate's f.f.b. crop was some 5% below that for 2006, having reduced more quickly than expected in the second half of the year. AUSTRALIAN BEEF-CATTLE ACTIVITIES AND MARKET As in recent years, the beef-cattle market in 2007 was predominantly influenced by seasonal conditions, the fluctuations of the Australian Dollar versus the US Dollar and Asian currencies and market-access issues affecting US beef supply. In view of the volatility of both the season and the currency markets, the cattle and beef markets were similarly volatile, albeit trading within a historically-high range. MAJORITY-OWNED OPERATIONS - WOODLANDS A gross loss of US$580,000 was recorded on Woodlands, compared with a loss of US$731,000 in 2006. The dry conditions which affected the property in 2006 considerably restricted the number of cattle that could be purchased and fattened during the first half of 2007. However, further to the beneficial rainfall received during 2007, both the existing and new pastures grew well and forage crops were planted. This enabled more cattle to be acquired during the year and will permit the further expansion of the herd in 2008. Unlike last year, a wheat crop was able to be grown in 2007 as a result of the better rainfall. ASSOCIATED COMPANY - NAPCo (29.64% OWNED) During the year, the Group marginally increased its holding in NAPCo to 29.64% from 29.29%. The Group's share of NAPCo's profit after tax rose sharply to US$2,840,000, compared with a loss in 2006 of US$414,000. The improvement was largely attributable to a significant gain in the value, and size, of the herd and to the results of the beneficial rainfall enjoyed by the company's principal breeding properties. MALAYSIAN PROPERTY DISPOSALS LAND DISPOSALS Further progress was achieved during 2007 in implementing the Group's strategy of selling its portfolio of Malaysian plantation and property assets. This can be summarised as follows:- Perhentian Tinggi Agreements were signed in 2006 regarding the sale of two small pieces of the estate, 101 hectares (approximately US$2.90 million) and 81 hectares (approximately US$2.50 million). The 101-hectare sale was completed in 2007 and the 81-hectare sale in 2008. The profits were, or will be, recognised in these respective years. A conditional sale agreement was signed in 2007 in respect of the balance of the land, 745 hectares, at a price of approximately US$21.00 million. The sale was completed in 2008 and the profit will be recognised in that year. Sungei Kruit A conditional sale agreement was signed in 2007 in respect of this 828- hectare estate at a price of approximately US$22.90 million. The sale is expected to be completed, and the profit will then be recognised, during 2008. Straits Beach Properties Sdn. Bhd. Agreement was reached during 2007 to sell the company. The proceeds of the sale of the Group's 78% shareholding and shareholder-loan repayments amounted to some US$1.46 million. The transaction was completed in early 2008 and a modest profit of some US$0.13 million will be recorded in that year. GROSS PROFIT As a result of all of the above, the Group gross profit from continuing operations before biological-asset adjustment for the year amounted to US$10,632,000, compared with US$6,345,000 in 2006, an increase of some 68%. BIOLOGICAL-ASSET ADJUSTMENT The value of the biological assets increased markedly (by US$11,536,000 after tax), partly as a result of the increase in the price of palm oil and kernels and partly reflecting the new plantings that got under way on the new projects during 2007, particularly in Kalimantan. These benefits were partially offset by the increase in the cost base of the Indonesian operations. Increases (or decreases) in the value of biological assets from one year to the next are reflected in the consolidated income statement. OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES Other administrative expenses increased in 2007. This arose primarily from the inclusion of the costs of the expanding Jakarta head office and those administrative (largely management) costs on the new projects which are not able to be included in the cost of development. In addition, the increase in the Company's share price from 303p at the end of 2006 to 394p at the end of 2007 gave rise to the necessity to increase the provision for potential national insurance on the remaining unexercised share options. EXCEPTIONAL CREDITS As in previous years, Group profits (US$3.86 million) which had been deferred when land was originally sold by Group companies to an associated company, Bertam Properties, have been recognised when Bertam Properties sold that land to third parties. DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS The profit after tax of US$5.70 million relates primarily to the earnings from the two Malaysian estates which were contracted to be sold in 2007, but have been or will be completed in 2008, referred to above under "Malaysian property disposals". ASSOCIATED COMPANIES The Group's share of its associated companies' post-tax profits/(losses) for the year compared with last year were as follows:- % held 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 PT Agro Muko 31.53 12,456 1,529 PT Kerasaan Indonesia 38.00 2,444 818 NAPCo 29.64 2,840 (414) Bertam Properties Sdn. Bhd. 40.00 12,872 7,955 Kennedy, Burkill & Co. Bhd. 20.01 - 203 Asia Green Environmental Sdn. Bhd. 30.00 - (138) ------ ------ 30,612 9,953 ====== ====== PROFIT FOR THE YEAR As a result of all of the above, the Group profit for the year amounted to US$46,630,000 compared with US$26,102,000 in 2006. SENNAH ESTATE LAWSUIT As announced on 14 August 2007, DR H. Rahmat Shah's appeal to the Supreme Court of Indonesia seeking to overturn the ruling, in the Group's favour, of the Medan High Court was unsuccessful. Under the Indonesian legal system, there is one further avenue of appeal which is, on the production of new evidence not submitted at any earlier court hearings, to request a judicial review by the Supreme Court. Against expectations, DR H. Rahmat Shah has filed such an application. The Group will, through its Indonesian lawyers, robustly confront any issues raised in the Supreme Court but, given the high volume of unheard cases in this court, it may be some time before this issue is resolved. CURRENT TRADING AND PROSPECTS Palm-oil prices continued to strengthen into 2008 reaching a high of around US$1,395 per tonne in March before retreating to the current level of around US$1,200. A progressive export-tax has been imposed by the Indonesian Government. The fundamentals in the palm-oil market remain strong, helped by the recent abolition of the previously high import tax imposed by India. F.f.b. crops on the majority-owned estates have started the year strongly and are ahead of the same period last year and in line with budget. Crops on the associated-company estates have been ahead of both the same period last year and of budget. It is hoped that the full year's crop will be in excess of that for 2007. Conditions on Woodlands have continued favourably following beneficial rainfall. NAPCo's backgrounding properties, in central Queensland, have been enjoying a similarly good season to Woodlands. However, NAPCo's breeding and growing-out properties in the Northern Territory and more northerly parts of Queensland have been suffering from a severe drought which means that a significant number of young cattle will have to be sold before time. Cattle prices have on average continued to trade at historically-high levels. The board is of the view that, in the light of the ever-growing global demand for vegetable oils, bio-fuels, food and protein, the prospects for both the palm-oil and beef-cattle markets remain favourable and that 2008 will prove to be another very successful year. CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 2007 Result before Year biological Biological ended bearer-asset bearer-asset 31 December adjustment adjustment 2007 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Continuing operations Revenue 23,597 - 23,597 Cost of sales (12,965) (8,550) (21,515) ------ ------ ------ Gross profit 10,632 (8,550) 2,082 Gain on biological assets - 18,747 18,747 Foreign-exchange losses (1,434) - (1,434) Other administrative expenses (5,152) - (5,152) ------ ------ ------ Group operating profit 4,046 10,197 14,243 Exceptional credit (note 3) 3,641 - 3,641 ------ ------ ------ Profit on ordinary activities before interest 7,687 10,197 17,884 Investment revenue 1,306 - 1,306 Finance costs (1,763) - (1,763) ------ ------ ------ Group-controlled profit before taxation 7,230 10,197 17,427 Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities (note 2) (3,928) (3,185) (7,113) ------ ------ ------ Group-controlled profit after taxation 3,302 7,012 10,314 Share of associated companies' profit after tax 23,525 7,087 30,612 ------ ------ ------ Profit after tax and before discontinued operations 26,827 14,099 40,926 Discontinued operations 5,317 387 5,704 ------ ------ ------ Profit for the year 32,144 14,486 46,630 ------ ------ ------ Attributable to: Equity holders of M.P. Evans Group PLC 30,328 11,936 42,264 Minority interests 1,816 2,550 4,366 ------ ------ ------ 32,144 14,486 46,630 ------ ------ ------ Basic earnings per 10p share (US cents) Continuing operations 71.21 Discontinued operations 11.11 ------ Continuing and discontinued operations (note 4) 82.32 ------ Diluted earnings per 10p share (US cents) Continuing operations 68.83 Discontinued operations 10.74 ------ Continuing and discontinued operations (note 4) 79.57 ------ CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 2006 Result before Year biological Biological ended bearer-asset bearer-asset 31 December adjustment adjustment 2006 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Continuing operations Revenue 20,425 - 20,425 Cost of sales (14,080) (5,264) (19,344) ------ ------ ------ Gross profit 6,345 (5,264) 1,081 Gain on biological assets - 3,410 3,410 Foreign-exchange gains 6,363 - 6,363 Other administrative expenses (4,324) - (4,324) ------ ------ ------ Group operating profit 8,384 (1,854) 6,530 Exceptional credit (note 3) 1,558 - 1,558 ------ ------ ------ Profit on ordinary activities before interest 9,942 (1,854) 8,088 Investment revenue 887 - 887 Finance costs (764) - (764) ------ ------ ------ Group-controlled profit before taxation 10,065 (1,854) 8,211 Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities (note 2) (1,442) 713 (729) ------ ------ ------ Group-controlled profit after taxation 8,623 (1,141) 7,482 Share of associated companies' profit after tax 11,039 (1,086) 9,953 ------ ------ ------ Profit after tax and before discontinued operations 19,662 (2,227) 17,435 Discontinued operations 16,883 (8,216) 8,667 ------ ------ ------ Profit for the year 36,545 (10,443) 26,102 ------ ------ ------ Attributable to: Equity holders of M.P. Evans Group PLC 35,546 (10,245) 25,301 Minority interests 999 (198) 801 ------ ------ ------ 36,545 (10,443) 26,102 ------ ------ ------ Basic earnings per 10p share (US cents) Continuing operations 32.71 Discontinued operations 17.04 ------ Continuing and discontinued operations (note 4) 49.75 ------ Diluted earnings per 10p share (US cents) Continuing operations 31.42 Discontinued operations 16.38 ------ Continuing and discontinued operations (note 4) 47.80 ------ CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED INCOME AND EXPENSE for the year ended 31 December 2007 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Unrealised share of movements in associated undertakings' reserves (1,780) 4,000 Previously unrealised profit on sale of land to associated undertaking released through income statement on sale of land by associate (3,855) (2,513) Exchange differences on foreign-currency net investments 8,637 (2,457) ------ ------ Net income/(expense) recognised directly in equity 3,002 (970) Profit for the year 46,630 26,102 ------ ------ Total recognised income and expense for the year 49,632 25,132 ------ ------ Attributable to: Equity holders of M.P. Evans Group PLC 45,266 24,331 Minority interest 4,366 801 ------ ------ 49,632 25,132 ------ ------ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2007 Before biological Biological bearer-asset bearer-asset 31 December adjustment adjustment 2007 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Non-current assets Goodwill 1,008 - 1,008 Biological assets - 54,553 54,553 Property, plant and equipment 70,086 (17,443) 52,643 Investments 90,363 19,782 110,145 Deferred tax asset 1,010 - 1,010 ------ ------ ------ 162,467 56,892 219,359 ------ ------ ------ Current assets Assets held for sale 15,922 7,694 23,616 Biological assets 2,893 - 2,893 Inventories 9,522 - 9,522 Trade and other receivables 5,256 - 5,256 Current tax asset 1,130 - 1,130 Cash and cash equivalents 31,765 - 31,765 ------- ------- ------- 66,488 7,694 74,182 ------- ------- ------- Total assets 228,955 64,586 293,541 ------- ------- ------- Current liabilities Liabilities related to assets held for sale - 2,308 2,308 Bank loans and overdrafts 24,391 - 24,391 Trade and other payables 13,339 - 13,339 Current tax liability 1,724 - 1,724 ------- ------- ------- 39,454 2,308 41,762 ------ ------ ------ Net current assets 27,034 5,386 32,420 ------- ------- ------- Non-current liabilities Borrowings 2,003 - 2,003 Deferred tax liability 1,909 11,133 13,042 Long-term provisions 1,375 - 1,375 ------- ------- ------- 5,287 11,133 16,420 ------- ------- ------- Total liabilities 44,741 13,441 58,182 ------- ------- ------- Net assets 184,214 51,145 235,359 ------- ------- ------- Equity Share capital 8,728 - 8,728 Other reserves 78,276 19,782 98,058 Retained earnings 91,903 24,723 116,626 ------- ------- ------- Equity attributable to members of M.P. Evans Group PLC 178,907 44,505 223,412 Minority interest 5,307 6,640 11,947 ------- ------- ------- Total equity 184,214 51,145 235,359 ------- ------- ------- CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET at 31 December 2006 Before biological Biological bearer-asset bearer-asset 31 December adjustment adjustment 2006 US$'000 US$'000 US$'000 Non-current assets Goodwill 902 - 902 Biological assets - 43,017 43,017 Property, plant and equipment 64,527 (9,312) 55,215 Investments 70,347 14,050 84,397 Deferred tax asset 332 - 332 ------- ------- ------- 136,108 47,755 183,863 ------- ------- ------- Current assets Biological assets 868 - 868 Inventories 3,233 - 3,233 Trade and other receivables 7,693 - 7,693 Current tax asset 745 - 745 Cash and cash equivalents 33,114 - 33,114 ------- ------- ------- 45,653 - 45,653 ------- ------- ------- Total assets 181,761 47,755 229,516 ------- ------- ------- Current liabilities Bank loans and overdrafts 15,605 - 15,605 Trade and other payables 6,888 - 6,888 Current tax liability 334 - 334 ------- ------- ------- 22,827 - 22,827 ------- ------- ------- Net current assets 22,826 - 22,826 ------- ------- ------- Non-current liabilities Deferred tax liability 2,730 10,113 12,843 Long-term provisions 1,542 - 1,542 ------- ------- ------- 4,272 10,113 14,385 ------- ------- ------- Total liabilities 27,099 10,113 37,212 ------- ------- ------- Net assets 154,662 37,642 192,304 ------- ------- ------- Equity Share capital 8,582 - 8,582 Other reserves 51,615 15,130 66,745 Retained earnings 89,947 18,421 108,368 ------- ------- ------- Equity attributable to members of M.P. Evans Group PLC 150,144 33,551 183,695 Minority interest 4,518 4,091 8,609 ------- ------- ------- Total equity 154,662 37,642 192,304 ------- ------- ------- CONSOLIDATED CASH-FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 31 December 2007 Year ended Year ended 31 December 31 December 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Net cash outflow from operating activities (4,850) (9,234) ------ ------ Investing activities Interest received 1,244 632 Dividends from associated undertakings 11,396 7,638 Dividends from trading investments 206 144 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 4,091 31,544 Purchase of property, plant and equipment (14,955) (13,781) Re-organisation expenses - (50) Investment in subsidiary undertaking (106) - Investment in associated undertaking (1,414) (1,651) Disposal of subsidiary - 3,771 ------ ------ Net cash from investing activities 462 28,247 ------ ------ Financing activities Dividends paid (6,655) (5,845) Repayment of borrowings (1,004) (997) Proceeds on issue of shares 1,095 279 New bank loans raised 10,130 10,687 Dividend paid to minorities (498) (10) ------ ------ Net cash from financing activities 3,068 4,114 ------ ------ Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (1,320) 23,127 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 33,114 9,972 Effect of foreign exchange rates (29) 15 ------ ------ Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 31,765 33,114 ------ ------ NOTES 1. Dividends paid and proposed 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 2007 interim dividend - 2.00p per 10p share (2006 interim dividend - 2.00p) 2,067 1,982 2006 final dividend - 4.50p per 10p share (2005 final dividend - 4.25p) 4,588 3,863 ------ ------ 6,655 5,845 ------ ------ The interim dividend for 2007 of 2.00p (2006 - 2.00p) per share was paid on 2 November 2007. Following the year end the board has proposed a final dividend for 2007 of 5.00p per 10p share. If confirmed at the annual general meeting it will be paid as follows: 2007 2006 Payable on or after 18-06-2008 20-06-2007 Record date 16-05-2008 11-05-2007 Ex-dividend date 14-05-2008 09-05-2007 2. Tax charge on profit on ordinary activities 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 United Kingdom corporation tax charge for the year 4,868 755 Relief for overseas taxation (4,868) (755) ------ ------ - - Overseas taxation 5,187 2,111 Adjustments in respect of prior periods (20) (4) ------ ------ Total current tax 5,167 2,107 Deferred taxation - origination and reversal of timing differences 1,946 (1,378) ------ ------ 7,113 729 ------ ------ Unrelieved losses of US$20,455,000 (2006 US$14,535,000) remain available to offset future taxable profits of Group companies. 3. Exceptional credit 2007 2006 US$'000 US$'000 Group profit/loss) on sale of tangible fixed assets 33 (911) Sale of fixed-asset investments - 5 Previously unrealised profit on sale of land to associated undertaking released through the income statement on sale of that land to a third party 3,855 2,514 Restructuring (247) (50) ------ ------ Total net exceptional credit 3,641 1,558 ------ ------ There was no material impact on the tax charge resulting from the exceptional charge in either year. 4. Basic and diluted earnings per share The calculation of earnings per 10p share is based on:- 2007 2007 2006 2006 US$'000 Number of US$'000 Number of shares shares Profit for the year Continuing operations 36,560 16,634 Discontinued operations 5,704 8,667 Continuing and discontinued operations 42,264 25,301 Average number of shares in issue 51,341,761 50,852,202 Diluted average number of shares in issue 53,118,232 52,925,754 ------- ---------- ------- ---------- The difference between the number of shares in issue and the diluted number of shares is due solely to the presence of unexercised share options held by directors and key employees of the Group. 5. Financial information The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 December 2007 or 2006. The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2006, which has been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, is derived from the statutory accounts for that year as amended for the changes referred to in note 6. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unmodified and did not contain a statement under section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 6. International Financial Reporting Standards This announcement is based on the Group's financial statements which are being prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted for use in the EU. The group has implemented IFRS for the first time in 2007, resulting in a number of changes in accounting policies, and comparative information has been restated accordingly. While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of IFRS, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS. The Group expects to publish full financial statements that comply with IFRS in May 2008. 7. Timetable The report and financial statements will be despatched to shareholders on 7 May 2008 and the annual general meeting will be held on 4 June 2008. 8. Distribution Copies of the full report and financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007 will be available from the Company, 3 Clanricarde Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1HQ on and after 7 May 2008. By order of the board J F Elliott Secretary 1 May 2008
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