Half Yearly Report

RNS Number : 6095S
M. P. Evans Group PLC
14 September 2010




M.P. Evans Group PLC, a producer of Indonesian palm oil and Australian beef cattle, announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2010.





·                      Profit after tax up 29% at US$12.04 million (2009 US$9.35 million)


·                      Increase in profit attributable to higher palm-oil prices and sharply-improved

      cattle-trading results from NAPCo


·                      Interim dividend maintained at 2.00p per share


·                      Earnings per share up 31.8% at US cents 19.54 (2009 US cents 14.83) on  

      continuing and discontinued operations



Indonesian palm oil


·                      Palm-oil prices have strengthened by some 15% since 30 June 2010


·                      Total oil-palm plantings on new Indonesian projects now 14,500 hectares;

      4,000 of these relate to smallholders' co-operatives


Australian beef cattle


·                      NAPCo's improved results followed beneficial rainfall, excellent

      pasture growth and robust cattle prices


·                      Woodlands recorded a loss but improved outturn expected in second half



Commenting on the results, the chairman, Peter Hadsley-Chaplin, said:-


"A pleasing increase in profits was recorded this year following healthy palm-oil and cattle prices and a much improved season in Australia.  The outlook for both palm oil and beef cattle appears favourable for both the short and longer term."





M.P. Evans Group PLC           020 7796 4133 on 14 September 2010 only

                                               Thereafter telephone 01892 516333

Peter Hadsley-Chaplin               Chairman

Philip Fletcher                          Managing director

Tristan Price                             Finance director


Panmure Gordon                    020 7459 3600

Edward Farmer                        

Rakesh Sharma                       


Hudson Sandler                      020 7796 4133

Charlie Jack   


An analysts' meeting will be held today at 9:30 a.m. at the offices of Hudson Sandler, 29 Cloth Fair, London EC1A 7NN




A profit after tax of US$12.04 million for the six months ended 30 June 2010 was recorded, a 29% increase over that for the first half of 2009. This significant increase arose primarily from stronger palm-oil prices and markedly-improved results at The North Australian Pastoral Company Pty Limited ("NAPCo") further to beneficial rain earlier in the year and consequent good pasture growth, along with increased prices for beef cattle. As last year, the board proposes that an interim dividend of 2 pence per share will be paid. The board has decided to make a scrip dividend available for this interim dividend. Shareholders who have previously elected to receive their dividends in this manner will therefore automatically receive this dividend as scrip.  Shareholders who now wish to make an election to receive this and future dividends as scrip should contact the company secretary.



Indonesian palm oil

Progress has continued with planting on the new Indonesian projects, albeit at a slower pace than in 2009.  As at the date of this report, 14,500 hectares in total have been planted, 11,100 in Kalimantan and 3,400 in Bangka. Of these areas, 4,000 have been allocated to smallholder schemes, 2,800 in Kalimantan and 1,200 in Bangka. It is hoped that the pace of planting will pick up, particularly in Bangka, in the remainder of the year. As in the past, the agreement of mutually-acceptable terms with smallholders is proving to be a time-consuming process and is the main constraint in progressing with planting. The Group increased its holding in PT Agro Muko during the period, and now holds 36.84%.


Australian beef cattle

The board continues to seek to build on its holding in NAPCo, although no further shares were acquired in the first half of 2010. Construction work on the expansion of NAPCo's feedlot is scheduled to commence shortly and is likely to take some nine months to complete. The increased capacity will give rise to greater economies of scale and will help to reduce the risks associated with the uncertainty of the seasons experienced across the company's properties.  Improvement work at Woodlands has been largely completed and a significant increase in cattle turnover is expected. It remains, however, the long-term aim to sell Woodlands and to focus on the Group's investment in NAPCo.



Divestment from Malaysia and Thailand

To date, approximately US$110 million has been raised from the disposal of the Malaysian plantations and other assets. The board estimates that the remaining assets are worth approximately a further US$50 million. The majority of this relates to the Group's 40% shareholding in Bertam Properties Sdn. Bhd. ("Bertam Properties") and the 70-hectare Bertam Estate. It is the board's intention to dispose of these at the most opportune time.




The average selling price of crude palm oil (Rotterdam c.i.f.) was US$809 per tonne for the period compared with US$656 for the same period last year and US$680 for the whole of 2009. The world stock/usage ratio remained reasonably low and the continuation of strong demand kept the price up, notwithstanding good soybean crops in the Southern Hemisphere. Palm-oil prices have strengthened since 30 June 2010 and now stand at around US$900 per tonne.



Australian prices for grass-fed, lighter-weight cattle (such as those produced by Woodlands), rose sharply during the first half of 2010 as the excellent season experienced across much of Australia lifted demand for young cattle. Prices for the heavier, "grain-finished" cattle (such as those produced by NAPCo) also increased markedly during the period under review following a general improvement in world beef prices, stemming from a significant downsizing of cattle numbers, particularly in Australia and the United States.  Since the period end, lighter-weight prices have continued to strengthen, whilst prices for the heavier, grain-finished cattle have eased, mainly as a result of the stronger Australian Dollar.  World beef prices in US-Dollar terms, however, are at robust levels.







The Group took over management of the majority-owned North Sumatran estates on 1 January 2010. As referred to above, palm-oil prices were significantly stronger in the first half of 2010 than in the same period in 2009. Crops of oil-palm fresh fruit bunches ("f.f.b.") from these estates were slightly ahead of those for the same period last year. The crop from the new Bangka project is on a sharply-upward trend, as would be expected from newly-developed areas. The yield per hectare for the first half of 2010 was 5.25 tonnes, a very acceptable level. The extraction rate achieved by Pangkatan mill pleasingly continued to improve, up to 23.0%, which compared with 22.3% for the first six months of 2009. The strength of the Indonesian Rupiah has adversely affected costs in US-Dollar terms. As a result of the above, the gross profit from the majority-owned Indonesian estates amounted to US$8.78 million compared with US$5.46 million for the first half of 2009. It should be noted that management fees paid in 2009 to the third-party managers, PT Tolan Tiga Indonesia, were treated as part of "cost of sales", whereas, as previously, costs incurred in the new Jakarta office by the wholly-owned, in-house management company, PT Evans Indonesia, are, from 1 January 2010, regarded as "other administrative expenses".



Crop, production and selling-price details for the majority-owned estates are set out as follows:-


                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                     Tonnes        Tonnes        Tonnes

1)  Crops - oil-palm fresh

    fruit bunches  ("f.f.b.")


    Sumatran estates

    - Pangkatan group                55,800        54,900       121,100

    - Simpang Kiri                   19,800        17,700        38,500

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     75,600        72,600       159,600


    Banka                             7,500         4,100        11,700

                                    -------       -------       -------


    Total                            83,100        76,700       171,300

                                    -------       -------       -------



2)  Production

    - (Pangkatan mill)


    Crude palm oil                   12,800        12,200        27,000

    Palm kernels                      3,100         3,100         6,800

                                    -------       -------       -------


3)  Extraction rate                       %             %             %


    Crude palm oil                     23.0          22.3          22.4

    Palm kernels                        5.5           5.7           5.6

                                    -------       -------       -------


4)  Selling prices


    Palm oil - Rotterdam c.i.f.

    - average per tonne              US$809        US$656        US$680

                                    -------       -------       -------




Following the good start to the season on Woodlands with plentiful rain, the herd has gradually been built up from 3,700 head at the end of December 2009 to 7,900 at the end of June 2010. During this building phase, no cattle were sold. Overheads, many of which are fixed, were similar in Australian-Dollar terms in each of the half years ended 30 June 2009 and 2010 but the considerable (20%) weakening of the average rate for the US Dollar from US$1 = A$1.41 to US$1 = A$1.12 resulted in higher costs in US-Dollar terms. Further to the Group's decision to cease its grain-growing activities, the sales of sorghum in the first half of 2009 were not repeated in the first half of 2010.  As a result of the above, the gross loss amounted to US$0.40 million for the first half of 2010 compared with US$0.25 million for the same period in 2009. However, with the anticipated weight gain in the second half and subject to the current healthy cattle prices being maintained, an improved outturn is hoped for in the second half of the year and therefore for the year as a whole.



As a result of all of the above, the gross profit on continuing operations for the first half of 2010 was US$8,251,000, a 59% increase over the US$5,190,000 for the same period last year. The following table sets out an analysis of the gross profit/(loss) between the various activities and between the countries in which the Group operates. 



Six months ended 30 June 2010


                                    Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                      Turnover        sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                      US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia              14,973        (6,652)          458         8,779

Malaysia                  360          (492)            -          (132)

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations      15,333        (7,144)          458         8,647


Cattle - Australia          -          (396)            -          (396)


Other - UK                  -             -             -             -

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total            15,333        (7,540)          458         8,251

                       ------        ------        ------        ------



Six months ended 30 June 2009


                                    Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                     Turnover         sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                      US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia              10,896        (5,591)          154         5,459

Malaysia                  242          (288)            -           (46)

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations      11,138        (5,879)          154         5,413


Cattle - Australia        760        (1,005)            -          (245)


Other - UK                 22             -             -            22

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total            11,920        (6,884)          154         5,190

                       ------        ------        ------        ------



Year ended 31 December 2009


                                    Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                     Turnover         sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                      US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia              25,554       (12,892)          481        13,143

Malaysia                  561          (729)            -          (168)

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations      26,115       (13,621)          481        12,975


Cattle - Australia      2,231        (3,546)            -        (1,315)


Other - UK                 45             -             -            45

                       ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total            28,391       (17,167)          481        11,705

                       ------        ------        ------        ------




Oil palms are treated as "biological bearer assets" since they are harvested for many years. The value of biological assets increased by US$10,900,000 largely as a result of a rise in the price of crude palm oil used to establish biological value, supported by some further new planting on the Group's new projects in Kalimantan. Movements in the value of biological assets from one period to the next are included in the consolidated income statement. In order to provide additional information to readers of the accounts, the consolidated income statement and balance sheet include additional columns to show the Group's results and assets prior to the adjustment for biological bearer assets.





The Group's share of its Indonesian associated companies' post-tax profits for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2009, was as follows:-



Six months ended 30 June 2010

                                   Post-tax                    Post-tax

                              profit before    Biological  profit after

                                 biological  bearer-asset    biological

                               bearer-asset    adjustment  bearer-asset

                                 adjustment   (see below)    adjustment

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)*                3,377           865         4,242

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)          808          (184)          624

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      4,185           681         4,866

                                     ------        ------        ------



Six months ended 30 June 2009

                                   Post-tax                    Post-tax

                              profit before    Biological  profit after

                                 biological  bearer-asset    biological

                               bearer-asset    adjustment  bearer-asset

                                 adjustment   (see below)    adjustment

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)*                1,299         1,652         2,951

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)          622           207           829

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      1,921         1,859         3,780

                                     ------        ------        ------



Year ended 31 December 2009

                                   Post-tax                    Post-tax

                              profit before    Biological  profit after

                                 biological  bearer-asset    biological

                               bearer-asset    adjustment  bearer-asset

                                 adjustment   (see below)    adjustment

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)*                5,992         2,432         8,424

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)        1,399           260         1,659

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      7,391         2,692        10,083

                                     ------        ------        ------

* increased from 31.53% in March 2010



Biological bearer-asset adjustment


30 June 2010

                                                  PT Agro   PT Kerasaan

                                                     Muko     Indonesia

                                                  US$'000       US$'000


Cost of sales                                         153            19

Gain on biological assets                           2,174           (22)

Planting expenditure                               (1,173)         (243)

Deferred tax                                         (289)           62

                                                 --------      --------

                                                      865          (184)

                                                 --------      --------



30 June 2009

                                                  PT Agro   PT Kerasaan

                                                     Muko     Indonesia

                                                  US$'000       US$'000


Cost of sales                                         913            77

Gain on biological assets                             669            (6)

Planting expenditure                                 (268)          (18)

Deferred tax                                          338           154

                                                 --------      --------

                                                    1,652           207

                                                 --------      --------



31 December 2009

                                                  PT Agro   PT Kerasaan

                                                     Muko     Indonesia

                                                  US$'000       US$'000


Cost of sales                                         441            12

Gain on biological assets                           2,491           223

Planting expenditure                                 (578)         (112)

Deferred tax                                           78           137

                                                 --------      --------

                                                    2,432           260

                                                 --------      --------


Crops and production were as follows:-


                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                     Tonnes        Tonnes        Tonnes

Crops - f.f.b.

  - PT Agro Muko - own              140,700       144,400       328,200

                 - outgrowers         5,000         5,400        23,000

  - PT Kerasaan Indonesia            24,000        24,100        52,000


                                   --------      --------      --------

                                    169,700       173,900       403,200

                                   --------      --------      --------



  (PT Agro Muko) - crude palm oil    34,600        34,400        79,400

                 - palm kernels       7,700         7,900        18,200

                                   --------      --------      --------


                                          %             %             %

Extraction rate - crude palm oil       22.7          22.9          22.6

                - palm kernals          5.0           5.3           5.2

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                     Tonnes        Tonnes        Tonnes

Rubber crops

  (PT Agro Muko)                        742           736         1,221

                                   --------      --------      --------



The Group increased its holding in PT Agro Muko ("Agro Muko") from 31.53% to 36.84% in March 2010. The combination of markedly higher average palm-oil and rubber prices, similar f.f.b. and rubber crops, but higher rubber sales, and the weakening of the US Dollar against the Indonesian Rupiah resulted in significantly-higher profits for the six months ended 30 June 2010 compared with the same period in 2009. The f.f.b. crop on Kerasaan Estate was similar to that for the first half of 2009 but the stronger palm-oil prices resulted in a sharply-improved result. As with the Group's own estates, the biological value of its associated companies has benefited from a rise in the price of crude palm oil used to establish biological value. This has added some US$300 per hectare to Agro Muko's oil-palm plantings. However, costs incurred on Agro Muko to prepare land for replanting in the second half of the year have eroded the effect of the biological gain on Agro Muko's profit for the period.


As in previous years, f.f.b. crops are expected to be higher in the second half of the year than the first. The rubber crop, however, is expected to be lower as the wet season sets in and also due to the replanting of some areas.




The Group's share of NAPCo's post-tax profit/(loss) for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2009, was as follows:-



                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


NAPCo (34.37%)                        2,208          (980)       (1,041)

                                     ------        ------        ------


The pleasingly sharp improvement in the result was attributable to the substantially-improved season enjoyed by all the NAPCo properties in the early part of 2010. The good rainfall led to excellent pasture growth and, as a consequence, the average weight of the herd increased markedly. The improved pastures enabled more cattle to be run and, accordingly, over 9,000 head were purchased during the period with another 6,000 purchases anticipated for the second half. Furthermore, cattle prices increased during the period both in the Australian domestic market following the good season and, internationally, as a result of a decline in herd numbers worldwide. All these factors are reflected in NAPCo's results for the period.  It should be noted that since the period end, cattle export prices have softened, mainly as a result of the stronger Australian Dollar. It is clearly too early to tell at what level cattle prices will be trading at the year end and how this, in turn, will affect the results for the year. However, the average weight per beast of NAPCo's herd is significantly higher than at this time last year.




The Group's share of Bertam Properties Sdn. Berhad's ("Bertam Properties") post-tax profit for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2009, was as follows:-




                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Bertam Properties (40%)                 643           237           984

                                     ------        ------        ------



Two small land sales were completed by Bertam Properties in the first half of the year.  A larger sale, of some 26 hectares, is in the process of being completed. This sale, on deferred-instalment terms, is expected to be completed, and the full consideration paid, later in 2010 or early 2011 and 90% of the total proceeds of approximately US$9.5 million have already been received. Credit is taken for the profit on disposal of land when the transaction has been completed and the full sale proceeds received.


Bertam Properties' land-development activities continue successfully and higher profits were achieved in the first half of 2010 compared with the first half of 2009. The operation of the small remaining area still under oil palms benefited from the higher palm-oil price and increased profits were reported.



As referred to above under "Results for the period", the costs of the Jakarta office in running the mature Sumatran estates are, for the first time, now included under "Other administrative expenses". In the first half of 2010, this amounted to approximately US$0.52 million.


During the six months ended 30 June 2010, a thorough review has been undertaken of the costs related to the land which has been developed by the Group but which, it has been decided, will be sold to the various smallholder co-operative schemes.  It had been anticipated that the selling price of this land would approximately cover the cost of developing it. However, an impairment review has revealed that this will not be so in all cases. As a result of this exercise, the board has decided to write off approximately US$1.57 million so that the carrying value of these pieces of land now reflects a more realistic evaluation of what may be recovered from these co-operatives.



As foreshadowed in the 2009 annual report, a facility of RM60 million (approximately US$18.5 million at the current rate of exchange) has been agreed with the Malaysian Bank, AmBank (Malaysia) Berhad. These borrowings are secured on the Group's remaining land in Malaysia.  RM24 million (US$7.5 million) has been drawn down since 30 June 2010 and this facility is being, and will be, utilised in providing funding for the project in East Kalimantan. As also referred to in the 2009 annual report, the loan facility with the German Development Bank, Deutsche Investitions-und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbh (DEG), was terminated following DEG's withdrawal from the palm-oil sector.  The US$2 million that had been drawn down was repaid in May 2010.



Since the period end, the palm-oil price has strengthened further to around US$900 per tonne (Rotterdam c.i.f.), an historically-robust level. Drought conditions in Russia have affected wheat production and their ban on exports seems to have affected other commodities. The drought may also affect oilseed crops in that region.  In addition, accelerating demand allied to recovery in the world economy, together with concerns about palm-oil production in parts of South East Asia (primarily the "La Niña" effect) are supporting the current strong price.  In the longer term, the expected general slowdown in the rate of development of new oil-palm areas in Indonesia, following environmental pressures, is likely to lend support to this market strength. The young age profile of the Group's palms will leave it well placed to take advantage of this.


As in previous years, it is expected that f.f.b. crops for the second half of the year will be higher  than in the first. Harvesting has recently commenced on the new Kalimantan project and the f.f.b. are being sold to a nearby third-party mill. The project's own 60-tonne-per-hour mill is in the final stage of tendering for a contractor and it is expected that it will be operational before the end of 2011.


Prices for young, grass-fed cattle, such as those produced by Woodlands, have continued to be firm as a result of the good rainfall and pasture growth generally in Australia. Prices for the heavier, grain-finished cattle, such as those produced by NAPCo, have, as referred to elsewhere in this report, tapered off from the end-June levels. This is chiefly attributable to the strong Australian Dollar.  World beef prices, in US-Dollar terms, are trading at historically-high levels and many analysts expect this upward trend to continue in response to robust demand, especially from the Middle East and Asia.


If palm-oil and beef prices remain at or around their present level, it is expected that the Group will report another successful year.



Unaudited consolidated income statement




                              Result before                    6 months

                                 biological    Biological         ended

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset       30 June

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2010

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Revenue(note 3)                      15,333             -        15,333


Cost of sales                        (7,540)          458        (7,082)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Gross profit (note 3)                 7,793           458         8,251


Gain on biological assets (note 5)        -        10,947        10,947

Planting expenditure                      -        (8,474)       (8,474)

Foreign-exchange gains                1,816             -         1,816

Other administrative expenses        (5,133)            -        (5,133)

Other income                            101             -           101

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group operating profit before

 interest and tax                     4,577         2,931         7,508


Finance income                          236             -           236

Finance costs                          (775)            -          (775)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled profit

 before taxation                      4,038         2,931         6,969


Tax on profit on ordinary

 activities                          (2,108)         (542)       (2,650)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled profit

 after tax                            1,930         2,389         4,319


Share of associated companies'

 profit after tax (note 3)            7,036           681         7,717

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit after tax on

 continuing operations                8,966         3,070        12,036


Discontinued operations (note 4)          -             -             -

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit for the year                   8,966         3,070        12,036

                                     ------        ------        ------


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC        7,716         2,656        10,372

Minority interests                    1,250           414         1,664

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      8,966         3,070        12,036

                                     ------        ------        ------


                                                               US Cents

Basic earnings per 10p share

 Continuing operations                                            19.54

 Continuing and discontinued operations (note 3)                  19.54


Diluted earnings per 10p share

 Continuing operations                                            19.20

 Continuing and discontinued operations (note 3)                  19.20



Unaudited consolidated income statement



                              Result before                    6 months

                                 biological    Biological         ended

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset       30 June

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Revenue (note 3)                     11,920             -        11,920


Cost of sales                        (6,884)          154        (6,730)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Gross profit (note 3)                 5,036           154         5,190


Gain on biological assets (note 5)        -        12,513        12,513

Planting expenditure                      -        (5,300)       (5,300)

Foreign-exchange losses                (159)            -          (159)

Other administrative expenses        (3,020)            -        (3,020)

Other income                              -             -             -

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group operating profit before

 interest and tax                     1,857         7,367         9,224


Finance income                          463             -           463

Finance costs                          (560)            -          (560)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled profit

 before taxation                      1,760         7,367         9,127


Tax on profit on ordinary

 activities                          (2,030)         (776)       (2,806)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled (loss)/profit

 after tax                             (270)        6,591         6,321


Share of associated companies'

 profit after tax (note 3)            1,178         1,859         3,037

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit after tax on

 continuing operations                  908         8,450         9,358


Discontinued operations (note 4)         (4)            -            (4)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit for the year                     904         8,450         9,354

                                     ------        ------        ------


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC          144         7,600         7,744

Minority interests                      760           850         1,610

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                        904         8,450         9,354

                                     ------        ------        ------


                                                               US Cents

Basic earnings per 10p share

 Continuing operations                                            14.77

 Continuing and discontinued operations (note 3)                  14.83


Diluted earnings per 10p share

 Continuing operations                                            14.36

 Continuing and discontinued operations (note 3)                  14.42




Consolidated income statement



                              Result before                        Year

                                 biological    Biological         ended

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset   31 December

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Revenue (note 3)                     28,391             -        28,391


Cost of sales                       (17,167)          481       (16,686)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Gross profit (note 3)                11,224           481        11,705


Gain on biological assets (note 5)     (637)       23,518        22,881

Planting expenditure                      -       (15,154)      (15,154)

Foreign-exchange gains                1,460             -         1,460

Other administrative expenses        (5,177)            -        (5,177)

Other income                            226             -           226

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group operating profit before

 interest and tax                     7,096         8,845        15,941


Finance income                          623             -           623

Finance costs                        (1,226)            -        (1,226)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled profit

 before taxation                      6,493         8,845        15,338


Tax on profit on ordinary

 activities                          (5,654)         (578)       (6,232)

                                     ------        ------        ------

Group-controlled profit

 after tax                              839         8,267         9,106


Share of associated companies'

 profit after tax (note 3)            7,334         2,692        10,026

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit after tax on

 continuing operations                8,173        10,959        19,132


Discontinued operations (note 4)      1,578             -         1,578

                                     ------        ------        ------

Profit for the year                   9,751        10,959        20,710

                                     ------        ------        ------


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC        8,076        10,174        18,250

Minority interests                    1,675           785         2,460

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      9,751        10,959        20,710

                                     ------        ------        ------


Basic earnings per 10p share                                   US cents

 Continuing operations                                            31.92

 Continuing and discontinued operations  (note 3)                 34.94



Diluted earnings per 10p share                                 US cents

 Continuing operations                                            31.01

 Continuing and discontinued operations  (note 3)                 33.94




Unaudited consolidated balance sheet

AT 30 JUNE 2010



                                 biological    Biological

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset       30 June

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2010

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                              1,891             -         1,891

Biological assets (note 5)                -       104,428       104,428

Property, plant and equipment       100,613       (44,351)       56,262

Investment in associates             91,344        23,383       114,727

Investments                           2,624             -         2,624

Deferred tax asset                    2,177             -         2,177

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                    198,649        83,460       282,109

                                    -------       -------       -------

Current assets

Biological assets                     5,273             -         5,273

Inventories                           7,905             -         7,905

Trade and other receivables          23,506             -        23,506

Current tax asset                     2,124             -         2,124

Cash and cash equivalents            23,756             -        23,756

Assets held for sale                      -             -             -

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     62,564             -        62,564

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total assets                        261,213        83,460       344,673

                                    -------       -------       -------


Current liabilities

Borrowings                           20,975             -        20,975

Trade and other payables             10,803             -        10,803

Current tax liability                   649             -           649

Liabilities related to

 assets held for sale                     -             -             -

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     32,427             -        32,427

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                    -------       -------       -------

Net current assets                   30,137             -        30,137

                                    -------       -------       -------


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                -             -             -

Deferred tax liability                2,629        14,563        17,192

Retirement-benefit obligations        1,557             -         1,557

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                      4,186        14,563        18,749

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total liabilities                    36,613        14,563        51,176

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                    -------       -------       -------

Net assets                          224,600        68,897       293,497

                                    -------       -------       -------



Share capital (note 7)                8,980             -         8,980

Other reserves                       68,061        23,383        91,444

Profit and loss account             142,000        37,193       179,193

                                    -------       -------       -------


Equity attributable to owners of

 M.P. Evans Group PLC               219,041        60,576       279,617

Minority interests                    5,559         8,321        13,880

                                    -------       -------       -------

Total equity                        224,600        68,897       293,497

                                    -------       -------       -------



Unaudited consolidated balance sheet

AT 30 JUNE 2009



                                 biological    Biological

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset       30 June

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                              1,157             -         1,157

Biological assets (note 5)                -        87,339        87,339

Property, plant and equipment        86,898       (32,823)       54,075

Investment in associates             79,457        21,870       101,327

Investments                           2,674             -         2,674

Deferred tax asset                    1,766             -         1,766

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                    171,952        76,386       248,338

                                    -------       -------       -------

Current assets

Biological assets                     3,363             -         3,363

Inventories                          10,731             -        10,731

Trade and other receivables          11,373             -        11,373

Current tax asset                       687             -           687

Cash and cash equivalents            46,106             -        46,106

Assets held for sale                    262             -           262

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     72,522             -        72,522

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total assets                        244,474        76,386       320,860

                                    -------       -------       -------


Current liabilities

Borrowings                           19,960             -        19,960

Trade and other payables              8,460             -         8,460

Current tax liability                   346             -           346

Liabilities related to

 assets held for sale                    37             -            37

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     28,803             -        28,803

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                    -------       -------       -------

Net current assets                   43,719             -        43,719

                                    -------       -------       -------


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                            2,000             -         2,000

Deferred tax liability                2,216        13,556        15,772

Retirement-benefit obligations        1,597             -         1,597

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                      5,813        13,556        19,369

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total liabilities                    34,616        13,556        48,172

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                    -------       -------       -------

Net assets                          209,858        62,830       272,688

                                    -------       -------       -------



Share capital (note 7)                8,817             -         8,817

Other reserves                       60,090        21,869        81,959

Profit and loss account             137,487        31,692       169,179

                                    -------       -------       -------


Equity attributable to owners of

 M.P. Evans Group PLC               206,394        53,561       259,955

Minority interests                    3,464         9,269        12,733

                                    -------       -------       -------

Total equity                        209,858        62,830       272,688

                                    -------       -------       -------



Consolidated balance sheet

AT 31 DECEMBER  2009



                                 biological    Biological

                               bearer-asset  bearer-asset   31 December

                                 adjustment    adjustment          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                              1,157             -         1,157

Biological assets (note 5)                -        93,480        93,480

Property, plant and equipment        96,307       (36,375)       59,932

Investment in associates             89,885        22,702       112,587

Investments                           2,642             -         2,642

Deferred tax asset                    1,373             -         1,373

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                    191,364        79,807       271,171

                                    -------       -------       -------

Current assets

Biological assets                     2,650             -         2,650

Inventories                           8,454             -         8,454

Trade and other receivables          14,852             -        14,852

Current tax asset                     3,030             -         3,030

Cash and cash equivalents            38,081             -        38,081

Assets held for sale                      -             -             -

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     67,067             -        67,067

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total assets                        258,431        79,807       338,238

                                    -------       -------       -------


Current liabilities

Borrowings                           22,297             -        22,297

Trade and other payables              7,516             -         7,516

Current tax liability                   632             -           632

Liabilities related to

 assets held for sale                     -             -             -

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                     30,445             -        30,445

                                     ------        ------        ------


Net current assets                   36,622             -        36,622

                                    -------       -------       -------


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                            2,011             -         2,011

Deferred tax liability                2,796        14,020        16,816

Retirement-benefit obligations        1,251             -         1,251

                                    -------       -------       -------

                                      6,058        14,020        20,078

                                    -------       -------       -------


Total liabilities                    36,503        14,020        50,523

                                    -------       -------       -------


                                    -------       -------       -------

Net assets                          221,928        65,787       287,715

                                    -------       -------       -------


Share capital (note 7)                8,821             -         8,821

Other reserves                       70,610        22,702        93,312

Profit and loss account             138,188        35,177       173,365

                                    -------       -------       -------


Equity attributable to owners

 of M.P. Evans Group PLC            217,619        57,879       275,498

Minority interests                    4,309         7,908        12,217

                                    -------       -------       -------

Total equity                        221,928        65,787       287,715

                                    -------       -------       -------



Unaudited consolidated cash-flow statement



                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000

Net cash outflow from operating

 activities (note 8)                (12,371)*      (5,250)*      (9,809)*

                                    -------       -------       -------

Investing activities

Interest received                       236           365           623

Dividends from associated

 undertakings                         9,001         5,709         6,966

Dividends from trading investments        -            99             -

Proceeds on disposal of assets

 held for sale                            -             -         2,914

Proceeds on disposal of property,

 plant and equipment                    322           430             -

Purchase of property, plant

 and equipment                       (1,612)       (4,476)       (9,333)

Purchase of shares in associated

 company                             (5,484)            -             -

                                    -------       -------       -------

Net cash from investing activities    2,463         2,127         1,170

                                    -------       -------       -------


Financing activities

Dividends paid to Company

 shareholders (note 5)               (3,608)       (4,309)       (6,033)

Repayment of borrowings              (2,010        (1,878)           10

Proceeds on issue of shares (note 7)  1,285            52            99

Dividend paid to minorities               -        (1,074)       (1,144)

                                    -------       -------       -------

Net cash used by financing

 activities                          (4,333)       (7,209)       (7,068)

                                    -------       -------       -------


Net decrease in cash

 and cash equivalents               (14,241)      (10,332)      (15,707)

Net cash and cash equivalents

 at beginning of the period          15,784        37,486        37,486

Effect of foreign-exchange rates

 on cash and cash equivalents         1,238        (1,008)       (5,995)

                                    -------       -------       -------

Net cash and cash equivalents

 at end of the period                 2,781        26,146        15,784

                                    -------       -------       -------


*  Including expenditure on new planting of US$8,474,000 (six months to June 2009 US$5,300,000; 2009 full year US$15,154,000)



Notes to the interim statements





The financial information for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2010 and 2009 has been neither audited nor reviewed by the Group's auditors and does not constitute accounts within the meaning of section 423 of the Companies Act 2006.  The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2009 is abridged from the statutory accounts. The 31 December 2009 statutory accounts have been reported on by the Group's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors thereon was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, nor did it contain any matters to which the auditors drew attention without qualifying their audit report.




The consolidated financial results have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reported Standards (IFRS and IFRIC interpretations) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the EU, and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies preparing accounts under IFRS.


The accounting policies of the Group follow those set out in the annual financial statements at 31 December 2009. 





                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


(Loss)/profit after tax                   -            (4)           23

Profit after tax on sale                  -             -         1,555

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                          -            (4)        1,578

                                     ------        ------        ------





                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000

2008 final dividend - 5.00p

 per 10p share                            -         4,309         4,309

2009 interim dividend - 2.00p

 per 10p share                            -             -         1,724

2009 final dividend - 5.00p

 per 10p share                        3,993             -             -

                                     ------        ------        ------

                                      3,993         4,309         6,033

                                     ------        ------        ------


As last year, the board proposes that an interim dividend of 2 pence per share will be paid.  The board has decided to make a scrip dividend available for this interim dividend.  Shareholders who have previously elected to receive their dividends in this manner will therefore automatically receive this dividend as scrip.  Shareholders who now wish to make an election to receive this and future dividends as scrip should contact the company secretary.




The Group values its plantation assets using a discounted cash flow over the expected 25-year economic life of the asset. The discount rate used in this valuation is 14%. The price of the f.f.b. crop is taken to be a 20-year average based on actual selling prices or, where the plantation has its own mill, an inference based on the widely-quoted commodity price for crude palm oil delivered c.i.f. Rotterdam.  The directors have concluded that using a 20-year average provides their best estimate of prices to be achieved over the valuation period.

The long-term average price and exchange rates used in determining the valuations based on cash flows were as follows:


                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Price of crude palm oil

 (US$/t, c.i.f Rotterdam)               515           492           502


Exchange rate (Rupiah per US dollar)  9,083        10,225         9,400

                                     ------        ------        ------


For palm oil, changes in the price assumption have a more than proportionate impact on the valuation of oil-palm plantings.





                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

Number of shares of 10p each

At 1 January                     52,271,315    52,211,585    52,211,585

Issued                            1,044,853        30,800        59,730

                                 ----------    ----------    ----------

At period end                    53,316,168    52,242,385    52,271,315

                                 ----------    ----------    ----------


                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


At 1 January                          8,821         8,812         8,812

Issued                                  159             5             9

                                    -------       -------       -------

At period end                         8,980         8,817         8,821

                                    -------       -------       -------



During the period, 968,100(2009 - 30,800) 10p shares were issued as a result of the exercise of share options. Total cash proceeds received by the Company were US$1,285,140 (2009 US$51,963). In addition, 76,753 shares were issued in lieu of the 2009 final dividend paid on 25 June 2010 (2009 nil).





                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Profit for the period                12,036         9,354        20,710

Other comprehensive income

 for the period *                    (3,992)        7,238        12,648

                                    -------       -------       -------

Total comprehensive income

 for the period                       8,044        16,592        33,358

                                    -------       -------       -------



Issue of share capital                1,670            52            99

Dividends                            (3,993)       (5,383)       (7,177)

Credit to equity for equity-

 settled share-based payments            61            52            60

                                    -------       -------       -------

Transactions with owners             (2,262)       (5,279)       (7,018)

                                    -------       -------       -------




Balance at 1 January                287,715       261,375       261,375

                                    -------       -------       -------


Balance at period end               293,497       272,688       287,715

                                    -------       -------       -------


*   Foreign-exchange  gains made on  the  reserves of  associated  undertakings in 2009 have been  significantly

    reversed in 2010 as the US Dollar has weakened against both the Australian Dollar and the Malaysian Ringgit.





                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009

                                    US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Operating profit                      7,508        11,113        15,976

Biological gain                     (13,571)      (15,325)      (22,014)

Write-down of land to be sold

 to smallholders' co-operative

 schemes                              1,567             -             -

Depreciation of property,

 plant and equipment                  1,570         1,181         2,517

Past-service liabilities                307           114           358

Share-based payments                     61            52            60

                                    -------       -------       -------

Operating cash flows before

 movements in working capital        (2,558)       (2,865)       (3,103)


Increase in inventories                 202            54         2,505

Increase in receivables              (8,651)       (3,119)       (3,212)

Increase in payables                  1,555         2,904         1,731

                                    -------       -------       -------

Cash used in operating activities    (9,452)       (3,026)       (2,079)


Income tax paid                      (2,144)       (1,664)       (6,504)

Interest paid                          (775)         (560)       (1,226)

                                    -------       -------       -------

Net cash used in operating

 activities                         (12,371)       (5,250)       (9,809)

                                    -------       -------       -------





                                   6 months      6 months          Year

                                      ended         ended         ended

                                    30 June       30 June   31 December

                                       2010          2009          2009


US$1 = Indonesian Rupiah

 - average                            9,182        11,048        10,374

 - period end                         9,083        10,225         9,400

                                     ------        ------        ------

US$1 = Australian Dollar

 - average                             1.12          1.41          1.28

 - period end                          1.18          1.24          1.11

                                     ------        ------        ------

US$1 = Malaysian Ringgit

 - average                             3.31          3.59          3.52

 - period end                          3.24          3.52          3.42

                                     ------        ------        ------

£1 = US Dollar

 - average                             1.53          1.49          1.57

 - period end                          1.50          1.65          1.61

                                     ------        ------        ------




The interim report for the six-month period ended 30 June 2010 will be despatched to shareholders on or before 24 September 2010 and copies thereof will be available from the Company at 3 Clanricarde Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1HQ on and after that date.



14 September 2010



This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
UK 100