Half Yearly Report

RNS Number : 2323M
M. P. Evans Group PLC
14 September 2012




M.P. Evans Group PLC ("M P Evans"), a producer of Indonesian palm oil and Australian beef cattle, announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2012.






·      Agricultural gross profit 15% higher at US$14.36 million (2011 US$12.54 million)

·      Share of associates' profits 45% lower at US$7.29 million (2011 US$13.29 million) largely due to non-cash losses in NAPCo

·      Profit for the period 31 % lower at US$15.33 million (2011 US$22.36 million)

·      Interim dividend maintained at 2.25p per 10p share

·      Balance sheet further strengthened by robust operating cash flows


Indonesian palm oil

·      Crops of oil-palm fresh fruit bunches ("f.f.b.") 22% higher on majority-held estates and 1% higher on associates' estates

·      Palm-oil prices averaged US$1,096 per tonne, 8% lower than US$1,195 in first-half 2011

·      New Kalimantan project achieved break even

·      Group on track to produce 300,000 tonnes of f.f.b. from majority-held estates in 2012

·      Group continues to plant more land on existing projects and to seek new land in which to invest


Australian beef cattle

·      Woodlands herd maintained at over 10,000 head, with improved weight gains, during first half

·      Cattle prices declined from end-2011 peak following continued strength of Australian Dollar and slackening of demand in South East Asia affecting results of cattle operations

·      Woodlands agricultural gross loss US$0.57 million (2011 US$0.46 million loss)

·      Group's share of NAPCo's post-tax loss US$1.24 million (2011 share US$2.88 million profit)



·      Property sales slower than same period in 2011 but expected to improve in second half

·      Board's long-term intention to dispose of the Group's Malaysian property interests, with expected value of over US$40 million



Commenting on the results, the chairman of M. P. Evans, Peter Hadsley-Chaplin, said:-


"Overall, the Group has performed well in the first half of 2012 and it is particularly pleasing to note the increase in palm-oil profits from the majority-held operations, following a strong increase in f.f.b. crops and despite a softening of the palm-oil price.  Projected growth in the Group's crops to 300,000 tonnes in 2012 is expected to continue to around 500,000 tonnes in 2015.  Although the beef-cattle operations suffered a loss in the first half, the prospects for Australian beef remain favourable"





M.P. Evans Group PLC                 020 7796 4133 on 14 September 2012 only

                                                        Thereafter telephone 01892 516333


Peter Hadsley-Chaplin               Chairman

Philip Fletcher                             Managing director

Tristan Price                                 Finance director


Peel Hunt LLP                                020 7418 8900

Dan Webster

Matthew Armitt


Hudson Sandler                           020 7796 4133

Charlie Jack

Katie Matthews


An analysts' meeting will be held today at 9.30 a.m. at the offices of Hudson Sandler, 29 Cloth Fair, London EC1A 7NN





The strong increase in the level of crops from the Group's new Indonesian palm-oil projects continues.  As a result, the board is pleased to report a higher gross profit from the majority-owned palm-oil operations resulting from these substantially-higher crops, partly offset by lower palm-oil prices.  The associated plantation companies, which recorded similar overall crops to the previous year, reported lower profits resulting from the lower palm-oil and rubber prices. 


The results of the Group's cattle operations (both majority-owned and associated) suffered from a marked downturn in cattle prices at the half year, resulting in non-cash losses being recognised in the income statement. 


As a result of the above and also of adverse exchange differences and higher administrative expenses, the profit after tax for the first half of 2012 was US$15.33 million, 31% lower than the US$22.36 million for the same period in 2011. The balance sheet was further strengthened by robust operating cash flows.


The board has declared an interim dividend maintained at 2.25p per share.  The dividend will be paid on or after 5 November 2012 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 28 September 2012.  A scrip-dividend alternative continues to be available for this interim dividend.  Shareholders who have previously elected to receive their dividends in this manner will automatically receive this dividend as scrip.  Shareholders who now wish to make an election to receive this and future dividends as scrip should contact the company secretary by no later than 15 October 2012.



Indonesian palm oil

The crop of oil-palm fresh fruit bunches ("f.f.b.") from the Group's majority-owned areas (both established and new projects) is forecast to reach approximately 300,000 tonnes for the whole of 2012.  Further growth is expected to produce around 500,000 tonnes in 2015 which should generate significantly higher revenues and cash flows, subject to palm-oil prices remaining at reasonable levels.


Planting started slowly on the new projects in 2012.  In the first half of the year, 300 hectares were planted on the Kalimantan project, of which 100 hectares related to the smallholders.  As at 30 June 2012, the project extended to 13,100 hectares of which 3,700 hectares have been developed on behalf of the smallholder cooperatives.  On the Bangka project 300 hectares were planted in the first half of 2012, of which 100 hectares related to the smallholders.  As at 30 June 2012, the project extended to 4,700 hectares, of which 1,500 hectares have been developed on behalf of the smallholder cooperatives.


It remains uncertain how much further land will be available for planting on the new projects.  Agreeing compensation levels with local people is a time-consuming and unpredictable process.  As the Kalimantan project nears completion the "tidying up" and processing of the final areas becomes more cumbersome and it is particularly difficult to anticipate what may be available on the Bangka project where there are competing tin-mining activities.  The Group has established a good name in both locations with the local population for the way in which the smallholder schemes have been set up and run.  It is believed that this will persuade more people to support the development of further areas but this takes time.  The latest broad estimate is that, on the Kalimantan project, approximately a further 2,900 hectares might be able to be developed, of which some 900 will relate to the smallholder schemes.  On Bangka, it is thought that up to 5,300 hectares might be available, of which approximately 2,500 hectares will relate to the smallholder schemes.


The board is actively investigating further land for development.  Only land with environmentally-suitable features is being considered.


The Pangkatan palm-oil mill and the three estates supplying f.f.b. to it, Pankgatan, Bilah and Sennah, are in the final phases of accreditation by the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil ("RSPO").  It is hoped that this accreditation will be received before the end of 2012.  Now that the Kalimantan mill is fully operating, it is expected that the RSPO audit process will commence before the end of the year.




Australian beef cattle

No further shares in NAPCo were acquired during the first half but the board will continue to review any opportunities that arise in respect of the Group's shareholding. The water-development programme on Alexandria Station, the company's largest breeding property, has been substantially completed.  This has enabled the number of calves branded annually to be increased from some 32,000 to 40,000 in the last decade.  It will also allow the rotation, or "spelling", of more paddocks so the property as a whole may more readily carry a greater number of cattle on a continuous basis.  As referred to in the 2011 annual report, the extension to the feedlot was completed in the latter part of 2011.  This has enabled greater economies of scale and flexibility of timing with regard to bringing cattle into the feedlot when seasonal conditions warrant it.  It will also enable cattle to be acquired from outside the company to be brought in for grain fattening, although this is currently not economically viable in view of the recent rise in the price of grain.


With regard to Woodlands, the pasture-development programme is now largely complete and, other than in unusually dry conditions, an average herd size of at least 10,000 head should be able to be maintained. 


Divestment from Malaysia

It remains the board's long-term intention to dispose of the 70-hectare Bertam Estate and the Group's 40% investment in Bertam Properties Sdn. Berhad ("Bertam Properties").  It is, however, the intention to benefit in the next few years from the cash flows generated by Bertam Properties which are largely distributed by way of dividend.  It may be the appropriate time to seek to divest Bertam Properties once it is reduced in size after selling some of its land bank and distributing surplus cash and reserves.  In the meantime, it is expected that Bertam Estate will continue to increase in value as the adjacent Bertam Properties land is developed or sold.  The value of Bertam Estate is estimated to be in excess of US$13.5 million and the investment in Bertam Properties in the region of US$30.0 million.



The palm-oil price strengthened in the first quarter of the year but then weakened in the second quarter on the expectation of increasing palm-oil production in the two main producing countries, Indonesia and Malaysia, and large soybean plantings in the US.  As at 30 June 2012, it had fallen to around US$950 per tonne (Rotterdam c.i.f.)  The average for the first half of 2012 was US$1,096 compared with US$1,195 for the first half of 2011.  As referred to below under "Prospects", the price has improved a little in the second half of 2012.



The high price recorded in the latter part of 2011 for both the grass-fed, lighter-weight, cattle (produced by Woodlands) and the heavier, grain-finished, cattle (produced by NAPCo) were not sustained and gradually fell back, albeit to levels which were still relatively high by historical standards.  One of the reasons for this softening was the more sluggish demand for beef from two of Australia's traditional export markets, Japan and Korea.  This was, in turn, influenced by the continuing strength of the Australian Dollar.  Also, the increase in the price of grain, which had a particularly negative impact on the US grain-fed market, affected the Australian and other world markets.  However, by May, prices had started to recover and some of these gains were carried through to the end of June and beyond.  Since the period end, there has been a slight decline in the grass-fed market, following the onset of dry weather in many parts of Australia.




Majority-owned operations


In the first half of 2012, the new projects achieved markedly-improved f.f.b. crops compared with the first half of 2011 and, despite lower palm-oil prices and increased costs, substantially improved their results.  The established Sumatran estates increased their f.f.b. crops more modestly over the same two six-month periods but reduced their profits because of the lower palm-oil prices referred to above.  Overall, the gross profit from the majority-owned Indonesian estates for the six months ended 30 June 2012 amounted to US$14.87 million, a 14% increase over the US$13.05 million relating to the same period in 2011.


It is pleasing to report that, as a result of increasing crops and the utilisation of the new palm-oil mill, the Kalimantan project approximately broke even in the first half of 2012 compared with a loss incurred in the same period in 2011.


F.f.b. crops continued the increases achieved over recent years with the overall crop for the first half of 2012 22% higher than for the same period last year.  The crops from the new projects are on a sharp upward trend as the new areas mature and start producing fruit whilst those that have already matured increase yields year by year.  The established estates in North Sumatra continued their improved yields as the benefits from the infrastructure improvements over the last two or so years are being felt.


The US Dollar strengthened against the Indonesian Rupiah at the end of 2011 and in early 2012.  This had the effect of reducing Rupiah-based costs in US-Dollar terms, although there were cost pressures arising from the continuing strength of mineral-oil prices, which affect fertiliser and fuel costs, and from the remuneration of skilled senior staff.  Furthermore, on the new projects recently-matured areas attracted costs previously capitalised.  When the yields on these areas accelerate, the reduction in the gross-profit margin will be reversed as new plantings become mature.  Depreciation on the new Kalimantan mill has been included for the first time in the first half of 2012. 


Crops, production and selling-price details for the majority-owned estates are set out as follows:-


                                      6 months              6 months         Year

                                         ended                 ended        ended

                                       30 June   Increase/   30 June  31 December

                                          2012  (decrease)      2011         2011

                                        Tonnes           %    Tonnes       Tonnes

1)  Crops f.f.b.

    Sumatran estates

    - Pangkatan group                   73,100                68,500      149,300

    - Simpang Kiri                      24,200                23,100       50,200

                                       -------               -------      -------

                                        97,300          6     91,600      199,500


    Bangka                              14,600         30     11,200       26,700

    Kalimantan                          26,200        162     10,000       23,100

                                       -------               -------      -------

    Total crops                        138,100         22    112,800      249,300

                                       =======       ====    =======      =======


2)  Production

    Pangkatan mill

    Crude palm oil                      17,100          9     15,700       34,700

    Palm kernels                         4,100          5      3,900        8,500

                                       =======       ====    =======      =======

    Kalimantan mill

    Crude palm oil                      15,600                     -          900

    Palm kernels                         2,400                     -          200

                                       =======               =======      =======


3)  Extraction rate                          %                     %            %

    Pangkatan mill

    Crude palm oil                        23.4                  23.1         23.2

    Palm kernels                           5.7                   5.7          5.7

                                       =======               =======      =======


                                             %                     %            %

    Kalimantan mill

    Crude palm oil                        23.9                     -         23.2

    Palm kernels                           3.7                     -          4.4

                                       =======               =======      =======


4)  Selling prices

    Palm oil - Rotterdam c.i.f.

    - average per tonne               US$1,096        (8)   US$1,195     US$1,123

                                       =======       ====    =======      =======





The abundant rains at the end of 2011 resulted in good pasture growth during the first half of 2012.  This enabled the herd to be maintained at over 10,000 head during the period (since reduced to 8,000 following the onset of drier weather) and also resulted in markedly-improved weight gains during the first half of the year.  Unfortunately, cattle prices fell during the period from the peak at the end of 2011, mainly as a result of a falling off in demand in South East Asia and the continuing strength of the Australian Dollar versus the US Dollar.  As a consequence of the above, the gross loss for the first half of 2012 amounted to US$0.57 million compared with US$0.46 million for the same period in 2011.


Gross profit

As a result of all of the above, the gross profit for the first half of 2012 was US$14.36 million, a 15% increase over the US$12.54 million for the same period last year.  The table below sets out an analysis of the gross profit/(loss) between the various activities and between the countries in which the Group operates.


Six months ended 30 June 2012


                                             Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                              Turnover         sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                               US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia                       37,374       (24,025)        1,520        14,869

Malaysia                           150          (113)            -            37

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations               37,524       (24,138)        1,520        14,906


Cattle - Australia               1,021        (1,593)            -          (572)


Other - UK                          23             -             -            23

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total                     38,568       (25,731)        1,520        14,357

                                ======        ======        ======        ======


Six months ended 30 June 2011


                                             Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                              Turnover         sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                               US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia                       27,359       (15,180)          867        13,046

Malaysia                           178          (222)            -           (44)

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations               27,537       (15,402)          867        13,002


Cattle - Australia                 689        (1,153)            -          (464)


Other - UK                           -             -             -             -

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total                     28,226       (16,555)          867        12,538

                                ======        ======        ======        ======



Year ended 31 December 2011


                                             Cost of  bearer-asset         Gross

                              Turnover         sales    adjustment  profit/(loss)

                               US$'000       US$'000       US$'000       US$'000


Indonesia                       54,938       (30,912)        1,799        25,825

Malaysia                           337          (400)            -           (63)

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Total plantations               55,275       (31,312)        1,799        25,762


Cattle - Australia               2,435        (2,324)            -           111


Other - UK                          46             -             -            46

                                ------        ------        ------        ------

Group total                     57,756       (33,636)        1,799        25,919

                                ======        ======        ======        ======



Bearer biological-asset adjustment

The biological gain during the period amounted to US$ 5.4 million offset, as is required under the relevant accounting standard, by planting expenditure of US$ 4.3 million. The biological gain was largely due to an increase in the price of crude palm oil used in making the valuation, which increased by US$18 per tonne (2011 US$21) compared with the previous year end. The price used in the valuation, a twenty-year average, was US$590 per tonne (2011 US$554). Additional planting of 400 hectares further bolstered this biological gain, although together the positive factors were offset by an increase in costs. The total biological bearer-asset adjustment made a modest contribution of US$ 1.9 million to reported Group-controlled profit after tax, with an additional positive adjustment of US$1.4 million in respect of associated companies, which were similarly affected by the increase in the crude-palm-oil price and cost pressures. Further information about biological assets is set out in note 4.


Associated companies


The Group's share of its Indonesian associated companies' post-tax profits for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2011, was as follows:-


Six months ended 30 June 2012

                                         Post-tax                      Post-tax

                                    profit before                  profit after

                                       biological     Biological     biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset   bearer-asset

                                       adjustment     adjustment     adjustment

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)                       6,295          1,466          7,761

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)                592            (32)           560

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                            6,887          1,434          8,321

                                           ======         ======         ======


Six months ended 30 June 2011

                                         Post-tax                      Post-tax

                                    profit before                  profit after

                                       biological     Biological     biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset   bearer-asset

                                       adjustment      adjustment    adjustment

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)                       7,611          1,137          8,748

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)                924            (57)           867

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                            8,535          1,080          9,615

                                           ======         ======         ======


Year ended 31 December 2011

                                         Post-tax                      Post-tax

                                    profit before                  profit after

                                       biological     Biological     biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset   bearer-asset

                                       adjustment     adjustment     adjustment

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


PT Agro Muko (36.84%)                      13,912          2,357         16,269

PT Kerasaan Indonesia (38.00%)              1,880            472          2,352

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                           15,792          2,829         18,621

                                           ======         ======         ======





Crops and production were as follows:-


                                      6 months                 6 months        Year

                                         ended                    ended       ended

                                       30 June     Increase/    30 June 31 December

                                          2012    (decrease)       2011        2011

                                        Tonnes             %     Tonnes      Tonnes

Crops - f.f.b.

  - PT Agro Muko - own                 168,400             3    163,100     354,100

                 - outgrowers            3,800             6      3,600      14,400

                                      --------                 --------    --------

                 - total               172,200             3    166,700     368,500


  - PT Kerasaan Indonesia               18,000           (13)    20,700      47,100

                                      --------                  -------    --------

                                       190,200             1    187,400     415,600

                                      ========          ====   ========    ========



  (PT Agro Muko) - crude palm oil       40,400             1     40,000      88,200

                 - palm kernels          9,100             7      8,500      19,200

                                      ========          ====   ========    ========


                                             %                        %           %

Extraction rate - crude palm oil          23.5                     23.9        23.9

                - palm kernals             5.3                      5.1         5.2

                                      ========                 ========    ========


                                        Tonnes                   Tonnes      Tonnes

Rubber crops

  (PT Agro Muko)                           738           (16)       876       1,546

                                      ========          ====   ========    ========


PT Agro Muko's f.f.b. crop was 3% ahead of that for the first half of 2011.  The programme of infrastructure improvements, particularly roads, continues and is contributing to the higher crop being harvested.  Improved access allows harvesting at all times of the year, whereas, in the past, this was not possible during particularly wet periods.  As with the majority-owned estates referred to above, the lower palm-oil prices and adverse exchange-rate movements had a negative impact on earnings.  In addition, the unusually benign dry weather conditions in the first half of 2011 were not repeated in the first half of 2012 and, accordingly, the overall extraction rate fell.


As expected, the results from the rubber operations were also lower in the first half of 2012 compared with the first half of 2011.  Rubber prices were some 30% lower in US-Dollar terms and the crop was also lower following the intensive tapping that took place in 2011 prior to replanting in 2012.


Kerasaan Estate has experienced a severe leaf-pest attack which has reduced crop levels.  This is being treated by means of chemical insecticide sprays.   The lower crop and the weaker palm-oil prices referred to above resulted in a reduction in profits for the six months ended 30 June 2012 compared with the same period in 2011.         



The Group's share of NAPCo's post-tax (loss)/ profit for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2011, was as follows:-


                                         6 months       6 months           Year

                                            ended          ended          ended

                                          30 June        30 June    31 December

                                             2012           2011           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


NAPCo (34.37%)                             (1,242)         2,880          4,231

                                           ======         ======         ======


A loss was recorded at NAPCo as a result of the decline in prices described under "The beef-cattle market" above.  As on Woodlands, under international accounting rules, the decline in the value of the entire herd is effectively brought to account in the consolidated income statement for the period.  In the event that prices recover in the second half, this loss will be reversed.  NAPCo's fourteen properties generally enjoyed a good season, with most having plentiful feed, following the good rainfall in the latter part of 2011 and in early 2012.  This enabled the cattle to go through the period under review in good condition, whilst gaining weight.



The Group's share of Bertam Properties' post-tax profit for the period, compared with that for the first half, and for the whole, of 2011 was as follows:-



                                         6 months       6 months           Year

                                            ended          ended          ended

                                          30 June        30 June    31 December

                                             2012           2011           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


Bertam Properties (40.00%)                    207            796          1,786

                                           ======         ======         ======


One sale of land of some 2.3 hectares was completed during the six months ended 30 June 2012 at a good price.  Sales of another 10 hectares are expected to be finalised either in the remainder of 2012 or early in 2013.  The completion of sales of properties developed by the company during the first half of 2012 was considerably slower than in the same period last year but is expected to improve in the second half of the year.


Overall share of associates' profits

As a result of the above, the share of the associated companies' profits after tax amounted to US$7.29 million compared with US$13.29 million for the same period in 2011.


Other administrative expenses and taxation

Other administrative expenses, at US$2.02 million, were substantially higher than the US$0.63 million recorded for the same period in 2011.  This arose primarily because of a one-off credit in the first half of 2011, following an impairment review, of US$1.09 million from releasing a provision against the amounts deemed recoverable from the Indonesian smallholder cooperatives.  In addition, with the Company's share price at 30 June 2012 higher than it was at 31 December 2011, this gave rise to a higher provision for potential UK National Insurance on the future exercise of options under the executive option scheme.  By contrast, the downward movement of the share price in the first half of 2011 gave rise to a reduction in the provision for that period. The rate of tax was lower compared with last year since less Indonesian withholding tax was incurred as dividends from the Group's Indonesian associated companies fell. Furthermore, uncrystallised exchange gains in Indonesia on intra-Group transactions, which are eliminated on consolidation, triggered a tax charge in 2011 but have given way to exchange losses in the current year as the Rupiah has weakened.



World economic uncertainty continues amid the European debt crisis and concerns over weakening growth in China and India.  Commodities in general have been weaker.  Palm oil was no exception to this and the price fell back in the second quarter of 2012 to around US$950 per tonne (Rotterdam c.i.f.) at the mid-year.  However, severe hot weather and the absence of rainfall in the US in the third quarter of the year has reduced the prospects for the cultivation of soybeans and the price of soybean oil has increased sharply of late.  Palm oil has also improved but not to the same extent and the normal discount to soybean oil has widened sharply.  This situation is regarded as supportive of the current palm-oil price (around US$1,000 per tonne) in a period when the production of palm oil is expected to be on the increase.  Strong demand continues from the traditional palm-oil markets of India, China, Europe and Indonesia itself.


As is normally the case, the f.f.b. crops on the established estates in the north of Sumatra, both majority-owned and associated, are expected to be higher in the second half of the year than the first.  PT Agro Muko's f.f.b. crop is expected to be similar in the second half of the year to the first.  The upward crop trend on the new projects has now begun to show and is expected to continue.  The crops in the second half are expected comfortably to exceed those in the first half.  The Group is on track to achieve 300,000 tonnes from the majority-owned estates in 2012.


Prospects for Australian beef continue to be favourable as Australia remains well placed to serve a growing demand for red-meat consumption in Asia where tastes continue to incline towards the higher-quality end of the market.


Unaudited consolidated income statement




                                    Result before                      6 months

                                       biological     Biological          ended

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset        30 June

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2012

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


Revenue                                    38,568              -         38,568


Cost of sales                             (25,731)         1,520        (24,211)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Gross profit                               12,837          1,520         14,357


Gain on biological assets (note 4)              -          5,406          5,406

Planting expenditure                            -         (4,302)        (4,302)

Foreign-exchange losses                    (1,052)             -         (1,052)

Other administrative expenses              (2,020)             -         (2,020)

Other income                                    9              -              9

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group operating profit before interest

 and tax                                    9,774          2,624         12,398


Finance income                                537              -            537

Finance costs                              (1,752)          (154)        (1,906)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit before taxation     8,559          2,470         11,029


Tax on profit on ordinary activities       (2,368)          (617)        (2,985)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit after tax           6,191          1,853          8,044


Share of associated companies' profit

 after tax                                  5,852          1,434          7,286

                                           ------         ------         ------

Profit for the period                      12,043          3,287         15,330

                                           ======         ======         ======


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC             10,081          2,827         12,908

Minority interests                          1,962            460          2,422

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                           12,043          3,287         15,330

                                           ======         ======         ======


                                         US Cents                      US Cents


Basic earnings per 10p share                18.66                         23.89

                                           ======                        ======


Diluted earnings per 10p share              18.44                         23.61

                                           ======                        ======




Unaudited consolidated income statement




                                    Result before                      6 months

                                       biological     Biological          ended

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset        30 June

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2011*

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


Revenue                                    28,226              -         28,226


Cost of sales                             (16,555)           867        (15,688)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Gross profit                               11,671            867         12,538


Gain on biological assets (note 4)              -          8,787          8,787

Planting expenditure                            -         (7,088)        (7,088)

Foreign-exchange gains                      1,485              -          1,485

Other administrative expenses                (400)          (230)          (630)

Other income                                  117              -            117

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group operating profit before interest

 and tax                                   12,873          2,336         15,209


Finance income                                528              -            528

Finance costs                              (1,077)          (174)        (1,251)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit before taxation    12,324          2,162         14,486


Tax on profit on ordinary activities       (4,860)          (554)        (5,414)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit after tax           7,464          1,608          9,072


Share of associated companies' profit

 after tax                                 12,211          1,080         13,291

                                           ------         ------         ------

Profit for the period                      19,675          2,688         22,363

                                           ======         ======         ======


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC             17,208          2,549         19,757

Minority interests                          2,467            139          2,606

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                           19,675          2,688         22,363

                                           ======         ======         ======


                                        US Cents                       US Cents


Basic earnings per 10p share               32.24                          37.21

                                           ======                        ======


Diluted earnings per 10p share             31.62                          36.49

                                           ======                        ======

*    US$387,000 which had been classified as administrative expenses in the

     2011 interim report were classified as cost of sales in the 2011 annual

     report.  The figures presented here are consistent with those in the annual




Unaudited consolidated income statement



                                    Result before                          Year

                                       biological     Biological          ended

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset    31 December

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


Revenue                                    57,756              -         57,756

Cost of sales                             (33,636)         1,799        (31,837)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Gross profit                               24,120          1,799         25,919


Gain on biological assets                       -         17,936         17,936

Planting expenditure                            -        (15,619)       (15,619)

Foreign-exchange gains                        528              -            528

Other administrative expenses              (2,470)          (230)        (2,700)

Other income                                  143              -            143

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group operating profit before interest

 and tax                                   22,321          3,886         26,207


Finance income                              1,078              -          1,078

Finance costs                              (2,361)          (574)        (2,935)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit before taxation    21,038          3,312         24,350


Tax on profit on ordinary activities       (8,450)          (842)        (9,292)

                                           ------         ------         ------

Group-controlled profit after tax          12,588          2,470         15,058


Share of associated companies' profit

 after tax                                 21,809          2,829         24,638

                                           ------         ------         ------

Profit for the period                      34,397          5,299         39,696

                                           ======         ======         ======


Attributable to:

Owners of M.P. Evans Group PLC             30,340          5,182         35,522

Minority interests                          4,057            117          4,174

                                           ------         ------         ------

                                           34,397          5,299         39,696

                                           ======         ======         ======


                                         US Cents                      US Cents


Basic earnings per 10p share                56.71                         66.39

                                           ======                        ======


Diluted earnings per 10p share              56.06                         65.64

                                           ======                        ======



Unaudited consolidated balance sheet

AT 30 JUNE 2012



                                       biological    Biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset        30 June

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2012

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                                    1,157              -          1,157

Biological assets (note 4)                      -        132,833        132,833

Property, plant and equipment             168,103        (68,606)        99,497

Investment in associates                  105,877         27,068        132,945

Investments                                   105              -            105

Deferred-tax asset                          4,653              -          4,653

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                          279,895         91,295        371,190

                                          -------        -------        -------

Current assets

Biological assets                           9,553              -          9,553

Inventories                                12,025              -         12,025

Trade and other receivables                13,270              -         13,270

Current-tax asset                           5,658              -          5,658

Cash and cash equivalents                  55,014              -         55,014*

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           95,520              -         95,520

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total assets                              375,415         91,295        466,710

                                          -------        -------        -------


Current liabilities

Borrowings                                 25,255              -         25,255

Trade and other payables                   16,146              -         16,146

Current-tax liabilities                     4,475              -          4,475

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           45,876              -         45,876

                                          -------        -------        -------


                                          -------        -------        -------

Net current assets                         49,644              -         49,644

                                          -------        -------        -------


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                 31,215              -         31,215

Deferred-tax liability                      3,243         16,057         19,300

Retirement-benefit obligations              3,334              -          3,334

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           37,792         16,057         53,849

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total liabilities                          83,668         16,057         99,725

                                          =======        =======        =======


                                          -------        -------        -------

Net assets                                291,747         75,238        366,985

                                          =======        =======        =======



Share capital (note 5)                      9,105              -          9,105

Other reserves                             84,556         27,068        111,624

Profit and loss account                   185,762         40,134        225,896

                                          -------        -------        -------

Equity attributable to owners of

 M.P. Evans Group PLC                     279,423         67,202        346,625


Minority interests                         12,324          8,036         20,360

                                          -------        -------        -------

Total equity                              291,747         75,238        366,985

                                          =======        =======        =======


Of this balance US$20.1 million has been pledged as security against bank loans



Unaudited consolidated balance sheet

AT 30 JUNE 2011



                                       biological     Biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset        30 June

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                                    1,157              -          1,157

Biological assets (note 4)                      -        118,279        118,279

Property, plant and equipment             140,709        (57,670)        83,039

Investment in associates                  113,075         23,883        136,958

Investments                                   152              -            152

Deferred-tax asset                            683              -            683

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                          255,776         84,492        340,268

                                          -------        -------        -------

Current assets

Biological assets                           9,462              -          9,462

Inventories                                 9,767              -          9,767

Trade and other receivables                25,778              -         25,778

Current-tax asset                           2,496              -          2,496

Cash and cash equivalents                  47,020              -         47,020

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           94,523              -         94,523

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total assets                              350,299         84,492        434,791

                                          -------        -------        -------


Current liabilities

Borrowings                                 26,617              -         26,617

Trade and other payables                   10,180              -         10,180

Current-tax liabilities                     3,752              -          3,752

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           40,549              -         40,549

                                          -------        -------        -------


                                          -------        -------        -------

Net current assets                         53,974              -         53,974

                                          -------        -------        -------


Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                 27,468              -         27,468

Deferred-tax liability                      3,698         15,152         18,850

Retirement-benefit obligations              2,581              -          2,581

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           33,747         15,152         48,899

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total liabilities                          74,296         15,152         89,448

                                          =======        =======        =======


                                          -------        -------        -------

Net assets                                276,003         69,340        345,343

                                          =======        =======        =======



Share capital (note 5)                      8,998              -          8,998

Other reserves                             89,970         23,884        113,854

Profit and loss account                   167,263         37,858        205,121

                                          -------        -------        -------

Equity attributable to owners of

 M.P. Evans Group PLC                     266,231         61,742        327,973


Minority interests                          9,772          7,598         17,370

                                          -------        -------        -------

Total equity                              276,003         69,340        345,343

                                          =======        =======        =======




Unaudited consolidated balance sheet

AT 31 DECEMBER  2011



                                       biological     Biological

                                     bearer-asset   bearer-asset    31 December

                                       adjustment     adjustment           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

Non-current assets

Goodwill                                    1,157              -          1,157

Biological assets (note 4)                      -        127,428        127,428

Property, plant and equipment             161,700        (65,670)        96,030

Investments in associates                 106,026         25,633        131,659

Investments                                   145              -            145

Deferred-tax asset                          2,808              -          2,808

Non-current debtor                          2,189              -          2,189

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                          274,025         87,391        361,416

                                          -------        -------        -------

Current assets

Biological assets                           9,878              -          9,878

Inventories                                 8,582              -          8,582

Trade and other receivables                14,439              -         14,439

Current-tax asset                           6,300              -          6,300

Cash and cash equivalents                  52,755              -         52,755

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           91,954              -         91,954

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total assets                              365,979         87,391        453,370

                                          -------        -------        -------

Current liabilities

Borrowings                                 25,255              -         25,255

Trade and other payables                   14,814              -         14,814

Current-tax liabilities                     4,322              -          4,322

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           44,391              -         44,391

                                          -------        -------        -------


Net current assets                         47,563              -         47,563

                                          -------        -------        -------

Non-current liabilities

Borrowings                                 31,450              -         31,450

Deferred-tax liability                      3,213         15,440         18,653

Retirement-benefit obligations              2,963              -          2,963

                                          -------        -------        -------

                                           37,626         15,440         53,066

                                          -------        -------        -------


Total liabilities                          82,017         15,440         97,457

                                          =======        =======        =======


Net assets                                283,962         71,951        355,913

                                          =======        =======        =======


Share capital (note 5)                      9,093              -          9,093

Other reserves                             84,320         25,633        109,953

Profit and loss account                   180,187         38,742        218,929

                                          -------        -------        -------

Equity attributable to owners

 of M.P. Evans Group PLC                  273,600         64,375        337,975


Minority interests                         10,362          7,576         17,938

                                          -------        -------        -------

Total equity                              283,962         71,951        355,913

                                          =======        =======        =======



Unaudited consolidated cash-flow statement



                                         6 months       6 months           Year

                                            ended          ended          ended

                                          30 June        30 June    31 December

                                             2012           2011           2011

                                          US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

Net cash generated by operating

 activities (note 6)                       16,548         19,340         48,339

                                          -------        -------        -------

Investing activities

Interest received                             537            528          1,078

Proceeds on disposal of property, plant

 and equipment                                194            247            598

Purchase of property, plant and equipment  (6,116)       (14,945)       (31,789)

Planting expenditure                       (4,302)        (7,088)       (15,619)

                                          -------        -------        -------

Net cash used by investing activities      (9,687)       (21,258)       (45,732)

                                          -------        -------        -------


Financing activities

Dividends paid to Company

 shareholders (note 3)                     (4,360)        (4,266)        (6,064)

Repayment of borrowings                      (475)             -              -

Loans drawn down                              298         17,508         20,921

Proceeds on issue of shares (note 5)           20             10          1,034

Dividend paid to minorities                     -              -         (1,000)

                                          -------        -------        -------

Net cash (used)/generated by financing

 activities                                (4,517)        13,252         14,891

                                          -------        -------        -------


Net increase in cash and cash

 equivalents                                2,344         11,334         17,498


Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning

 of the period                             27,500         10,144         10,144


Effect of foreign-exchange rates on cash

 and cash equivalents                         (85)        (1,075)          (142)

                                          -------        -------        -------

Net cash and cash equivalents at end of

 the period                                29,759         20,403         27,500

                                          =======        =======        =======




Notes to the interim statements





The financial information for the six-month periods ended 30 June 2012 and 2011 has been neither audited nor reviewed by the Group's auditors and does not constitute accounts within the meaning of section 423 of the Companies Act 2006.  The financial information for the year ended 31 December 2011 is abridged from the statutory accounts. The 31 December 2011 statutory accounts have been reported on by the Group's auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.  The report of the auditors thereon was unqualified and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006, nor did it contain any matters to which the auditors drew attention without qualifying their audit report.




The consolidated financial results have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS and IFRIC interpretations) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the EU, and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies preparing accounts under IFRS.


The accounting policies of the Group follow those set out in the annual financial statements at 31 December 2011. 





                                      6 months       6 months           Year

                                         ended          ended          ended

                                       30 June        30 June    31 December

                                          2012           2011           2011

                                       US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

2010 final dividend - 5.50p

 per 10p share                               -          4,725          4,725

2011 interim dividend - 2.25p

 per 10p share                               -              -          1,887

2011 final dividend - 5.75p

 per 10p share                           4,878              -              -

                                        ------         ------         ------

                                         4,878          4,725          6,612

                                        ------         ------         ------


Subsequent to 30 June 2012, the board has declared an interim dividend of 2.25p per 10p share. The dividend will be paid on or after 5 November 2012 to those shareholders on the register at the close of business on 28 September 2012.


A scrip dividend will continue to be available for the interim dividend.  Shareholders who have previously elected to receive their dividends in this manner will automatically receive this dividend as scrip.  Shareholders who now wish to make an election to receive this and future dividends as scrip should contact the company secretary by no later than 15 October 2012.



Ex dividend date                                                  28/09/2012

Record date                                                       30/09/2012

Calculation period                                  28/09/2012 to 04/10/2012

Last day for scrip elections                                      14/10/2012

Payment date                                                      04/11/2012




The Group values its plantation assets using a discounted cash flow over the expected 25-year economic life of the asset. The discount rate used in this valuation is 14%. The price of the f.f.b. crop is taken to be a 20-year average based on actual selling prices or, where the plantation has its own mill, an inference based on the widely-quoted commodity price for crude palm oil delivered c.i.f. Rotterdam. The directors have concluded that using a 20-year average provides their best estimate of prices to be achieved over the valuation period.


The long-term average price and exchange rates used in determining the valuations based on cash flows were as follows:


                                      6 months       6 months           Year

                                         ended          ended          ended

                                       30 June        30 June    31 December

                                          2012           2011           2011


Price of crude palm oil

 (US$/tonnes, c.i.f Rotterdam)             590            554            572


Exchange rate (Rupiah

 per US Dollar)                          9,480          8,597          9,068

                                        ======         ======         ======


For palm oil, changes in the price assumption have a more than proportionate impact on the valuation of oil-palm plantings.





                                       30 June        30 June    31 December

                                          2012           2011           2011

Number of shares of 10p each

At 1 January                        54,021,901     53,357,455     53,357,455

Issued                                  75,980         70,085        664,446

                                    ----------     ----------     ----------

At period end                       54,097,881     53,427,540     54,021,901

                                    ==========     ==========     ==========


                                       US$'000        US$'000        US$'000

At 1 January                             9,093          8,987          8,987

Issued                                      12             11            106

                                       -------        -------        -------

At period end                            9,105          8,998          9,093

                                       =======        =======        =======


During the period, 10,000 (2011 - 5,000) 10p shares were issued as a result of the exercise of share options. Total cash proceeds received by the Company were US$20,000 (2011 US$10,000). In addition, 65,980 shares were issued in lieu of the 2011 final dividend paid on 21 June 2012 (2011 - 65,085).





                                      6 months       6 months           Year

                                         ended          ended          ended

                                       30 June        30 June    31 December

                                          2012           2011           2011

                                       US$'000        US$'000        US$'000


Profit for the year                     15,330         22,363         39,696

Share of associated companies' profit

 after tax                              (7,286)       (13,291)       (24,638)

Tax charge                               2,985          5,414          9,292

Finance costs                            1,906          1,251          2,935

Finance income                            (537)          (528)        (1,078)

                                       -------        -------        -------

Operating profit                        12,398         15,209         26,207


Biological gain                         (5,669)       (10,286)       (20,215)

Planting expenditure                     4,302          7,088         15,619

Disposal of non-current assets             (52)            94          1,441

Add back of land to be sold to

 smallholders' co-operative schemes        (27)          (863)          (961)

Release of deferred profit on sale

 of land                                  (114)           (29)           (54)

Depreciation of property, plant

 and equipment                           2,548          1,432          3,139

Retirement-benefit obligations             517            645          1,215

Share-based payments                        10             29             28

Dividends from associated companies      6,074          9,634         22,206

                                       -------        -------        -------

Operating cash flows before

 movements in working capital           19,987         22,953         48,625


(Increase)/decrease in inventories      (2,854)           108           (270)

Decrease/(increase)in receivables        3,379           (490)         10,846

Increase in payables                     1,332          1,822          7,073

                                       -------        -------        -------

Cash generated by operating

 activities                             21,844         24,393         66,274


Income tax paid                         (3,390)        (3,802)       (15,000)

Interest paid                           (1,906)        (1,251)        (2,935)

                                       -------        -------        -------

Net cash generated by operating

 activities                             16,548         19,340         48,339

                                       =======        =======        =======





                                       30 June        30 June    31 December

                                          2012           2011           2011


US$1 = Indonesian Rupiah

 - average                               9,171          8,743          8,763

 - period end                            9,480          8,597          9,068

                                        ======         ======         ======

US$1 = Australian Dollar

 - average                                0.97           0.97           0.97

 - period end                             0.98           0.93           0.98

                                        ======         ======         ======

US$1 = Malaysian Ringgit

 - average                                3.09           3.03           3.06

 - period end                             3.18           3.02           3.17

                                        ======         ======         ======

£1 = US Dollar

 - average                                1.58           1.62           1.60

 - period end                             1.57           1.61           1.56

                                        ======         ======         ======




The interim report for the six-month period ended 30 June 2012 will be despatched to shareholders on or before 19 September 2012 and copies thereof will be available on the Company's website (www.mpevans.co.uk) or from the Company at 3 Clanricarde Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN1 1HQ on and after that date.




14 September 2012



This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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