Interim Results
Prime People PLC
5 September 2001
Prime People Plc
Interim results for the six months ended 30th June 2001
(Prime People Plc provides a range of support services to a client base
principally focused in the leisure and hospitality sector)
Chairman's and Chief Executive's Statements
Chairman's statement
It is disappointing that after a number of years of steady growth the results
for the 6 months to 30th June indicate a fall in profits. The recruitment
sector has undoubtedly entered a more testing period and significant
differences have occurred within different areas of the recruitment market.
Group operating profit was only marginally down on last year recording an 8%
fall to £172,946 (2000: £189,116).
Portfolio International, our principal subsidiary operating in the hotel and
leisure sector started the year well but slowed towards the end of the second
The financial sector in which our associate Cameron Kennedy operates has been
harder hit by a sharper slowdown in recruitment in their sector following
falls in world stock markets and its profits have fallen substantially with
our share of their pre tax profit being £63,143 (2000: £185,852).
Our results for the period show a profit on ordinary activities before
taxation of £240,792 (2000: £400,379). Earnings per share after goodwill
written off were 0.48p (2000: 0.78p).
While our cash reserves are still substantial notwithstanding the large
dividend we paid to shareholders last year, we believe that the significant
slowdown we are now experiencing should lead us to pursue a prudent dividend
policy and we will not therefore be paying an interim dividend.
We will be very cautious in looking at any possible acquisitions, which arise
during this uncertain period, but will remain receptive to the concept of
developing the company should opportunities occur.
In the circumstances our core business has performed creditably, and we do not
believe we have lost market share, but the outlook for the recruitment
industry in the short term means that the trend of reduced profit indicated by
these figures will continue into the second half of the year.
Chief Executive's Review
The first three months of the year continued the investment programme of
recent years, primarily with the continued development of both our recruitment
and design businesses. We experienced a slow down in activity in the second
three months of the year and we now expect this trend to continue through to
the end of the year. Consequently we are focussing attention on the cost base
of these businesses and appropriate savings have been made and will continue
to be made where appropriate.
With regard to our training business, sales in the second quarter were flat
compared to last year. The main recruitment subsidiary (Portfolio
International) has shown resilience but is likely to remain affected by
external factors which have been encountered by the tourist industry this
Chairman Chief Executive
Press enquiries
David Coubrough, Chief executive, Prime People Plc 020 7520 5000
Shane Dolan, Biddicks 020 7448 1000
Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
Notes Six Six Year
months months Ended
Ended Ended 31
30 June 30 June December
2001 2000 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Turnover 2,606,789 2,227,368 4,722,198
Cost of sales (118,134) (135,169) (281,660)
Gross Profit 2,488,655 2,092,199 4,440,538
Administrative expenses (2,315,709)(1,903,083) (3,842,781)
Group operating profit 172,946 189,116 597,757
Share of operating profit in associate 63,143 185,852 443,281
Amortisation of goodwill (6,000) (6,000) (12,000)
Total operating profit 230,089 368,968 1,029,038
Interest receivable and similar income 12,029 32,541 79,037
Interest payable and similar charges (1,326) (1,130) (2,800)
Profit on ordinary activities before 240,792 400,379 1,105,275
Tax on profit on ordinary activities (66,443) (115,381) (330,859)
Profit on ordinary activities after 174,349 284,998 774,416
Dividends - (1,453,884) (1,453,884)
Retained profit / (loss) for the period 174,349 (1,168,886) (679,468)
transferred to reserves
Earnings per ordinary share 2
- Basic 0.48p 0.78p 2.1p
- Diluted 0.48p 0.78p 2.1p
Consolidated Balance Sheet
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
Notes 30 June 30 June 31
2001 2000 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 390,549 316,106 291,668
Investment in associate 607,992 553,690 727,891
998,541 869,796 1,019,559
Current assets
Debtors 1,806,438 1,651,379 1,560,617
Cash at bank and in hand 781,215 1,624,891 495,154
2,587,653 3,276,270 2,055,771
Creditors: Amounts falling due within (1,248,040)(2,458,151) (904,762)
one year
Net current assets 1,339,613 818,119 1,151,009
Total assets less current liabilities 2,338,154 1,687,915 2,170,568
Creditors: Amounts falling due after one (5,928) (19,456) (12,691)
Net assets 2,332,226 1,668,459 2,157,877
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 363,467 363,467 363,467
Share premium account 864,925 864,925 864,925
Merger reserve 173,077 173,077 173,077
Profit and loss account 930,757 266,990 756,408
Shareholders' funds 3 2,332,226 1,668,459 2,157,877
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 June 2001
Six Six Year
months months
ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 31
2001 2000 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Net cash (outflow) inflow from operating 178,305 (91,208) 356,862
Dividend from associate 158,100 223,200 223,200
Return on investments and servicing of
Interest received 12,029 32,541 79,037
Interest element of finance lease rental (1,326) (1,130) (2,800)
10,703 31,411 76,237
Taxation - - (106,576)
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (212,460) (93,923) (161,351)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 33,086 - 15,186
(179,374) (93,923) (146,165)
Dividends paid - - (1,453,884)
Net cash inflow before management of liquid 167,734 69,480 (1,050,326)
resources and financing
Management of liquid resources
(Purchase) / sale of treasury deposits (125,000) (200,000) 900,000
Capital element of finance lease payments (6,763) (6,764) (13,529)
Increase / (Decrease) in cash 35,971 (137,284) (163,855)
Notes To The Interim Financial Statements
1. Accounting Policies
The interim results have been prepared on the same basis and using the
same accounting policies as those used in the preparation of the
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000.
2. Earnings per share
The earnings per share is calculated based on a weighted average
number of shares of 36,346,692 (2000: 36,346,692) and the profit of £
174,349 (2000 - £284,998) giving earnings per share of 0.48p (2000 -
Diluted earnings per share is based on the above earnings and adjusts
the basic weighted average number of shares to 36,701,764 (2000:
36,705,914) as a result of dilutive share options, giving earnings per
share of 0.48p (2000 - 0.78p).
The weighted average number of shares in issue calculated under the
different methods reconcile as follow:-
30th June 30th June 31st
2001 2000 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Basic 36,346,692 36,346,692 36,346,692
Number of shares under option 996,055 500,000 500,000
Number of shares which would have been issued (640,983) (140,778) (142,993)
at fair value
36,701,764 36,705,914 36,703,699
3. Reconciliation of movement in shareholders' funds
30 June 2001 30 June 2000 31 December 2000
Unaudited Unaudited Audited
£ £ £
Profit for the period 174,349 284,998 774,416
Dividend - (1,453,884) (1,453,884)
174,349 (1,168,886) (679,468)
Opening shareholders' funds 2,157,877 2,837,345 2,837,345
Closing shareholders' funds 2,332,226 1,668,459 2,157,877
4. Nature of the financial information
The interim financial information for the six months ended 30 June
2001, was approved by the board on 4th September 2001.
The financial information set out above does not constitute full
accounts within the meaning of Section 254 of the Companies Act 1985.
The results for the year to 31 December 2000 are extracts from the
published accounts for that year which have received an unqualified
audit report and have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
Copies of the interim results are being sent to shareholders. Further
copies can be obtained from the company's registered office at: 5
Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London EC4A 1DY.