Interim Results

Prime People PLC 12 September 2000 PRIME PEOPLE TO PAY 4P PER SHARE 'ONE-OFF' SPECIAL DIVIDEND AND REPORTS 'STRONG TRADING' IN ALL BUSINESSES Shareholders To Receive £1.45m Leaving Funds Of £1.6m After Dividend Payout A 'one-off' special dividend of 4p per share is being paid at the interim stage by Prime People Plc, the leisure industry recruitment and training group, as a way of both acknowledging more than 10 years patience by shareholders and also to show confidence in the current strength of the business. Pre-tax profit for the six months to 30th June, 2000 amounted to £400,379 (£450,486) on turnover of £2.23m (£1.72m) with the slight profit fall attributed to the recruitment businesses as they continued to invest in staff and technology to support current and future expansion. Earnings per share amounted to 0.78p (0.87p). 'The recruitment businesses have significantly increased fee earners in this period to provide the base for further growth which we are confident will be reflected in the full year's results', state chairman Richard Lee and chief executive David Coubrough in the company's interim report. Even after the special dividend to shareholders on the register on 22nd September - and payable on 1st November - shareholders' funds will remain 'in excess of £1.6m' which directors consider appropriate to support projected growth of existing businesses into the foreseeable future. Harper Craven performed well exceeding its profit for last year and it is expected that this performance will continue through to the end of the year. Portfolio Design International, started last year, is looking to break even in the second half, state the directors. Cameron Kennedy Associates, in which Prime People has a 46.5p.c. interest, paid the company a dividend of £223,200 earlier in the year which, together with existing cash reserves, provided the opportunity 'to acknowledge the support given to us by our shareholders over the years'. Directors say the half-year has been one of continued investment in the existing businesses. Other investment opportunities have been investigated but none identified as suitable for recommendation to shareholders. 'Current activity levels are strong in all the businesses which we anticipate will be reflected in the final results for the year', add the Prime People directors. The company is seeking shareholder approval for a new Employee Share Option Scheme. Further Information: David Coubrough, Group Chief Executive, Prime People Plc, 0171 520 5000 CHAIRMAN'S & CHIEF EXECUTIVE'S STATEMENT We are pleased to report that profit on ordinary activities before taxation for the six month period to 30th June is £400,379 (£450,486 - 1999). This is a small reduction of 11% which is attributed to our recruitment businesses where we have significantly increased fee earners in this period to provide the base for further growth which we are confident will be reflected in the full year results. Our training subsidiary, Harper Craven has performed well, exceeding its profit for last year, and we expect that this will continue through to the end of the year. Our hotel and leisure design consultancy, Portfolio Design International, which was started last year, is now beginning to see positive returns from their efforts and our aim is for the business to break even by the end of its second year of operation. There have been two Board changes during this period under review. John Greenhalgh, who has been a non-Executive Director for seven years, resigned in May and we would like to thank him for his support to the company. Chris Heayberd, who was formerly Finance Director and left to join PSD Group plc, has returned as Finance Director, bringing with him considerable experience. In order to acknowledge the importance of retaining and incentivising certain key employees, the company will be seeking shareholder approval for a new Employee Share Option Scheme at an Extraordinary General meeting convened for 1st November. Earlier in the year we received a dividend payment of £223,200 from Cameron Kennedy and this, together with existing cash reserves, provides us with an opportunity to acknowledge the support given to us by our shareholders over the years. We will therefore be paying a 'one off' special dividend of 4 pence per ordinary share to shareholders whose names are on the register on 22nd September, which will be payable on 1st November 2000 and which amounts to £1.45m. Shareholders' funds subsequent to this payment will remain in excess of £1.6m, which the Board considers is appropriate to support the projected growth of the existing businesses which remain cash generative into the foreseeable future. We shall be considering our future dividend policy at the end of the year. Whilst the period under review has been one of continued investment in the existing businesses, your Board has also been alert to alternative investment opportunities but has not as yet identified a situation which is suitable for a recommendation to shareholders. Current activity levels are strong in all the businesses which we anticipate will be reflected in the final results for the year. RICHARD E M LEE DAVID C COUBROUGH Chairman Chief Executive CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2000 Six months Six months Year Ended Ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2000 1999 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ Turnover 2,227,368 1,722,439 3,448,677 Cost of sales (135,169) (97,122) (127,538) Gross Profit 2,092,199 1,625,317 3,321,139 Administrative expenses (1,903,083) (1,405,333) (2,928,426) Group operating profit 189,116 219,984 392,713 Share of operating profit in associate 185,852 205,000 439,264 Amortisation of goodwill (6,000) - (12,000) Total operating profit 368,968 424,984 819,977 Interest receivable and similar income 32,541 27,388 59,715 Interest payable and similar charges (1,130) (1,886) (4,942) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 400,379 450,486 874,750 Tax on profit on ordinary activities (115,381) (133,000) (236,447) Profit on ordinary activities after taxation 284,998 317,486 638,303 Dividends (1,453,868) - - Retained profit for the period transferred to reserves (1,168,870) 317,486 638,303 Earnings per ordinary share - Basic 0.78p 0.87p 1.76p - Diluted 0.78p 0.87p 1.74p CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2000 30 June 30 June 31 December 2000 1999 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ Fixed assets Tangible assets 316,106 160,095 299,433 Investments - 30,000 - Investment in associate 553,690 494,977 652,794 869,796 685,072 952,227 Current assets Debtors 1,651,379 1,174,687 1,090,460 Cash at bank and in hand 1,624,891 1,410,348 1,643,025 3,276,270 2,585,035 2,733,485 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year (2,458,135) (745,056) (822,147) Net current assets 818,135 1,839,979 1,911,338 Creditors: Amounts falling due after one year (19,456) (8,523) (26,220) Net assets £1,668,475 £2,516,52 £2,837,345 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 363,467 363,467 363,467 Share premium account 864,925 864,925 864,925 Merger reserve 173,077 173,077 173,077 Profit and loss account 267,006 1,115,059 1,435,876 Shareholders' funds £ 1,668,475 £ 2,516,528 £ 2,837,345 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED 30 JUNE 2000 Six months Six months Year Ended Ended ended 30 June 30 June 31 December 2000 1999 1999 Unaudited Unaudited Audited £ £ £ Net cash(outflow) inflow from operating activities (91,208) 33,799 311,864 Return on investments and servicing of finance Dividend from associate 223,200 - - Interest received 32,541 27,388 59,715 Interest element of finance lease rental payments (1,130) (1,886) (4,942) 254,611 25,502 54,773 Taxation - - (28,441) Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (93,923) (69,281) (231,936) Sale of tangible fixed assets - 20,000 38,250 (93,923) (49,281) (193,686) Acquisitions and disposals Sale of subsidiary undertaking - 835,000 827,727 Proceeds from sale of investment - - 30,000 - 835,000 857,727 Net cash inflow before management of liquid resources and financing 69,480 845,020 1,002,237 Management of liquid resources Purchase of treasury deposits (200,000) _ (1,300,000) Financing Capital element of finance lease contracts (6,764) (9,828) (34,344) Net Cash Outflow from financing (6,764) (9,828) (34,344) Decrease) Increase in cash £(137,284) £ 835,192 £(332,107)
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