Final Results - Part 2
Marks & Spencer PLC
22 May 2001
Consolidated profit and loss account
52 weeks ended 31 53 weeks ended 1
March 2001 April 2000
Before After Before After
excep- Excep- excep- excep- Excep- excep-
tional tional tional tional tional tional
items items items items items items
£m £m £m £m £m £m
Turnover (see note 2) 8,075.7 - 8,075.7 8,195.5 - 8,195.5
Operating profit (see note 3) 467.0 (26.5) 440.5 543.0 (72.0) 471.0
Loss on sale of property and other - (83.2) (83.2) - (22.3) (22.3)
fixed assets (see note 6A)
Loss on sale / termination of - (1.7) (1.7) - (45.4) (45.4)
operations (see note 6B)
Provision for loss on operations -(224.0) (224.0) - - -
to be discontinued (see note 6C)
Net interest income (see note 4) 13.9 - 13.9 14.2 - 14.2
Profit on ordinary activities 480.9(335.4) 145.5 557.2 (139.7) 417.5
before taxation
Taxation on ordinary activities (151.2) 8.5 (142.7) (177.2) 19.0 (158.2)
Profit on ordinary activities 329.7 (326.9) 2.8 380.0 (120.7) 259.3
after taxation
Minority interests (all equity) (1.5) - (1.5) (0.6) - (0.6)
Profit attributable to 328.2 (326.9) 1.3 379.4 (120.7) 258.7
Dividends (see note 9) (258.3) - (258.3) (258.6) - (258.6)
Retained profit/(loss) for the 69.9 (326.9)(257.0) 120.8 (120.7) 0.1
Earnings per share (see note 8) 0.0p 9.0p
Fully diluted earnings per share 0.0p 9.0p
(see note 8)
Adjusted earnings per share (see 11.4p 13.2p
note 8)
Fully diluted adjusted earnings 11.4p 13.2p
per share (see note 8)
Dividend per share (see note 9) 9.0p 9.0p
Consolidated statement of total
recognised gains and losses
52weeks 53
ended weeks
31 March 1
2001 2000
£m £m
Profit attributable to 1.3 258.7
Exchange differences on foreign 13.3 (16.8)
currency translation
Unrealised (deficit) / surplus on (1.7) 3.0
revaluation of investment properties
Total recognised gains and losses 12.9 244.9
relating to the period
1. Basis of preparation
The results comprise those of Marks and Spencer p.l.c. and its UK and
international subsidiaries for the year ended 31 March 2001 and have been
prepared using accounting policies consistent with those adopted last year. The
results for the year comprise store sales and related costs for the 52 weeks to
31 March 2001 (last year 53 weeks to 1 April 2000). All other activities are
for the year to 31 March 2001. This summary of results does not constitute the
full Financial Statements within the meaning of s240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The full Financial Statements have been reported on by the Company's auditors,
but have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The audit report
was unqualified and did not contain a Statement under s237(2) or s237(3) of the
Companies Act 1985.
2. Turnover
Turnover (excluding sales taxes for
international operations) is analysed as
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April Inc/
2001 2000 (Dec)
£m £m %
UK Retail (incl. VAT)
Clothing, Footwear and Gifts (1) 3,649.5 3,939.0 (7.3)
Home (1) 355.8 328.8 8.2
Foods 2,925.9 2,880.4 1.6
6,931.2 7,148.2 (3.0)
Less: United Kingdom VAT (638.2) (665.5) (4.1)
6,293.0 6,482.7 (2.9)
International Retail
Europe (excl. UK)
Continental European subsidiaries 285.0 294.3 (3.2)
Other European operations (2) 263.3 261.3 0.8
548.3 555.6 (1.3)
North America
Brooks Brothers (incl. Japan) 448.1 395.5 13.3
Kings Super Markets 313.1 273.7 14.4
761.2 669.2 13.7
M&S Canada - 22.2
761.2 691.4 10.1
Far East 110.1 101.2 8.8
Total International (see note 7) 1,419.6 1,348.2 5.3
Financial Services (UK) 363.1 364.6 (0.4)
Total turnover 8,075.7 8,195.5 (1.5)
Turnover is analysed as follows:-
United Kingdom 6,656.1 6,847.3 (2.8)
International 1,419.6 1,348.2 5.3
8,075.7 8,195.5 (1.5)
(1) Since the last financial year, sales of certain lines have been transferred
from Clothing, Footwear and Gifts to Home. Comparatives for the last financial
year have been restated accordingly.
(2) Other European Operations include the Republic of Ireland and Franchises.
The value of goods exported from the UK, including shipments to international
subsidiaries, amounted to £436.0m (last year £460.2m).
3. Operating profit
Operating profit arises as follows:-
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
UK Retail
Before exceptional operating charges (1) 334.8 420.1
Exceptional operating charges (see note 5) (26.5) (63.3)
308.3 356.8
Financial Services (1) 96.3 115.9
International Retail
Europe (excluding UK)
Continental European subsidiaries before (34.0) (24.8)
exceptional operating charges (2)
Exceptional operating charges (see note 5) - (8.7)
(34.0) (33.5)
Other European operations 22.6 18.7
(11.4) (14.8)
North America
Brooks Brothers (incl. Japan) 20.2 7.9
Kings Super Markets 11.9 11.1
Corporate Expenses (0.1) (2.6)
32.0 16.4
M&S Canada - -
32.0 16.4
Far East 7.4 (3.3)
Total International - analysed between:
Profit before exceptional operating 28.0 7.0
Exceptional operating charges (see note 5) - (8.7)
28.0 (1.7)
Total segmental operating profit 432.6 471.0
Excess interest charged to cost of sales of 7.9 -
Financial Services (see note 4)
Total operating profit 440.5 471.0
Analysis of segmental operating profit
Operating profit before exceptional 467.0 543.0
Excess interest charged to cost of sales (7.9) -
of Financial Services
Segmental operating profit before 459.1 543.0
exceptional items
Exceptional operating charges (26.5) (72.0)
Total segmental operating profit 432.6 471.0
Retailing before exceptional items 362.8 427.1
Exceptional operating charges (26.5) (72.0)
Retailing after exceptional items 336.3 355.1
Financial Services 96.3 115.9
Total segmental operating profit 432.6 471.0
(1) Operating profit for Financial Services includes £16.2m of merchant fee
income (last year £ nil) arising on Marks & Spencer C+A183hargecard
transactions. This fee is payable by UK Retail and has been deducted in
arriving at UK Retail operating profit.
(2) Operating loss for Continental Europe is stated after charging £1.0m (last
year £2.0m) for pre-opening costs.
4. Interest charged to cost of sales
Financial Services operating profit is stated after charging £115.3m (last year
£105.5m) of interest to cost of sales. This interest represents the cost of
funding the Financial Services business as a separate segment, including both
intra group interest and third party funding. The amount of third party
interest payable by the Group during the year was £107.4m (last year £107.4m).
Intra group interest of £7.9m (last year £nil), being the excess over third
party interest payable, has been added back in the segmental analysis to arrive
at total operating profit.
5. Exceptional operating charges
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
UK restructuring costs (1) (26.5) (63.3)
European restructuring costs (2) - (8.7)
Total exceptional operating charges (26.5) (72.0)
(1) The £26.5m is in respect of the closure of the 'Direct' catalogue business
(£16.5m) and the reduction of roles at the Group's head office (£10.0m). The £
63.3m charge last year was in respect of the restructuring of UK Retail into
customer business units, the rationalisation of store management and the
re-focussing of existing store roles to customer facing activities, and the
closure of two distribution centres.
(2) The European restructuring costs last year were in respect of store
closures in France and Germany.
6. Non-operating exceptional charges
6A Loss on sale of property and other fixed assets
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
Disposal of European stores (1) - (8.3)
Provision for loss on 'Direct' assets (2) (19.0) -
Loss on sale of investment properties (3) - (16.1)
Other asset disposals (4) (64.2) 2.1
(Loss)/profit on sale of property and (83.2) (22.3)
other fixed assets
(1)The loss of £8.3m last year relates to European store closures last year.
Including the restructuring cost of £8.7m disclosed in note 5 above this gave
rise to total closure costs last year of £17.0m.
(2) Including the restructuring cost of £16.5m disclosed in note 5 above, this
gives rise to total closure costs for the 'Direct' catalogue business of £
(3) The loss on sale of investment properties last year was in respect of the
disposal of The Gyle shopping centre and a property in Newcastle.
(4) Other asset disposals relates to the closure of UK stores, £40.2m of which
is in respect of satellite store closures and was announced at the half year.
6B Loss on sale / termination of operations
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
Loss on sale of Ltd (1.7) -
Loss on termination of Canadian - (45.4)
Loss on sale / termination of operations (1.7) (45.4)
6C Provision for loss on operations to be discontinued
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
Net closure costs (225.3) -
Goodwill previously credited to reserves 1.3 -
Provision for loss on operations to be (224.0) -
The provision for loss on operations to be discontinued represents the
estimated cost of the intended closure of the Group's Continental European
subsidiaries. Net closure costs include future trading losses, losses on
disposal of fixed assets, property exit costs and redundancy costs.
7. Foreign Currencies
The results of international subsidiaries have been translated using average
rates of exchange ruling during the period. The movements in exchange rates
used for translation, compared to the same period last year, have increased
international sales (excluding Canada) by £57.4m. The effect on international
operating profit is not significant. When expressed at constant rates for
translation, turnover increases / (decreases) on last year become:
Turnover Inc/(Dec) %
As At
reported constant
Europe (1.3) 1.5
North America
Brooks Brothers (incl.Japan) 13.3 3.5
Kings Super Markets 14.4 4.2
Far East 8.8 2.3
Total International Retail 5.3 2.7
8. Earnings per share
The calculation of earnings per ordinary share is based on earnings after tax
and minority interests of £1.3m (last year £258.7m), and on 2,872,370,247
ordinary shares (last year 2,872,055,200), being the weighted average number of
ordinary shares in issue during the year ended 31 March 2001. The weighted
average number of ordinary shares used in the calculation of fully diluted
earnings per ordinary share is 2,882,233,080 ordinary shares (last year
An adjusted earnings per share figure has been calculated in addition to the
earnings per share required by FRS 14 and is based on earnings excluding the
effect of the exceptional items. It has been calculated to allow the
shareholders to gain a clearer understanding of the trading performance of the
Group. Details of the adjusted earnings per share are set out below:
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
Earnings per share 0.0p 9.0p
Exceptional operating charges 0.7p 1.8p
Loss on sale of property and other fixed 2.9p 0.8p
Loss on sale / termination of operations 0.1p 1.6p
Provision for loss on operations to be 7.7p -
Adjusted earnings per share 11.4p 13.2p
The IIMR earnings per share is 10.7p (last year 11.4p). Under this measure
standard earnings are adjusted to eliminate certain capital items.
9. Dividend
The Directors have proposed a final dividend of 5.3p per share (last year
5.3p). This makes a total ordinary dividend for the year of 9.0p (last year
9.0p). The total cost of dividends is £258.3m (last year £258.6m). The ordinary
shares will be quoted ex dividend on 30 May 2001. The final dividend will be
paid on 20 July 2001 to shareholders whose names are on the Register of Members
at the close of business on 1 June 2001. Shareholders may choose to take this
dividend in shares or in cash.
10. Date of approval
The financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2001 were approved by the
Directors on 21 May 2001.
Consolidated balance sheet
As at As at
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Fixed assets
Goodwill - 1.3
Tangible assets 4,118.9 4,242.1
Investments 58.3 55.0
4,177.2 4,298.4
Current assets
Stocks 472.5 474.4
Debtors 2,629.3 2,555.2
Cash and investments 414.4 687.5
3,516.2 3,717.1
Current liabilities
Creditors: amounts falling due within (1,981.6) (2,162.8)
one year
Net current assets 1,534.6 1,554.3
Total assets less current liabilities 5,711.8 5,852.7
Creditors: amounts falling due after (735.1) (804.3)
more than one year
Provisions for liabilities and charges (315.7) (126.6)
Net assets 4,661.0 4,921.8
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 716.9 718.6
Share premium account 375.6 369.4
Revaluation reserve 455.6 457.9
Capital redemption reserve 2.6 -
Profit and loss account 3,094.7 3,359.4
Shareholders' funds (all equity) 4,645.4 4,905.3
Minority interests (all equity) 15.6 16.5
Total capital employed 4,661.0 4,921.8
Reconciliation of movements in
shareholders' funds
As at As at
31 March 31 March
2001 2000
£m £m
Profit attributable to shareholders 1.3 258.7
Dividends (258.3) (258.6)
(257.0) 0.1
Other recognised gains and losses 11.6 (13.8)
relating to the period
New share capital subscribed 7.1 11.8
Purchase of own shares (20.3) -
Amounts deducted from profit and loss account - (1.1)
reserve in respect of shares issued to QUEST
Goodwill transferred to the profit and loss (1.3) 24.4
account in respect of the closure of businesses
Net movement in shareholders' funds (259.9) 21.4
Shareholders' funds at 1 April 4,905.3 4,883.9
Shareholders' funds at 31 March 4,645.4 4,905.3
Consolidated cash flow statement
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
Operating activities
Operating profit 440.5 471.0
Exceptional operating items 26.5 72.0
Operating profit before exceptional 467.0 543.0
Depreciation 275.9 261.6
Increase in working capital (see note (36.2) (113.9)
Net cash inflow before exceptional items 706.7 690.7
Exceptional operating cash outflow (30.3) (49.2)
Cash inflow from operating activities 676.4 641.5
Returns on investments and servicing of 12.6 15.2
Taxation (164.6) (145.7)
Capital expenditure and financial (258.2) (167.0)
investment (see note (ii))
Acquisitions and disposals (see note 5.9 (21.1)
Equity dividends paid (258.6) (413.5)
Cash inflow/(outflow) before management of 13.5 (90.6)
liquid resources and financing
Management of liquid resources 263.7 (162.5)
Financing (see note (iv)) (265.4) 260.3
Increase in cash 11.8 7.2
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
(i) Increase in working capital
Decrease in stocks 14.7 40.3
Increase in customer advances (117.8) (206.2)
Increase in creditors 23.1 51.1
Other working capital movements 43.8 0.9
(36.2) (113.9)
(ii) Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets (269.8) (447.5)
Sale of tangible fixed assets 18.9 266.0
Net (purchase) / sale of fixed asset (7.3) 14.5
(258.2) (167.0)
(iii) Acquisitions and disposals
Closure of Canadian operations (0.9) (15.4)
Sale of Ltd (0.8) -
Repayment of loan by joint venture 7.6 0.5
Acquisition of minority interest - (6.2)
5.9 (21.1)
(iv) Financing
Debt financing as shown in movement of (245.9) 250.9
net debt
Purchase of own shares (20.3) -
Shares issued under employees' share 0.8 9.4
(265.4) 260.3
Reconciliation of net cash flow to
movement in net debt
52 weeks 53 weeks
ended ended
31 March 1 April
2001 2000
£m £m
Increase in cash 11.8 7.2
Cash (inflow) / outflow from (decrease) / (263.7) 162.5
increase in liquid resources
Cash outflow / (inflow) from decrease / 245.9 (250.9)
(increase) in debt financing (see note
Exchange movements (20.4) 11.4
Movement in net debt (26.4) (69.8)
Net debt at beginning of the period (1,251.4) (1,181.6)
Net debt at end of the period (1,277.8) (1,251.4)