Final Results
Monteagle Holdings
28 December 2000
Monteagle Holdings Societe Anonyme
(Incorporated in Luxembourg - RC Luxembourg No. B 19600)
Registered office
6 rue Adolphe Fischer,
L-1520, Luxembourg
Results for the year ended 30th September 2000
(subject to audit)
Monteagle is a financial holding company, incorporated in Luxembourg. Its
objectives are to achieve long term capital growth by holding a broad range of
investments, predominantly blue chip equities listed in New York, and investment
properties in California, to balance its more volatile controlling interests in
South Africa and Zimbabwe. These interests include importing, exporting,
property, commercial agriculture & horticulture, gold mining, and listed
This year, the inherent volatility arising from operating in Southern Africa has
enabled our import and distribution operations in South Africa to expand their
activities, but our commercial agriculture & horticulture and gold mining
businesses in Zimbabwe found it extremely difficult to maintain operations.
Continuing sound performances from our property and investment portfolios have
helped to offset this volatility.
The importing, exporting and distribution businesses all showed improvements and
penetrated additional markets and product segments. Turnover increased by 6.6%
and margins have recovered to 5.4% (1999 - 3.4%). Returns from the Group's
investment properties have continued to grow, with a mixed performance from
properties in South Africa and solid performance from our properties in
California. The commercial agriculture & horticulture interests held through
Conafex and our associated company, Ariston, had a challenging year, due to the
political and economic situation in Zimbabwe, nevertheless their profit before
interest, exceptional items and tax improved by 4%. Record production levels
were achieved in the principal crops of tea, tobacco and flowers, however, the
Zimbabwe dollar exchange rate was fixed against the US dollar for most of the
year, and high local inflation combined with a weak Euro eroded margins. The
contribution from our gold mining interests fell to US$118,000 (1999 -
US$927,000) as a result of the difficult operating environment in Zimbabwe and
the historically low gold price. In the current uncertain markets our
portfolios of leading U.S. and South African shares, which do not include
technology and Nasdaq quoted stocks, increased in value by 16.77% with an
average yield of 2.83%.
The interest charge has fallen because of changes in the method of funding our
import and distribution businesses and a significant reduction in base rates in
South Africa. This reduction has been substantially offset by higher interest
rates on seasonal borrowings by our agriculture & horticulture businesses in
After exceptional items, which include profits realised from sales of fixed
assets, our Group profit before tax was US$3,290,000 compared to US$4,422,000 in
1999, primarily due to the reduced contribution from Gold mining mentioned above
and lower exceptional profits. The tax charge for the year reduced
substantially because of the significantly lower profits in Zimbabwe. Our
profit attributable to shareholders was US$1,845,000, the equivalent of earnings
per share of 29.3 US cents (1999 - 42.6 US cents). Headline earnings per share
excluding exceptional items were 6.9 US cents (1999 - 2.3 US cents).
We regard hard currency cash flow from our investments to Luxembourg as a
significant issue, particularly when considering the level of dividend to
recommend to shareholders. We are proposing an unchanged dividend of 8.5 US
cents per share for 2000.
Your board has carefully considered the carrying value of our Zimbabwe assets
and has decided to continue to incorporate them in Group accounts at depreciated
historic cost, translated at year end exchange rates. It is, of course, not
possible in present circumstances, to estimate what a realistic realiseable
value of our Zimbabwean assets would be. Most of the products produced by our
interests in Zimbabwe have selling prices denominated in hard currency and, to a
certain extent, this protects their cashflows in the current uncertain political
and economic climate. The carrying value of these net assets at 30 September
2000 after deducting minority interests was US$12,132,000 (1999: 10,406,000).
As an investment company, we aim to achieve capital growth in terms of net
assets per share. At 30 September 2000, taking our investments at market value,
our net assets were US$32,205,000 (1999 - US$31,626,000) equivalent to US$5.11
per share compared to US$5.02 per share a year earlier.
Our strategy, as set out in the first paragraph, has stood the test of time for
investors in the Third World. The uncertain times in Southern Africa bring
opportunities as well as problems, but we are confident that we can capitalise
on our strong balance sheet, with net assets outside Africa of US$11,547,000
(US$1.83 per share).
J. M. Robotham D. C. Marshall
Chairman Chief Executive
22nd December 2000
Notice of Meeting and Declaration of Dividend
The nineteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 6 rue
Adolphe Fischer, Luxembourg on Friday 30th March 2001 at 4.30 p.m. (local time).
A dividend of 8.5 US cents per share is proposed to be paid on 4th May 2001 to
those shareholders registered at the close of business on 30th March 2001.
Copies of the annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in
February 2000.
for the year ended 30 September 2000 1999
US$000 US$000
Group Turnover including Associates 57,478 45,219
Turnover of Associates (32,427) (22,158)
Group turnover 25,051 23,061
Operating costs (23,651) (21,693)
Operating profit 1,400 1,368
Share of associated companies results 616 1,234
Income from investments - dividends 435 418
- interest 200 173
Interest paid and similar charges (1,309) (1,390)
Profit on ordinary activities before
exceptional items and tax 1,342 1,803
Exceptional items (see note) 1,948 2,619
Profit before tax 3,290 4,422
Tax (446) (962)
Profit after tax 2,844 3,460
Minority interests (999) (721)
Profit attributable to shareholders 1,845 2,739
Appropriation to legal reserve (6) (34)
Recommended dividend (536) (536)
Retained profit for the year 1,303 2,169
Earnings per share US cents 29.3c 42.6c
Headline earnings per share excluding
exceptional items US cents 6.9c 2.3c
Dividend per share US cents 8.50c 8.50c
Notes: US$000 US$000
1) Exceptional Items
Surplus on disposal of investments 992 2,563
Loss on partial disposal of subsidiary - (102)
Surplus on disposal of tangible
fixed assets 901 158
Share of associate 55 -
1,948 2,619
2). Earnings per share are based on the results attributable to shareholders and
a weighted average number of shares in issue during the year - 6,300,000
(1999 - 6,428,127).
as at 30 September 2000 1999
US$000 US$000
Fixed assets
Tangible assets 21,633 19,911
Investments in listed associated
companies 10,261 9,189
(market value US$9,769,000
(1999 - US$10,090,000))
Listed general portfolio 7,013 9,486
(market value US$14,947,000
(1999 - US$15,764,000))
Unlisted investments 117 78
39,024 38,664
Current assets
Inventories 5,176 5,039
Debtors 4,118 5,135
Cash and bank balances 1,493 1,996
10,787 12,170
Current liabilities
Creditors (falling due within one year)(10,786) (13,345)
Net current assets/(liabilities) 1 (1,175)
Total assets less current liabilities 39,025 37,489
Creditors (falling due after more than
one year) (3,876) (3,859)
Provisions for liabilities and charges
Deferred taxation (2,654) (2,340)
32,495 31,290
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 9,450 9,450
Share premium account 2,411 2,411
Other reserves 6,760 8,228
Retained earnings 5,979 4,602
Shareholders' funds 24,600 24,691
Minority interests 7,895 6,599
32,495 31,290
Net assets per share, including
investments at market value US$5.11 US$5.02
for the year ended 30th September 2000 1999
US$000 US$000
Operating activities
Cash generated from operations 576 1,381
Interest paid (1,309) (1,390)
Taxation recovered/(paid) 384 (682)
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from
operating activities (349) (691)
Investment activities
Purchase of tangible assets (1,054) (523)
Purchase of investments (3,007) (8,566)
Disposal of tangible assets 1,346 709
Disposal of investments 3,210 9,700
Interest received and other investment
income 635 591
Dividends received from associates 227 273
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investment
activities 1,357 2,184
Net cash inflow before financing 1,008 1,493
Financing activities
Net increase /(decrease) in long term
financing 235 (347)
Purchase of own shares - (479)
Dividend paid - group (536) (523)
- minority shareholders (76) (395)
Net cash outflow from financing
activities (377) (1,744)
Net (increase)/decrease in debt 631 (251)
Net debt at 1st October (3,487) (3,237)
Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 106 1
Net debt at 30th September (2,750) (3,487)
1. These preliminary results for the year ended 30th September 2000 and the
balance sheet at that date, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis
of accounting policies adopted for the period ended 30th September 1999. They
comply with International Accounting Standards and Luxembourg law. The results,
which have been reviewed by the Company's auditors, Pim Goldby S.C., are
2. Group capital expenditure in the year was US$1,139,000 (1999 -
US$499,000); there were no capital expenditure commitments at 30th September
2000 (1999 - US$111,000).
3. Bank loans and overdrafts of US$4,243,000 (1999 US$5,483,000) are
included in current liabilities. Group long term finance is secured on various
local properties and bears interest at local commercial rates.