Final Results

Monteagle Holdings 27 December 2001 Monteagle Holdings Societe Anonyme (Incorporated in Luxembourg - RC Luxembourg No. B 19600) Registered office 6 rue Adolphe Fischer, 27th December 2001 L-1520, Luxembourg Results for the year ended 30th September 2001 (subject to audit) Monteagle's objective is to achieve capital growth over the long term. A number of exceptional and unrepeatable circumstances have come together over the last 12 months to generate an extraordinary pleasing set of results. Group profit before exceptional items and tax was US$2,952,000 compared to US$1,342,000 in 2000, primarily due to the increase in profits of our agriculture interests in Zimbabwe. Understandably, due to circumstances in Zimbabwe, those results may not be repeatable in future years. Exceptional profits have increased to US$6,450,000 (2000 - US$1,948,000) due to the sale of our portfolios of listed investments. The Group profit attributable to shareholders was US$7,584,000, which equates to earnings per share of 120.4 US cents (2000 - 29.3 US cents). Headline earnings per share excluding exceptional items and the tax thereon was 18.0 US cents (2000 - 6.9 US cents). The key to the exceptional level of earnings this year was the decision taken to sell all of our investments in shares listed on the US and South African stock exchanges. This realised, as Exceptional profits, the increase in the value of investments over cost which had been built up over a number of years. The timing of our decision proved to be correct and most investments were sold at satisfactory prices prior to the major decline in world stock markets. So far we have reinvested approximately a third of our cash balances in blue chip European and UK stocks which are currently showing a gain. We continue to monitor stock markets and will reinvest the balance as opportunities occur. The commercial agriculture & horticulture interests held through Conafex and its associated company, Ariston Holdings Limited, had a very successful year, despite the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe. Their profit contribution before interest, exceptional items and tax more than doubled due to the principal export crops of tobacco, tea and flowers all performing well. Conafex has continued to diversify out of Zimbabwe with the acquisition of minority stakes in a Rooibos and Honeybush herbal tea producer in South Africa and a speciality tea packing business in the UK. The importing, exporting and distribution businesses showed mixed results. The turnover of our businesses trading non-perishable private label food products on an international basis has increased by over 90% with volume increases in both existing and new product lines. The higher contribution from these businesses has more than offset a decline in the contribution from our South African tool and machinery import and distribution business which suffered a reduction in turnover of just over 10%, and the declining exchange rate also contributed to reduced margins. Our smaller Australian tool and machinery import and distribution business continues to grow both volumes and profits. The returns from the Group's investment properties in California have continued to grow. Lower returns, however, were seen from our properties in South Africa where we had a reduction in occupancy rates. Our share of the losses incurred by our Zimbabwean gold mining interests, including our associate Falcon, were US$205,000 (2000 - US$118,000) as a result of the deteriorating operating environment, inflation of over 100% and the continuing low gold price. We regard the hard currency cash flow from our investments to Luxembourg as a crucial issue, particularly when considering the level of dividend to recommend to shareholders. The dividend is being maintained at 8.5 US cents per share for 2001 because of the exceptional results for the year, despite limited cash flows received from our subsidiaries. The uncertainty over the level of future remittances from our interests in Southern Africa due to currency weaknesses and the political situation means that we cannot expect to be able to maintain the dividend at the current level in 2002. Our budgets indicate that shareholders should expect approximately 5.0 US cents as next year's dividend. Changes have been made to the Group structure during the year to enhance its value in hard currency, and to increase assets available as security to the European banks that finance our international trading operations. We expect this to facilitate future growth in our import and export businesses. We strive to achieve real growth in net assets per share in dollars and are pleased to report that net assets, including investments at market value and after deducting minority interests, have grown to US$33,281,000 (2000 - US$32,211,000). Of these US$17,405,000, US$2.76per share, (2000 - US$11,547,000) are outside Africa following the reorganisation of our Group structure. I would like to repeat the words I used last year in respect of our Zimbabwean assets: 'Your board has carefully considered the carrying value of our Zimbabwe assets and has decided to continue to incorporate them in to the Group accounts at depreciated historic cost, translated at year end exchange rates. It is, of course, not possible, in present circumstances, to estimate a realistic realiseable value of our Zimbabwean assets. However, most of the products produced by our interests in Zimbabwe have selling prices denominated in hard currency and, to a certain extent, this improves their cashflows in local currency terms in the current uncertain political and economic climate.' The carrying value of these net assets at 30th September 2001 after deducting minority interests has increased to US$13,471,000, US$2.14 per share, (2000 - US$12,132,000) reflecting the undistributed profits of our farming interests. We are confident that we can capitalise on our strong balance sheet in future years now that we have increased our net assets outside Africa. J. M. Robotham D. C. Marshall Chairman Chief Executive Notice of Meeting and Declaration of Dividend NOTICE OF MEETING According to the Company's Articles of Incorporation ('Articles'), the Annual General Meeting of Shareholder's ('AGM') is required to be held on the last Friday in the month of March. The Articles further state that if the AGM cannot take place on that date, it should take place on the first preceding day. Because Friday 29th March 2002 is Good Friday, the AGM should take place on Thursday 28th March 2002. However, it was not considered that this date would be convenient to shareholders and it has been decided to bring forward the meeting. Accordingly the Annual General Meeting will take place on Tuesday 26th March 2002 at 4.00 p.m. at the registered office of the Company, 6 rue Adolphe Fischer L-1520 Luxembourg. A dividend of 8.5 US cents per share is proposed to be paid on 3rd May 2002 to those shareholders registered at the close of business on 28th March 2002. Copies of the annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders in February 2002. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT (Unaudited) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30th SEPTEMBER Notes 2001 2000 US$000 US$000 Group revenue including our share of 41,799 37,917 associated companies Less revenue of associated companies (15,861) (12,866) Group revenue 25,938 25,051 Operating costs (24,155) (23,651) Operating profit 1,783 1,400 Share of associated companies results 2,052 616 Income from investments - dividends 317 435 - interest 294 200 Interest paid and similar charges (1,494) (1,309) Profit on ordinary activities before 2,952 1,342 exceptional items and tax Exceptional items 1 6,450 1,948 Profit on ordinary activities before tax 9,402 3,290 Tax (691) (446) Profit after tax 8,711 2,844 Minority interests (1,127) (999) Profit attributable to shareholders 7,584 1,845 Appropriation to legal reserve (355) (6) Proposed dividend (536) (536) Retained profit for the year 6,693 1,303 Basic earnings per share US cents 2 120.4c 29.3c Fully diluted earnings per share US cents 120.4c 28.4c Headline earnings per share US cents 2 18.0c 6.9c Dividend per share US cents 8.5c 8.5c Notes: US$000 US$000 1. Exceptional Items Surplus on disposal of investments 7,036 992 Surplus on disposal of tangible fixed 3 901 assets Devaluation of South African investment (589) - properties Share of associate - 55 6,450 1,948 2. Earnings per share are based on the results attributable to shareholders and a weighted average number of shares in issue during the year - 6,300,000 (2000 - 6,300,000). SUMMARISED PROFORMA CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Unaudited) AT 30TH SEPTEMBER 2001 2000 US$000 US$000 Fixed assets Tangible assets 20,233 21,633 Investments in listed associated companies 11,717 10,261 (market value US$13,876,000 (2000 - US$9,769,000)) Listed general portfolio 2,385 7,013 (market value US$3,281,000 (2000 - US$14,947,000)) Unlisted associates and other investments 543 117 34,878 39,024 Current assets Inventories 7,066 5,176 Debtors 4,944 4,118 Cash and bank balances 8,083 1,493 20,093 10,787 Current liabilities Creditors (falling due within one year) (9,154) (10,786) Net current assets 10,939 1 Total assets less current liabilities 45,817 39,025 Creditors (falling due after more than one year) (3,485) (3,876) Provisions for liabilities and charges Deferred taxation (2,636) (2,654) 39,696 32,495 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 9,450 9,450 Share premium account - 2,411 Other reserves 7,488 6,760 Retained earnings 14,177 5,979 Shareholders' funds 31,115 24,600 Minority interests 8,581 7,895 39,696 32,495 Net assets per share, including investments at market US$5.28 US$5.11 value Net assets per share, outside Africa US$2.76 US$1.83 Net assets per share, inside Africa US$2.52 US$3.28 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Group share of surplus on revaluation of properties - 2,630 Exchange differences on translation of the financial statements of foreign entities (178) (4,030) Net loss not recognised in the income statement (178) (1,400) Net profit for the period 7,584 1,845 Total recognised profits 7,406 445 Transfer to legal reserve (355) - Proposed dividend (536) (536) Increase/(decrease) in shareholders' funds 6,515 (91) Shareholders' funds brought forward 24,600 24,691 Shareholders' funds carried forward 31,115 24,600 CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the year ended 30th September 2001 2000 US$000 US$000 Operating activities Cash generated from operations 1,796 51 Interest paid (884) (1,309) Taxation (604) (520) Net cash outflow from operating activities 308 (1,778) Investment activities Purchase of tangible assets (177) 405 Purchase of investments (502) (3,005) Disposal of investments 10,782 4,259 Interest received and other investment income 611 635 Dividends received from associates 296 227 Net cash inflow from investment activities 11,010 2,521 Net cash inflow before financing 11,318 743 Financing activities Decrease in long term debt (245) 235 Foreign exchange cost of subsidiary's dividend (610) - Dividend - group (536) (536) - minorities (170) (76) Net cash outflow from financing activities (1,561) (377) Net decrease in debt 9,757 366 Net debt at 1st October (2,750) (3,487) Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 381 371 Net cash/(debt) at 30th September 7,388 (2,750) Notes: 1. These preliminary results for the year ended 30th September 2001 and the balance sheet at that date, which are unaudited, have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies adopted for the period ended 30th September 2000. These financial statements do not comply with the requirements of IAS 29 (Financial reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies). The results, which have been reviewed by the Company's auditors, Deloitte & Touche S.A., are unaudited. 2. Net group capital expenditure in the year was US$177,000 (2000 - negative US$405,000); there were no capital expenditure commitments at 30th September 2001 (2000 - US$ nil). 3. Bank loans and overdrafts of US$2,667,000 (2000: US$4,243,000) are included in current liabilities. Group long term finance is secured on various local properties and bears interest at local commercial rates.
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