Interim Results

Monteagle Holdings 26 June 2001 MONTEAGLE HOLDINGS SOCIETE ANONYME (Incorporated in Luxembourg (C Number B19600) INTERIM REPORT 2001 Registered Office: 6 rue Adolphe Fischer, L-1520, Luxembourg 26th June 2001 TO THE MEMBERS I am pleased to be able to report on another satisfactory half year for our Group. Turnover for the group, including associates, has increased to US$27,979,000 for the six months to 31st March 2001, compared to US$27,287,000, mainly because our subsidiary had a good farming year also our new acquisition St. James's Tea, which markets speciality teas in the U.K., made a contribution for the first time. Profit before tax and exceptional items has increased from US$605,000 to US$687,000 and this is analysed by activity in note 2. Special credit must go to all our employees in Zimbabwe for maintaining both the agricultural and gold mining operations during the current unsettled political climate. Our property operations achieved mixed results. Improvements in the U.S.A. were largely offset by the 25% devaluation of the South African Rand relative to the US Dollar and income was also reduced following the sale of one of our South African properties. The trading margins of our import and distribution businesses, which are based mainly in South Africa, also suffered because of the devaluation. However, increased turnover limited the shortfall in contribution to Group results. Our commercial agriculture and horticulture operations in Zimbabwe have increased their contribution to group profit before tax by 17%, despite the unstable operating environment. Sales of the most significant crops (tea, flowers, and tobacco) are denominated in hard currencies and this has helped us cope with local cost inflation, which is still in excess of 55%. Sales of the produce of our subsidiary operations are seasonal and the bulk of their contribution is recognised in the second half of the year. The results of the gold mines in Zimbabwe are being squeezed between rapidly inflating input costs and revenue constrained by a combination of a fixed exchange rate and the continuing depressed international price of gold. The Government of Zimbabwe has recently introduced a Gold Price Support scheme to assist gold producers, but, in the absence of some further favourable developments by the government, most of the mines may have to be closed before the end of the calendar year. No provision has been made at this stage for any closure costs. The blue chip nature of our portfolios enabled us to weather the recent stock market turbulence in so-called new technology stocks. Subsequent to 31st March 2001, in view of the uncertain outlook, we have sold substantially all of our South African portfolio and intend to re-invest the proceeds in hard currency areas. We believe that in the long term, this will reduce the element of risk and enhance shareholder value. We have also, subsequent to 31st March, sold our entire U.S. portfolio as we consider that the short-term prospect for equity investments in the United States is limited. Ready cash puts us in a strong position to take advantage of the new opportunities that will arise when the current period of uncertainty in world equity markets has run its course. Our gradual re-investment programme will further enhance our net assets in hard currencies. The group's net assets at market value were US$32,205,000 (US$5.10 per share) at 30th September 2000. These have increased to US$32,659,000 (US$5.18 per share) at 31st March 2001 of which US$2.02 per share is represented by our investment portfolios and other assets outside southern Africa. We remain very concerned about future developments in Zimbabwe, however we believe that the diversity of our operations and strong balance sheet will enable us to continue to deliver increasing value to shareholders. J.M. Robotham, D.C. Marshall Chairman Chief Executive Offices: United Kingdom: South Africa: 25 City Road, 11 Sunbury Park, London, EC1Y 1BQ La Lucia 4051, Durban Transfer agents: Europe South Africa C.I. Registrars Limited Mercantile Registrars Limited Cresta House, Alma Street, 11 Diagonal street Luton, Bedfordshire, Johannesburg 2001 LU1 2PU, U.K (P.O. Box 1053, Johannesburg, 2000 Consolidated group profit and loss account Half years ended Year ended 31st March 30th September 2001 2000 2000 Notes Unaudited Unaudited US$000 US$000 US$000 Group Revenue including Associates 27,979 27,287 55,436 Less revenue of Associates (17,388) (17,238) (30,385) Group revenue 2 10,591 10,049 25,051 Operating costs (10,108) (9,451) (23,651) Operating profit 483 598 1,400 Share of associated companies' results 274 140 616 Income from investments - dividends 197 196 435 - interest 76 63 200 1,030 997 2,651 Interest paid and similar charges (343) (392) (1,309) Profit on ordinary activities before 687 605 1,342 exceptional items and taxation Exceptional items 3 83 1,511 1,948 Profit before taxation 770 2,116 3,290 Taxation (231) (524) (446) Profit after taxation 2 539 1,592 2,844 Attributable to outside shareholders (205) (648) (999) PROFIT ATTRIBUTABLE TO SHAREHOLDERS 334 944 1,845 Dividend - (2000 - 8.5c per share) - - 536 Earnings per share (US cents) - basic 4 5.2c 15.0c 29.3c Headline earnings per share (US cents) 4.3c 1.2c 8.2c Changes in equity Net profit for the period 334 944 1,845 Revaluations (38) (127) 2,630 Exchange differences (742) 13 (4,030) Proposed dividend - - (536) Total recognised (losses)/profits (446) 830 (91) Shareholders funds at start of period 24,600 24,691 24,691 Shareholders funds at end of period 24,154 25,521 24,600 Consolidated group balance sheet 31st March 30th September 2001 2000 2000 Unaudited Unaudited Notes US$000 US$000 US$000 Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets 20,943 19,395 21,633 Investments 6 16,588 19,769 17,391 37,531 39,164 39,024 Current assets Inventories 5,170 5,886 5,176 Debtors 4,033 4,102 4,118 Cash 1,362 1,597 1,493 10,565 11,585 10,787 Current liabilities Creditors (falling due within one year) (10,115) (11,956) (10,786) Net current assets 450 (371) 1 Total assets less current liabilities 37,981 38,793 39,025 Creditors (falling due after more than one (3,702) (3,791) (3,876) year) Provisions for liabilities and deferred (2,414) (2,276) (2,654) taxation 31,865 32,726 32,495 Capital and reserves Share capital 9,450 9,450 9,450 Share premium 2,411 2,411 2,411 Other reserves 6,493 8,090 6,760 Retained earnings 5,800 5,570 5,979 Shareholders' funds 24,154 25,521 24,600 Minority interests 7,711 7,205 7,895 31,865 32,726 32,495 Shareholders funds including listed 6 32,659 33,899 32,205 investments at market value Net assets per share 6 US$5.18 US$5.38 US$5.10 Consolidated cash flow statement Half years ended Year ended 31st March 30th September 2001 2000 2000 Unaudited Unaudited US$000 US$000 US$000 Operating activities Cash (absorbed by)/generated from (109) (2,694) 51 operating activities Interest paid (343) (502) (1,309) Taxation paid (311) (562) (520) Net cash outflow from operating (763) (3,758) (1,778) activities Investment activities Purchase of tangible fixed assets (158) (307) (1,025) Purchase of investments (210) (850) (3,005) Disposal of tangible fixed assets - 112 1,430 Disposal of investments 775 2,139 4,259 Interest received and other investment 274 260 635 income Dividends received from associates 67 176 227 Net cash inflow from investment 748 1,530 2,521 activities Net cash (outflow)/inflow before (15) (2,228) 743 financing Financing activities Net decrease in long term financing (46) (68) 235 Dividend paid - group - - (536) - minority shareholders (8) - (76) Net cash outflow from financing (54) (68) (377) activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash (69) (2,296) 366 Net debt at start of period (2,750) (3,487) (3,487) Effect of foreign exchange rates 179 - 371 Net debt at end of period (2,640) (5,783) (2,750) Notes to the interim statement 1. The results and the cash flow statement for the half-year ended 31st March 2001 are unaudited and have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies adopted in the accounts for the year ended 30th September 2000 and comply with International Accounting Standards and Luxembourg law in all material respects. The results for the year to 30th September 2000 are an abridged version of the group's full accounts for that year which received an unqualified auditor's report and have been filed with the relevant authorities. 2. The segmental analysis of turnover and operating profit is as follows: - Half years ended 31st March Year ended 30th September 2001 2000 2000 US$000 US$000 US$000 Revenue Result Revenue Result Revenue Result Analysed by activity:- Property 761 272 758 269 1,474 534 Import/distribution 7,323 415 7,146 440 15,704 851 Farming 1,540 7 1,147 19 5,188 401 Gold mining 967 140 914 291 2,042 346 Other - (78) 84 (162) 643 (97) 10,591 756 10,049 857 25,051 2,035 Share of associated companies results:- Farming 12,518 451 12,232 372 20,365 899 Gold mining 4,870 (177) 5,006 (232) 10,020 (283) Group revenue including 27,979 27,287 55,436 associates Interest paid (343) (392) (1,309) Profit before exceptional 687 605 1,342 items Exceptional items 83 1,511 1,948 Profit before tax 770 2,116 3,290 3. The exceptional items arise from the surplus on disposal of investments and tangible fixed assets. Exceptionals are substantially below the comparative period because of the sale of Kent Estate in 1999, which realised a profit of US$1,181,000, and lower profits on realisation of investments in the first half of the current year. 31st March 30th September 2001 2000 2000 US$000 US$000 US$000 Surplus on disposal of listed and unlisted 104 323 992 investments (Deficit)/Surplus on disposals of tangible fixed (32) 1,208 901 assets Share of associated company's surplus on disposal of 11 - 55 fixed assets Investment provisions - (20) - Exceptional items - net income 83 1,511 1,948 4. Earnings per share are based on profits attributable to members and on the average of 6,300,000 shares in issue during the period, allowing for the shares held in Treasury. Headline earnings per share exclude extraordinary items after tax. 5. Net assets Investments at book value 16,588 19,769 17,269 Listed investments at market value and other investments at cost 25,093 28,147 24,874 Net unrealised profits on investments (before tax) 8,505 8,378 7,605 Shareholders' funds 24,154 25,521 24,600 Net assets attributable to shareholders 32,659 33,899 32,205 6. Net assets per share are based on Shareholders' funds plus net unrealised profits on investments (before tax) divided by the number of shares in issue at the period end. 7. Capital expenditure during the period was US$158,000. Capital expenditure not provided but contracted, and authorised but not contracted, as at 31st March 2001 amounted to US$20,000 and US$18,000 respectively.
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