1st Quarter Results
Maruwa Co Ld
3 August 2001
MARUWA Co.,Ltd today announced its consolidated and non-consolidated business
results for the first quarter of fiscal 2002, the three-month period ended
June 30,2001
Note : Statements of income are unaudited.
U.S. dollar amounts are translated from yen, for convenience only, at
the rate of US$=124.6
CONSOLIDATED 1. Financial highlights
Three Months Ended June 30th
JPY U.S.Dollars
(Millions) (Thousands)
(except % per sales)
2001 2000 Change 2001
% per % per % per
Amount Sales Amount Sales Amount Sales
Net sales 3,276 100.0% 3,706 100.0% (430) -12% 26,292
Cost of sales 2,399 73.2% 2,491 67.2% (92) -4% 19,253
Gross profit 877 26.8% 1,215 32.8% (338) -28% 7,039
SG&A expenses 548 16.7% 476 12.8% 72 15% 4,399
Operating income 329 10.0% 739 19.9% (410) -55% 2,640
Other income 133 4.1% 9 0.2% 124 1378% 1,068
Income before
income taxes 462 14.1% 748 20.2% (286) -38% 3,708
Net income 397 12.1% 484 13.1% (87) -18% 3,186
2. Cumulative Total
JPY U.S. Dollars
(Millions) (Thousands)
1st Qt 2nd Qt 3rd Qt 4Qt Total Total
Net sales 3,276 3,276 26,292
Cost of Sales 2,399 2,399 19,254
Gross Profit 877 877 7,039
SG&A expenses 548 548 4,398
Operating income 329 329 2,640
Other income 133 133 1,067
Income before
income taxes 462 462 3,708
Operating income 397 397 3,186
3. Sales breakdown
JPY U.S. Dollars
(Millions) (Thousands)
1st Qt 1st Qt Change 1st Qt
2001 2000 Change (%) 2001
Circuit Ceramic
Products 1,537 1,815 (278) -15% 12,335
Machinery Ceramic
Products 318 346 (28) -8% 2,552
High Frequency
Products 221 380 (159) -42% 1,774
Capacitor Products 1,200 1,165 35 3% 9,631
Total 3,276 3,706 (430) -12% 26,292
4. Sales breakdown - Cumulative Total
JPY U.S. Dollars
(Millions) (Thousands)
1st Qt 2nd Qt 3rd Qt 4Qt Total Total
Circuit Ceramic
Products 1,537 1,537 12,335
Machinery Ceramic
Products 318 318 2,552
High frequency
Products 221 221 1,774
Capacitor Products 1,200 1,200 9,631
Total 3,276 3,276 26,292