Interim Results

Maruwa Co Ld 08 November 2002 8 November 2002 MARUWA CO., LTD. 3-83, Minamihonjigahara-cho, Owariasahi-city, Aichi-pref., 488-0044 JAPAN FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nagoya- MARUWA CO., LTD. today announced its consolidated business results for the first half of fiscal 2003, the six-month period ended 30 September, 2002 is as follows; *The financial statements are prepared in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in Japan. *US dollar amounts are converted for convenience only at the rate of US$ = 120.60 yen. *Consolidated subsidiaries: 4 companies 1. Summary of Consolidated Results (1) Summary of consolidated statement of income JPY million USD thousand Six month period Six month period Change % Six month period ended ended ended 30 Sept. 2002 30 Sept. 2001 30 Sept. 2002 Net sales 5,430 5,370 1.1% 44,288 Operating income (loss) 272 (46) -- 2,219 Income before income taxes 227 55 312.7% 1,853 Net income 139 24 479.2% 1,132 JPY USD Net income per share 12.62 2.15 487.0% 0.10 (2) Summary of consolidated financial condition JPY million USD thousand Six month period Six month period Change % Six month period ended ended ended 30 Sept. 2002 30 Sept. 2001 30 Sept. 2002 Total Assets 26,447 28,341 -6.7% 215,720 Shareholders' equity 23,746 24,790 -4.2% 193,685 Shareholders' equity ratio 89.8% 87.5% 2.6% 89.8% JPY USD Shareholders' equity per 2,160.06 2,254.98 -4.2% 17.60 share (3) Summary of consolidated statement of cash flows JPY million USD thousand Six month period Six month period Change % Six month period ended ended ended 30 Sept. 2002 30 Sept. 2001 30 Sept. 2002 Cash flows from operating 974 311 213.2% 7,954 activities Cash flows from investing (358) (2,795) -- (2,921) activities Cash flows from financing (245) (167) -- (1,997) activities Cash and cash equivalents 5,841 6,583 -11.3% 47,646 at the end of the period 2. Projections (1) Consolidated earnings forecast for fiscal 2003 (Revised in November 2002) JPY million Net sales 10,300 Net income 255 *Cautionary statements: the above forecasts are forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties. Due to a number of factors, actual results may differ significantly from these estimates. 3. Management Policies (1) Basic management policy 'MARUWA OF CERAMIC MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY' is the corporate vision of MARUWA CO., LTD. and its subsidiaries (together with the Company, 'MARUWA.') For this vision, we strive to enhance the corporate value by following consistently 'quality first' policy, which entails constant technological innovation, and to meet the expectations of all the stakeholders including shareholders, customers, and employees. Under this vision, the Company has set the management policy that the Company will continue to remain as a winning company under business competition by reinforcing its core businesses through selection and concentration, constructing highly profitable structure, and developing products with No.1 share in the niche market at global level. (2) Dividend policy The basic principle in MARUWA's dividend policy is to maintain stable dividend payments to the shareholders. We will determine dividend ratio based on comprehensive assessment of the Company's financial conditions and operation and meeting customers' demand as stated in the Basic Management Policy. (3) Business strategy and management issues In the midst of IT era, in which quick transformation and continuous growth are expected in response to rapidly changing market,MARUWA aims to increase corporate value by bolstering profitability and growth ratio. In order to achieve this goal, we proceed the utilization of our basic technologies such as of ceramic material, of electronic circuit design, and of multi-layering, all which have been accumulated in MARUWA for years, in telecommunication industry. To promote the reform of managerial organization, we changed the conventional internal hierarchical system into more compact and flexible structure. In this structure, the locus of responsibilities for results in each department became clearer, and, the evaluation of each department according to its result has contributed to make the management open. 4. Summary of the Interim Business Environment The Japanese economic climate has been stagnation, influenced by the slowdown of U.S. economy. The electronic components industry to which the Company belongs had also been in a sharp decline since last term. However, MARUWA kept rather slightly firm sales condition due to an increase in demand for stocks during the first quarter as customers' inventory adjustments were completed. Also, the effect of our through internal reform which started in last year of recession began to appear. We are achieving a flexible structure that could create profits even when sales are sluggish in this market sensitive industry. As a result, sales of the six- month period was 5,430 million yen as originally planned, an increase of 60 million yen (1.1 %) compared with the first half period of last year. As for the profits, since we continued to try to cut fixed cost even though there was influence of a decrease in stocks as a result of our intensive effort in shortening lead time, operating income was 272 million yen, an increase of 318 million yen compared with last year's first half period. Net income was 139 million yen, an increase of 115 million yen compared with the first half period of the previous term. The interim dividend to be paid is 7 yen per share as originally planned. Review of operation in each business division is as follows. Circuit Ceramics Circuit Ceramics include ceramic substrates for chip resistors which is one of our core products, glazed ceramic substrates for thermal printer head (TPH,) large ceramic substrates for hybrid ICs, and Aluminium Nitride for power modules. Net sales of this division was 2,351 million yen, an increase of 145 million yen, 6.6 % up compared with the previous interim results. The sales was favorable due to a rise in demand for stocks from the rapid recovery in March to the first quarter period when our customers' inventory adjustments were completed and digital household electronics market was good. Although it turned into a modest adjustment period, in and after the third quarter it tends to be recovered. Machinery Ceramics Machinery Ceramics include magnetic head-supporting blocks for personal computers, and ceramic water valves. Supporting blocks showed favorable sales in Asian markets throughout the first half period. As for the valves, demand rose in the Taiwanese market. Therefore, the total sales of this division was 733 million yen, an increase of 168 million yen, 29.7 % up compared to the previous interim results. Radio Frequency Products Radio Frequency Products include dielectric ceramic filters which are used for cellular phones, base stations and GPS (Global Positioning System,) and VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillators) for cellular phones and other wireless communication. The sales of dielectric filters was influenced by the sharp fluctuations in demand from cellular phone's parts makers; from the first quarter in shape via an adjustment period in the second quarter, it is now on a track to recovery. VCO sales was in a boom especially in Asian markets of cellular phones, wireless LAN and base stations, and LTCC (Low Temperature Co-firing Ceramics) grew as well. As a result, the total sales of this division was 755 million yen, an increase of 219 million yen, 40.9 % up compared with the previous interim results. EMC Components The name of this division was changed in the beginning of this term from 'Capacitor Products' to ' EMC Components' for the purpose of making clear direction of our products. EMC Components division includes noise/surge protecting components such as EMI filtersand chip varistors, and ceramic capacitors of high voltage/high capacitance types. The digital camera market keeps in a good condition, and consequently we faced increasing price pressure especially on Taiwanese components market and forced to accelerate the fall of unit sales prices. As a result, multi-layer ceramic capacitor production was is in a difficult phase, but it bottomed out in August. EMI filters had sales at a low level but firm demand. The divisional sales resulted in 1,591 million yen, a decrease of 472 million yen, 22.9 % down compared with the previous interim result. 5. Financial Condition The amount of cash flow gained from operating activities in the first half of this term was 974 million yen and increased 663 million yen compared with the previous interim result. The income before income taxes for the first half of this year was 227 million yen ( an increase of 172 million yen compared to the last interim result, and the depreciation cost increased slightly to 683 million yen. As for the working capital, the notes and accounts receivable increased to 476 million yen while the accounts payable increased to 222 million yen. The amount of cash flow used in investing activities was 358 million yen, a decrease of 2,437 million yen compared to the last interim result. The payments for purchase of property, plant & equipment resulted in 292 million yen, especially for metal molds and renewal both in Japan and overseas, a decrease of 2,427 million yen compared to the last interim result. The amount of cash flow used in financial activities was 245 million yen, an increase of 78 million yen compared to the last interim result. It mainly includes the payment of long-term debt of 168 million yen and cash dividend paid of 77 million yen. As a result, the amount of cash and cash equivalents at end of the interim period increased 349 million yen to 5,841 million yen compared to the end of last fiscal year. 6. Outlook of the Full Fiscal 2003 In remaining uncertainty due to the bad loan problem and concern about falling stock price in Japan and also the unforeseeable future of the U.S. economy, full-fledged recovery of the domestic economy including consumer spending is not expected. Under these circumstances, in the electronic components industry, especially in Asian markets, the shift to new models of telecommunication appliances such as cellular phones started in a full scale, and it is forecasted that the shipping amount of personal computer-related components will increase. However, there still remain many uncertainties in this industry. In the fiscal year 2002, MARUWA had resulted in a heavy deficit, but the profitability was improved as a result of the internal reforms started in last year. For in this interim period, the foreign exchange loss unexpectedly affected to the income negatively and economic uncertainty still remains, we posted the revised projection of results below. MARUWA, in production, is going to continue to improve profitability by proceeding the incentive reduction of lead time started in last year. In sales operation, we will enhance the flexibility in responding our customers' diverse needs and quick delivery requests, and develop more our sales outlets. In R&D, we will concentrate in developing new high-level technology based on MARUWA's unique material technology to stay ahead of the severe price competition coming particularly in Chinese markets. The revised forecasts of the consolidated business results for the full fiscal year 2003 ended in March 2003 is as follows; Net sales 10,300 million yen Operating income 500 million yen Net income 255 million yen Assuming that these figures will be realized, we are planning to pay dividend at the rate of 7 yen per share at year-end, collectively 14 yen a year together with the interim dividend. *Cautionary statements: the above forecasts are forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties. Due to a number of factors, actual results may differ significantly from these estimates. 6. Consolidated Balance Sheet JPY million JPY million USD thousand Six-month Six-month Year ended Six-month period period period ended 30 Sept. ended 30 Sept. Change % 31 March Change % ended 30 Sept 2002 ASSETS 2002 2001 2002 Current assets: Cash & deposits 5,741 1,364 320.9% 5,492 4.5% 46,830 Notes and accounts 2,889 2,998 -3.6% 2,473 16.8% 23,566 receivable, trade Marketable securities -- 5,219 -- -- -- 816 Inventories 3,451 4,156 -17.0% 3,502 -1.5% 28,148 Deferred income taxes 49 25 96.0% 139 -64.7% 398 Other current assets 456 396 15.2% 560 -18.6% 2,906 Allowance for doubtful (2) (42) -- (26) -- (19) accounts Total current assets 12,584 14,116 -10.9% 12,140 3.7% 102,645 Property, plant & equipment: Land 2,471 2,474 -0.1% 2,473 -0.1% 20,153 Building & structures 5,245 4,518 16.1% 5,348 -1.9% 42,783 Machinery & equipments 11,411 10,733 6.3% 9,258 23.3% 93,079 Other -- -- -- 2,441 -- Construction in 85 740 -88.5% 79 7.6% 693 progress Total 19,212 18,465 4.0% 19,599 -2.0% 156,708 Less-accumulated (7,461) (6,238) -- (7,151) -- (60,859) depreciation Net property, plant & 11,751 12,227 -3.9% 12,448 -5.6% 95,849 equipment Investment & other assets: Investment securities 580 441 31.5% 558 3.9% 4,732 Deferred income taxes -- 22 -- -- -- Property & equipment 1,054 1,080 -2.4% 1,066 -1.1% 8,599 for investments Other 478 455 5.1% 518 -7.7% 3,895 Total investments & 2,112 1,998 5.7% 2,142 -1.4% 17,226 other assets Total assets 26,447 28,341 -6.7% 26,730 -1.1% 215,720 LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Notes & accounts 711 889 -20.0% 508 40.0% 5,800 payable, trade Current portion of 153 199 -23.1% 204 -25.0% 1,252 long-term debt Accrued income taxes 9 12 -25.0% 7 28.6% 74 Accrued bonus 119 -- -- 127 -6.3% 968 Stock purchase 11 -- -- 11 0.0% 88 warrants Other current 881 1,580 -44.2% 655 34.5% 7,186 liabilities Total current 1,884 2,680 -29.7% 1,512 24.6% 15,368 liabilities Long-term liabilities: Long-term debt 705 763 -7.6% 822 -14.2% 5,752 Accrued pension & 30 29 3.4% 17 76.5% 245 severance costs Deferred tax 2 2 0.0% 49 -95.9% 15 liabilities Other 80 77 3.9% 84 -4.8% 655 Total long-term 817 871 -6.2% 972 -15.9% 6,667 liabilities Shareholders' equity: Common stock, 6,683 6,683 0.0% 6,683 0.0% 54,514 authorized: 26,000,000 shares; issued & outstanding: 11,050,000 shares in 2002 Additional paid-in 9,710 9,710 0.0% 9,710 0.0% 79,204 capital Retained earnings 7,859 9,137 -14.0% 7,797 0.8% 64,102 Net unrealized gains 22 20 10.0% 86 -74.4% 183 on other securities Foreign currency (326) (559) -- 171 -- (2,672) translation adjustment Treasury stock, at (202) (201) -- (201) -- (1,646) cost Total shareholders' 23,746 24,790 -4.2% 24,246 -2.1% 193,685 equity Total liabilities & 26,447 28,341 -6.7% 26,730 -1.1% 215,720 shareholders' equity 7. Consolidated Statements of Income USD thousand Six-month Six-month period ended period ended 30 Sept. 30 Sept. Change % Six-month period 2002 2002 ended 30 Sept 2002 Net sales 5,430 5,370 1.1% 44,288 Cost of sales 4,165 4,328 -3.8% 33,967 Gross profit 1,265 1,042 21.4% 10,321 Selling, general & 993 1,088 -8.7% 8,102 administrative expenses Operating income 272 (46) -- 2,219 Other income (expenses): Interest & dividend 2 97 -97.9% 16 income Interest expenses 8 (9) -- 67 Foreign exchange gain (63) (17) -- (511) (loss), net Other, net 8 30 -73.3% 62 Other income, net (45) 101 -- (366) Income before income 227 55 312.7% 1,853 taxes Income taxes: Current 6 12 -50.0% 51 Deferred 82 19 331.6% 670 88 31 183.9% 721 Net income 139 24 479.2% 1,132 8. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows JPY million JPY million Six-month Six-month Year ended Six-month period period period ended 30 Sept. ended 30 Sept. Change % 31 March ended 30 Sept 2002 2002 2001 2002 Operating activities: Income before income 227 55 312.7% (1,288) 1,853 taxes Adjustments for: -- Depreciation 683 719 -5.0% 1,540 5,574 Increase (decrease) in (18) (9) -- (31) (149) allowance for doubtful accounts Decrease in accrued 13 5 160.0% (7) 103 pension & severance costs Loss on disposal of 25 31 -19.4% 47 207 property, plant & equipment Interest & dividends (2) (97) -- (114) (19) income Foreign exchange 35 6 483.3% (59) 284 (gain) loss Write-down of 0 15 -- 27 1 investment securities (Increase) decrease in (476) 982 -- 1,610 (3,879) notes & accounts receivable (Increase) decrease in (18) (287) -- 470 (149) inventories Increase (decrease) in 222 (476) -- (916) 1,811 accounts payable Other 130 (45) -- (281) 1,064 Sub total 821 899 -8.7% 998 6,701 Interest & dividend 2 97 -97.9% 114 20 income received Interest expenses paid (8) (8) -- (21) (65) Income taxes paid 159 (677) -- (860) 1,298 Net cash provided by 974 311 213.2% 231 7,954 operating activities Investment activities: Payments for purchase (292) (2,719) -- (3,729) (2,377) of property, plant & equipment Proceeds from sales of 58 24 141.7% 84 469 property, plant & equipment Payments for purchase (108) (1) -- (172) (876) of investment securities Proceeds from sales of -- -- -- 118 -- investment securities Payments for purchase (16) -- -- -- (133) of stocks of subsidiaries Payments for loans -- (60) -- (60) -- made Collection from loan -- 2 -- 62 -- receivables Increase in 0 (41) -- (89) (4) intangible fixed assets Net cash used in (358) (2,795) -- (3,786) (2,921) investing activities Financing activities: Issuance of long-term -- (100) -- 164 -- debt Payments of long-term (168) 0 -- (200) (1,363) debt Cash dividends paid (77) (67) -- (144) (632) Purchase of treasury 0 (1) -- (1) (2) stock Sales of treasury -- 1 -- 1 -- stock Net cash provided by (245) (167) -- (180) (1,997) (used in) financing activities Effect of exchange (22) (20) -- (27) -183 rate changes on cash & cash equivalents Net increase 349 (2,671) -- (3,762) 2,853 (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents Cash and cash 5,492 9,254 -40.7% 9,254 44793 equivalents at beginning of year Cash and cash 5,841 6,583 -11.3% 5,492 47,646 equivalents at end of the period 9. Segment Information (1) Consolidated business segment information MARUWA's business is comprised of one segment. Therefore, segment breakdown is not applicable. (2) Consolidated geographic segment information JPY million USD thousand Six-month Six-month Six-month period period ended period ended 30 Sept. 30 Sept. Change % ended 30 Sept 2002 JAPAN 2002 2001 Net sales: Unaffiliated customers 3,797 3,751 1.2% 30,970 Intersegment 293 189 55.0% 2,386 Total 4,090 3,940 3.8% 33,356 Operating cost 3,716 3,656 1.6% 30,308 Operating income 374 284 31.7% 3,048 (loss) ASIA Net sales: Unaffiliated customers 1,494 1,494 0.0% 12,189 Intersegment 457 416 9.9% 3,730 Total 1,951 1,910 2.1% 15,919 Operating cost 1,760 1,853 -5.0% 14,357 Operating income 191 57 235.1% 1,562 (loss) EUROPE Net sales: Unaffiliated customers 138 125 10.4% 1,130 Intersegment 1 2 -50.0% 6 Total 139 127 9.4% 1,136 Operating cost 187 142 31.7% 1,525 Operating income (48) (15) -- (389) (loss) TOTAL Net sales: Unaffiliated customers 5,430 5,370 1.1% 44,288 Intersegment 751 607 23.7% 6,123 Total 6,181 5,977 3.4% 50,411 Operating cost 5,663 5,651 0.2% 46,190 Operating income 518 326 58.9% 4,221 (loss) ELIMINATION Net sales: Total 751 607 23.7% 6,123 Operating cost 505 235 114.9% 4,121 Operating income 246 372 -33.9% 2,002 (loss) CONSOLIDATED Net sales: Total 5,430 5,370 1.1% 44,288 Operating cost 5,158 5,416 -4.8% 42,069 Operating income 272 (46) -- 2,219 (loss) (3) Net overseas sales by customer's geographic location JPY million JPY million USD thousand Six-month Six-month Year ended Six-month period period period ended 30 Sept. ended 30 Sept. Change % 31 March ended 30 Sept 2002 2002 2001 2002 Overseas sales: Asia 2,603 2,483 4.8% 4,743 21,233 Europe 114 98 16.3% 228 930 Others 120 115 4.3% 166 979 Total 2,837 2,696 5.2% 5,137 23,142 Consolidated net sales 5,430 5,370 1.1% 9,933 44,288 % of consolidated net sales: Asia 47.9% 46.3% 47.7% Europe 2.1% 1.8% 2.3% Others 2.2% 2.1% 1.7% Total 52.2% 50.2% 51.7% *Overseas sales indicate net sales of the Company and its subsidiaries to customers outside Japan. *Countries are divided in geographical vicinity. *Main countries included in each are a s indicated below; Asia - Malaysia, Taiwan, Korea Europe - Germany, England Others - United States END. This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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