Final Results
Marwyn Value Investors II Limited
11 March 2008
Marwyn Value Investors II Limited (the 'Company')
Final Results
Financial Period ended 31 December 2007
The Company was admitted to trading on the AIM market of the London Stock
Exchange plc ('AIM') on 6 October 2006 raising £33,000,000 from the issue of 33
million ordinary shares at 100p together with the issue of 16.5 million Series
One Warrants and 16.5 million Series Two Warrants.
During the period the Company sought to achieve its investment objective to
maximise its total return through the capital appreciation of its investments
through taking a partnership interest in the Marwyn Neptune Fund LP (the 'Master
Fund') using all its available assets.
As at 31 December 2007 the net asset value per Ordinary Share (disregarding any
potential dilution from the exercise of any warrants) was 125.1p, a 31.0 per
cent. increase on the opening balance per Ordinary Share of 95.5p, taking into
account the costs of the placing and admission to AIM of the Ordinary Shares and
the Series One Warrants and Series Two Warrants.
At 31 December 2007 the price of an Ordinary Share was 102.5p and the price of a
Series One Warrant was 5.5p and the price of a Series Two Warrant was 4p.
The increase in the net asset value reflects the robust performance of the
Master Fund during the period and the Board continues to be optimistic that a
satisfactory return will be achieved in 2008.
Collins Stewart Europe Limited 020 7523 8350
Seema Paterson
Note Revenue Capital Total
£ £ £
Bank interest 30,383 - 30,383
Gains on investments - 9,909,330 9,909,330
held at fair value
through profit or loss
30,383 9,909,330 9,939,713
Directors' fees 39,699 - 39,699
Administration fees 27,257 - 27,257
Legal and professional 12,566 - 12,566
Regulatory expenses 7,445 - 7,445
Audit fees 8,500 - 8,500
Registrars fees 8,859 - 8,859
Exempt fee 2 1,200 - 1,200
Other expenses 44,348 - 44,348
149,874 - 149,874
PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD (119,491) 9,909,330 9,789,839
Return per Ordinary 4 (0.36) 30.03 29.67
Share - basic and
diluted (pence per
The total column of this statement represents the Income Statement of the
Company, prepared in accordance with IFRS. The revenue and capital columns
represent supplementary information prepared under guidance published by the
Association of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement derive
from continuing operations.
31 DECEMBER 2007
31 December 2007 Notes £
Unquoted investments held at fair value 3 41,069,330
through profit or loss
Cash and cash equivalents 273,834
TOTAL ASSETS 41,343,164
Accruals (38,463)
NET ASSETS 41,304,701
Called up share capital 8 3,300,000
Special distributable reserve 26,346,979
Series One Warrant reserve 1,015,866
Series Two Warrant reserve 852,017
Capital reserve - Unrealised 9,909,330
Revenue reserve (119,491)
TOTAL EQUITY 41,304,701
Net asset value per Ordinary share - 5 125.17
basic and diluted (pence per share)
Called up Special Series Two
share distributable Series One Warrant Revenue
capital Share reserve Warrant reserve Capital reserve Total
premium reserve reserve
£ £ £ £ £ £ £ £
Issue of 3,300,000 27,733,798 - 1,069,338 896,864 - - 33,000,000
shares and
Profit for - - - - - 9,909,330 (119,491) 9,789,839
the period
Share and - (1,386,819) - (53,472) (44,847) - - (1,485,138)
warrant issue
Transfer to - (26,346,979) 26,346,979 - - - - -
3,300,000 - 26,346,979 1,015,866 852,017 9,909,330 (119,491) 41,304,701
Notes Period to 31
December 2007
Cash flows from operating activities £
Interest received 30,383
Operating expenses paid (111,411)
Net cash outflow from operating activities 6 (81,028)
Cash flows from operating activities
Acquisition of investments (31,160,000)
Cash flows from financing activities
Issue of own shares and warrants 33,000,000
Payment of share and warrant issue costs (1,485,138)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 273,834
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of -
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 273,834
31 DECEMBER 2007
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IFRS, which
comprise standards and interpretations approved by the IASB, and Standing
Interpretations approved by the IASC that remain in effect, together with the
applicable legal and regulatory requirements of The Companies (Guernsey) Law,
1994 and the AIM rules published by the London Stock Exchange.
The principal accounting policies are set out below.
(a) Convention
The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost
convention, except for the measurement at fair value of financial assets held at
fair value through the profit or loss.
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with IFRS requires
management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the
application of policies and the reported amounts of assets and liabilities,
income and expenses. The estimates and associated assumptions are based on
historical experience and various other factors that are believed to be
reasonable under the circumstances, the results of which form the basis of
making judgements about the carrying values of assets and liabilities that are
not readily apparent from other sources. Actual results may differ from these
The estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Revisions to accounting estimates are recognised in the period in which the
estimate is revised if the revision affects only that period or in the period of
revision and future periods if the revision affects both current and future
(b) Income
Interest receivable on cash deposits is accounted for on an accruals basis.
(c) Unquoted investments held at fair value through profit or loss
The Fund classifies its investment into the Marwyn Neptune Fund L.P. as a
financial asset at fair value through profit or loss. This financial asset is
designated by the Board of Directors at fair value through Profit or Loss at
inception. The designation results in more relevant information as the
investment is evaluated on a fair value basis in accordance with its investment
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss at inception
are those that are managed and their performance evaluated on a fair basis in
accordance with the Company's documented investment strategy.
Unquoted investments are stated at fair value as determined by the Directors
using appropriate valuation techniques. Changes in the fair value of investments
held at fair value through the profit or loss are recognised in the Income
Statement. On disposal realised gains and losses are also recognised in the
Income Statement. Unrealised gain and losses on the disposal of investments are
taken to the capital reserve - unrealised.
The Company recognises unquoted investments held at fair value through profit
and loss on the date it commits to purchase the instruments.
Derecognition of investments occurs when the rights to receive cash flows from
the investments expire or are transferred and substantially all of the risks and
rewards of ownership have been transferred.
The Company's interest in the Master Fund will be valued by the Directors on the
basis of the NAV of the Master Fund as provided by the Master Fund Administrator
at the period end. The NAV of the Master Fund, Marwyn Neptune Fund LP, will be
determined by the Master Fund Administrator by deducting the fair value of the
liabilities of the Master Fund from the fair value of the Master Fund's assets.
The Master Fund is unquoted and accordingly the fair value of the investment is
determined using a valuation technique based on assumptions that are not
supported by prices from observable current market transactions in the same
instrument (i.e. without modification or repackaging) and not based on available
market data.
(d) Expenditure
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis and are charged through the
Income Statement.
The Manager will not receive a management or performance fee from the Company in
respect of funds invested by the Company in the Master Fund. The Manager will be
entitled to fees and expenses from the Master Fund.
The Company will pay brokers' commissions (if any) and any issue or transfer
taxes chargeable in connection with its investment transactions. Transaction
costs incurred on the acquisition or disposal of an investment are charged to
capital through the Income Statement in the period in which they are incurred.
(e) Cash and cash equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents comprise bank balances held by the Company including
short-term bank deposits with an original maturity of three months or less. The
carrying value of these assets approximates to their fair value.
(f) Share and warrant issue costs
Share and warrant issue costs are placing expenses directly relating to the
issue of the Company's shares. These expenses include fees payable under the
Placing Agreement, printing, advertising and distribution costs and legal fees
and any other applicable expenses.
(g) Functional and presentation currency
Items included in the financial statements of the Company are measured using the
currency of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (the
functional currency). The financial statements are presented in pounds sterling,
which is the Company's functional and presentation currency.
(h) Liabilities
Financial liabilities are recognised when the Company becomes a party to the
contractual agreements of the instrument.
Financial liabilities are derecognised from the balance sheet only when the
obligations are extinguished either through discharge, cancellation or
(i) Equity
Called up share capital is determined using the nominal value of shares that
have been issued.
Special distributable reserve is a reserve to allow, amongst other things, the
buy-back and cancellation of up to 14.99% of ordinary shares. Capital reserve
comprises gains and losses due to the revaluation of unquoted investments held
at fair value through profit or loss.
Revenue reserve includes all current and prior period results of operations as
disclosed in the income statement excluding any gains and losses due to
revaluation of investments held at fair value. Warrant Reserves pertains to
proceeds allocated to the warrants. Any transaction costs associated with the
issuance of warrants are deducted from Warrant Reserve
(j) Segment reporting
The Directors are of the opinion that the Company is engaged in a single
geographic and economic business segment. The Company holds one investment in a
Cayman Island Limited Partnership.
(k) Presentation of information
In order to better reflect the activities of an investment company in accordance
with the guidance issued by the Association of Investment Companies ('AIC'),
supplementary information which analyses the Income Statement between items of a
revenue and capital nature has been presented alongside the Income Statement.
On the basis that the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with
IFRS, the directors have not sought to prepare the financial statements on a
basis compliant with the recommendations of the Statement of Recommended
Practice ('SORP') for investment trusts issued by the Association of Investment
Companies ('AIC'), except for the Income Statement presentation discussed above.
These are the inaugural financial statements for the Company and therefore there
are no comparative figures available
The company has been granted exempt status under the Income Tax (Exempt Bodies)
(Guernsey) Ordinance 1989, and is therefore subject to the payment of an annual
fee which is currently £600.
31 December 2007
At cost £
Marwyn Neptune Fund L.P.
Class A GBP 31,160,000
Unrealised gain 9,909,330
At fair value 41,069,330
The Company invests only in the Marwyn Neptune Fund, a Caymans-based hedge fund.
For example the Company's only investment is £31,160,000 class A GBP shares of
the Marwyn Neptune Fund LP. The Neptune Fund is managed by Marwyn Investment
Managers LLP, the active hedge fund investor specialising in establishing and
investing in experienced management teams with buyout and consolidation
strategies through public and private special purpose acquisition platforms. The
Company's investment in Class A of the Marwyn Neptune Fund L.P. ('Master Fund')
represents 39.68% of the Class A net assets and 28.87% of the Master Fund.
Objective of Marwyn Neptune Fund
Offering exposure to early-stage primarily UK and European companies of up to
£500,000 Enterprise Value. Preference for investments in companies operating in
regulated sectors or those impacted by changing regulation e.g. waste,
utilities, leisure and financial services.
Accelerated call feature
If the mid-market closing price on AIM as shown by Bloomberg shall be 130 pence
or more in the case of the Series One Warrants or 150 pence or more in the case
of the Series Two Warrants for any 20 or more trading days out of a period of 30
consecutive trading days, the Company shall become entitled at the close of AIM
on the 30th consecutive trading day to give notice to the relevant holders of
Series One Warrants or Series Two Warrants as applicable.
The notice referred to in the paragraph above must be sent in writing by the
Company to the relevant holders within two trading days of the thirtieth
consecutive Trading Day, stating that the Company will treat the Series Two
Warrants as exercised at the relevant subscription price on the date falling 21
days from the date of the notice.
On exercise of the Warrants, the Company will sell any shares that would have
been issued on exercise and (after deducting the costs of exercise), remit the
proceeds to the holder and after this time all rights under those Warrants will
For full details of the rights of the Warrants, please see the Admission
Document or contact the Administrator.
Strategy of Marwyn Neptune Fund
- To fill the funding gap between private equity and conventional public market
- To focus on recruiting and supporting experienced and proven management teams
in developing and executing their strategies;
- To focus on sectors where regulatory change provides opportunities to leverage
new or unrecognised capital value;
- To provide companies and management teams with 'hands on' execution capability
that enables them to deliver on their organic and acquisition-led strategies;
- To provide investee companies and management teams with the benefit of Marwyn
team's relationships with providers of leverage finance and institutional equity
finance, together with our advisory support network.
The calculation of basic earnings per share is based on the net revenue deficit
of £119,491, and net capital gain of £9,909,330, on ordinary activities for the
period and on 33,000,000 Ordinary Shares in issue throughout the period.
As at 31 December 2007 the price of the Ordinary Shares was 100p and at no point
during the period did the share price reach the exercise price of the Series One
Warrants (115p) or the Series Two Warrants (130p). As the average price of the
Ordinary Shares during the period was less than the exercise price of both
classes of warrants there was no dilution in the Earnings per Ordinary Share.
The calculation of net asset value is based on the net assets of £41,304,701 and
on the ordinary shares in issue of 33,000,000 at the balance sheet date.
As the price of the Ordinary Shares (100p) was below the exercise price of the
Series One Warrants (115p) and the Series Two Warrants (130p) there was no
dilution in the net asset value per ordinary share.
Net profit for the period 9,789,839
Gains on investments held at fair value through (9,909,330)
profit or loss
Increase in creditors 38,463
Net cash outflow from operating activities (81,028)
At the placing on 6 October 2006, for each Ordinary Share the subscriber also
received one half Series One Warrant and one half Series Two Warrant.
Exercise price pence End of subscription period Allotted
Series One Warrants 115 05 October 2008 16,500,000
Series Two Warrants 130 05 October 2009 16,500,000
200,000,000 ordinary shares of £0.10 each 20,000,000
Allotted and fully paid
33,000,000 ordinary shares of £0.10 each 3,300,000
Premium on new share issues 27,733,798
Share issue costs (1,386,819)
Transfer to special distributable reserve (26,346,979)
Balance as at 31 December 2007 -
Each member of the Company, on a poll, shall have one vote for each share of
which he is the holder. On a show of hands, every member present at General
Meeting shall have one vote.
On a winding up or return of capital, prior to conversion in each case, shall be
applied as follows:
(a) the Ordinary Share Surplus shall be divided amongst the Ordinary
Shareholders pro rata according to their holdings of Ordinary Shares.
(b) the balance of the capital and assets of the Company, (if any) shall be
divided amongst the Ordinary Shareholders pro rata according to their holdings
of Ordinary Shares.
A special distributable reserve was created when, as stated in the Admission
Document, the company cancelled all of its share premium account (as approved in
the Royal Court of Guernsey on 26 January 2007), transferring it to a
distributable reserve to allow, amongst other things, the buy-back and
cancellation of up to 14.99% of the Ordinary Shares.
The proceeds from the issue of the placing were split between the Ordinary
Shares (share capital and share premium account), the Series One Warrant reserve
and the Series Two Warrant reserve based on the weighted average value of the
Ordinary Shares and Warrants in issue at the close of business on the first day
of trading. The weighted average value was calculated using the mid prices of
the Ordinary Shares and Warrants as quoted on AIM.
The main risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are Market Risk
and Liquidity Risk.
Market Risk
The Company's exposure to market risk consists of Interest Rate Risk and Other
Price Risk. Interest Rate Risk
The Company finances its operations through a mixture of shareholders' capital
and retained returns. With the exception of cash at bank, which receives
interest at a floating rate, all assets and liabilities of the Company are
non-interest bearing. No further interest rate risk disclosure has been provided
as all material amounts, with the exception of cash at bank, are non-interest
The following table details the Company's exposure to Interest Rate Risk.:
Less than 1 month Non - interest bearing Total
31-Dec-07 £ £ £
Unquoted investments at fair value - 41,069,330 41,069,330
through profit or loss
Cash and cash equivalents 273,834 - 273,834
Total assets 273,834 41,069,330 41,343,164
Payables and accruals - 38,463 38,463
Total liabilities - 38,463 38,463
Total interest sensitivity gap 273,834
Other Price Risk
The main price risks arising from the Company's financial instruments are
movements in the value of the investment in the Master Fund. The Company's
investment portfolio complies with the investment parameters as disclosed in its
Admission document. The board manages the market price risks inherent in the
investment portfolio by ensuring full and timely access to relevant information
from the Investment Manager. The board receives monthly reports from the
Administrator of the Master Fund. The board meets regularly and at each meeting
review investment performance.
A 10% increase/decrease in the market price of the Master Fund would result in a
9.9 % increase/decrease in the basic net asset value per Ordinary Share as at
the balance sheet date.
The company's exposure to other changes in market prices at 31 December 2007 on
its unquoted equity investments were as follows;
Unquoted investments at fair value through profit or loss 41,069,330
The impact on net income and equity of price volatility as of 31 December 2007
is as follows
Observed Volatility Rates Impact of Increase Impact of Decrease
Increase (%) Decrease (%) Net Income £ Equity £ Net Income £ Equity £
Investment in 2.70 (3.25 1,107,640 1,107,640 (1,332,700) (1,332,700)
Master Fund
This level of change is considered to be reasonably possible based on
observation of current market conditions.
The Company's investment in the Master Fund is relatively illiquid as it invests
a significant part of its assets in illiquid investments. The Master Fund and/or
Company may not be able to readily dispose of such illiquid investments and, in
some cases, may be contractually prohibited from disposing of such investments
for a specified period of time.
The board manages the liquidity risks inherent in the investment portfolio by
ensuring full and timely access to relevant information from the Investment
Manager and Administrator to the Company. The board meets regularly and at each
meeting review the company's short term cash requirements and contractual
financial liabilities.
The Company's investment is realisable only on the monthly trading date. As
stated in the Admission Document, the Board has permitted the Company to invest
in a single holding, being the Master Fund, a Caymans-based hedge fund.
The policy is that the Company should remain fully invested in normal market
conditions and that shares in the investment should be sold to manage short-term
cash requirements.
The following table shows the contractual, undiscounted cash flows of the
Company's financial liabilities:
31-Dec-07 Less than 1 month 1-3 months Total
£ £ £
Payables and accruals 29,963 8,500 38,463
Under the Management Agreement dated 20 February 2006. If, and to the extent
that the Fund invests its assets only in the Master Fund, the Manager shall not
receive any fees. In respect of any assets of the Fund not invested in the
Master Fund, the Manager shall receive aggregate performance and management fees
on the same basis as those to which it would have been entitled if such assets
had been those of the Master Fund.
Under the master Fund Management Agreement, the Manager will receive monthly
management fees from the Master Fund not exceeding 2% per annum of the net asset
value of each class of share in the Master Fund, payable monthly in arrears. In
addition, the Master Fund also pays the Manager performance and incentive fees
equal to 20% of the increase in the net asset value of each class of share in
the Master Fund over and above a reference net asset value, with performance and
incentive fees only therefore paid where the net asset value Is above a 'high
watermark' for the relevant class of share. The Manger does not receive a
performance fee in relation to its investments which are categorised as Special
Situation Investments.
Investment Manager
Under the Investment Management Agreement dated 20 February 2006. If, and to the
extent that the Fund invests its assets only in the Master Fund, the Manager
shall not receive any fees. In respect of the assets of the Fund which are not
invested in the Master Fund, the Manager shall pay the Investment Manager
aggregate performance and management fees on the same basis as those to which it
would have been entitled if such assets had been those of the Master Fund.
Collins Stewart Europe Limited ('Collins Stewart')
Under an engagement letter dated 13 September 2006 from Collins Stewart to the
Company, Collins Stewart has agreed to act as nominated adviser and broker to
the Company for the purposes of the AIM Rules for no fee. The appointment may be
terminated at any time by either party immediately on written notice being
received and the letter contains certain indemnities given by the Company in
favour of Collins Stewart.
David Williams and Robert Ware will not receive a fee and both David Warr and
Ian Clarke will receive a fee of £15,000 per annum for their role as director.
All Directors are entitled to receive reimbursement for all travel and other
costs incurred as a direct result of carrying out their duties as Directors.
The Administrator performs the necessary secretarial and administrative services
for the Company under the Administration Agreement. The Administrator is paid an
annual fee of £20,000. The Administrator is also entitled to reimbursement of
certain expenses incurred by it in connection with its duties.
During the period fees of £27,257 were payable to the Administrator, Fortis Fund
Services (Guernsey) Limited, with £10,000 outstanding at the period end. Ian
Clarke is a Director of both the Company and the Administrator.
The Company's capital management objectives are;
- to ensure that it will be able to continue as a going concern, and
- to maximise the income and capital return to its equity shareholders
The Company's capital at 31 December comprises:
Called up share capital 3,300,000
Special distributable reserve 26,346,979
Series One Warrant reserve 1,015,866
Series Two Warrant reserve 852,017
Capital reserve - Unrealised 9,909,330
Revenue reserve (119,491)
TOTAL CAPITAL 41,304,701
The Board, with the assistance of the Investment Manager monitors and reviews
the broad structure of the Company's capital on an ongoing basis
The Company is subject to externally imposed capital requirements which are as
- As an AIM listed company, the Company has to have a minimum share capital of
- In order to be able to pay dividends out of profits available for distribution
by way of dividends, the Company has to be able to meet one of the two capital
restriction tests imposed on investment companies by company law.
These requirements are unchanged since inception, and the Company has complied
with them.
Registered office
PO Box 119
Martello Court
Admiral Park
St. Peter Port
Guernsey GY1 3HB
Nominated Adviser and Broker Investment Manager to the Master Fund
Collins Stewart Europe Limited and the Company
9th Floor Marwyn Investment Management LLP
88 Wood Street 11 Buckingham Street
London EC2V 7QR London WC2N 6DF
Administrator to the Company Legal Advisers to the Company as
Fortis Fund Services (Guernsey) Limited to Guernsey Law
PO Box 119 Carey Olsen
Martello Court 7 New Street
Admiral Park St Peter Port
St Peter Port Guernsey GY1 4BZ
Guernsey GY1 3HB
Manager to the Master Fund and Registrar
the Company Capita IRG (CI) Limited
Marwyn Capital Management Limited 2nd Floor
PO Box 309GT, Ugland House 1 Le Truchot
South Church Street, George Town St Peter Port
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands Guernsey GY1 4AE
Grant Thornton Limited
PO Box 313
Anson Court
Le Route des Camp
St Martin
Guernsey GY1 3TF
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange