Bluehone AiM VCT2 plc (the Company)
Result of General Meeting
The Company announces that at the General Meeting of Shareholders convened and held on Wednesday 30 March 2011, the Resolution to approve the proposed change of investment policy received the necessary majority of votes and was accordingly passed.
At the record date for the General Meeting, being 28 March 2011, the total number of voting rights in the Company stood at 59,277,137 and the total shares in issue were 59,277,137. In accordance with the provisions of D.2.2 of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance, the Company advises that for the General Meeting, valid proxy appointments were made in respect of 8,671,993 shares and that proxy voting on the Resolution was as follows:
For: 7,719,787
Against: 934,516
Withheld: 17,690
The Resolution will shortly be available for inspection at the National Storage Mechanism, which is located at
The voting figures will also be available to view on the Company's website at
Maven Capital Partners UK LLP
30 March 2011