Final Results
22 September 1999
McBride plc
Preliminary Announcement for the Year ended 30 June 1999
McBride plc, the largest manufacturer of private label household and
personal care products in Europe, announces its preliminary results for
the year ended 30 June 1999.
*Sales up 6.1% from £468.4 million to £496.8 million.
*Operating profit of £34.9 million, before operating exceptional items
and goodwill amortisation, compared with £38.4 million.
*Profit of £30.0 million before operating exceptional items of £11.7
million, goodwill amortisation and taxation compared with £34.1 million.
*Proposed final dividend of 5.0 pence giving a total dividend of 7.5
*Earnings per share of 12.7 pence, before operating exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation, compared with 14.6 pence.
*Interest cover before operating exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation was 7.1 times.
*Acquisition of Vitherm in France and Globol Chemicals in the United
*New product launches in the year included textile washing tablets, new
aircare range and award winning fabric conditioner bottles.
*Rationalisation programme to lower the cost base through factory
closures and other actions successfully implemented.
*Opened new factory in Poland to supply customers in the growing Central
and Eastern European markets.
Commenting on the results, Mike Handley, Chief Executive, said:
'We have encountered a difficult trading environment in 1998/99,
particularly in the United Kingdom, but this has not deflected us from our
key objectives of holding and improving market shares, increasing our
efficiency and building for the future. During the last year McBride has
made further significant progress and we remain confident in the future
prospects for the Group. Today's announcement that we have acquired
Wrafton Laboratories Limited gives McBride an entry into the strategically
important OTC medicines market. We are confident that McBride's
commercial skills combined with Wrafton's technical and product expertise
will provide exciting new opportunities for McBride. The current trading
and outlook for the year are consistent with market expectations.'
For further information please contact:
McBride plc 01494 607050
Mike Handley, Chief Executive and Deputy Chairman
Terry Monks, Group Finance Director
Financial Dynamics 0171 831 3113
Andrew Dowler
Preliminary Results Review
1998/99 was a challenging year for McBride with a mixed performance across
the business. Our markets in the UK, where we are a key supplier to the
major UK retailers remained very competitive throughout the year. In
Continental Europe, we achieved further sales growth and an improved level
of profitability successfully integrating the businesses acquired in the
previous financial year.
We also saw further evidence of the major Continental European retailers
recognising the consumer benefits and margin opportunities of retailer
brands. During the last financial year retailer brand share of the total
grocery market in the UK was maintained at over 40% while in the major
markets of Continental Europe the equivalent share was between 12% and
20%. The levels of retailer brand share in the product categories
manufactured by McBride was marginally down in the UK with household
categories at 26% and in personal care a decline of 3% to 19%. In the
Continental Europe markets the private label and minor brand share rose by
1% to 20%.
It was also a year of considerable structural change with a new
organisation structure announced in February and a rationalisation
programme which has involved the closure of three factories and
significant operational improvements in a fourth factory.
Sterling reported sales in the year were £496.8 million compared with
£468.4 million in the previous year which was an increase of 6.1%. The
trading profit, before operating exceptional items and goodwill
amortisation, was £34.9 million compared with £38.4 million in 1997/98.
Profit before taxation for the year before operating exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation was £30.0 million compared with £34.1 million last
year. Earnings per share, again before operating exceptional items and
goodwill amortisation was 12.7 pence compared with 14.6 pence last year.
The Board is recommending a final dividend of 5.0 pence, unchanged from
last year, which brings the total dividend for the year to 7.5 pence which
is the same as the previous year.
The discernible increase in competitor activity that was noted in last
year's report and commented on further at the time of our interim results
persisted throughout the year. However, McBride has continued the
programme of new product innovation, competitive pricing and a continued
focus on providing high levels of service to all our customers. In
general, whilst raw material prices remained broadly favourable during the
year and further efficiency improvements were achieved in the factories
the competitive pressures, particularly in the UK eroded prices and
margins. The rationalisation programme which was announced in February was
substantially completed by the end of June 1999 and the benefits will be
seen in the current financial year.
United Kingdom
The heavy brander marketing activity continued throughout the year and
resulted in sales of the UK business declining to £265.1 million compared
with £272.9 million in the previous year. The total market for household
products grew further during the year but in the face of the brander
activity the retailer brand share did not keep pace with the growth of the
overall market. McBride successfully launched a number of new products
together with packaging initiatives with a number of key customers. In
particular a range of retailer brand textile washing tablets was
successfully launched and gained significant market share during the year.
The UK market for personal care products remained competitive throughout
the year with branded manufacturers spending heavily on marketing and
promotional initiatives. As a consequence the retailer brand share of the
haircare and bath products markets, in particular, declined in the year.
In this difficult market McBride had particular success with Hairsprays,
Bath Foam, Shower Gels and Deodorants.
The programme of capital expenditure was maintained with investment in the
Barrow textile powder and tablet factory and the integrated management
information system using SAP R/3 software.
The acquisition of Globol Chemicals in October 1998 took McBride into the
expanding market for continuous aircare products. Globol manufactures a
range of home fragrance and odour neutralising products and under
McBride's management new business opportunities were developed.
Continental Europe
Sales in Continental Europe increased by 18.5% during the year to £231.7
million compared with £195.5 million in the previous financial year. This
substantial improvement was achieved through organic growth in the key
French market helped by the contributions from acquisitions. In France,
which is McBride's second largest market, the trend in selling price
deflation largely abated and the value of the private label and minor
brand packaged grocery sector grew by 11%. McBride achieved growth in
sales volumes and increased market share in a number of product areas. In
the Netherlands sales grew further as McBride began to see the full
benefit of the acquisition of Grada and the launch of a range of retailer
brand household products towards the end of the financial year. In Spain,
where sales had grown significantly in recent years, the loss of a
contract resulted in sales being flat in 1998/99. In both Italy and
Belgium satisfactory sales growth was achieved.
The Polish business, which was acquired at the end of the previous
financial year, grew substantially in 1998/99. Production was successfully
relocated to new factory premises which will provide considerable further
capacity together with the facility to consolidate the distribution of
existing sales to Poland from other group factories. Demand is growing
rapidly for our products in the Polish market which includes providing
improved retailer brand ranges to West European retailers who are
investing heavily in Central and Eastern European markets.
The purchase of Vitherm in France in September 1998 represented a
strategically important acquisition as it further enhanced our leadership
position in household products. The company consolidated production on a
single site during the year and will make an improved contribution to
Group results in the coming financial year.
In December 1998 the Group announced a rationalisation programme involving
the closure of three factories. These closures have been substantially
achieved together with a programme to change working practices in one of
our Belgian factories. The cost of this reorganisation has been charged as
an operating exceptional item and amounted to £11.7 million. This
rationalisation programme was a fundamental part of McBride's strategy to
reduce the structural cost base and improve competitiveness which was
referred to in last year's Report and Accounts.
Although the results for 1998/99 were disappointing, McBride's business
remains sound. The rationalisation of the cost base together with the
management reorganisation announced at the time of our interim accounts
will both provide an improved business structure for the future. All of
our employees have responded well during a year of considerable change and
in a very challenging business environment. McBride will continue to
pursue its strategy of growing its share of the private label and minor
brand markets in the current year.
Allen Sheppard, Chairman
Mike Handley, Chief Executive and Deputy Chairman
22 September 1999
Consolidated profit and loss account
operating Operating
exception exception Year Year
al items al items ended 30 ended 30
£m £m June June
1999 1998
£m £m
Continuing operations 483.4 - 483.4 468.4
Acquisitions 13.4 - 13.4 -
Total turnover 496.8 - 496.8 468.4
Operating profit
Continuing operations 33.7 (11.7) 22.0 38.4
Acquisitions (before goodwill
amortisation) 1.2 - 1.2 -
34.9 (11.7) 23.2 38.4
Goodwill amortisation (on
acquisition) (0.4) - (0.4) -
Total operating profit 34.5 (11.7) 22.8 38.4
Interest receivable and
similar 0.1 - 0.1 0.4
Interest payable and similar (5.0) - (5.0) (4.7)
Profit on ordinary activities
before 29.6 (11.7) 17.9 34.1
Tax on profit on ordinary (7.5) 1.2 (6.3) (8.5)
Profit on ordinary activities
after 22.1 (10.5) 11.6 25.6
Equity minority interest (0.1) - (0.1) -
Profit for the financial year 22.0 (10.5) 11.5 25.6
Dividends (13.4) - (13.4) (13.1)
Retained (loss)/profit for the
financial year 8.6 (10.5) (1.9) 12.5
Earnings per ordinary share
* Basic 6.5 14.6
* Diluted 6.5 14.5
* Adjusted basic before
goodwill amortisation and
operating exceptional 12.7 14.6
Balance sheets
Group Group Company Company
As at As at As at As at
30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June
1999 1998 1999 1998
£m £m £m £m
Fixed assets
Intangible assets 9.6 - - -
Tangible assets 147.7 142.2 0.2 0.2
Investments - - 164.0 158.2
Total fixed assets 157.3 142.2 164.2 158.4
Current assets
Stocks 52.6 55.2 - -
Debtors 93.1 91.4 63.7 51.6
Cash at bank and in hand 4.7 8.2 - -
150.4 154.8 63.7 51.6
Creditors: amounts falling due
within (150.2) (146.0) (34.8) (29.2)
one year
Net current assets 0.2 8.8 28.9 22.4
Total assets less current 157.5 151.0 193.1 180.8
Creditors: amounts falling due
after (90.2) (73.3) (18.0) (5.0)
more than one year
Provisions for liabilities and
charges (16.3) (26.6) (15.0) (16.8)
Net assets 51.0 51.1 160.1 159.0
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital 17.8 17.5 17.8 17.5
Share premium account 139.3 139.3 139.3 139.3
Profit and loss account (106.2) (105.8) 3.0 2.2
Equity shareholders' funds 50.9 51.0 160.1 159.0
Equity minority interest 0.1 0.1 - -
Net assets 51.0 51.1 160.1 159.0
These financial statements were approved the Board of Directors on 22
September 1999 and were signed on its behalf by:
M Handley
T J Monks
Consolidated cash flow statement
Year Year Year Year
ended 30 ended 30 ended 30 ended
June June June 30 June
1999 1999 1998 1998
£m £m £m £m
Cash flow from operating 48.2 61.5
Returns on investments and
servicing of finance (5.1) (4.7)
Taxation (6.8) (9.8)
Operating cash flow after
taxation and finance costs 36.3 47.0
Capital expenditure
Cash expenditure on fixed (20.6) (21.8)
Disposal of fixed assets 1.4 0.3
(19.2) (21.5)
Purchase of subsidiary and
undertakings (8.1) (6.0)
(Overdraft)/cash acquired with
subsidiaries (0.6) 0.4
Other payments (2.0) -
Deferred consideration payments (11.8) (0.9)
(22.5) (6.5)
Equity dividends paid (13.2) (12.5)
Cash flow before financing (18.6) 6.5
Financing 14.8 (7.9)
Decrease in cash in the year (3.8) (1.4)
Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
Year Year
ended 30 ended
June 30 June
1999 1998
£m £m
Decrease in cash in the year (3.8) (1.4)
Cash outflow from movement in debt and
lease (16.5) 7.4
Movement on finance leases 1.8 0.5
Change in net debt resulting from cash (18.5) 6.5
Loans and finance leases acquired with (1.5) (7.8)
Translation differences 0.1 1.9
Movement in net debt in the year (19.9) 0.6
Net debt at the beginning of the year (66.4) (67.0)
Net debt at the end of the year (86.3) (66.4)
Consolidated statement of total recognised gains and losses
Year Year
ended ended
30 June 30 June
1999 1998
£m £m
Profit for the financial year 11.5 25.6
Unrealised foreign currency differences 0.5 (1.2)
Total recognised gains and losses relating to
the financial year 12.0 24.4
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds
Year Year
ended ended
30 June 30 June
1999 1998
£m £m
Profit for the financial year 11.5 25.6
Equity dividends (13.4) (13.1)
Retained (loss)/profit for the financial year (1.9) 12.5
New share capital subscribed (including
merger 2.8 -
Unrealised foreign currency differences 0.5 (1.2)
Goodwill written off (1.5) (17.1)
Opening shareholders' funds 51.0 56.8
Closing shareholders' funds 50.9 51.0
Notes to the financial statements
Segmental Information
Year Year
ended ended
30 June 30 June
1999 £m 1998
Turnover by destination is analysed by
area as follows:
United Kingdom 258.1 266.6
Continental Europe 232.9 197.0
Rest of World 5.8 4.8
496.8 468.4
Turnover by geographical origin is analysed
United Kingdom 265.1 272.9
Continental Europe 231.7 195.5
496.8 468.4
Turnover by class of business is analysed as
Household products 406.1 371.2
Personal care products 90.7 97.2
496.8 468.4
Operating profit by geographical origin is
as follows:
United Kingdom 18.6 27.5
Continental Europe 4.2 10.9
Operating profit 22.8 38.4
Net interest payable (4.9) (4.3)
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 17.9 34.1
Operating profit is after charging operating exceptional items of £3.0
million in respect of the United Kingdom business and £8.7 million in
respect of the Continental Europe business. In addition the United
Kingdom business includes goodwill amortisation of £0.3 million and the
Continental Europe business includes goodwill amortisation of £0.1
Household products 27.2 35.4
Personal care products (4.4) 3.0
Operating profit 22.8 38.4
Net interest payable (4.9) (4.3)
Profit on ordinary activities before tax 17.9 34.1
Operating profit is after charging operating exceptional items of £4.8
million in respect of the household business and £6.9 million in respect
of the personal care business. In addition the household business
includes goodwill amortisation of £0.4 million.
Operating profit by class of business is
analysed as follows:
As at As at
30 June 30 June
1998 1997
£m £m
Net assets by geographical origin are
analysed as
United Kingdom 81.6 75.1
Continental Europe 88.5 76.1
170.1 151.2
Non operating liabilities (119.1) (100.1)
Net assets 51.0 51.1
Non operating liabilities include cash less short and long-term
borrowings, provisions for liabilities and charges and dividends.
It is not possible to provide an analysis of the net assets by class of
business as a number of the Group's operating sites manufacture both
Household and Personal care products.
1. The financial information set out above for the year ended 30 June
1999 does not constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of
the Companies Act 1985, but is derived from those accounts. The statutory
accounts for the year ended 30 June 1998 have been delivered to the
Registrar of Companies and those for 1999 will be delivered following the
Company's Annual General Meeting. The auditors have reported on those
accounts; their reports were unqualified and did not contain statements
under Section 237 (2) of (3) of the Companies Act 1985.
2. The Annual Report for 1999 will be issued to shareholders on 6
October 1999 and will be available from the Company Secretary at the
Company's registered office, McBride House, Penn Road, Beaconsfield,
Buckinghamshire HP9 2FY; the Annual General Meeting will be held on 28
October 1999.
3. The calculation of earnings per share is based on the profit on
ordinary activities after taxation divided by the average number of shares
in issue during the year of 176,869,413 (1998: 175,088,010).
4. If approved at the Annual General Meeting on 28 October 1999, the
final dividend of 5.0p per share will be paid on 22 November 1999 to
shareholders on the register at 22 October 1999.