Holding in Company

McInerney Holdings PLC 2 October 2001 McInerney Holdings Plc 02 October 2001 Re: Holding in Company A Letter from McInerney Holdings Plc dated 01 October 2001 to the Irish Stock Exchange, received by the Irish Stock Exchange on the 01 October 2001. This is to inform you that the Company was notified today of the following : - Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited holds an interest of 2,923,928 shares in the capital of the Company representing 9.21% of the issued capital. Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited has previously notified an interest of 3,177,973 shares in the capital of the Group being 10.02% of the issued capital. Mark Shakespeare Company Secretary A Letter from Merrill Lynch Investment Managers dated 25 September, 2001 to McInerney Holdings Plc, received by McInerney Holdings Plc on the 01 October 2001. Irish Companies act 1990 ss 67 -89 We are advised that there has been a change of circumstances affecting the interests which Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited has in the relevant share capital of your company which have previously been disclosed to you under the above Act. Save where specifically identified to the contrary such interests arise by reason of discretionary investment management arrangements entered into by us or by our affiliates in the Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited. Each such affiliate is interested in the relevant share capital to the extent set out in the attachment and, where applicable, this letter constitutes disclosure on behalf of such affiliates. Relevant details of such interests are set out in the attachment to this letter. Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited Company Name: McInerney Holdings Plc Class of Shares: Eur0.125 Ordinary Shares Date : 24th September, 2001 Total: Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Limited - 2,923,928 (9.21%) Made up as follows: Registered Holder Number Investment Management Company Beneficial (if known) of Shares (if separately disclosable) Interests? (Yes/No) Nutraco Nominees Ltd 208,276 No (Designated & Undesignated) Merrill Lynch Nominees Ltd 41,724 Yes A/C Noncert Credit Suisse London 462,322 No Nominees Ltd Nortrust Nominees Ltd 869,597 No MSS Nominees Ltd 497,000 No BT Globenet Nominees Ltd 391,649 No Chase Nominees Ltd 453,360 No Total 2,923,928
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