Interim Results

McInerney Holdings PLC 26 September 2001 McInerney Holdings plc Interim Statement 2001 Overview The Directors report the Group's interim results for the period ended 30th June 2001. A profit before tax of Euro4.130m was recorded. This compares with Euro7.639m for the corresponding period in 2000. Group turnover in the six-month period increased by 3% from Euro66.711m to Euro68.724m. Basic earnings per share were 9.51 cents compared with 18.24 cents for the same period in 2000. The profit attributable to Group shareholders was Euro 3.016m compared with Euro5.785m for the first half of 2000. As it has been achieved in a more challenging economic environment, we are satisfied with this performance. These first half results are in line with indications given at our Annual General Meeting that earnings would be more pronounced towards the second half of the year. The profit shortfall in the first half is mainly due to the number of start up projects that have commenced but will only contribute to our profits in the second half. We still expect a stronger second half performance from all our divisions that will provide a satisfactory full year result. As is our practice no dividend is proposed based on our interim results. The Directors expect to propose a dividend in 2002 based on the results for the year ending 31st December 2001. Review of Operations The Group's operations are divided into Irish housebuilding and contracting, commercial property development, Spanish leisure development and UK activities. Housebuilding Division The number of house completions for the six-month period was 245 compared with 227 for the same period in 2000. However it should be noted that margins on the completions in 2000 were higher than the current period due to the product mix. The Group has control of a quality, broadly spread land bank, which will be sufficient to meet the requirements of our housebuilding division over the coming years. The bulk of this land bank is focussed on servicing the first time buyer market in urban areas, where demand remains strong. In recent years our contracting operations have been generating strong returns. We have secured a number of local authority housing contracts in Dublin, Cork and Waterford and we anticipate further opportunities to emerge in this area. Commercial Division Hillview Securities' Millennium Business Park at Ballycoolin in west Dublin made solid progress in the first half. This project of 56,000 square metres is being developed in four phases. The first phase of 12,000 square metres has sold well. Profit recognition from the closure of these sales will come in the second half of the year. Spanish Division The Spanish division is completing its successful Carib Playa freehold development near Marbella. The bulk of the sales completions at this location will take place in the second half of the year. The Group has also commenced development of a second major freehold development at Los Flamingos in the same region and a significant number of deposits have already been achieved at this new location. Demand at Los Flamingos has been well ahead of initial expectations. Seventy units are already reserved representing a total sales value of Euro25m. The focus on rentals at the Group's Four Seasons Country Club at Marbella continues to pay dividends with increased operating profits from this activity during the period. UK Division William Hargreaves, continues to develop, though slowly, under McInerney's guidance. A new Regional Director was appointed for the UK at the start of 2001 followed by further strengthening of management personnel. The Group, therefore, intends to increase the rate of capital investment in our UK operations as opportunities arise. A number of other specific opportunities are currently being examined. Outlook The Group looks forward to a stronger second half performance that should bring a satisfactory result for the full year. We believe the Company is well placed for the opportunities and challenges of 2002. Roy B. Ferris Chairman MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the period ended 30 June 2001 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) TURNOVER INCLUDING GROUP SHARE OF JOINT VENTURES 71,083 67,947 178,120 Less: Share of Joint Ventures Turnover (2,359) (1,236) (3,784) GROUP TURNOVER 68,724 66,711 174,336 COST OF SALES (57,055) (52,945) (141,17) GROSS PROFIT 11,669 13,766 33,160 Administrative Expenses (6,400) (5,405) (12,525) GROUP OPERATING PROFIT 5,269 8,361 20,635 Share of Operating Profits in Joint 396 498 1,210 Ventures TOTAL OPERATING PROFITS INCLUDING JOINT 5,665 8,859 21,845 VENTURES Surplus on disposal of Investment 51 191 277 Properties Interest Payable and Similar Charges (1,586) (1,411) (3,019) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE 4,130 7,639 19,103 TAXATION Taxation Charge arising on Ordinary (1,114) (1,854) (4,432) Activities PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER 3,016 5,785 14,671 TAXATION Proposed Dividend - - (1,110) PROFIT RETAINED FOR THE PERIOD 3,016 5,785 13,561 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 9.51 c 18.24 c 46.32 c FULLY DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 9.04 c 17.36 c 43.98 c MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 June 2001 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 Euro'000 Euro'000 (unaudited) (audited) FIXED ASSETS Intangible Assets 5,724 5,733 Tangible Assets 9,448 7,007 Financial Assets Joint Ventures: Share of Gross Assets 11,158 12,353 Share of Gross Liabilities (10,789) (12,111) Loans 1,859 1,858 2,228 2,100 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 17,400 14,840 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 138,311 105,710 Debtors 19,487 13,405 Cash at Bank and in Hand 5,363 11,582 163,161 130,697 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due within one year) Bank Loans and Overdrafts 28,270 13,925 Trade and Other Creditors 55,646 54,830 83,916 68,755 NET CURRENT ASSETS 79,245 61,942 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 96,645 76,782 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due after more than one year) Bank Loans 45,834 29,817 Other Creditors 2,580 1,786 48,414 31,603 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Deferred Taxation 651 651 47,580 44,528 FINANCED BY : CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up Share Capital 3,964 3,964 Capital Conversion Reserve Fund 62 62 Share Premium Account 16,295 16,294 Revaluation Reserve 138 171 Profit and Loss Account 27,121 24,037 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS - ALL EQUITY 47,580 44,528 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period ended 30 June 2001 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 Euro'000 Euro'000 (unaudited) (audited) Net Cash Outflow from operating activities (27,527) (8,039) DIVIDENDS RECEIVED FROM JOINT VENTURES 103 76 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest Received 49 124 Interest Paid (1,626) (2,969) Interest element of Finance Lease payments (4) (6) (1,581) (2,851) TAXATION (4,044) (4,479) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of Tangible assets (2,786) (3,457) Sale of Tangible Assets 185 940 Investment in Financial Assets 268 525 (2,333) (1,992) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (1,110) (804) Net Cash Outflow before Financing (36,492) (18,089) FINANCING Share Capital Subscribed 1 32 Repayment of Loans (4,552) (17,373) Proceeds from Borrowings 33,887 35,358 Capital Element of Finance Lease Rentals (91) (165) 29,245 17,852 Decrease in cash in period (7,247) (237) MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT For the period ended 30 June 2001 1. Basis of preparation of Interim Financial Information The Interim Financial Information has been prepared on the going concern basis, and on the basis of the other accounting policies set out in the Group's published accounts for the year ended 31 December 2000. 2. Segmental Analysis of Turnover and Profit 30 June 30 June 31 December 2001 2000 2000 Euro'000 Euro'000 Euro'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Group Turnover Private Housing 39,664 34,715 90,756 Land & Sites 5,118 447 13,526 Contracts 10,447 6,211 19,650 Leisure 5,236 1,270 7,304 Commercial 1,531 6,157 10,631 UK Construction 6,728 17,911 32,469 Total Group Turnover 68,724 66,711 174,336 Profit before Interest & Taxation Private Housing 4,516 6,491 14,453 Land & Sites 909 409 2,662 Contracts 969 1,124 2,398 Leisure 1,073 380 2,089 Commercial 176 1,427 2,341 UK Construction (505) 477 767 Segment Profits 7,138 10,308 24,710 Common Costs (1,077) (932) (2,088) Costs incurred in on-going Development / Acquisition Activities (345) (326) (500) Net Interest Payable (1,586) (1,411) (3,019) Profit Before Taxation 4,130 7,639 19,103 3. Taxation The taxation charge for the period is estimated based on the results for the period. 4. Reconciliation of movement in Group Shareholders' Funds Euro'000 (unaudited) Opening Shareholders' Funds as at 1 44,528 January 2001 Retained Profit for the period 3,016 Proceeds of new Share Subscription 1 Currency Translation Adjustment 35 Closing Shareholders' Funds as at 30 47,580 June 2001 During the period 4,500 options were exercised at a price of Euro0.44 per share. 26 September, 2001
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