Preliminary Results

McInerney Holdings PLC 4 April 2001 Wednesday 4th April 2001 PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT Financial Results for Year ended 31 December 2000 McInerney Holdings plc experienced another year of successful progress in 2000, with further increases in profitability being recorded across all divisions. Financial Highlights The Directors are pleased to report a pre-tax profit of Euro19.103m (IR£ 15.045m), an increase of 35% on the 1999 result of Euro14.155m (IR£11.148m). Basic earnings per share in 2000 were Euro46.32cents (IR36.48p) as compared to Euro35.31 cents (IR27.81p) in 1999. Profit after tax for the year was Euro14.671m (IR£11.554m). This is an increase of 37% on the result of Euro10.732m (IR£8.452m) in 1999. Group turnover rose from Euro109.666m (IR£86.37m) in 1999 to Euro174.336m (IR£ 137.301m) in 2000. These trading results reflect a strong performance from all the operating divisions of the Group. Irish housebuilding was again the major contributor to Group profitability, completing 652 housing units in 2000 as against 600 in 1999. Good trading conditions were experienced in all our main markets. The Group's Irish contracting operation and its commercial and leisure divisions also increased their contribution to the results. Dividend Based on these results, the Group is proposing to pay an interim gross dividend of 3.5 cents (IR2.76p) in lieu of a final dividend. This will be paid on 27th April 2001, to shareholders registered at 17th April 2001. Operational Highlights The results constitute a strong performance by the Group's operating divisions, with the housing, commercial and leisure activities each increasing their respective contribution to overall Group profitability. Residential The number of Irish house completions during the year was 652, of which 586 were in private housing and 66 were in contract housing. A substantial number of planning permissions were finalised in the last quarter of the year. Planning permissions on hand at year-end were 3,294 compared with 1,970 a year earlier. These permissions are primarily secured on sites aimed at our target market of first and second time buyers, where demand is strongest. Construction on a number of these new sites commenced in the first quarter of 2001. The Group has control of a geographically well spread, and strategically purchased land bank. Our ongoing land bank management policy, has resulted in a quality asset being available to meet the business plans of our Irish housing division in the medium term. During the year, a number of disposals of sites and land parcels achieved a good result for the Group. In line with the above policy, further land sale revenues are already contracted for 2001. In recent years our contracting operations have been generating greater returns. We were particularly pleased with the increased profit in this area in 2000. Commercial Hillview Securities continues to generate solid returns due to strong demand for light industrial units, particularly in the greater Dublin area. During the year Hillview commenced development of the Millennium Business Park, a 40 acre site at Ballycoolin in north west Dublin. This project of 56,000 sq.metres of industrial space will be developed in four phases. The first phase of 12,000 sq.metres of industrial units will be substantially complete in 2001 and at the initial launch 4,700 sq.metres were reserved. The company has also commenced a development of 6,000 sq.metres of industrial units at Euro Business Park, Little Island, Cork. Leisure The Four Seasons Country Club at Marbella performed well in 2000. The focus on rentals continues to yield a good return. Rental demand is strong and good prices are being achieved. A further 28 rental apartments in three blocks are under construction. The first phase of 12 units will be completed in time for this year's Summer season. Construction of the 72 freehold apartments at Carib Playa is progressing well. 24 sales closed during the year, with the balance of closings targeted for 2001. Only a small number of units remain unsold at this point. A replacement freehold project has been identified and will be launched later this year when all necessary permissions have been secured. UK Activities William Hargreaves, our small developer based in Bolton, continued to make progress in its first full year under McInerney guidance, resulting in a modest profit for the Group. We have an ongoing development programme for this division. Three small housing projects were secured and further new sites have been identified. A Group Regional Director has recently been appointed. The Future The current year should be one of further progress for the Group. Economic growth remains positive favouring all divisions. Our strategy to diversify our earnings base continues to prove successful and increase returns. The Government's social housing programme offers growing opportunities in the contracting area over the period of the National Development Plan. Demographic forecasts are advantageous for our house building division. The Group's experience and knowledge of the market is a strong asset going forward. Good sales have been recorded since the selling season commenced in February. However, house price escalation in 2001 is expected to be lower than in 2000. Cost increases in the economy must be contained, as the level of construction cost inflation remains in excess of general inflation. As referred to earlier a substantial number of planning permissions were secured in the last quarter of 2000. The Autumn selling season was slower than normal and as a result, proportionately more of our house completions in 2001, will be achieved in the second half, rather than in the first half of the year. The first quarter of this year has been shown good demand with 236 sales recorded, as compared to 139 for the same period last year. Deposits on hand are also favourable with 325 deposits recorded at the end of March 2001, compared with 288 at the end of March 2000. The Group's strategy in Spain to expand activities in the market is generating good returns. The generally improved European economic environment is expected to further benefit the Group's Spanish operations. In the UK marketplace, we will continue to seek additional investment opportunities. Our commercial division has a solid base with two industrial parks and is seeking further follow on projects. Our impressive profit performance in recent years, solid capital base and strong management team will provide a platform for the further growth and geographic diversification of our business. R.B.Ferris Chairman MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the year ended 31 December 2000 2000 1999 Euro'000 Euro'000 TURNOVER INCLUDING GROUP SHARE OF JOINT VENTURE 178,120 111,185 Less: Share of Joint Venture Turnover (3,784) (1,519) GROUP TURNOVER 174,336 109,666 COST OF SALES (141,176) (86,655) GROSS PROFIT 33,160 23,011 Administrative Expenses (12,525) (8,519) GROUP OPERATING PROFIT 20,635 14,492 Share of Operating Profits in Joint Ventures 1,210 250 TOTAL OPERATING PROFITS INCLUDING JOINT 21,845 14,742 VENTURES Surplus on disposal of Investment Properties 277 1,580 Interest Payable and Similar Charges (3,019) (2,167) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 19,103 14,155 Taxation Charge arising on Ordinary (4,432) (3,423) Activities PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 14,671 10,732 Proposed Dividend (1,110) (804) PROFIT RETAINED FOR THE YEAR 13,561 9,928 BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 46.32 c 35.31 c FULLY DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 43.98 c 33.39 c The Auditors have confirmed that they will be issuing an unqualified opinion on the accounts from which the financial information set out on pages 4 to 8 for the year ended 31 December 2000 has been extracted. The Financial information for the year ended 31 December 1999 has been extracted from audited accounts on which the Auditors issued an unqualified opinion and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 31 December 2000 2000 1999 Euro'000 Euro'000 FIXED ASSETS Intangible Assets 5,733 6,042 Tangible Assets 7,007 4,934 Financial Assets Joint Ventures: Share of Gross Assets 12,353 9,004 Share of Gross Liabilities (12,111) (9,020) Loans to Joint Ventures 1,858 2,383 2,100 2,367 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 14,840 13,343 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 105,710 64,995 Debtors 13,405 12,613 Cash at Bank and in Hand 11,582 11,793 130,697 89,401 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due within one year) Bank Loans and Overdrafts 13,925 19,444 Trade and Other Creditors 54,830 43,356 68,755 62,800 NET CURRENT ASSETS 61,942 26,601 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 76,782 39,944 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due after more than one year) Bank Loans 29,817 6,287 Other Creditors 1,786 1,818 31,603 8,105 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Deferred Taxation 651 921 44,528 30,918 FINANCED BY : CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up Share Capital 3,964 3,955 Capital Conversion Reserve Fund 62 62 Share Premium Account 16,294 16,271 Revaluation Reserve 171 371 Profit and Loss Account 24,037 10,259 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS - ALL EQUITY 44,528 30,918 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2000 2000 1999 Euro'000 Euro'000 Net Cash (Outflow) / Inflow from operating (8,039) 2,159 activities DIVIDENDS RECEIVED FROM JOINT VENTURES 76 38 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest Received 124 165 Interest Paid (2,969) (2,072) Interest element of Finance Lease payments (6) (13) (2,851) (1,920) TAXATION (4,479) (1,836) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Purchase of Tangible assets (3,458) (960) Sale of Tangible Assets 940 4,520 Investment in Financial Assets 530 188 (1,988) 3,748 ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKING - (5,953) EQUITY DIVIDENDS PAID (804) (542) Net Cash Outflow before Financing (18,085) (4,306) FINANCING Share Capital Subscribed 30 9,114 Repayment of Loans (17,373) (15,044) Proceeds from Borrowings 35,358 18,307 Capital Element of Finance Lease payments (167) (143) 17,848 12,234 (Decrease) / Increase in cash in year (237) 7,928 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH FLOW TO MOVEMENT IN NET DEBT For the year ended 31 December 2000 2000 1999 Euro'000 Euro'000 (Decrease) / Increase in cash in year (237) 7,928 Cash inflow from increase in debt and lease (17,820) (5,531) financing Changes in net debt resulting from cashflows (18,057) 2,397 Loans acquired with subsidiary undertaking - (6,801) New finance leases (416) (106) Movement in net debt for the year (18,473) (4,510) Net debt as at 1 January 2000 (14,176) (9,666) Net debt as at 31 December 2000 (32,649) (14,176) MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2000 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION Segmental Analysis of Turnover and Profit 2000 1999 Euro'000 Euro'000 Turnover Private Housing 90,756 77,647 Land & Sites 13,526 1,614 Contracts 19,650 13,086 Leisure 7,304 2,762 Commercial 10,631 4,679 UK Construction 32,469 9,878 Total Turnover 174,336 109,666 Profit before Interest & Taxation Private Housing 14,453 13,767 Land & Sites 2,662 140 Contracts 2,398 1,307 Leisure 2,089 1,172 Commercial 2,341 2,062 UK Construction 767 (207) Segment Profits 24,710 18,241 Common Costs (2,088) (1,569) Costs incurred in on-going Development / Acquisition Activities (500) (350) Net Interest Payable (3,019) (2,167) Profit Before Taxation 19,103 14,155 Segmental Analysis of Net Assets 2000 1999 Business Sectors Euro'000 Euro'000 Continuing Activities Private Housing 48,388 25,410 Leisure 9,482 6,808 Commercial 10,305 5,410 UK Construction 10,375 9,667 Net Operating Assets 78,550 47,295 Unallocated Liabilities (1,862) (2,439) 76,688 44,856 Net Borrowings (32,160) (13,938) Total Net Assets 44,528 30,918 All activities are located in Ireland with the exception of Leisure, which is located in Spain, and UK Construction, which is located in the North of England. Segment profits include the profit on disposal of Investment Properties where applicable.
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