Re: Interim Results

McInerney Holdings PLC 11 September 2003 Thursday 11th September 2003 McInerney Holdings plc Interim Statement for the six months to 30th June 2003 Highlights: Pre-tax profits increased by 17% to €8.53m (2002: €7.30m) Earnings per share up 20% to 21.00 cent (2002: 17.47 cent) 355 completed unit sales in Irish Housing 181 completed unit sales in UK Housing 34 completed sales at Los Flamingos, Marbella McInerney Holdings plc reports a profit before taxation of €8.53m for the period ending 30th June 2003. This compares to €7.30m for the corresponding period last year and is an increase of 17%. Group turnover increased from €111.3m to €138.5m. Basic earnings per share were 21.00 cent compared to 17.47 cent for the same period in 2002, representing an increase of 20%. The Directors are very pleased with this performance and note with particular satisfaction the increasing contribution of our UK business to the Group's result. This accomplishment reflects favourable market conditions and good product positioning which supported a strong level of sales being achieved across all key areas. This has resulted in both our Irish and UK housing divisions being strongly forward sold into the latter half of the year. Consequently, the Directors are confident of a strong second half result and overall result for the year. Dividend The Directors are pleased to report further progress in our dividend policy, with the commencement of the payment of an interim dividend with the half-year results. This interim dividend of 5 cent gross will be paid on Friday, 3rd of October 2003 to shareholders on the register on Friday, 19th September 2003. Corporate Share activities in June saw some substantial blocks of our shares trading on the market. As a result, the Group now has a more diversified shareholding base incorporating a broad range of investors, which provides for improved liquidity in our shares going forward. It is pleasing to note the purchase of a significant block of the shares by the Group's senior management team, doubling their stake to around 17%. This highlights their commitment and confidence in the Group's operations and growth strategies. Ireland The Irish private house building division demonstrated a solid performance for the first six months. It constructed and handed over some 355 units compared to 369 for the same period last year. There will be a very strong level of completions in the second half of the year. As a result, an increase in the full year completions from 879 in 2002 to over 900 in 2003 is expected. The demand for housing in the Group's core first time buyer markets continues to be strong and we continue to position our product in this sector. A positive result was recorded by our housing contracting division. This division will contribute favourably to the Group's full year result. Hillview Securities, the Group's commercial division has commenced the process of upgrading tenancies and disposing of individual units at the recently acquired Hibernian Industrial in West Dublin. This is progressing very satisfactorily and will reflect positively on Hillview's results in 2003 and 2004. Plans are in progress to maximise the opportunity presented by our recent acquisition of the extension premises of the Eyre Square Shopping Centre, Galway. Whilst, the market for industrial units remains quiet in many areas, Hillview is broadening its market spread with the recent purchase of a new industrial site in Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow. As indicated at the AGM, a good result is expected from this division in 2003. UK The performance this year of our UK division has also been solid. It has achieved critical mass in the North West England market. It is ideally placed to take advantage of emerging growth opportunities. It is also well on course to achieve the Group's five year strategy to enlarge the UK business to a situation where it corresponds in size to our successful Irish house building operation. A buoyant sales record has been achieved for the first six months with 181 sales completed compared to 53 for the same period in 2002. Another good performance in the second half of the year is anticipated. The Group is actively seeking opportunities for regional expansion in the UK marketplace. Spain In the first half of 2003, sales of 34 apartments at the Los Flamingos development were closed. It is expected that a total of 79 units will be closed by year-end, completing the first phase of the development. The favourable positioning of our rental product at Alanda Club, Marbella has enabled us to achieve growth in this year's slower market. The Group is actively considering new opportunities, which should lead to further profit growth in this division in future years. Outlook We are on course to achieve our five-year strategic growth plan. The full year result will continue this growth pattern and a strong performance is anticipated. Roy Ferris Chairman ENDS FOR INFORMATION: Siobhan Molloy Weber Shandwick FCC Tel: (01) 676 01 68 or (086) 817 50 66 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT For the period ended 30 June 2003 30 June 30 June 31 December 2003 2002 2002 €'000 €'000 €'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) TURNOVER INCLUDING GROUP SHARE OF JOINT VENTURES Continuing Operations 139,973 101,794 231,148 Acquisitions - 10,641 30,453 139,973 112,435 261,601 Less: Share of Joint Ventures Turnover (1,504) (1,179) (3,547) GROUP TURNOVER 138,469 111,256 258,054 COST OF SALES (115,738) (91,921) (213,876) GROSS PROFIT 22,731 19,335 44,178 Administrative Expenses (11,948) (9,927) (19,885) GROUP OPERATING PROFIT Continuing Operations 10,783 8,736 22,199 Acquisitions - 672 2,094 10,783 9,408 24,293 Share of Operating Profits in Joint Ventures Continuing Operations 744 740 986 Acquisitions - (11) 945 TOTAL OPERATING PROFITS INCLUDING JOINT VENTURES 11,527 10,137 26,224 Interest Payable and Similar Charges (2,999) (2,836) (5,600) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION 8,528 7,301 20,624 Taxation Charge arising on Ordinary Activities (1,663) (1,609) (4,220) PROFIT ON ORDINARY ACTIVITIES AFTER TAXATION 6,865 5,692 16,404 Proposed Dividend (1,634) - (2,039) PROFIT RETAINED FOR THE PERIOD 5,231 c 5,692 c 14,365 c BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 21.00 c 17.47 c 50.32 c FULLY DILUTED EARNINGS PER SHARE 20.33 c 16.83 c 48.49 c MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET As at 30 June 2003 30 June 30 June 31 December 2003 2002 2002 €'000 €'000 €'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) FIXED ASSETS Intangible Assets 13,819 16,959 15,084 Tangible Assets 14,544 11,446 13,786 Financial Assets Joint Ventures: Share of Gross Assets 12,141 8,423 9,057 Share of Gross (10,763) (7,866) (8,263) Liabilities Loans to Joint 2,800 1,063 3,238 Ventures 4,178 1,620 4,032 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 32,541 30,025 32,902 CURRENT ASSETS Stocks 197,502 154,367 178,994 Debtors 43,699 33,352 30,700 Cash at Bank and in Hand 23,422 21,015 20,994 264,623 208,734 230,688 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due within one year) Bank Loans and Overdrafts 39,924 32,283 23,642 Trade and Other Creditors 113,397 82,324 106,992 153,321 114,607 130,634 NET CURRENT ASSETS 111,302 94,127 100,054 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES 143,843 124,152 132,956 CREDITORS (Amounts falling due after more than one year) Bank Loans 60,862 56,394 55,615 Other Creditors 3,550 4,465 3,710 64,412 60,859 59,325 PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES AND CHARGES Deferred Taxation 1,158 353 1,173 78,273 62,940 72,458 FINANCED BY : CAPITAL AND RESERVES Called up Share Capital 4,086 4,076 4,078 Capital Conversion Reserve Fund 62 62 62 Share Premium Account 16,443 16,329 16,358 Revaluation Reserve 2,159 138 2,159 Profit and Loss Account 55,523 42,335 49,801 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS - ALL EQUITY 78,273 62,940 72,458 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the period ended 30 June 2003 30 June 30 June 31 December 2003 2002 2002 €'000 €'000 €'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Net Cash (Outflow) / Inflow from operating activities (10,726) (4,069) 12,984 DIVIDENDS RECEIVED FROM JOINT VENTURES - 100 576 RETURNS ON INVESTMENTS AND SERVICING OF FINANCE Interest Received 71 76 145 Interest Paid (2,938) (3,010) (5,827) Interest element of Finance Lease payments (14) (19) (38) (2,881) (2,953) (5,720) TAXATION (2,395) (3,405) (4,942) CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FINANCIAL INVESTMENT Expenditure on Tangible assets (1,563) (2,553) (3,456) Sale of Tangible Assets 133 39 208 Investment in Financial Assets 438 389 (1,663) (992) (2,125) (4,911) ACQUISITION OF SUBSIDIARY UNDERTAKING - (9,770) (10,309) EQUITY DIVIDEND PAID (2,039) (1,465) (1,465) Net Cash Outflow before Financing (19,033) (23,687) (13,787) FINANCING Share Capital Subscribed 93 35 66 Repayment of Loans (17,427) (3,447) (59,456) Proceeds from Borrowings 35,744 13,587 74,550 Capital Element of Finance Lease Rentals (161) (123) (242) 18,249 10,052 14,918 (Decrease) / Increase in cash in period (784) (13,635) 1,131 MC INERNEY HOLDINGS PLC NOTES TO THE INTERIM REPORT For the period ended 30 June 2003 1. Basis of preparation of Interim Financial Information The Interim Financial Information has been prepared on the going concern basis, and on the basis of the other accounting policies set out in the Group's published accounts for the year ended 31 December 2002. 2. Segmental Analysis of Turnover and Profit 30 June 30 June 31 December 2003 2002 2002 €'000 €'000 €'000 (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) Group Turnover Ireland: Private Housing 60,165 57,152 137,189 Developed Sites & Land 9,973 8,500 10,624 Contracts 17,913 10,635 29,151 Commercial 6,205 1,300 1,970 Commercial Land - 5,587 6,429 Spain: Leisure 15,577 3,753 13,219 Land - 6,297 6,297 United Kingdom: Private Housing 24,920 9,966 36,676 Developed Sites & Land - - 2,476 Contracts 3,716 8,066 14,023 Total Group Turnover 138,469 111,256 258,054 Profit before Interest & Taxation Ireland: Private Housing 7,190 7,944 18,643 Developed Sites & Land 1,980 1,983 2,977 Contracts 529 (626) (747) Commercial 547 64 386 Commercial Land - 1,068 1,022 Spain: Leisure 1,285 439 1,996 Land - 931 931 United Kingdom: Private Housing 2,145 584 3,164 Developed Sites & Land - - 729 Contracts (121) (205) 1,021 Segment Profits 13,555 12,182 30,122 Common Costs (1,528) (1,540) (2,929) Costs incurred in on-going Development / Acquisition Activities (104) (103) (175) Goodwill (396) (402) (794) Net Interest Payable (2,999) (2,836) (5,600) Profit Before Taxation 8,528 7,301 20,624 3. Taxation The taxation charge for the period is estimated based on the results for the period. 4. Reconciliation of movement in Group Shareholders' Funds €'000 (unaudited) Opening Shareholders' Funds as at 1 January 2003 72,458 Retained Profit for the period 5,231 Proceeds of new Share Subscription 93 Currency Translation Adjustment 491 Closing Shareholders' Funds as at 30 June 2003 78,273 During the period 10,000 options were exercised at a price of €0.44 per share and a further 50,000 options were exercised at a price of €1.75 per share. This announcement has been issued through the Companies Announcement Service of the Irish Stock Exchange. END This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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