Acquisition of Interest

Meikles Africa Ld 8 December 1999 MEIKLES AFRICA LIMITED NOTICE TO SHAREHOLDERS OF THE INTENTED ACQUISITION OF SHARES IN KINGDOM FINANCIAL HOLDINGS LIMITED Meikles Africa Limited, the Southern African-based hotel and retail group quoted on the Zimbabwe and London Stock Exchanges, announces its agreement to acquire a 25 per cent stake in Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited ('Kingdom') following the issue of shares by Kingdom, a financial services group which is listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Following our cautionary announcements, shareholders are aware that the directors of Meikles Africa have been engaged in discussions with the directors of Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited ('Kingdom'), a financial services group listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. As a result of these discussions, Meikles Africa and Kingdom have agreed to work together on a retail banking initiative, on the basis of which Meikles Africa has agreed to subscribe for 74,425,407 Kingdom shares at a price of Z$3.50 per share. The retail banking initiative is to be driven by a business plan which will decide on the feasibility of retail banking utilising Meikles Africa's retail outlets, and of sourcing appropriate retail banking expertise. The subscription agreement governing the issue of Kingdom shares to Meikles Africa provides for the effective subscription price paid by Meikles Africa to be increased from Z$3.50 up to a maximum of Z$4.00 per share if predetermined income targets for the year ending 31st December 2000 are achieved. The price of Z$3.50 represents a premium of 9% to the price at which Kingdom shares were trading prior to publication of the initial cautionary announcement on 18th September 1999. Subject to certain conditions precedent being fulfilled, including approval by Kingdom shareholders and the satisfactory completion of Meikles Africa's due diligence on Kingdom, the subscription will be taken up on 31st December 1999. Meikles Africa will then become a 25% shareholder in Kingdom and Messrs. A.C.L. Parvin and C.D. Golding will join the Kingdom board as non-executive directors. Meikles Africa has also agreed to regulate its shareholding in Kingdom through a shareholders agreement with certain Kingdom executives, which provides that for a period of not less than five years certain key decisions will only be taken if a consensus exists. Kingdom is releasing a circular to shareholders which details the transaction on 9th December 1999. The directors of Meikles Africa Limited: * are satisfied that the subscription price paid for the Kingdom shares is justified * each confirm that they have no direct or indirect beneficial interest in the transaction * confirm that Meikles Africa has sufficient working capital to meet its requirements for the foreseeable future * confirm that there have been no material adverse changes in the financial and trading position of Meikles Africa since its last financial year * accept full responsibility for the information contained in this notice and certify that to the best of their knowledge and belief there are no other facts whose inclusion would have rendered this notice misleading and that they have taken appropriate steps to ascertain the relevant facts. By order of the Board of Meikles Africa Limited 8 December 1999 6th Floor, 99 Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare Company Secretary A.P. Lane-Mitchell


Meikles Ltd. (MIK)
UK 100