Chairman's Statement for Half Year ended 30 June 2008
The six months period to 30 June 2008 continued to be extremely difficult with conditions creating an environment where the prosperity and survival of some local operations were dependant on the overall strength and structure of Kingdom Meikles balance sheet and cash flows. The Group's financial services, foreign assets and operations together with export earnings were key to revenue generation and maintaining real values in uncertain Zimbabwean trading conditions. The terms of the Kingdom Meikles US$31m deposit with the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) were successfully re-negotiated with effect from 1 January 2008 further strengthening the Group's asset base. We are grateful to the RBZ Governor and his team for the resolution of this substantive matter.
The Group has focused on the preservation of capital being mindful that investment in assets must provide returns to continue future trading cycles. Exports of bulk tea, textile product, foreign exchange trading in the financial services group and the performance of the hotels, from a foreign currency earnings perspective, were all satisfactory, given the local constraints to produce goods and services at the added value level.
The financial services businesses have had to contend with a volatile trading environment, so maintaining a very strong balance sheet structure and profit generation requires a shift to an earnings flow aside from net interest income. This policy has proved successful, but as is the case in all forms of business in Zimbabwe at present, strategies are short term and have to be flexible to contend with the changing environment.
The merger between the former Meikles Africa Limited Group, Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited, Tanganda Tea Company Limited and Cotton Printers (Private) Limited was effective from 31 December 2007. From a statutory financial statements presentation point of view the comparatives in the Group income statement refer to the former Meikles Africa Group. However, for information purposes an indicative segmental income statement has been presented.
Any comment on financial information is based on the inflation adjusted financial statements.
Group subsidiary/divisional reports for 6 months to 30 June 2008
Kingdom Financial Holdings Ltd
Operating profits increased by 367% to $678 quadrillion.
Group cash inflows amounted to $141 quadrillion.
Interest and non-interest income contributed 4% and 96%, respectively.
Net interest margin was 53% compared to the prior year of 46%.
Cost to income ratio came down marginally to 14% from 15%.
A modern Point of Sale system was successfully rolled out within our Kingdom Meikles local till points in retail and hotel subsidiaries and the Kingdom Bank merchant clientele.
Meikles Africa Hotels
Operating profits increased by 8.6% to $29 quadrillion.
Group room occupancy increased by 8% to 42%.
In US dollar terms, revenue per available room was flat for Zimbabwe operations, but increased by 17% at the Cape Grace.
Refashioning budgeted at US$8 million for Cape Grace has progressed and is on target for completion by the start of the fourth quarter busy season.
Maintenance of Zimbabwe operations is at a level to ensure Leading Hotels of the World standards are satisfied and a phased refashioning of the Victoria Falls Hotel has commenced.
Tanganda Tea Company Ltd
Operating profits increased by 514% to $92 quadrillion.
Tea production was 4 089 tonnes, 12% down on prior year. Shortage of labour and irregular weather patterns were the main constraints.
Exports of bulk tea, at 2 962 tonnes were 2% down on prior year.
Approved US$1,6 million foreign loan facilities will ensure the mechanisation project advances with plucking machines being a priority to increase production capacity given the shortage of labour.
World tea prices remain constant.
Operating loss reduced from $79 quadrillion to $59 quadrillion.
Suppliers are driving harder for cash terms.
Product availability was constrained by low manufacturing output and available cash flows for local and imported goods.
There was focus on optimising retail space with available stock.
Key retail sites have been retained and retail systems were improved.
Frequent electricity outages resulted in increased costs.
Margins are under pressure because of cost of supply.
Introduction of Kingdom Bank Point Of Sale devices has been successful.
One new TM branch has been completed and two are still under construction. Openings are determinant on sufficient stock availability.
Zimbabwe industry capacity utilisation continues to fall and business closures continue to be a reality reducing supplies to our retail units.
Cotton Printers (Pvt) Ltd
Operating profit increased by 69% to $2 quadrillion.
Production of yarn for export has been constrained by erratic lint supply and low plant utilisation.
A maintenance programme is in place. Funding is from offshore facilities and increases in production volumes should occur by the fourth quarter.
The local market for bed linen has been confined to small volumes to the hospitality industry.
Financial Institutions Capitalisation
On 4 July 2008 the RBZ issued a circular requiring that financial institutions increase their capital levels to new prescribed limits. The new capital levels are United States dollar linked and financial institutions are required to re-adjust their capital levels using the prevailing inter-bank exchange rate. The Group banking subsidiaries affected are Kingdom Bank Limited, The Discount Company of Zimbabwe (Private) Limited and Kingdom Asset Management (Private) Limited and the total amount required in order to capitalise the three entities to the statutory level is US$22.5 million. The Group has utilised the United States dollar funds it has on deposit with the RBZ to capitalise the entities concerned, which has resulted in all of them attaining the capital levels required prior to the deadline of 30 August 2008. The fact that the capital levels are actually denominated in United States dollars has the added advantage that the Group will avoid having to inject Zimbabwe dollars every time the inter-bank exchange rate changes.
On 1 April 2008 Mr T. Nyambirai resigned as a director of the company in order for him to pursue other business interests. His contribution during his brief tenure on the board is appreciated. Mr D. Mboweni was appointed a Director with effect from 28 August 2008.
The merged Group continues to take advantage of synergies and resources across its business entities and the diversity of the Group with its solid asset base provides the strength to manage the current difficult environment. Our operating divisions strive to trade within agreed policy parameters and continue to contribute to operating profit. All our businesses in Zimbabwe are attempting to manage the ravages of chronic hyper-inflation and erosion of capital accentuated by a lack of foreign currency, declining public utilities, the shortage of product at either raw material or manufactured level and pricing that must ensure adequate cash flow, despite imposed pricing controls. Loss of skills in certain operating divisions is also of concern.
Kingdom Meikles continues to examine opportunities aligned to all of its businesses in the region. Alliances established so far are expected to consolidate during the second half of the year, in pursuance of the strategic focus the Group has to leverage off the strength of the balance sheet and potential investor interest. Those at a more advanced stage include a joint regional expansion programme with Pick 'n Pay and utilisation of hospitality assets to expand potential foreign investment opportunities.
The RBZ has agreed to restore the fungibility of Kingdom Meikles shares on the London Stock Exchange. This should facilitate the Group's fund raising efforts for new projects which have been identified in the region and, at the opportune time, in Zimbabwe.
Social Responsibility
The Group continues to be mindful of the plight of the aged and other vulnerable persons in Zimbabwe. Shortages and non-availability of basic commodities and services have compounded the hardships endured by those who have least. In an effort to assist in the welfare of our country's orphans, vulnerable children and senior citizens the Group contributes to homes and institutions across Zimbabwe.
I would like to thank my fellow Directors for their contributions during the period and pay particular tribute to all management and staff who have performed admirably under testing circumstances.
SALIENT FEATURES References are to inflation adjusted information |
Revenue $350 quadrillion |
Operating profit $726 quadrillion |
Attributable profit Increased to $2,581 quadrillion |
Cash generated and funds available Funds generated from operations were $788 quadrillion Funds on hand amount to $2,573 quadrillion |
References are to historical information |
Revenue $121 quadrillion |
Operating profit $568 quadrillion |
Attributable profit Increased to $2,991 quadrillion |
Cash generated and funds available Funds generated from operations were $333 quadrillion Funds on hand amount to $2,573 quadrillion |
For the 6 months to 30 June 2008
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Revenue and net interest income |
350,210,124 |
443,574,359 |
120,501,077 |
1,627 |
Operating profit / (loss) before monetary adjustment and exchange gains |
726,478,236 |
(66,615,213) |
568,024,125 |
388 |
Net monetary (loss) gain from operating activities |
(290,131,619) |
87,886,908 |
- |
- |
Exchange gains on net current assets |
759,067,759 |
17,692,109 |
523,161,889 |
46 |
Operating profit |
1,195,414,376 |
38,963,804 |
1,091,186,014 |
434 |
Investment income |
60,349,066 |
13,297,254 |
10,125,243 |
34 |
Finance costs |
(6,217,678) |
(3,944,101) |
(1,003,522) |
(11) |
Net exchange gains on foreign funds |
1,793,290,724 |
82,375,358 |
2,339,644,554 |
2,531 |
Increase in value of quoted investment |
(33) |
10,141,973 |
457 |
117 |
Net monetary gain from financing activities |
50,871,006 |
96,236,055 |
- |
- |
Biological assets impairment |
(11,141,372) |
- |
- |
- |
Share of profits / (losses) of associates |
272,948 |
5,070,987 |
(49,261) |
9 |
Profit before taxation |
3,082,839,037 |
242,141,330 |
3,439,903,485 |
3,114 |
Income tax expense |
(502,242,751) |
(37,782,227) |
(448,198,963) |
(372) |
Profit for the period |
2,580,596,286 |
204,359,103 |
2,991,704,522 |
2,742 |
Attributable to: |
Equity holders of the parent |
2,581,109,298 |
207,176,318 |
2,991,349,954 |
2,691 |
Minority interest |
(513,012) |
(2,817,215) |
354,568 |
51 |
2,580,596,286 |
204,359,103 |
2,991,704,522 |
2,742 |
Basic earnings per share ($) |
10,633,766,540 |
1,265,919,500 |
12,323,893,868 |
16,446 |
IIMR Headline earnings per share ($) |
10,679,667,250 |
1,265,919,500 |
12,324,103,773 |
16,443 |
Weighted average number of shares |
242,727,663 |
163,656,787 |
242,727,663 |
163,656,787 |
At 30 June 2008
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
At |
Audited at |
At |
Audited at |
30 June 2008 |
31 December 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
31 December 2007 |
Property, plant and equipment |
Banking |
419,078,606 |
69,927,302 |
2,935,415 |
107,297 |
Non-banking |
588,887,411 |
458,291,540 |
424,297,982 |
13,645 |
Investment property - banking |
14,352,000 |
10,547,760 |
14,352,000 |
3,542 |
Biological assets |
1,571,518 |
12,572,739 |
1,571,518 |
4,222 |
Investment in associates -banking |
72,133,749 |
63,876,187 |
10,225,559 |
6,231 |
Other financial assets and investments |
1,149,772,794 |
322,620,901 |
1,148,010,949 |
108,245 |
Goodwill |
1,749,522,360 |
1,749,522,602 |
613,686 |
613,686 |
Other intangibles |
259,010 |
259,078 |
476 |
87 |
Current assets - banking |
Balances with banks and cash |
832,429,666 |
430,555,279 |
832,429,666 |
144,583 |
Financial assets at fair value through profit and loss |
238,138,761 |
116,349,953 |
238,138,761 |
39,071 |
Advances and other accounts |
397,278,664 |
49,948,498 |
397,278,664 |
16,773 |
Available for sale |
214,122,466 |
21,997,827 |
212,638,750 |
6,805 |
Customers' liability for acceptances |
6,467,758 |
202,498 |
6,467,758 |
68 |
Current assets - non banking |
1,955,905,316 |
689,916,422 |
1,899,899,462 |
224,011 |
Total assets |
7,639,920,079 |
3,996,588,586 |
5,188,860,646 |
1,288,266 |
Attributable to equity holders of the parent |
5,637,014,204 |
3,029,827,708 |
3,375,634,036 |
983,295 |
Minority interest |
6,376,913 |
6,887,908 |
354,853 |
285 |
Deferred tax |
Banking |
268,303,160 |
31,134,058 |
198,210,718 |
11,480 |
Non-banking |
351,721,579 |
110,962,913 |
241,458,270 |
18,592 |
Other non-current liabilities |
266,824,025 |
156,897,187 |
266,824,025 |
52,687 |
Current liabilities - banking |
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit and loss |
11,992,226 |
61,056,105 |
11,992,226 |
20,503 |
Customer deposits |
897,321,001 |
414,617,500 |
897,321,001 |
139,231 |
Acceptances |
6,467,758 |
202,498 |
6,467,758 |
68 |
Other current liabilities |
70,790,206 |
44,338,114 |
70,790,206 |
14,889 |
Current liabilities - non banking |
123,109,007 |
140,664,595 |
119,807,553 |
47,236 |
Total equity and liabilities |
7,639,920,079 |
3,996,588,586 |
5,188,860,646 |
1,288,266 |
For the 6 months to 30 June 2008
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Profit for the period attributable to parent |
2,581,109,298 |
207,176,318 |
2,991,349,954 |
2,691 |
Share premium on issue of shares |
3,469,565 |
- |
596,339 |
- |
Share issue expenses |
(13,445,941) |
- |
(853) |
- |
Translation of foreign entities |
(95,677,499) |
(3,660,174) |
235,777,138 |
355 |
Share of reserves of associates |
- |
225,377 |
- |
2 |
Fair value adjustment on available for sale securities |
131,733,601 |
- |
146,928,674 |
- |
Share based payments |
1,703,311 |
- |
1,703,311 |
- |
Dividend - current year interim |
(1,703,822) |
- |
(1,703,822) |
- |
Dividend - prior year final |
- |
(5,665,320) |
- |
(27) |
Attributable to equity holders of parent |
2,607,188,513 |
198,076,201 |
3,374,650,741 |
3,021 |
Minorities |
(513,012) |
(2,817,215) |
354,568 |
51 |
Shareholders' equity at the beginning of the period |
3,036,715,616 |
132,575,349 |
983,580 |
28 |
Shareholders' equity at the end of the period |
5,643,391,117 |
327,834,335 |
3,375,988,889 |
3,100 |
For the 6 months to 30 June 2008
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Cash flows from operating activities |
Profit before taxation |
3,082,839,037 |
242,141,330 |
3,439,903,485 |
3,114 |
Adjustments for: |
Non-operating cash flow |
(54,131,388) |
(51,960,578) |
(9,121,721) |
(110) |
Non-cash items |
(2,268,934,553) |
(77,870,102) |
(2,875,681,315) |
(2,600) |
Operating cash flow before working capital changes |
759,773,096 |
112,310,650 |
555,100,449 |
404 |
Working capital changes |
47,292,430 |
32,886,086 |
(214,550,964) |
52 |
Cash generated from operations |
807,065,526 |
145,196,736 |
340,549,485 |
456 |
Income taxes paid |
(19,093,095) |
(43,502,082) |
(7,805,507) |
(6) |
Net cash generated from operating activities |
787,972,431 |
101,694,653 |
332,743,978 |
450 |
Net cash used in investing activities |
(870,716,981) |
(20,910,473) |
(80,252,606) |
(29) |
Net cash generated from / (used in) financing activities |
3,831,941 |
(64,079,075) |
25,381,761 |
(63) |
Net (decrease) / increase in cash and cash equivalents |
(78,912,609) |
16,705,106 |
277,873,133 |
358 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period |
1,010,443,354 |
883,191,568 |
339,313 |
17 |
Net effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents |
2,898,282,741 |
16,632,213 |
3,320,677,749 |
1,969 |
Translation of foreign entity |
(1,256,908,166) |
60,997,372 |
(1,025,984,875) |
41 |
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period |
2,572,905,320 |
977,526,258 |
2,572,905,320 |
2,385 |
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Revenue |
Banking |
29,252,466 |
- |
15,038,196 |
- |
Hotels |
115,686,992 |
79,316,633 |
32,127,783 |
232 |
Retail |
101,181,178 |
364,257,726 |
17,915,656 |
1,395 |
Agriculture |
100,683,165 |
- |
54,610,875 |
- |
Textiles |
3,406,323 |
- |
808,567 |
- |
350,210,124 |
443,574,359 |
120,501,077 |
1,627 |
Operating profit / (loss) before monetary adjustment and exchange gains |
Banking |
678,330,494 |
- |
511,424,579 |
- |
Hotels |
29,146,479 |
26,827,368 |
3,798,290 |
57 |
Retail |
(59,036,296) |
(79,598,624) |
471,583 |
352 |
Agriculture |
92,092,175 |
- |
58,698,374 |
- |
Corporate and other |
(14,054,616) |
(13,843,957) |
(6,368,701) |
(21) |
726,478,236 |
(66,615,213) |
568,024,125 |
388 |
Segment assets
Banking |
2,194,001,670 |
- |
1,714,466,573 |
- |
Hotels |
725,637,742 |
99,685,564 |
655,167,800 |
1,127 |
Retail |
68,253,393 |
44,528,700 |
23,749,198 |
1,090 |
Agriculture |
150,428,963 |
- |
102,566,548 |
- |
Corporate and other |
4,501,598,311 |
2,580,312,072 |
2,692,910,527 |
2,616 |
7,639,920,079 |
2,724,526,336 |
5,188,860,646 |
4,833 |
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Capital expenditure |
411,669,734 |
715,087 |
84,334,141 |
77 |
Capital commitments authorised but not yet contracted for |
685,147,345 |
35,271,528 |
685,147,345 |
313 |
Depreciation |
19,507,949 |
10,806,910 |
2,817,193 |
16 |
Commitment to capitalise Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited Group |
1,130,512,500 |
- |
1,130,512,500 |
- |
Interest bearing borrowings |
94,351,944 |
16,452,534 |
94,351,944 |
146 |
Below is segment information for the six months ended 30 June 2008 assuming the Group was in existence from 1 January 2007.
(all amounts in billions of dollars) |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
6 months to |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
30 June 2008 |
30 June 2007 |
Revenue |
Banking |
29,252,466 |
57,321,320 |
15,038,196 |
200 |
Hotels |
115,686,992 |
79,316,633 |
32,127,783 |
232 |
Retail |
101,181,178 |
364,257,726 |
17,915,656 |
1,395 |
Agriculture |
100,683,165 |
51,611,374 |
54,610,875 |
183 |
Textiles |
3,406,323 |
3,487,063 |
808,567 |
95 |
350,210,124 |
555,994,116 |
120,501,077 |
2,105 |
Operating profit / (loss) before monetary adjustment and exchange gains |
Banking |
678,330,494 |
145,276,889 |
511,424,579 |
645 |
Hotels |
29,146,479 |
26,827,368 |
3,798,290 |
57 |
Retail |
(59,036,296) |
(79,598,624) |
471,583 |
352 |
Agriculture |
92,092,175 |
14,987,582 |
58,698,374 |
188 |
Corporate and other |
(14,054,616) |
(12,458,024) |
(6,368,701) |
57 |
726,478,236 |
95,035,191 |
568,024,125 |
1,299 |
Accounting policies
Accounting policies are consistent with those used in the previous year.
Note to inflation adjusted financial statements
The consumer price indices used to restate the financial statements at 30 June 2008 are as follows:
30 June 2007 |
94,204,140.4 |
31 December 2007 |
3,564,825,238.9 |
30 June 2008 |
10,615,731,618,730.9 |
For further information contact:
Zimbabwe Nigel Chanakira or Bryan Thorn +263-4-252068/78