Interim Results

Montpellier Group PLC 31 May 2001 Montpellier Group plc Announcement of Interim Results for the six months ended 31 March The directors of Montpellier Group plc are delighted to announce the following highlights of the Company's performance for the six months to 31 March 2001 compared with the six months to 31 March 2000: * Turnover increased by 37 per cent * Profits before tax increased by 50 per cent * Earnings per share increased by 57 per cent * Net asset value per share increased by 20 per cent The imminent purchase of the building contracting division of Allen plc exemplifies your Board's commitment to seek attractive opportunities for further growth. Your Board has confidence in the prospects of the enlarged Group. Chairman's Statement I am pleased to be able to report that the Group has continued to make progress over the last six months. The acquisitions made last year of Britannia plc, David Lodge & Sons Limited and Hatchpaines Limited have been integrated successfully and are making contributions to Group profits. The imminent purchase of the building contracting division of Allen plc exemplifies your Board's commitment to seek attractive opportunities for further growth. Financial Review Profits before tax for the six months to 31 March 2001 were £1.5m (2000 : £1.0m) on turnover of £116.7m (2000 : £85.1m). Earnings per share were 2.2p (2000 : 1.4p) with the net asset value per share increasing to 35.0p (2000 : 29.1p). The Group is reporting net cash in its balance sheet of £3.7m (2000 : £5.1m) with the total net cash, including off balance sheet borrowing, being £0.3m (2000: £2.2m). Change of Name At the Extraordinary General Meeting held on 7 March 2001, shareholders resolved that the name of the Company be changed to Montpellier Group plc, retaining the YJL identity for the Construction Division. Dividends Your Board continues to hold the view that the Group's financial resources, for the time being, are best devoted to the development of a sound and enlarged base of future earnings, and that this policy will in due course create better long-term shareholder value. For this reason, your Board is not recommending the payment of an interim dividend. The Board Paul Sellars was appointed Managing Director of the Montpellier Group on 25 January 2001, and for the time being will continue to be responsible for Group Finance, land and property development, and investment activities. It is the intention of your Board to appoint a Group Finance Director and a third non-executive director in due course. Acquisitions It was announced on 4 April 2001 that there was an agreed cash bid for the building contracting division of Allen plc (Allenbuild). This is conditional upon shareholders' approval at the Extraordinary General Meeting to be held on 1st June 2001. Allenbuild's turnover for the year ended 2 April 2000 was £156 million and your Board believes that Allenbuild's businesses are complementary to the Group's businesses and that this acquisition represents an exciting and logical step in achieving Montpellier's objectives. It is anticipated that the net assets acquired will be around £3.5m. The consideration is £1m. Prospects The Group's trading performance in the first half has been fully in line with management's expectations and your Board is confident that the good performance will continue during the second half. The Group's companies have continued to secure work at acceptable margins. The property development businesses have made further land sales with others in negotiation. Lovell America continues to generate useful cash. Your Board has confidence in the prospects of the enlarged Group and will continue to seek further opportunities that will contribute to the Group's profitability and growth. GROUP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT for the six months ended 31 March 2001 Notes Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Turnover: Group and share of joint ventures' turnover 118,726 92,956 202,089 Less share of joint ventures' turnover - continuing operations (2,035) (7,898) (6,840) Continuing operations 116,691 85,054 191,819 Discontinued operations - 4 3,430 Group turnover 1 116,691 85,058 195,249 Cost of sales (107,341) (78,543) (176,637) Gross profit 9,350 6,515 18,612 Other operating income 1,510 - - Group operating profit before administrative expenses 10,860 6,515 18,612 Administrative expenses (9,574) (4,906) (16,619) Group operating profit 1,286 1,609 1,993 Income from joint ventures 137 126 313 Share of associates' operating loss (386) - - Continuing operations 1,037 1,735 1,860 Discontinued operations - - 446 Total operating profit including share of joint ventures 1,037 1,735 2,306 Profit on sale of fixed assets 379 - 485 Loss on disposal of discontinued businesses - (314) (414) Profit on ordinary activities before interest and taxation 1,416 1,421 2,377 Net interest receivable 97 (384) (346) Profit on ordinary activities before taxation 1,513 1,037 2,031 Taxation payable on ordinary activities - - (563) Profit for the period 1,513 1,037 1,468 Basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share 2 2.2p 1.4p 1.9p GROUP STATEMENT OF TOTAL RECOGNISED GAINS AND LOSSES Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Profit for the year excluding share of 1,376 911 1,155 income from joint ventures Share of income from joint ventures 137 126 313 Currency translation differences on foreign currency net investments (64) 717 2,000 Total recognised gains and losses relating to the period 1,449 1,754 3,468 GROUP BALANCE SHEET at 31 March 2001 Year Six months ended ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Fixed assets Intangible assets 693 - 770 Tangible assets 6,429 3,416 7,810 Investments 611 - 1,006 Investments in joint ventures: Loans to joint ventures 7,705 12,973 9,194 Share of gross assets 22,130 21,975 21,045 Share of gross liabilities (16,480) (16,307) (14,866) 13,355 18,641 15,373 21,088 22,057 24,959 Current assets Stocks and work in progress 11,458 18,502 10,932 Debtors: due within one year 46,551 29,498 37,051 due after more than one year 2,141 1,217 2,480 Current asset investments 3,431 - 3,152 Cash at bank and in hand 10,381 10,995 15,829 73,962 60,212 69,444 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 70,221 53,141 70,491 Net current assets / (liabilities) 3,741 7,071 (1,047) Total assets less current liabilities 24,829 29,128 23,912 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year Long term debt 917 - 531 Other creditors 80 6,826 272 997 6,826 803 Net assets 23,832 22,302 23,109 Share capital 6,809 7,660 7,167 Share premium account 1,066 1,066 1,066 Revaluation reserve 393 1,348 1,119 Capital reserve 1,166 314 807 Profit and loss account 14,398 11,914 12,950 Equity shareholders' funds 23,832 22,302 23,109 GROUP STATEMENT OF CASH FLOW for the six months ended 31 March 2001 Six months ended Year ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 Note £000 £000 £000 Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities 3 (8,405) 4,399 12,267 Returns on investments and servicing of finance Net interest received 97 104 509 Finance costs paid in relation to - - (855) financial restructuring Net cash inflow/(outflow) from returns on investments and servicing of finance 97 104 (346) Taxation Corporation tax paid (630) - - Capital expenditure and financial investment Net sales/(purchases) of tangible fixed assets 1,296 (138) 946 Net sales/(purchases) of current asset investments 1,231 - (3,152) Investment in and movements on loans to joint ventures 1,762 (1,854) 2,768 Acquisition of own shares (727) - (907) Net cash inflow/(outflow) for capital expenditure and financial investment 3,562 (1,992) (345) Acquisitions and disposals Receipt from sale of business - - 8,573 Payments to acquire subsidiary undertakings - - (14,048) Cash acquired on acquisition of subsidiary undertakings - - 3,771 Net cash outflow from acquisitions and disposals - - (1,704) Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid resources and financing (5,376) 2,511 9,872 Management of liquid resources (Increase)/decrease in short-term deposits with banks (5,000) 530 (5,495) Financing Movement in short-term borrowings (430) - - Movement in long-term borrowings 386 (4,944) (5,107) (44) (4,944) (5,107) Decrease in cash (10,420) (1,903) (730) As indicated above, funds of £5,000,000 were transferred to short-term deposits with banks. The balance of such funds with banks at 31 March 2001 was £11,000,000 (31 March 2000 - £nil). NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS for the six months ended 31 March 2001 1. Segmental analysis Six months ended Year ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Construction 115,321 79,552 183,386 UK Developments 796 3,343 7,630 USA Developments 2,609 10,057 11,069 Spain - Discontinued - 4 4 Turnover: Group and share of joint ventures 118,726 92,956 202,089 Less: Share of USA joint ventures' turnover 2,035 7,898 6,840 116,691 85,058 195,249 2. Earnings per ordinary share The earnings per ordinary share is based upon the profit for the Group of £ 1,513,000 (2000 March profit of £1,037,000; September profit of £1,468,000) divided by the weighted average of ordinary shares of 69,625,066 (2000 March 76,603,409; September 76,071,669) in issue over the respective periods. A number of the share option schemes outstanding during the period were below the average fair value of the Company's shares hence the options have a dilutive effect on the Earnings per Ordinary share calculation. 3. Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities 6 months ended Year ended 31 March 30 Sept. 2001 2000 2000 £000 £000 £000 Operating profit 1,037 1,609 2,306 Depreciation 493 73 661 Amortisation of goodwill 77 - 70 Exchange gains - - (700) Income from joint ventures (137) (126) (313) Share of associates operating loss 386 - - (Increase) / Decrease in stocks and work in progress (758) 1,527 5,677 Profit on sale of current asset investments (1,510) - - (Increase) / Decrease in operating debtors and prepayments (9,082) 111 4,978 Increase/ (Decrease) in creditors and accruals 1,089 1,205 (412) Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities (8,405) 4,399 12,267 4. Basis of preparation a) The accounts for the six months ended 31 March 2001 and the equivalent period in 2000 have not been audited by the company's auditors. They have been prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards consistent with the accounting policies set out in the 2000 Annual Report. b) The abridged information in this statement relating to the year ended 30 September 2000 is derived from full accounts upon which the auditors issued an unqualified opinion and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. This interim statement is being sent to all shareholders and is also available upon request from the Company Secretary, Montpellier Group plc, Lovell House, 616 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5RX.
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