Half yearly financial report

Merchants Trust PLC 18 September 2007 For immediate release 18 September 2007 THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC Half yearly financial report For the six months ended 31 July 2007 Highlights • Dividends of 10.8 p per share declared for the first six months, up 10.2 %. • Net Asset Value of 570.1p per share, up 0.5 % compared with 2.53 % rise in the FTSE 100 Index. • Historic dividend yield of 4.2 % net at 493 p per share on 18 September 2007. Interim management report Earnings per share In the first six months of the current year, earnings have risen by 7.8 % to 12.78 p per share. As in previous years, we expect dividend receipts to have been weighted towards the first half of the current financial year. Interim dividends The Board has declared a second quarterly dividend of 5.4 p per share, payable on 15 November 2007 to shareholders on the register at close of business on 19 October 2007. The total distribution declared for the first half of 2006/7 is 10.8 p net, an increase of 10.2% when compared with the same period last year. Net asset value The net asset value per ordinary share was 570.1p at 31 July 2007. This represents an increase of 0.5 % when compared with the equivalent figure at 31 January 2007 - the end of the last financial year. Before taking account of the impact of the Trust's borrowings, the underlying rise in the Trust's total assets, excluding expenses allocated to capital, was 1.1%. Over the same period the FTSE 100 Index rose by 2.53%, whilst the FTSE 350 Higher Yield Index rose by 0.24% (Capital Return). Material events and transactions In the six month period ended 31 July 2007 the following material events and transactions have taken place. At the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 14 May 2007, all the resolutions put to shareholders were passed. At the conclusion of the AGM, Sir John Banham retired from the Board. The third quarterly dividend of 5.1p per share was paid on 16 February to shareholders on the register on 26 January 2007. A final dividend of 5.1p per share was paid on 16 May 2007 to shareholders on the register on 13 April 2007. The total payment for the year ended 31 January 2007 was 20.0p. There were no related party transactions in the period. Since the period end, the first quarterly dividend (for the year ending 31 January 2008), of 5.4p per share was paid on 16 August 2007 to shareholders on the register on 20 July 2007. Share buy backs For the first time since 2001, and in response to a widening of the discount of the share price to net asset value, 413,000 shares have been bought back for cancellation (at an average price of 517.5p) during the period. Further buy backs totalling 62,000 shares have taken place since the period end. Responsibility statement The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that: • the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board's Statement 'Half-Yearly Financial Reports'; and • the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.7 R, of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and • the interim management report includes a fair review of the information concerning related parties transactions as required by Disclosure and Transparency Rule 4.2.8 R. The half yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 18 September 2007 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman. Prospects Interest rate increases earlier in the year are likely to weigh on UK consumer spending as mortgage costs rise. In addition, a disruption in the availability of credit, if sustained, is likely to slow economic growth and we continue to monitor the US economy closely. However UK unemployment is low, business and consumer confidence remains high and global demand should provide support. On balance, we remain broadly optimistic about the prospects for corporate profits and dividend growth. Valuations in the FTSE 100 are not high by historic standards, with many stocks offering high and growing dividend yields. Tightening credit markets are likely to reduce the amount of merger and acquisition activity from the recent high level but the portfolio's emphasis on the largest UK companies should provide some protection since the valuations of these companies appear attractive even without the benefits of any potential mergers or acquisitions. We will seek to take advantage of market volatility if it provides opportunities to buy into companies with strong franchises at attractive long term valuations. Hugh Stevenson Chairman 155 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3AD THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC Summary of Unaudited Results INCOME STATEMENT For the six months ended 31 July 2007 2007 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 3,849 3,849 Income from investments 15,560 - 15,560 Other income 228 - 228 Investment management fee (517) (961) (1,478) Administration expenses (335) (1) (336) Net return before finance costs and taxation 14,936 2,887 17,823 Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (1,681) (3,081) (4,762) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 13,255 (194) 13,061 Taxation - - - Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 13,255 (194) 13,061 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) (basic and diluted) 12.78p (0.19)p 12.59p 2007 BALANCE SHEET as at 31 July 2007 £'000s Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 696,876 Net current assets 5,808 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 702,684 Creditors - amounts falling due after one year (113,513) Total Net Assets 589,171 Called up Share Capital 25,837 Share Premium Account 7,527 Capital Redemption Reserve 159 Capital Reserves: Realised 420,712 Unrealised 109,496 Revenue Reserve 25,440 Equity Shareholders' Funds 589,171 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 570.1p The net asset value is based on 103,346,877 Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 July 2007. THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC Summary of Unaudited Results INCOME STATEMENT For the six months ended 31 July 2006 2006 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 27,002 27,002 Income from investments 14,446 - 14,446 Other income 142 - 142 Investment management fee (468) (869) (1,337) Administration expenses (291) (3) (294) Net return before finance costs and taxation 13,829 26,130 39,959 Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (1,699) (3,116) (4,815) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 12,130 23,014 35,144 Taxation - - - Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 12,130 23,014 35,144 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) (basic and diluted) 11.85p 22.47p 34.32p 2006 BALANCE SHEET as at 31 July 2006 £'000s Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 662,034 Net current liabilities (697) Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 661,337 Creditors - amounts falling due after one year (113,375) Total Net Assets 547,962 Called up Share Capital 25,940 Share Premium Account 7,527 Capital Redemption Reserve 56 Capital Reserves: Realised 376,269 Unrealised 115,958 Revenue Reserve 22,212 Equity Shareholders' Funds 547,962 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 528.1p The net asset value is based on 103,759,877 Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 July 2006. THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC INCOME STATEMENT for the year ended 31 January 2007 2007 Revenue Capital Total Return £'000s £'000s £'000s (Note 2) Net gains on investments at fair value - 71,441 71,441 Income from investments 27,342 - 27,342 Other income 409 - 409 Investment management fee (962) (1,786) (2,748) Administration expenses (488) (3) (491) Net return before finance costs and taxation 26,301 69,652 95,953 Finance costs: interest payable and similar charges (3,447) (6,321) (9,768) Net return on ordinary activities before taxation 22,854 63,331 86,185 Taxation - - - Net return attributable to Ordinary Shareholders 22,854 63,331 86,185 Return per Ordinary Share (Note 1) (basic and diluted) 22.17p 61.44p 83.61p 2007 BALANCE SHEET as at 31 January 2007 £'000s Investments held at fair value through profit or loss 695,770 Net current assets 6,613 Total Assets Less Current Liabilities 702,383 Creditors - amounts falling due after one year (113,548) 588,835 Total Net Assets Called up Share Capital 25,940 Share Premium Account 7,527 Capital Redemption Reserve 56 Capital Reserves: Realised 401,295 Unrealised 131,248 Revenue Reserve 22,769 Equity Shareholders' Funds 588,835 Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 567.5p The net asset value is based on 103,759,877 Ordinary Shares in issue at 31 January 2007. THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC RECONCILIATION OF MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS Called Up Share Capital Capital Capital Revenue Total Share Premium Redemption Reserve Reserve Reserve Capital Account Reserve Realised Unrealised £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s £'000s Six months ended 31 July 2007 Net Assets at 31 January 25,940 7,527 56 401,295 131,248 22,769 588,835 2007 Revenue Return - - - - - 13,255 13,255 Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - (10,584) (10,584) Shares Capital Return - - - 21,558 (21,752) - (194) Shares repurchased during (103) - 103 (2,141) - - (2,141) the period Net Assets at 31 July 2007 25,837 7,527 159 420,712 109,496 25,440 589,171 Six months ended 31 July 2006 Net Assets at 31 January 25,526 40 56 351,107 118,105 19,879 514,713 2006 Revenue Return - - - - - 12,130 12,130 Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - (9,797) (9,797) Shares Capital Return - - - 25,161 (2,147) - 23,014 Shares issued during the 414 7,487 - 1 - - 7,902 period Net Assets at 31 July 2006 25,940 7,527 56 376,269 115,958 22,212 547,962 Year ended 31 January 2007 Net Assets at 31 January 25,526 40 56 351,107 118,105 19,879 514,713 2006 Revenue Return - - - - - 22,854 22,854 Dividends on Ordinary - - - - - (19,964) (19,964) Shares Capital Return - - - 50,188 13,143 - 63,331 Shares issued during the 414 7,487 - - - - 7,901 year Net Assets at 31 January 25,940 7,527 56 401,295 131,248 22,769 588,835 2007 THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC CASH FLOW STATEMENT for the six months ended 31 July 2007 and comparative periods Six Months to 31 Six Months to 31 Year to July 2007 July 2006 31 January 2007 £'000s £'000s £'000s Net cash inflow from operating activities 13,820 11,789 28,262 Servicing of finance Interest paid (4,793) (4,780) (9,530) Dividends paid on Preference Stock (21) (21) (43) Net cash outflow on servicing of finance (4,814) (4,801) (9,573) Financial investment Purchase of fixed asset investments (99,124) (128,364) (236,519) Sale of fixed asset investments 99,873 124,557 238,514 Net cash inflow (outflow) from financial investment 749 (3,807) 1,995 Equity dividends paid (10,584) (9,797) (19,964) Net cash (outflow) inflow before financial investment (829) (6,616) 720 Financing Purchase of Ordinary Shares for cancellation (2,144) - - Cash transferred from Allianz Dresdner Income - 909 908 Growth Investment Trust plc in connection with the issue of Ordinary Shares Net cash (outflow) inflow from financing (2,144) 909 908 (Decrease) Increase in cash (2,973) (5,707) 1,628 Reconciliation of Return on Ordinary Activities before Taxation to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities Revenue before taxation 13,061 35,144 86,185 Add: Finance costs: interest payable and similar 4,762 charges 4,815 9,768 Add: Special dividends credited to capital - - 4,854 Less: Net gains on investments at fair value (3,849) (27,002) (71,441) 13,974 12,957 29,366 Increase in debtors (200) (500) (458) Increase (Decrease) in creditors 46 (668) (646) Net cash inflow from operating activities 13,820 11,789 28,262 Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt Net cash (outflow) inflow (2,973) (5,707) 1,628 Decrease (Increase) in long term loans 35 (21) (194) Movement in net funds (2,938) (5,728) 1,434 Net debt brought forward (106,545) (107,979) (107,979) Net debt carried forward (109,483) (113,707) (106,545) THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC TWENTY LARGEST EQUITY HOLDINGS AS AT 31 JULY 2007 Valuation % of Total £'000s Assets* Principal Activities Royal Dutch Shell 58,191 8.28 Oil & Gas Producers GlaxoSmithKline 54,223 7.72 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology BP 52,946 7.54 Oil & Gas Producers HSBC 47,894 6.82 Banking Vodafone 44,657 6.36 Mobile Telecommunications Royal Bank of Scotland 37,474 5.34 Banking Barclays 25,477 3.63 Banking HBOS 21,289 3.03 Banking Anglo American 19,529 2.78 Mining Reed Elsevier 18,498 2.63 Media British American Tobacco 17,349 2.47 Tobacco Aviva 16,503 2.35 Life Insurance Scottish & Southern Energy 15,577 2.22 Electricity Lloyds TSB 15,429 2.20 Banking BAE Systems 14,567 2.07 Aerospace & Defence Rexam 13,403 1.91 General Industrials Rio Tinto 12,794 1.82 Mining Lonmin 12,425 1.77 Mining BT 12,080 1.72 Fixed Line Telecommunications Centrica 12,068 1.72 Gas, Water & Multiutilities 522,373 74.38 * Total Assets include current liabilities PORTFOLIO ANALYSIS AS AT 31 JULY 2007 UK Total % % Listed equities 99.2 99.2 Net current liabilities 0.8 0.8 Total Assets 100.0 100.0 THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC NOTES Note 1 The return per Ordinary Share is based on a weighted average number of shares in issue during the period of 103,739,616 shares. (31 July 2006 - 102,396,699 shares; 31 January 2007 - 103,083,890 shares). Note 2 The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the Company. All revenue and capital items derive from continuing operations. No operations were acquired or discontinued in the period. A Statement of Total Recognised Gains and Losses is not required as all gains and losses of the Company have been reflected in the Income Statement. Included in the cost of investments are transaction costs on purchases which amounted to £611,882 (31 July 2006 - £866,297; 31 January 2007 - £1,502,518) and transaction costs on sales which amounted to £147,407 (31 July 2006 - £203,769; 31 January 2007 - £369,855). Note 3 Investments are designated as held at fair value through profit or loss in accordance with FRS 26 'Financial Instruments : Recognition and Measurement'. Listed investments are valued at bid market prices. Note 4 In accordance with FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date', the final dividend payable on Ordinary Shares is recognised as a liability when approved by shareholders. Interim dividends are recognised only when paid. Dividends paid on Ordinary Shares in respect of earnings for each period are as follows: Six months to Six months to Year to 31 July 31 July 31 January 2007 2006 2007 £'000s £'000s £'000s Third Interim dividend 4.80p paid 17 February 2006 - 4,901 4,901 Final dividend 4.80p paid 10 May 2006 - 4,901 4,901 First Interim dividend 4.90p paid 17 August 2006 - - 5,084 Second Interim dividend 4.90p paid 14 November 2006 - - 5,084 Third Interim dividend 5.10p paid 16 February 2007 5,292 - - Final dividend 5.10p paid 16 May 2007 5,292 - - Uncollected dividends from prior years - (5) (6) 10,584 9,797 19,964 THE MERCHANTS TRUST PLC NOTES CONTINUED Dividends payable at the period end are not recognised as a liability under FRS 21 'Events after the Balance Sheet Date'. Details of these dividends are set out below. Six months to Six months to Year to 31 July 31 July 31 January 2007 2006 2007 £'000s £'000s £'000s Third Interim dividend 5.10p paid 16 February - - 5,292 2007 Final dividend 5.10p paid 16 May 2007 - - 5,292 First Interim dividend 5.40p paid 16 August 2007 (2006 - 4.90p) 5,603 5,084 - Second Interim dividend 5.40p payable 15 November 5,581 5,084 - 2007 (2006 - 4.90p) 11,184 10,168 10,584 The second interim dividend noted above is based on the number of shares at period end. However, the dividend subsequently paid will be based on the number of shares in issue on the record date and will reflect any purchase or cancellations of shares by the Company settled subsequent to the period end. Note 5 The half yearly report has been neither audited nor reviewed by the Company's auditors. The financial information for the year ended 31 January 2007 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The accounting policies and presentation are consistent with those applied in the latest published annual accounts. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified and did not contain a statement under either Section 237(2) or Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985. In accordance with recently introduced changes to the UK's disclosure requirements for listed companies, the Company is now required to make limited additional and updated disclosures, mainly relating to the first and third quarters of the financial year. These Interim Management Statements will be released via the Regulatory News Service and posted on the Company's website www.merchantstrust.co.uk on or shortly before 19 June and 19 December each year. This half yearly financial report, which will include a Fund Managers' Report, will be sent to Shareholders shortly and made available to the public at the Registered Office of the Company, 155 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3AD. For further information, please contact: RCM (UK) Limited Simon White, Head of Investment Trusts Tel: 020 7065 1539 or RCM (UK) Limited Simon Gergel, Fund Manager Tel: 020 7065 1431 This information is provided by RNS The company news service from the London Stock Exchange
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