Mid Wynd International Investment Trust plc (the 'Company')
Legal Entity Identifier: 549300D32517C2M3A561
Proposals for further share issuance
At the Annual General Meeting of Mid Wynd International Investment Trust PLC (the "Company") held on 12 November 2019, shareholders granted the Directors authority to issue 6,293,460 new ordinary shares on a non pre-emptive basis. Of this authority, 5,102,698 new ordinary shares have been issued since then.
Current market conditions have meant that there has been increased demand for the Company's shares, since 2 April 2020 the Company has issued 2,037,698 new ordinary shares. It is expected that the Company's existing authority to issue new shares on a non pre-emptive basis may soon be exhausted.
In order to meet the expected continuing demand for shares in the Company, the Board of Directors is seeking shareholder authority to issue further ordinary shares for cash on a non pre-emptive basis. The Company intends to publish a circular shortly to convene a general meeting at which shareholders will be asked to approve additional share issuance authority, and thereafter publish a prospectus to allow further share issues to take place.
The policy of the Board is to issue or buyback shares to seek to limit the discount or premium to a maximum of 2 per cent in normal circumstances. Due to the limited availability of new ordinary shares for the Company to issue, the Board believe that it is in the best interests of the Company temporarily to amend the policy in order to seek to limit the premium to a maximum of 4 per cent in normal circumstances until the share issuance authorities are renewed. The Company will continue to buy back shares at the stated level.
For further information, please contact:
Artemis Fund Managers Limited
Company Secretary
27 May 2020