Upstream Marketing and Communications Inc
("Upstream" or the "Company")
Completion of Disposal
The Board of Upstream is pleased to announce that, further to the announcement made yesterday, completion of the disposal of Upstream Asia Limited and Camber Communications Limited, comprising all the existing public relations businesses of Upstream, to Asset Pioneer Limited has taken place today.
Accordingly, Jaime Law has today resigned from the Board and David and Jane McGuire Ketchum have been re-designated as non-executive directors. Nikul Sarin has been re-designated as an executive director.
In addition, the Company has adopted its new Investing Policy as set out in the circular sent to shareholders on 2 October 2009.
Upstream Marketing and Communications
David Ketchum
+852 2973 0222
Nikul Sarin
+44 207 399 4381
Strand Hanson Limited
James Harris/Angela Peace
+44 207 409 3494