Final Results PLC 18 June 2001 PART 1 Embargoed: 07:01 hrs 18 June 2001 E-DISTRICT.NET PLC FINAL RESULTS (for the year ended 31 December 2000) * Investigations have confirmed substantial overstatement of registered users, page impressions and revenues * Action being taken against Steven Laitman, former CEO, for damages * Detailed review completed of company's strategic assets and marketing position based on corrected traffic and usage * New strategy to concentrate on delivery of pay-per-play and subscription-based interactive community and entertainment products for digital television (DTV) * Premium voice telephony and mobile phone SMS services to complement DTV products * Contract extension signed with NTL to launch pay-per-play and similar services on their cable DTV platform * New contracts signed with ONdigital and Kingston Communications to extend services to their terrestrial and ADSL-based DTV platforms * Preparing content, community and advertising offerings to take full advantage of the future commercial opportunities of enhanced TV services * Cash as of 31 May is over £10.5 million with monthly operating costs at approximately £200k Frank Lewis, Chairman and Acting Chief Executive said: 'Despite continued expansion of the company's activities in developing its interactive television services, and a successful listing in March 2000 on the Alternative Investment Market, the financial year to 31 December 2000 has proved extremely difficult. We faced the challenge of a significant downturn affecting valuations in the technology sector, followed by the discovery of financial irregularities. Following this discovery the Board embarked on a detailed review of the company's strategic assets and its market positioning. A focused strategy has been developed to exploit fully the company's core competencies in the delivery of interactive, community and entertainment products for DTV. We are working with our key strategic partners to deliver a range of new entertainment services to extend and improve our existing offering. In addition, we are actively pursing further partnership opportunities with both platform operators and traditional media content owners. By embedding our content, community and advertising offerings into the wider services of our platform partners, we believe we will be well prepared for the future commercial opportunities presented by the advent of enhanced TV. The Board has taken steps to ensure that the company's technology, people and processes are up to the task ahead. We now have a solid foundation from which to develop the business.' For further information, please contact: Graham Prince/Victoria Jackson 020-7457-2345 Gavin Anderson & Company Chairman's Statement Despite continued expansion of the Company's activities in developing its interactive television services and a successful listing in March 2000 on the Alternative Investment Market, the financial year to 31 December 2000 has proved extremely difficult, due to the discovery of financial irregularities. Post balance sheet events The Company announced on 19 February 2001 that it was undertaking a full investigation, together with its external advisers, into these financial irregularities. The Company also announced that it had suspended Steven Laitman, Chief Executive, with effect from 18 February 2001 and subsequently, on 23 February 2001, an injunction was served on him freezing his assets, and proceedings were commenced against him for damages. On 28 February 2001, Mr Laitman was given notice of summary termination of his employment contract with the Company. Mr Laitman has also been dismissed as a director of the Company. Additionally, e-district suspended two senior managers within the technical department, both of whom subsequently resigned. The Fraud Squad of the Metropolitan Police has been notified and is investigating. The Company has received reports from Cap Gemini Ernst & Young and PricewaterhouseCoopers Forensic Services. The reports have established the substantial overstatement of registered users, page impressions and revenues. The investigations have also identified evidence of collusion within the Company in connection with these overstatements. No-one implicated in such collusion remains within the Company. The investigations have established that revenues were overstated by altering the Company's internal monthly reports, which showed the level of business conducted with the Company's sales agencies. In addition, supporting documentation, both written and electronic, including debtor confirmations provided to the auditors, was fabricated or altered to substantiate the false revenue. Furthermore, a substantial majority of the monies received by the Company's bankers and recorded in the Company's records as being received from sales agencies was in fact received from bank accounts linked to Mr Laitman, with fabricated supporting documentation indicating that such receipts were from sales agencies. Approximately £980,000 has been received in this way between (and including) November 1999 and February 2001 and credited against false trade debtors. The results of the investigations show that the reported numbers for revenues have been substantially overstated. The revenues reported in the financial statements for the 17 months ended 31 December 1999 were £781,571. Based solely on information obtained from the sales agencies during the investigation, these revenues were in fact only £96,938. In addition, the revenues reported in the unaudited half year report for the six months ended 30 June 2000 were £1,038,069. Based on information obtained from the sales agencies during the investigation, these revenues were in fact only £32,872. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young was engaged to examine details of current and historical registered users and page impressions. Historical data on the Company's databases is only available back to February 2000. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young carried out a comparative analysis of data on the Company's databases against the published traffic details in respect of registered users and page impressions. Its findings were that data contained within the Company's systems did not reconcile with the published traffic details. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young was not able to verify the accuracy of the data. Your Board deeply regrets the significant adverse impact on the Company resulting from the irregularities and collusion referred to above. The Board believes that the actions taken in respect of Mr Laitman and the two implicated senior managers have been decisive. Prospects and strategy As soon as was practicable following the discovery of the irregularities outlined above, the Board, supported by Cap Gemini Ernst & Young, embarked on a detailed review of the Company's strategic assets and its market positioning based on corrected traffic and usage. In doing so, the Company has held extensive discussions with its key strategic platform partners in the UK, which have demonstrated the success of its entertainment and community products (currently delivered under the 'LeisureDistrict' brand) in attracting a significant proportion of their respective user bases. Interactive TV has been a significant focus for the company since its inception and so this confirmation was a key element of the review. Market research conducted by Oftel in July 2000 has shown that games are the most popular category of interactive service used by digital television ('DTV ') viewers in the UK. According to the Company's systems, 80% of registered users accessing the Company's services in the four months to 31 May 2001 were using interactive television in the UK. A focused strategy has been developed over the past three months in order to fully exploit the Company's core competencies in the delivery of successful interactive community and entertainment products for DTV. With over 50% of the UK population expected to be using DTV by 2003 (Forrester, January 2001), this represents a major opportunity in terms of value generation. We are working closely with our key strategic partners, including the UK's two major cable companies, to deliver a range of exciting new entertainment services, which will significantly extend and improve our existing offering. These services are of high quality and are strongly differentiated from other offerings available via our partners' DTV services. In most cases, they will be offered to users on a 'pay-per-play' or subscription basis. These will be complemented by a range of premium voice telephony and mobile phone SMS services, including messaging services and competitions. It is on this basis that we expect to be able to generate sustainable, growing revenues over the coming months. The Company has developed a detailed product launch plan for the next year and beyond; a number of announcements will be made over the coming months in relation to the launch of these products with our partners. We have also been active in developing relationships with new partners that will enable the delivery of our product across DTV and similar platforms in the UK and Europe, including digital terrestrial, satellite and ADSL services. The Board has taken steps to ensure that the Company's technology, people and processes are up to the task outlined above. In particular, the Company has invested in improved technology infrastructure to ensure that existing service levels are maintained, new products delivered and detailed logging of user activity can be captured. In combination with refinement of the Company's proprietary systems software, this logging will assist greatly in enabling external validation of usage statistics. The Company's senior management and operational structures have been restructured in order to maximise efficiency and ensure that both new and existing processes and controls are fully effective. As for any business of this type, people are key to success and, in the course of restructuring, we have significantly augmented our capabilities through the hiring of key technology and other operational staff. Our overall headcount remains at around 40 people. As Chairman, I am full of admiration for the way staff and management at every level have responded to the difficulties of the past few months and on the Board's behalf I would like to thank everyone for their dedication and effort. With over £10.5 million in cash at 31 May 2001, and monthly operating costs of approximately £200k, your board is determined to drive home its competitive advantage in order to enhance shareholder value. We are actively pursuing strategic partnership opportunities with both platform operators and traditional media content owners to ensure that we are able to achieve our short, medium and long-term objectives. Frank Lewis Chairman 18 June 2001 Chief Executive's Statement With the notice of termination of employment given to Steven Laitman on 28 February 2001, the Board approved that I should take on the responsibility of acting CEO. It is your Board's intention that a new CEO be appointed as soon as practicable and actions are being undertaken to achieve that end. As noted in my Chairman's statement, the substantial problems outlined have prompted a review by the Company of the key drivers of our business model. Cap Gemini Ernst & Young was appointed by us to evaluate the findings of our review and, in so doing, has carried out detailed analysis of the market for DTV interactive services, our positioning, key competitors and our revenue models. It is the Directors' view that: * There is an extremely fast-growing global market for interactive DTV services, particularly for entertainment and community products, and that the UK is presently the leading market in the world for such services. The forecast value of all UK interactive DTV services coupled with wireless services is forecast to exceed £13 billion by 2005 (Jupiter, 2000), of which entertainment, subscription services and premium voice telephony services are a significant element. * Our key strategic assets in competing in this market include our existing relationships with UK platform operators, a large cross-platform registered DTV user base and the ability to create compelling interactive TV content and functionality. Nevertheless, we must continue to upgrade our technology infrastructure and core skills in order to maintain a competitive advantage. * According to the Company's systems, approximately 304,000 registered users of our services were active in the four months to 31 May 2001. The number of unique users active in the month has grown by an average compound monthly growth rate of 24% in the year to 31 May 2001. These figures have neither been independently reviewed nor audited. It is our intention to commence external verification of usage statistics and external reporting thereon as soon as is practicable. * We are one of only a few significant UK players in this space although our offering contains many differentiated features, including our requirement for each user to register a unique identity and password, enabling personalisation of services and offers, and our capability to enable those users to interact across different networks and technology platforms. * The market for advertising on iTV is currently limited and has been adversely affected by the fall-off in banner advertising popularity and rates on the Internet. In the short term, sustainable revenue is more likely to be generated by pay-per-play games, subscription services and premium rate telephony services. In the medium to long term, however, advertising is likely to be a significant revenue stream delivered through an enhanced TV environment, as described below, and driving meaningful added value services to existing TV advertisers. * Our success over the next twelve months will be strongly dependent on maintaining close working relationships with key platform operators in order to ensure that new and enhanced products are fully supported and marketed, and that the rewards are shared. * Our success in the longer term will be dependent on the continued success of our platform partners in extending their DTV roll-outs, our ability to continue to attract third party developers in creating new content for our interactive portal services and our success in migrating core elements of our functionality to enhanced TV applications (i.e. the delivery of interactive services such as chat, synchronised and displayed on-screen simultaneously with broadcast television programming). We have worked with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young in developing a strategy for success based on these findings and, over the course of the past three months have achieved considerable success in executing the first legs of this strategy. Strategic partners As noted in my Chairman's statement, we have developed much closer working relationships with our existing key platform operator partners, encompassing carriage and joint marketing of new and existing products, including pay-per-play games and similar services. On 15 June 2001, we extended our contract with NTL formalising such a relationship. We are also in advanced discussions with a second major UK cable platform operator. Finally, we have signed new contracts with ONdigital and Kingston Communications, to extend our services to their respective terrestrial and ADSL-based digital television platforms. These contracts were signed on 16 May 2001 and 26 January 2001 respectively. We continue to provide interactive content for a number of US cable companies and for the Sega Dreamcast games console platform through arrangements with Worldgate Communications and Planetweb in the US. It is, however, our intention to concentrate our efforts in the burgeoning UK market over the balance of the year and we are pursuing further distribution and marketing arrangements with UK DTV platform operators. We are also in discussions with several European platform operators with a view to launching non-English language products in 2002. Our partnership model is being extended to include third party content developers and technology vendors. Over the course of the year, we have worked with a leading developer of educational CD-ROMS, books and similar products, to create a range of 'edutainment' content for launch on interactive TV. We expect to build many more similar partnerships focusing on the delivery of iTV entertainment content based on well-known brands and characters. Product development and related revenue streams While the company continues to operate a PC Internet service, it is clear that, based on corrected usage information, this represents a declining proportion of our total registered user base. We do not believe that a relatively small-scale entertainment website product can be profitable, because the demand for banner advertising has fallen, and creating content that can be charged for is difficult in the PC arena, which offers a glut of free services. Accordingly, product development is focused on core entertainment and community properties which recent trends have indicated are commercially viable within the specialised DTV market and which can be monetised via a user payment model. We are moving rapidly to launch a suite of premium single and multi-player games on a cross-platform basis, which will sit within and alongside our existing LeisureDistrict service. A unified payment mechanism has been developed for this purpose, which will be complemented by integrated billing in conjunction with partners as their respective technologies allow. In addition, our successful moderated chat products are in the process of being re-engineered as a segmented range of free and premium offerings providing a mixture of special interest 'channels' with supporting user profile and instant messenger features. We will also shortly be launching a range of premium voice telephony and SMS products which range from simple novelty lines to sophisticated voice and mobile services, all fully integrated with our community functionality. By concentrating on revenue streams, which recent trends indicate are commercially viable in the wider DTV market, and enhancing successful elements of our existing service to create new revenue-generating opportunities, we expect to minimise our exposure to fluctuations in the advertising market. Nevertheless, we believe that the advertising opportunities represented by interactive TV are substantial. Accordingly, we have formed a creative team capable of cost-effectively producing encapsulated interactive TV environments (known as 'microsites') for advertisers. We have developed a means of targeting delivery for a range of ad formats across different platforms, providing an attractive mixture of reach, targeting and affordable production costs to advertisers. Later in the year, advertisers will be able to capture data provided by users within our microsites as a means of response-based advertising and market research. It is vital that we fuse our content, community and advertising offerings and embed them as deeply as possible into the wider offerings of our platform partners. In so doing we will be well-prepared for the advent of enhanced TV services, combining interactive services such as those outlined above with ordinary television programmes. This will signal another dramatic wave of growth and change and represents a huge commercial opportunity. Technology, people and processes As noted in my Chairman's statement, the company has invested in its technology infrastructure in order to cater for growth, improve the breadth of our service and provide improved measurability for all interested parties. We have recently completed a project with Cap Gemini Ernst & Young's UK technology team to lay the foundations for the continued development of our systems software in order to ensure that we can maintain a scalable and flexible technology base in the support of new product development. Our ability to capture, store and report on large quantities of usage data has been greatly enhanced. This will enable more complete logging of user activity on the service and, in conjunction with an ongoing effort to rationalise the company's software infrastructure, we expect this to enable external verification of several key performance metrics. It will also enable us to provide important information for advertisers and partners, including average user session durations, as well as valuable management information. This work has already started and we are now in the process of evaluating providers of verification services in order to commence external reporting thereon as soon as is practicable. A significant restructuring process has been undertaken with a view to strengthening the company's operational management layer and addressing certain skill gaps in relation to our strategy going forward. This restructuring has been carried out in concert with an internal business process re-engineering initiative. Although there has been little impact on the company's overall headcount, there has been a significant re-definition of functional grouping within the business and individual roles and responsibilities. This has improved internal communication and the effectiveness of the company's system of internal controls. We recognise that the company's top-level management must be augmented and re-organised in order to meet the challenges ahead. This process is underway and announcements will be made in due course. Conclusions It has been a difficult period. After our flotation in March 2000, our shares were caught in the significant downturn that affected valuations in the technology sector. This downturn continued right through to the discovery of irregularities and consequent suspension of our shares. Since that time, however, huge progress has been made in identifying the way forward for the company and in creating and executing a plan to realise this strategy. Alongside this, key organisational and technical infrastructure has been put in place. We now have a solid foundation from which to develop the business so as to capitalise on the opportunity represented by entertainment and community services deliverable through DTV in accordance with the strategy outlined above. Frank Lewis Acting Chief Executive 18 June 2001 Profit and loss account for the year ended 31 December 2000 Year ended 31 17 months ended 31 December 2000 December 1999 (restated) Note £ £ Turnover 2 39,703 96,938 Cost of sales (252,979) (116,564) Gross loss (213,276) (19,626) Operating expenses 3 (2,626,130) (368,276) Operating loss 4 (2,839,406) (387,902) Interest receivable 7 646,553 4,305 Loss on ordinary activities (2,192,853) (383,597) before taxation Tax on loss on ordinary 8 - - activities Loss for the financial year 17 (2,192,853) (383,597) Loss per 10p share - basic and diluted 9 (2.9p) (0.9p) The results for the periods above are derived entirely from continuing operations. There is no difference between the loss on ordinary activities before taxation and the loss for the periods stated above and their historical cost equivalents. Statement of total recognised gains and losses Notes Year ended 31 17 months ended 31 December 2000 December 1999 £ £ For the year ended 31 December Loss for the period (2,192,853) (383,597) Total recognised loss for the (2,192,853) (383,597) period Prior year adjustments 1, 17 (444,656) - Total losses recognised since (2,637,509) (383,597) last annual report Balance sheet as at 31 December 2000 2000 1999 (restated) Note £ £ Fixed assets Intangible assets 10 33,829 62,818 Tangible assets 11 828,472 94,916 862,301 157,734 Current assets Debtors 12 440,713 49,580 Cash at bank and in hand 12,598,041 89,884 13,038,754 139,464 Creditors - Amounts falling due within one year 13 (1,062,253) (224,300) Net current assets/(liabilities) 11,976,501 (84,836) Total assets less current liabilities 12,838,802 72,898 Provisions for liabilities and charges 15 (94,016) - Net assets 12,744,786 72,898 Capital and reserves Called up share capital 16 7,675,807 86 Share premium account 17 7,033,171 456,409 Capital redemption reserve 17 455,331 - Profit and loss account 17 (2,419,523) (383,597) Equity shareholders' funds 19 12,744,786 72,898 The financial statements were approved by the board of directors on 18 June 2001 and were signed on its behalf by: F Lewis E A Abrams Chairman Finance Director Cash flow statement for the year ended 31 December 2000 Year ended 31 17 months ended 31 December 2000 December 1999 (restated) Note £ £ Net cash outflow from operating 21 (1,868,265) (168,947) activities Returns on investments and servicing of finance Interest received 617,774 4,305 Net cash inflow from returns on 617,774 4,305 investments and servicing of finance Taxation (20,682) - Capital expenditure and financial investment Purchase of tangible fixed assets (914,440) (15,047) Net cash outflow from capital (914,440) (15,047) expenditure and financial investment Acquisitions Purchase of assets and trade - (200,966) Net cash outflow for acquisitions - (200,966) Net cash outflow before management of (2,185,613) (380,655) liquid resources and financing Management of liquid resources Increase in short-term deposits with 23 (12,474,309) - banks Financing Issue of ordinary share capital 16,446,547 500,056 Expenses of share issue (1,738,733) (43,561) Repayment of loan (14,044) - New loan - 14,044 Net cash inflow from financing 14,693,770 470,539 Increase in cash in the year 22 33,848 89,884 MORE TO FOLLOW


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